Great & Little Broughton Parish Council Meeting

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Great & Little Broughton Parish Council Meeting

Great & Little Broughton Parish Council Meeting held in Great Broughton Village Hall on Wednesday 11th June 2014

MINUTES 1.Members Present Cllr.Mr.D.Ashton, Cllr.Mrs.S.Wilmot, Cllr.Mr.G.Ablett, Cllr.Mr.G.Lamb, Cllr.Mr.M.O’Neill, Cllr.Mrs.A.Raw, 2. Apologies for Absence: None 3. Guests Present Cllr Margaret Skilbeck, Mrs Helen Eldabe, Mr Edwards 4. Code of Conduct Interests –.18.4 Cllr.Mr.D.Ashton declared a personal interest in this application and took no part in its consideration. 5 Police Report - Noted and circulated 4 .Election of Parish Council Chairman – Cllr.Mr.D.Ashton was duly elected as Chair, nominated by Cllr.Mr.O’Neill and seconded by Cllr.G.Ablett 5 .Election of Parish Council Vice Chairman- it was agreed that the Vice Chair position remain vacant for the time being. 6 .Appointment of one further member of the Village Hall Committee of Management- Cllr D Ashton agreed to be the second member of the VH Committee with Cllr G Ablett. 9. Public Question Time – Mr Edwards attended and asked for the copy of the arborist report to be sent via email. He also enquired about the surface water drains being blocked near to his property. Clerk to look at County Councils response when previously raised and report again. Clerk to liaise with Cllr.M.O'Neill for specific location and details. Mr Edwards also asked if care could be taken about an active nest on the banks of The Holme when grass cutting is taking place on The Holme. Cllr.M.G.Lamb to speak to the grass-cutting contractor to pass on request re the nest. Final point raised by Mr.Edwards re point 12 on the agenda. Trees on the Holme – proposed Management Plan – After the Parish Council completed their site visit Cllr.Mr.D.Ashton circulated a report on the proposed action in line with the site visit and arborist report. Option for tree removal and replanting options have been discussed. It was agreed that the Council would seek to meet with the District Council to discuss the options for the tree management plan before any formal application is made and the remainder of the village has been consulted. ACTION: Cllr.Mr.D.Ashton to liaise with planning department and request a site visit for pre planning advice. 10.To sign as a correct record Minutes of previous meeting: Minutes were signed as correct record by the Chair 11. Co-option of Parish Councillor – It was agreed that Helen Eldabe be co-opted onto the Parish Council. Welcome to Helen to the Parish Council. 12. Trees on the Holme – proposed Management Plan see public question time 13. Grass Cutting 13.1 Reduction in grass cutting by County Council- further information- further information was obtained from the Council. Cllr.G.Lamb and the clerk to show the village grass-cutting schedule on a map with the County Council cutting schedule so the Parish Council can assess the financial impact of the changes, to be further discussed at the next meeting. 13.2 Grass cutting at entrance to Town Green drive – it was agreed that until the new schedule of grass cutting can be approved, the Parish council will add Town Green Drive verges to the schedule for the remainder of the cutting season. ACTION: Clllr.G.Lamb to inform grass contractor of this additional cut. 14 Renewal of Parish Council Insurance The Council insurance has been completed with a new supplier. 15 Review of Parish Council Policies in line with best practise all necessary Parish Council polices have been checked and updated, all will soon be available on the Village website. 16 Preparation of Parish Council Risk Assessment – this was circulated and approved by the Parish Council for 2014 17 Correspondence: 17.1 Hambleton District Council circulated a letter changing details of Parish Council Monitoring Officer 17.2 Notification of planning appeal in respect of a new house at the Easby Road Gypsy Site. 18 Planning Applications: 18.1 14/01013/MRC – variation of condition 8 of planning consent 9/03945/FUL. Revised design and reduction in overall size of replacement dwelling Pond House, Farm Ingleby Greenhow. Mr Piers Mitchell – Out of consultation 18.2 14/01108/FUL – Construction of a detached domestic garage Crow Wood House, Little Broughton TS9 5JR Mrs l Powell – Out for consultation 18.3 14/0095/FUL - construction of shed 151 High Street. Mr.C.Donaldson– Recommended for refusal 18.4 14/00945/CAT proposed work to remove Lavender Trees at 4 The Holme, Mr Ashton – Recommended for approval 19. Planning Decisions 19.1 6 Kirkby Lane Mr Munro Planning permission granted by District Council 20. Play Area 20.1 Painting of green bench in Play Park update repair instructed to contractor for completion, it was also noted the fence has been repaired and the seesaw repaired also. 20.2 Purchase of additional bark - the additional bark was approved for order and date set of 1st July for all willing Councillors to attend park to distribute the bark onto the playground. 21. Finance and External Audit: 21.1 Financial Statement: to note bank balances. Deposit account £4485.19 Current account £11189.14 21.2 Cheques for signature: To pay outstanding invoices S Johnson £444.00 S Thompson £600.00 L Cook £6.99 HMRC £150.00 21.3 Sign off of Parish Council accounts The accounts have been externally audited and final accounts submitted to the independent auditors for approval. 22. Any Other Urgent Business 22.1 it was noted that the dog waste bin on The Holme has been moved to the bottom of Backers Walk near to the litter bin. ACTION: Clerk to contact the District Council to identify if they have made the move and if so if any additional signage can be placed on The Holme to inform the public as people are leaving the waste on The Holme at old site assuming it will be collected. 22.2 it has been reported that the block and post on the Southwest and Northwest abutment and adjacent tops of the posts have become loose. ACTION: Clerk to inform the County Council for repair. 23. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 9th July 2014

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