Subject: OSPI 2015 Career Guidance Award of Excellence

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Subject: OSPI 2015 Career Guidance Award of Excellence

Creston School District No. 073 485 Southeast E Street Creston, WA 99117 William J. Wadlington, Ed.D. Voice: (509) 636-2721 Fax: (509) 636-2910 Superintendent/Principal Net:


Subject: OSPI 2015 Career Guidance Award of Excellence Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Contact Person: Dr. William J. Wadlington, Superintendent/Principal

Congratulations! Your school or school district has received the OSPI 2015 Career Guidance Award of Excellence. Thank you for submitting a thorough application to describe the outstanding work you are doing to help students get more college and career ready before graduating from high school and/or for being a vital part of the College Readiness Initiative for college & career readiness. A list of the schools for the award is attached.

In order to recognize your school, we are hosting a webinar on Tuesday, February 17 from 1:00-3:00 pm. Hosting a webinar, rather than having an in-person meeting was suggested to help school leaders not have to travel and miss one more day of school. However, if you would like to have a live presence, we welcome you to join us at OSPI!

The Career Guidance Award of Excellence recognizes middle and high schools that operate highly effective, inclusive guidance and counselling programs. These award-winning schools take advantage of resources available through Career Guidance WA to maintain high standards and a clear process for college and career readiness. Their goal: every student ready for career, college and life.

Att: List of Award Winners

It is the policy of Creston School District No. 073 to provide equal opportunity and for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, sex, marital status, handicapping condition, or previous arrest or incarceration (unless a clear and present danger exists).

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