Terrific Scientific investigation 7 lesson plan

Lesson Plan: FEET INVESTIGATION Note: for more details see the learning resource PDF. Total Duration: All worksheets are available on our website. ½ a day. Lesson Objectives:  Develop observational skills and encourage children to draw simple conclusions from their observations using scientific language.  Children will understand how to use the data they have gathered to recognise an effect.

Activity: Starter 10 mins Notes:

 In pairs discuss how terrain Materials: Web resources: Film: Introduction to Feet could affect foot flexibility, Web: Classroom Presentation  Play intro film.

Activity: Measuring Foot 2 Hours Notes: Flexibility

 Play the relevant how-to film Materials: Web resources: for the activity.  2 x sheets of A4 How to films: Paper bbc.co.uk/guides/zwfp7p3  Split children into pairs and How to register your class: have them measure each  2 x 30cm Rulers bbc.co.uk/guides/z8xdv9q other’s left foot both sitting and  1 x Pencil standing and take the measurements outlined on the  Guide on the lesson resource. measurements we are looking Calculate AHI (Arch Height  for (Found in the Index) both sitting and main resource.) standing (See full lesson resource for instructions).  Calculator to calculate Arch  Use these figures to calculate Height Index foot flexibility.

Activity: Upload data to map 20 mins Notes: Once your class has completed the Materials: Web resources: You will need your unique flexibility measuring activity you will Computer with BBC map unique link map link, which will have be able to upload your data to our web access. been sent to you by email terrific map and see your class Link to send data off to the when you registered with results. University Terrific Scientific. Don’t forget to also send off your This data will be: data to the University of Kent using this link. 1. Median of the class foot flexibility. www.tssurvey.co.uk

2. What sort of ground do the majority of pupils mostly play or walk on outside of school?

Please make sure you use your unique link to submit your data to the map. Terrific Scientific investigation 7 lesson plan

Activity: Plenary 10 mins Notes: Share the class results. Materials: Web resources: Use the class results and  Class results  Pupil Measurement worksheet to help the Lead a class discussion based sheet printed or sheet children answer the around the questions: questions about the displayed on  BBC Terrific Scientific  How does local terrain affect IWB investigation. Compare Map your class results to foot flexibility? others across the UK using the BBC map.  How do you think this has changed over the years?

 Have a look at the cross- curricular activity document and see what else you can do in other topics to support this investigation.