Weekly Lesson Plans s7

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Weekly Lesson Plans s7

Weekly Lesson Plans Instructional Chunk Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday GLET Uses two different Recognizes satire as a critique of a Interprets the effect of literary The satire clearly states a mediums (e.g. sculpture, person’s, society’s, and/or system’s devices such as irony (ACT) position about a poetry, photography, weakness(es) controversial issue. music) to present a synopsis of the main idea(s) of a text, thereby expanding understanding of the text’s meaning

**Introduce Satire Assignment**

CO I will use two different I will recognize satire as a critique I will interpret the effect of I will clearly state a mediums to present the of society’s weaknesses by irony and satire by writing an position about a main idea in my analyzing The Simpsons on a SCR. controversial issue by problem-solution essay graphic organizer and writing an drafting my satire essay. by drawing a political SCR. cartoon. Formative Assessment Creation of political Using the graphic organizers, SCR in response to the Draft of satire essay cartoon satirizing their students will analyze the satirical example satire essay. chosen topic. elements of The Simpsons. Key Vocabulary Satire Critique Interpret  Use realia Irony Satire  Label the room Irony  Preteach vocabulary Analyze  Connect two  Word sorts  Concept maps  Picture dictionaries  Dramatize vocabulary st Lesson for 1 Time Instruction  I will introduce  As a warm-up, after DGP, I  After DGP, I will have  I will show (How best might we learn?) I Do the Satire Essay will have students write at students write what students the Modeled tasks Assignment. least three ways in which they think it means to Jonathan Swift  Think Aloud Following the satire can be used to show “interpret” cartoon example,  Modeled Writing introduction of problems in a society (i.e. something. relating satire  Read Aloud + Think Aloud the assignment, the political cartoons,  I will have them write back to the  Visualization I will introduce articles, etc). their proposed Jonathan Swift the words  I will explain the idea of a definition in their essay we read in  Story Frames “irony” and “critique,” writing the notebooks. term 1.  Modeled Brainstorming “satire” to word on the board and  I will present students  I will say that, students. providing students with with the example now that they  I will instruct the definition. satire essay. have completed students to  Then, I will require that  I will create a chart on a problem- write the students explain, in the board that solution essay, definitions of writing, how the political organizes thinking they need to turn “irony” and cartoons from yesterday into “quote” and that essay into a “satire” in their are a critique of a problem “interpretation” satire – a critique notes. in society. sections. – of that  I will have  I will then present one  I will read the first problem. students turn more political cartoon to section of the essay  I will inform and talk to their the class (see: political for the students, students that table group cartoons2), and require modeling my thinking they need to about what students to respond. of how to pull a quote draft the satire irony and satire  Then, I will explain that and write an version of their are. there are many ways to interpretation. problem-solution  I will pull express a critique – satirize  I will then have essay by the end students back – society. students revise their of class today. together to  I will give students the definition of discuss the Simpsons episode chart “interpret” based on meaning of the graphic organizer, the action I’ve just words “irony” explaining that they will demonstrated. and “satire,” see several things satirized  I will have students providing them in the episode. turn to their table with the  I will play the Simpsons group and discuss definitions of clip (10 minutes), what it means to the words. instructing students to fill “interpret”  Then, I will have in the information as they something. students watch the clip.  I will explain to brainstorm in  I will pause the episode at students that they will their table intervals to allow students interpret a satirical groups the ways time to write the essay using the in which it is information in their graphic organizer possible to graphic organizer. setup I’ve created for demonstrate  Following the clip, I will them. irony and satire. have students turn and  I will tell students they  I will conduct a talk to a partner about can work in groups to whip-around, what they saw satirized in complete the chart, getting one the episode. but they must method from  I will conduct a whip- complete the SCR on each table around to check for their own. group, and understanding, writing making a list on examples of satire (and the board. satirized subject) on the  Then, I will show board. students the political cartoons  I will have students write a 2-sentence response to each cartoon, writing what they think the cartoon is referencing. We Do  Students will  Students will write an  Students will write SQP2RS (Survey, Question, write the explanation of how the their proposed Predict, Read, Respond, Summarize) definitions of cartoons from yesterday definition of Heads Down (Butts Up) the words in are a critique of a problem “interpret” their notebooks. in society. Carousel  Students will,   Concentric Circles Students will Students will complete following my model, discuss the their graphic organizer as create the Gallery Walk meanings of the they watch the Simpsons “interpretation chart” Jigsaw words. clip. on their own paper, Round Table Round Robin  Students will  Students will discuss their and pull quotes from Interactive writing brainstorm results with their table the essay that help Brainstorming ways to show group before completing them develop an Reciprocal teaching irony and satire their SCR explaining how interpretation. Socratic Seminar  If students do the episode was a critique  In groups, students not have the of the issues in society will complete the method in their (environment, corruption interpretation chart list, they will in corporations and for the essay. write down the government, etc.) method in their notes.  Students will write an impression of each political cartoon, and discuss their impressions with their table groups.  I will check for understanding that the students understand the purpose of the political cartoons (satire using irony). You Do 1. Students will 1. Students will write a two- 1. Students will write a 1. Students will Small Skills Group Pull Outs create their own sentence response to the SCR analyzing the draft their Journaling Individual or political cartoon political cartoon I present example essay. satirical essay Interactive to show their to the class. Selective underlining issue. 2. Students will complete 2-Column Notes/ Cornell Notes their paragraph responses Jigsaw in which they explain the Gallery Walk results from their analysis Role Plays of the Simpsons episode. Group Summaries Double Entry Journals Socratic Seminar Closure 1. Students will 1. Students will complete 1. Students will write an 1. I will remind Review Content and Language complete and their paragraph responses SCR analyzing the students that Objectives hand in their in which they explain the example essay. they have to Summarize political results from their analysis 2. I will tell students that have their draft Response Boards cartoon. of the Simpsons episode. they need to bring a ready for editing Individual reflection journal copy of their problem- and revising on Cloze activity solution essay for Monday. Outcome Statements tomorrow’s lesson. Differentiation for struggling or advanced learners: Resources: Political cartoons http://pann.nate.com/video/21416 Example essay 0472

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