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Faculty of Education and Children’s Services
Year 3 School-Based Learning – Professional Development Activities
BA (Hons) Primary Education and BA (Hons) Early Years - Primary Education
2016 - 2017 University of Chester Faculty of Education and Children’s Services Year 3 SBL Professional Development Activities BA (Hons) Primary Education and BA (Hons) Early Years – Primary Education
This booklet has been created to support the bringing together of university and school-based learning. The school-based learning activities have been designed within the ITE Partnership to provide guidance to ATs and Mentors on the types of activities that ATs should engage in in order to meet, to a good or outstanding level, key aspects of the Teachers’ Standards. This set of activities is by no means exhaustive and as with all aspects of ITE Partnership school colleagues and ATs are encouraged to seek other related and bespoke opportunities for development in these areas. Feedback from mentors and ATs is as always very welcome and can be given either to the University Link Tutor, programme tutors or noted on the relevant SBL evaluation form.
Activities, and priorities for 2016/17, have been developed in consultation with the following school colleagues:
Matt Davies, Rudheath Primary Academy (Northwich) Rachel Saunders, St. George’s Primary School (Wallasey)
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Making the most of the first 2 days The first 2 days of the placement should enable Associate Teachers to orientate themselves with the class/ classes and schools they will be based in, collecting key information and documents about the class/ classes, and about school policies and procedures. Opportunities for meeting the class teacher and Professional Mentor will greatly enhance this process.
Key information and documents to collect Key Policies: e.g. Safeguarding and Child Protection (including PREVENT); e-safety; assessment policy; subject-specific policies; behaviour management; anti-bullying; equality (and diversity); marking and feedback.
There will be a focus on assessment at the return to university session on 18th November, 2016. This RTU day also will include a visiting speaker, who will lead a workshop focusing on teaching writing.
School information: school prospectus and mission statement; roles and responsibilities of all staff; resources available in school and any procedures for booking them.
Class information: class list; details of groupings; key assessment data and tracking information about children in class (including targets); information about children with additional needs (e.g. EAL; SEN and disability (access to IEPs or new proformas in relation to the 2015 SEND Code of Practice); medical needs); class timetable (including access to hall and other facilities, e.g. ICT Suite); topics/ areas to be covered during SBL (long and medium term planning); sketch classroom layout.
School routines: lunchtime arrangements; playground duty rota; staff meetings; staffroom protocol; clubs.
Key information and documents to share Associate Teacher Profile; Y2 SBL Final Review; Your targets, training needs and priorities for Y3 SBL.
Age-phase enhancement and enrichment Discussion should focus on requirements for this following the November PAT meetings in university. Training needs should be considered with Professional Mentors, Class Teachers and ULTs, negotiating suitable arrangements for age- phase enhancement (experience across the age range of training, especially in age- phases not experienced since Y1 SBL) and enrichment (experience above and below the age range of training), taking account of prior experience during the Programme.
Over the 3 years of the Programme, Primary ATs should spend at least 5 days in EYFS and 5 days in KS3, and Early Years-Primary ATs should spend at least 5 days in lower KS2, and 5 days in EYFS 0-3. This experience should be clearly logged in the Professional Journey File.
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Curriculum priorities Associate Teachers have fully audited their curriculum teaching experiences and will be able to share this. This includes detailed consideration of which topics they have taught in core subjects as well as which foundation subjects they have taught.
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Educational visits Discussion should focus on opportunities to play a key role in the planning and risk assessment of an educational visit. During this process, the Associate Teacher can learn, from an experienced class teacher, the organisation involved, including risk assessment. If there is a residential visit during the placement, the AT is encouraged to attend.
Working with parents and carers It is important that Associate Teachers feel well prepared for working with parents and carers once they have entered the teaching profession. Discussion should focus on the opportunities that can be provided, and where possible, Associate Teachers should be encouraged to be present at and participate in all consultations with parents. Additional guidance for this area is provided later in this Professional Development Activities booklet.
General organisation Arrange with your Professional Mentor or Class Teacher a suitable time each week to hold your ‘weekly review’ meeting, including target setting/review and how these impact on the weekly training plan; With your Class Teacher, establish your responsibilities and activities for the first part of the placement (weeks 1-6), with reference to the activities in this PDAs booklet and your individual training needs.
Observation Observe a range of both core and foundation subjects, including at least one Literacy lesson and one Numeracy lesson, taking on the role of supporting groups. From your observations and discussions with the class teacher make a note of the strategies used to manage children’s behavior; assessment for learning strategies.
Child Profiles Two contrasting children should be selected as a focus for child profiles, in consultation with the class teacher. Regular reviews of progress in this activity should take place during weekly meetings.
Introductions (to whole class and parents) It is important to plan some whole-class introductory activities very early in the placement, as part of the induction process. For example, you could: Read aloud to the class (‘story time’); Run a circle time activity to ‘break the ice’; Support with group activities as soon as possible; Team-teach a lesson with the class teacher as soon as possible; Write an introductory letter to parents and/or carers during the first few days of the placement (a template for this, which you could adapt, is provided on the Moodle page for PR6816).
Understanding and responding to your needs
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Remember to stay mindful and proactive about your own specific training needs in terms of the enhancement/ enrichment priorities that you have identified and discussed with your PAT. Do you need to negotiate time in another class? Your ULT can support you with this too.
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M aking the most of the first 6 days The first 6 days of the placement are essential for building the foundations for a successful placement. In addition to the initial induction activities in the previous section, the following tasks are intended to support planning and preparation for the rest of SBL. It is also recognised that this period represents an ideal time to build relationships with the children in the class.
Medium Term Planning (TS4) During the first 6 days, find out (from long and medium term planning documents), what topics/subjects will be taught in all curriculum areas for the current term and from January 2017; Establish your involvement in the planning and teaching of the curriculum areas during the current and subsequent term;
Getting to know the children in the class/ ‘Pupil profiles’ (TS2, TS5, TS6) Gain a detailed knowledge and understanding of the pupils in your class. Ask the class teacher if you can access assessment data, including summative data, about the children that you will be teaching. Add detailed baseline information for your child profiles. If you are not able to access data (due to data protection policy) have a dialogue about this process and record children’s current attainment on your own proforma). Look at children’s books to identify prior learning, pupil progress, support strategies as well as marking and feedback procedures (and their impacts on pupil progress). Use your child profiles to provide additional evidence of this activity. Find out how the needs of specific groups are addressed through planning, observations and communication with the class teacher. When identifying your child profile pupils, look at progress over time, prior attainment, barriers to learning (if applicable) and make this the focus of one of your first weekly review meetings. Add appropriate material to your child profiles. Find out about additional adults, their roles and any interventions being used to support children in your placement class. Engage again with key policies (assessment, SEND) and arrange to speak to key leaders in these areas for advice and support.
Assessment – assessment narratives activity Find out about school assessment policy and processes. Write a small report, using the template on Moodle PR6816. This will be a focus for discussion with your peers during the November 18th return to university day.
Teachers’ Standard ‘Under the magnifying glass’ – S8 The next section highlights a specific focus on Teachers’ Standard 8: ‘Fulfilling wider professional responsibilities’. The idea is that you identify areas from the following sub-sections of TS8 and how these could be explored and evidenced during SBL 3.
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Please bear in mind that this is not an exhaustive list of things you must do, but instead useful guidance on what constitutes good evidence of ‘fulfilling wider professional responsibilities’.
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A focus on S8 ‘Fulfilling wider professional responsibilities’
Make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school Supporting school at Parents Evenings, etc – ask if there will be opportunities to do this during or after the placement Leading staff training sessions (see EAL PDA) Developing and contributing to development of medium term planning, policies Engaging in extra curricular activities – planning/leading/organising – to include lunchtime or after- school activities, residentials, whole school events, home/school events, clubs, fairs, community and charity events Developing a whole school area – allotment, etc. Involvement with governors; PTA Sports teams Choir Assemblies Whole school events – fetes, fayres, plays etc Playground duties Organising a visitor to school or planning a visit Offer to lead school wide activities in specialist subject
Develop effective professional relationships with colleagues, knowing how and when to draw on advice and specialist support Changing practice in light of feedback from lesson observations Taking responsibility for own CPD Being prepared to participate in trials, new pedagogies e.g. team teaching/lesson study, etc. Playing active part in staff meetings/ INSET Team meetings/ focus sessions Multi-agency working Lesson study Seeking support when appropriate Email messages (tone…) Evidence of team leadership/ collaborative work on specific projects Maintaining confidentiality in and out of school Demonstrate both independence and team work, in the classroom and around the school/setting as a whole Arrange meeting with the subject leaders/co-ordinators to support targets for own professional development Observe specialist teachers/staff according to need Evidence in weekly review of being proactive when seeking advice and engaging in professional discussions Use specialist skills to share with school colleagues.
Deploy support staff effectively Lesson observations IEP/ Intervention
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Feedback from TAs/support staff (either lesson based or in support staff meeting) Pupil progress/ assessment Planning evidence and book scrutiny Team meetings Engagement in planning Comments on school review documentation Use TA proforma to inform and gain feedback Discover detail of TA roles, and skills in order to deploy them effectively Negotiate work with the TAs Converse with the TA Use C/T as support staff Give TA/CT ‘Post it Notes’ to record pupils’ responses and assess participation.
Take responsibility for improving teaching through appropriate professional development, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues Acting on feedback – what’s changed? Regular reflection on practice e.g. journal, further professional study, leading a staff group, disseminating new learning to colleagues Observation of teachers in school and putting new learning into own practice Showing and sharing good practice Cross-phase and cross-school moderation Contributing own targets for development Requesting CPD Being thoroughly up to date with pedagogy and practice Proactivity in preparation for weekly reviews linked to the Teachers’ Standards Carefully monitor own progress in setting and achieving challenging targets Seek advice from teachers for specific curriculum areas for appropriate teaching and learning opportunities On planning indicate focus areas for improvement On planning give observers targets to ensure a clear focus Focussed observations and discussions with colleagues Research Reflective comments after observations, in reviews, self-evaluation Reflections on lesson plans Identification of next steps for CPD / targets Asking to go on courses, post course evaluation evidence of application → proactive Visiting other key stages, classes and schools
Communicate effectively with parents with regard to pupils’ achievements and well-being Reporting Parents evenings/ days Parent feedback/ parents’ meetings/ 1:1 conversations with parents Parent voice
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Open-door sessions Following up actions/ concerns, giving hard messages, celebrating successes etc. Home/School liaison – diaries, etc. Written reports including all SEN documentation, as required Newsletters Giving letters and information out on time – team approach Responsibility for contacting parents outside of timetabled parents’ meetings Be available and communicate at the start and end of day Attend parent meetings Contribute to whole school events Talk to parents at the end of extracurricular activities Send home celebratory postcards for effort/achievement/success Make sure that you respond appropriately and in keeping with school policy regarding sick or injured pupils Write a letter at the start of the placement to introduce yourself to parents/carers, having negotiated with CT (suggested template on Moodle PR6816).
BEYOND INDUCTION – Week 3 and beyond
ESSENTIAL Professional Development Activities
1. Age-phase enhancement To help ensure your breadth of training over the 3 years of the programme, it is important to gain experience outside your base class during the placement. Your ‘Priority Needs Document’ should be shared with your class teacher and/ or Professional Mentor at the start of the placement to ensure that a programme is planned to support your needs. Your ULT will also monitor this and refer to it when completing QA Form C during the ULT visits.
2. Transition Associate Teachers should have a good knowledge and understanding of the age phases immediately before and after the ones they are training to teach. Where possible, the following should be completed during Y3 SBL, but they could instead be completed after its scheduled finish, during the enrichment week in March.
For Primary ATs: plan to spend 1-2 days in a secondary school that the placement school feeds into and 1-2 days in Reception. Some suggested activities are below, with further ones on Moodle PR6816:
Observe teaching and support learning for groups of children; In KS3, observe, support and if possible teach 1-2 Mathematics lessons; Find out about transition and transfer arrangements between primary and secondary school; In EYFS, observe, support and teach phonics
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For Early Years-Primary ATs: plan to spend 1-2 days (equivalent) in EYFS 0-3 and 1-2 days (equivalent) in lower KS2. Suggested activities are below, with further ones on Moodle PR6816: Observe teaching and support learning for groups of children; In lower KS2, observe, support and teach a series of Mathematics lessons
3. Dissertation A broad overview of your dissertation should be included on your ‘Priority Training Needs’ document. This should be discussed with your class teacher and/ or Professional Mentor early in the placement, so that a minimum of 2 days (equivalent) of your ‘directed time’ over the duration of the placement can be planned to support this.
4. Core curriculum
English/ Literacy
Prior to SBL 3 Essential Task: reflect on the ‘Subject Knowledge Confidence Audit’ and the ‘Teaching English Experience’ record that you completed at the end of SBL2. Use these to help you set initial SBL 3 targets (with the support of your PAT), or to set targets very early during the placement. Throughout SBL3 Update and reflect on your ‘Teaching English Experience’ record. Use this to identify and target gaps in coverage as part of your weekly review. Update your Subject Knowledge Confidence Audit (hard-copy in section 3 of your PJF.) Use this to identify and target gaps in your subject knowledge as part of your weekly review.
English SBL Focus 1: Teaching Reading Focus 1A: Systematic Synthetic Phonics (SSP) as the prime approach to word- reading and spelling. (Evidencing TS 3d - by the interim review point)
As you know, Teachers’ sub-standard 3d relates to your ability to demonstrate your SSP subject knowledge. You cannot achieve an overall Grade 1 for TS 3 without Grade 1 for TS 3d (likewise for Grade 2). The pure subject knowledge element of S3d can be evidenced in part by university-based evidence such as your articulation of phonemes test certificate and your SSP terminology test score, but your understanding of the pedagogical element of subject knowledge is significantly enhanced in school. It is from your SBL, therefore, that much of your evidence for S3d will come.
The number of SSP lessons that you should teach in SBL 3 is dependent on a range of factors such as your prior experience and level of expertise. Therefore, you must observe, support and teach as many SSP lessons as is necessary to demonstrate that you have exceeded the requirements of this sub-standard before your interim review.
Essential Focus 1A tasks:
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(EY-P ATs only) Observe/support/teach Phase 1 pre-reading skills (Aspects 1-7) in a Nursery/reception setting. As this is unlikely to follow the 4-part structure of a discrete SSP lesson, use the usual university observation form (LO1) to make your notes, taking care to use appropriate terminology when recording information.
(All ATs): Having observed and supported teaching, teach sequences of discrete SSP.
TWO out of the following three options should suffice: 1. A sequence of Phase 2/3 lessons (probably in Reception - 4-5 year olds); 2. A sequence of Phase 4/5 lessons (Y1 – 5-6 year olds); 3. A sequence of lessons in KS2 intervention group. You may use the specific discrete SSP lesson pro-formas: ‘AT observing teacher’ and ‘SSP discrete lesson planning’ (Moodle).
If teaching primarily in the EYFS or KS1 during SBL 3, plan opportunities for the application of SSP skills in other English lessons and in other areas of the curriculum. Seize unplanned opportunities to do likewise.
You should be formally observed teaching discrete SSP lessons at least twice during SBL 3. When being formally observed by an experienced SSP teacher, consider the use of the ‘Teacher Observing AT Grid’ (Moodle) which contains detailed graded criteria to support the identification of teaching strengths and areas for development.
Focus 1B: Teaching Reading Comprehension (relates to TS 2a, 2b, 3a, 3c, 4a and 6b in particular).
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Essential Focus 1B task: Lead a sequence of group guided reading sessions. You should be formally observed teaching guided reading at least once, preferably twice to allow for acting on feedback.
Focus 1C: Reading for Pleasure (related to TS 1a, 3a, and 4b in particular) Suggested activities are outlined on the ‘Suggested SBL Activities’ doc (Moodle).
English SBL Focus 2: Teaching writing Suggested activities/considerations are outlined on the ‘Suggested SBL Activities’ doc (Moodle).
Essential Focus 2 Tasks: Formative assessment of writing: Assess/mark samples of children’s writing, providing feedback/feedforward information in line with school policy. (TS 6c). Use teacher assessment of writing and other available assessment information to demonstrate that your planning is based on a sound understanding of the immediate needs of the pupils (TS 2a, b and e) as well as the requirements of the curriculum (TS 3a). Summative assessment (TS6a): Assess the writing (and/or pre-writing skills) of 5 children against the school’s own assessment criteria and/or the following documents: ‘Early Years Outcomes’ (DfE 2013) and/or Interim Assessment Frameworks for KS1 and 2 (DfE, 2016). Teach fiction and non-fiction writing, ensuring that you have taught elements of each of the following: writing composition; vocabulary, grammar and punctuation; and transcription (both spelling and handwriting). Keep a record on your ‘Teaching English Experience’ doc.
English SBL Focus 3: Teaching Communication and Language (EYFS) and Spoken English (KS1&2) Suggested activities (related to TS3a and 3c) are outlined on the ‘Suggested SBL Activities’ doc (Moodle).
English SBL Focus 4: Evidencing Teacher Standard 3c “promoting high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of Standard English.” Suggested activities for are outlined on the ‘Suggested SBL Activities’ doc (Moodle).
Towards the end of SBL 3 Essential task to support the identification of NQT areas for development at transition interview, ensure that you have updated the following: Your ‘English Subject Knowledge Confidence Audit’ – your hard copy in section 3 of your PJF and, simultaneously, via the electronic tool on Moodle (to enable tutors to confirm to the Year Leader that this has been completed in order for your transition interview to go ahead.) The ‘Teaching English Experience’ doc (Moodle). pro-forma. This should be completed with details of your experiences in SBL 3, and should be uploaded to Turnitin by the deadline (see assessment schedule) (to enable tutors to confirm to the Year Leader that this has been completed in order for your transition interview to go ahead.)
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Mathematics Plan a series of mastery curriculum lessons. Demonstrate that you can plan tasks to assess whether children have mastered an objective. Plan activities to deepen understanding for those who have mastered the objective, and activities to support those who are still working towards mastery of the objective. Write a 200-400 word reflection for a weekly review on how you assessed for mastery. Devise an activity for a group that uses conceptual or procedural variation: did slight variation between the questions or manipulatives help children to make links and grasp the concept? Produce a medium term/ unit plan (the series of mastery lessons could be included as part of the medium term/ unit plan). Indicate on the plan how you will assess whether the children are ready to move on (formative? summative? what will the assessment look like?) and how you will make links to other areas of mathematics (the resource tool on NCETM will be useful here). These links to other areas of mathematics can be noted in the ‘points to note’ column of the Chester MP1: Medium Term Plan. For Early Years-Primary ATs: Observe, support and/ or teach a series of Mathematics lessons in lower KS2. Try to link the focus of this to areas identified as priority through your subject knowledge auditing. For Primary ATs: Observe, support and/ or teach a series of Mathematics lessons in KS3. Try to link the focus of this to areas identified as priority through your subject knowledge auditing.
Science Science subject knowledge and experience development Use your Science Confidence Audit to set appropriate science subject knowledge targets for the duration of your school experience. Aim to address your learning needs through a variety of professional development activities such as observation of relevant lessons, discussion with teachers and preparation for your own planning and teaching of science lessons. There should be evidence of these targets in your PJF. Use your completed ‘Year 2 Record of Experience’ to identify your teaching experience priorities. Early in the placement, share these with your mentor and negotiate opportunities to plan, teach and be observed teaching science lessons. If science is taught through a cross-curricular topic, identify opportunities within the topic.
All Associate Teachers undertaking a KS1 or KS2 placement must: Plan independently a medium term plan for a science unit of work and teach an extended sequence of lessons from this, ensuring that 'working scientifically' is embedded in your planning and teaching. (S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8) Ensure that your science lessons are observed formally at least once but preferably twice. At least one weekly meeting should have a focus on science. Discuss with your mentor the school's approach to assessing science and use this to inform the assessment you embed within your science unit. You should have evidence of the impact of your teaching of science on children's learning and progress and this should be analysed in discussion with your mentor. (S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6)
All Associate Teachers undertaking an EYFS placement should: Negotiate opportunities to teach Science in KS1, and receive at least one formal lesson observation on teaching.
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Use a weekly review reflection to evaluate some examples of children developing Science skills through prime and/ or specific areas of learning. This could be supported by planning, teaching and assessment evidence.
By the deadline indicated on the assessment schedule, please ensure that you update the following documents: Science Confidence Audit for post-SBL 3 review point (electronic version on Moodle plus hard copy in PJF) Year 3 ‘Record of Experience’ via Moodle, including uploads of exemplar lesson plans and observations of teaching as prompted to validate your responses.
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5. Foundation Subjects Identify foundation subjects/ areas of learning, which you have less experience of teaching and plan opportunities for teaching in base or other class during the placement. PE - plan, teach and evaluate a minimum of 3 consecutive lessons that should include differentiation for children/ a child with a special educational need. At least one of these lessons must be observed and graded ‘Good’. For ATs working in EYFS only: Physical Development. There are two aspects of Physical Development (EYFS 2012): Moving and handling; Health and self-care. Through observation and participation make detailed notes on these aspects with regards to the breadth of ability and development of the group you are working with.
6. EAL (optional activity, depending on current and prior experience) SBL EAL Task 1 If within your class there are children learning English as an additional language you will include in your planning specific reference to their needs.
Where this is not the case, you should undertake the following activity:
Refer to the pdf (Marking Progress) on the SBL module space PR6816. Here, you will find useful supporting information and also a series of case studies concerning children for whom English is an additional language:
Year 2 Salem Year 2 Anuman Year 3 Ezabella Year 3 Hikmet Year 5 Chand
Choose a child whose age most closely matches the age phase in which you are teaching. You are to imagine that this child is in your class. Over the course of the SBL plan a series of teaching / learning sessions in which you demonstrate your ability to address the child’s learning needs. You should undertake this activity for a minimum of three English and three Mathematics sessions (preferably consecutive sessions) and also across a range of other areas, including Science, covering a minimum of four other sessions. Try to anticipate what, if the situation were real, might be the resources and teaching strategies adopted. Identify where and how you might obtain additional support to ensure that the best opportunities could be afforded to this particular child.
For those Associate Teachers in EYFS, your scenario is as follows: A few days into your SBL two new children are introduced into the class. The children, five year old twins, Anna and Witek, have just moved to the UK from Krakow, Poland with their parents. Anna and Witek have been taught to say a few words of English. Mum and Dad speak some English and are keen to learn more and to support their children’s education as well as they possibly can. Ensure that you make reference to Anna and Witek’s learning needs within your planning across a minimum of ten learning experiences. Try to anticipate what, if the situation were real, might be the responses to your tasks and address this in evaluations stating
Page 17 of 23 University of Chester Faculty of Education and Children’s Services Year 3 SBL Professional Development Activities BA (Hons) Primary Education and BA (Hons) Early Years – Primary Education how else activities might be undertaken if your first attempts were to prove unsuccessful. Identify where and how you might obtain additional support to ensure that the best opportunities could be afforded to these particular children.
Resources: Marking Progress materials/ other resources – available on PR6816 on Moodle.
7. Communication with parents During the course of the year, you should take the opportunity to do each of the following: Write a letter to parents, introducing themselves as an Associate Teacher. A template for this is provided on the Professional Journey website; Communicate with parents to give praise about a child’s achievement (s); Communicate with parents to respond to concerns about a child’s progress or well-being; Engage in at least one communication with parents that involves technology (e.g. Twitter, text, blog); Attending and, if deemed appropriate, contributing during a consultation with parents and carers (e.g. parents’ evening); Make a phone call to parents; Communicate to parents about a child’s progress in reading (e.g. through reading record/ diary); Attend an extra-curricular event organised for parents, and talk to the parent (s) of at least 3 children during this.
8. Weekly Reviews During the course of the placement, there should be a focus on each of the following in at least one weekly review: Assessment and use of data Behaviour management Science Safeguarding (including ‘Prevent’) School policy and strategies for responding to bullying Special Educational Needs and Disability
9. ASSESSMENT (supporting activity) ACTIVITY: Unit of work, sequences of learning and associated monitoring and tracking pupils’ progress (S2 and S6)
Task 1 Planning for Learning and Assessment
Whilst on placement you will be planning units/topics of work. Select 3 of these as a focus for this task (they should run for at least two weeks). With your class teacher or Professional Mentor, you must discuss the best units of work to use for this task. This is not a specific PDA, but should be part of planning and teaching on SBL 3.
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Your SBL school may provide you with ready-written units of work. If this is the case you should rework two of them and produce a series of outline lesson plans.
Things to consider are - what do you want the pupils to learn? what are the outcomes of learning? what do they need to do and find out? how do pupils know how well they are doing? how do you monitor this? what strategies will you employ to find out? what will you do with the evidence?
An assessment should be a worthwhile learning experience for pupils rather than just measuring what they have learned. Assessment should be deliberately and thoughtfully planned into a series of teaching and learning activities (as evidenced on your planning profromas).
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Plan the units and highlight evidence of: A baseline assessment activity to establish the prior knowledge, understanding and skills of all of the pupils you are about to teach. You should also make notes on other baseline information you have collected e.g. special needs, group dynamics, behavioural issues, ability groups etc. This is useful when planning and considering LP1. How you have used the baseline information to identify three pupils to track their learning over the unit. You should choose one high, one middle and one low attaining pupil. Even if you are working with classes that are ‘setted’ they are still mixed ability; at best setting reduces the range of ability in the class. You can reflect on these pupils during section X of the weekly review, as well as highlighting them on your planning. Unit/lessons with clear learning objectives and learning outcomes which detail the knowledge, skills and understanding the pupils will gain over the two or more weeks (LP1-2). The teaching approaches to be used and how these provide assessment opportunities. Look at the formative and summative assessment strategies (including peer and self-assessment) you will use to monitor pupils’ progress and final attainment (LP1-4). Reference to any planning for differentiation, personalised learning, special needs and how other adults are being used to support the learning in the classroom (LP1 in particular but also LPs 2 and 4).
NB: Include only information which will help to put the teaching and assessment of the child into a professional context. Be aware that others might have access to the information you include. If you have moved onto school planning, or other agreed format, then the equivalent documentation can be used to support this activity.
Task 2: Monitoring and Tracking Pupils’ Progress (Child Profiles - supporting activity)
Associate Teachers should, during a professional discussion with their class teacher and/or Professional Mentor, identify two children (Child Profiles) to closely monitor and track throughout the placement. Baseline assessments of the children should be shared with the Associate Teacher at the start of the placement – for example attainment levels on ‘raise online’ or class tracking documents - together with information on how these baselines are used by the class teacher to inform planning and teaching. Associate Teachers should use these baseline assessments to set suitable targets for children and to inform their own planning and teaching. They should share the targets with the children and engage them in reflecting on their progress. Over the course of the school placement, Associate Teachers should collect evidence from a range of children’s work and use this to inform their record keeping and to set future targets. Associate Teachers must do this for mathematics, English (reading, writing and speaking and listening) and Science, and with the support of their mentor/class teacher. Evidence for the Teachers’ Standards could include: annotated children’s work, evidence of self/peer assessment and completed assessment grids.
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Teach the units of work and monitor the progress and development of the identified pupils from the baseline assessment, progress made each week (against the lesson objectives – exceeding, achieving, not meeting with evidence of outcomes) and indicate the pupils’ attainment at the end of the period of learning (exceeding, achieving, not meeting with evidence of outcomes) against the unit objectives and outcomes to give a ‘direct relationship between what pupils are taught and what is assessed’ (The Reform of the National Curriculum in England Equalities impact assessment document July 2013)
Use a format (e.g. LP3a) that allows you to record and track evidence of progress and attainment briefly and succinctly. This evidences both TS2 and TS6 and is part of everyday practice.
From a lesson you have taught, discuss (with the PM or CT) examples of your analysis of the identified children’s learning and your appropriate response during and after teaching considering the following: Your use of questioning, explaining, demonstrating, feedback and modifying the learning; How assessment influenced your future teaching and children’s learning and was reflected in your plans.
In both cases, make notes on how your assessment enhances your teaching and what impact did it have on the children’s learning. This is part of your weekly review.
ACTIVITY: Using Records and National Data to Improve Pupils’ Learning (S6) Teachers have access to a wide range of data about pupils’ prior attainment. Data sets a parameter or expectation for future attainment. The data can be used by teachers and pupils to discuss progress and targets for improvement. It can also be used as a challenge to get pupils to surpass the predicted grade to show that they have added value beyond what might be expected, make comparisons with similar institutions, and look at how well they are performing with different types of pupils and where strengths and weaknesses lie in pupil attainment.
Data sets can be used for formative purposes but also for accountability and comparison.
Government guidance and aspiration has been that the increase in the amount of data available on each individual pupil will help deliver a more personalised learning experience for pupils. However, this also needs to be considered in the light of the proposals for reducing teachers’ workload (DfE, 2016).
Future Ofsted Inspections will be informed by ‘whatever pupil tracking data schools choose to keep. Schools will continue to benchmark their performance through statutory end of key stage assessments including national curriculum tests.’
Ensure familiarity with the current assessment data being used in the school and subjects and how it is used to: Set or group pupils for learning purposes;
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Plan for future teaching and learning including meeting individual and personalised needs; Estimate potential; Improve overall pupil and group attainment; Discuss with your class teacher and/ or Professional Mentor how the school / setting evaluates performance and improves standards; Provide evidence of using some form of assessment data to improve the teaching and learning for the pupils in one of your units.
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ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY 3: For RTU Days 1 and 2 (Friday 18th November and Monday 16th January)
RTU Day 1 (18/11/16): Bring your responses to the ‘assessment narratives’ activity, as well as key information and documents you have collected in terms of school policies or ‘teaching and learning toolkits’ for: Assessment; Marking and feedback; Samples of these in use (with teacher’s permission and pupil names anonymous): for example, marking and feedback from a pupil book, assessed work (formative or summative) and/or any tracking and recording procedures.
With your peers during RTU day 1, you will share what you have collected in terms of the above information and describe what you understand of the assessment processes so far (formative and summative), how you have engaged in them and what your next steps are. Are there any challenges you are currently facing? Some of these will be addressed in Action Learning Groups and can be used for weekly target setting. How will you use this information to support the planning of subsequent lessons in order to plan for pupil progress (TS2)? Consider implications for medium term and short term planning. How will you embed formative assessment? (TS6).
RTU Day 2 (16/2/17): Bring the evidence of your own practice from Assessment PDAs 1 and 2 (in the previous part of this document): Key information and documents from RTU Day 1 (see list above); Examples of your own marking and feedback (with teacher’s permission and pupil names anonymous); Assessments you have made and how you have recorded these (including communication/feedback with pupils – marking – and own records). This could be in writing, maths or science. Again these need permission and pupil names anonymous. Planning proforma which demonstrates the planning, teaching, learning and assessment cycle. This could include medium term as well as daily planning.
With another Associate Teacher, who has selected the same subject or area focus for this task (writing, maths or science), you will share how you have developed your practice in assessment (for teaching and learning). Consider how previous assessments have informed your planning and teaching as well as impacts on pupil progress. How have you have embedded formative assessment in your case study examples? Even though you may have very different assessment policies and procedures, discuss how you have both met the expectations for TS2 and TS6. What are your next steps for remainder of the placement in terms of TS2 and TS6? Finally, what are your challenges? Some of these will be addressed in Action Learning Groups and can be used for weekly target setting.
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