TUNE IN - Analytical approach 1.1. 1st news item 1.1.1 Listen to the 1st news item and fill in the blanks: We youngsters are …………………… to the French government to give us more money. A prime minister must have the …………………………..… of his ministers. One has to (=on doit) …………………………… the police in an emergency. We must co-operate and make a ………….. effort in the right direction. The countries ………………………….. are the countries affected or concerned. He …………………………. the money by giving one pound to each person. (faire appel à (2 different verbs: gap 1 and gap 3)/appui/commun/concernés/partagea) 1.1.2. Listen to the tape and correct the following text:

Good morning. Here is the news at eight o’clock. The British Prime Minister has asked for more support for developed countries. Mr McLeod had called upon the gold-producing countries to contribute less generously and he proposes a common effort in this direction by the counties concerned. In his opinion some nations who share responsibility for the poor often contribute too little to help.

1.2. 2nd news item 1.2.1. Listen to the 2 nd news item and fill in the blanks: ……………………….. matters concern the home. Social injustice causes dissatisfaction and ……………………….. ………………………….. means the same as serious. When there is not enough of something we speak of ……………….. We tried to ……………………………. our tent but the wind kept blowing it down. If something is insecure or unsafe, it may be said to be…………………………. When something is unavoidable, you have to ……………… ……………………………..… it. …………..… are rundown, dirty, neglected houses. ………………………….. ……………………………..… concerns the physical well-being of the people. (nationales/agitation/grave/manque, pénurie/dresser, planter/précaire/s’y faire, accepter/taudis/santé publique) 1.2.2. Listen to the tape, answer the following questions and reconstruct the text. What do we have reports of? Where? What happened in the capital last week? What did hundreds of demonstrators protest against? What did many of them do? Were there any violent incidents? How many people are estimated to live in slums in Santiago? 1.3. 3rd news item 1.3.1. Listen to the third news item and fill in the blanks A ……………………….-……………………. Ceremony is characterized by simplicity and the presence of very few people. A colourful and attractive scene is said to be …………………………. A ……………………….. or very urgent problem. If many people do not have work, we speak of an …………………………….. problem. (petite, intime/pittoresque/pressant/chômage) 1.3.2. Say if the following items are true or false and correct the false ones. The King opened the Bahamas congress in the capital Nassau Unemployment is the most important problem in the Bahamas. The Queen talked a lot of unemployment there. Investments in tourism are foreseen. 1.4. 4th news item 1.4.1. Listen to the fourth news item and fill in the blanks …………………..is used in the manufacture of explosives. To ………………is to destroy a building. This building is ten floors or ……………… high. I threw the thing away as it was not of any ……………. The thieves …………………. the shop of everything … . ……………is the main component of vehicles and machines. ……………… is a hard substance used in building, often instead of bricks. When a building is completely destroyed it becomes a ………………. (dynamite, démolir, étages, dépouillèrent, qui a de la valeur, acier, béton, tas de débris) 1.4.2. Listen to the fourth news item and fill in the blanks There has been a …………. explosion for a change. Last week, …………… gelatine ………………. were used to demolish a …………….. in Oklahoma City. The building had stood …………………. for the past ………………. and had already been ………………. of all materials of any value. It took ………………. …to reduce the massive steel and concrete ………………….. to a pile of rubble. 1.5. 5th news item 1.5.1. Listen to the fifth news item and fill in the blanks …………-……………… is usually the fastest means of travelling over water. The judge ………………….. the drunken driver from driving for 3 years. At last I have …………………... solved the problem. This accident ………… ……… the possibility of our getting home early. The new regulation ……………. ………… ………… tomorrow. (faire du hors- bord, exclure, enter en vigueur, de façon efficace, interdit au) 1.5.2. Answer the following questions and reconstruct the news item. What is to be banned? Where? What does the ban impose? What does it effectively rule out? When will it come into effect?