Regular Board of Education Meeting s3

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Regular Board of Education Meeting s3

MINUTES MARION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Monday, October 25, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. Administrative Board Room 777 South 15th Street Marion, Iowa


Call to Order Attendance Roll Call Vice-President Norton called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Mary Ames, Dan Barkley, Connie Bennett, Tom Bullis, Don Norton, Tom Thurman (arrived at 7:11) and Dennis Walters (arrived at 7:37.)

Also present: Superintendent, Nicholas Hobbs Board Secretary, David Bradley

Administrative Staff: David Canaday, Bob Hoyt (arrived 7:42), Nancy Kodros, Mike Murphy and Jill Olsen

Guests: Seven Mount Mercy College students

Media: Kevin Kane – Cedar Rapids Gazette Melvin Rivers – Marion Times

Approval of Agenda This motion approves each agenda item for discussion and action. Director Bullis moved to approve the agenda. Director Barkley seconded the motion. All members present voted to approve the motion. (President Thurman and Dennis Walters had not joined the meeting at this time.) ROLL CALL VOTE Consent Agenda This item approves action on all of the items listed below. No further discussion or action will be considered on these items, unless the item is removed from the consent agenda. Individual board members may request that items be removed from the consent agenda. Items removed from the consent agenda will be dealt with as they appear later in the agenda. * Minutes from Previous Meeting * Item 270 – Activity Fund Monthly Report September 2004 * Item 350 – Early Graduates * Item 355 – Application for Cooperative Sponsorship * Item 360 – Request for Travel * Item 365 – Appointment to Community Committees * Item 370 – Open Enrollment * Item 405 – Resignations Certified * Item 410 – Appointments Certified * Item 415 – Contract Modifications Certified * Item 450 – Resignations Classified * Item 455 – Appointments Classified * Item 530 – List of Bills * Item 535 – List of Activity, Food Service and Student Built House Bills * Item 540 – Youth Athletic Teams Director Ames asked that the minutes of the October 11th meeting be pulled from the Consent Agenda. Director Bullis asked that Item 530, List of Bills, be removed from the Consent Agenda. Director Bullis moved to approve the Consent agenda without the two items that were removed from the list. Director Bennett seconded the motion. All members present voted to approve the motion. (President Thurman and Dennis Walters had not joined the meeting at this time.) ACTION ROLL CALL VOTE

Minutes Marion Independent School District Board of Education Meeting October 25, 2004 Page 1 of 7 *APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS It is recommended that the minutes for the September 27th regular meeting, the October 11th Work Session and the October 18th Board Retreat be approved as presented in the respective exhibits.

Director Ames suggested that the word “several” in the fifth full paragraph on page 2 be changed to “many. She also recommended that a sentence be added to the next paragraph explaining that the teachers shared that they have been studying and researching this program for three years. Two typos were also corrected.

Vice President Norton called for approval of the minutes with the changes recommended as listed above. All directors voted to approve the minutes as amended. (President Thurman and Dennis Walters was not in attendance at this time.) Minutes 1-8 Minutes 1-3 Minutes 1-2 SERIES 100: DELEGATIONS - PETITIONS - COMMUNICATIONS

SERIES 100 – INFORMATION ITEMS These items are presented to keep Board members informed. Any Board member should feel free to ask questions on any of these items.

President Thurman joined the meeting in time for the student-guests to introduce themselves.

Item 191 - K-5 Reading Nancy Kodros, Principal at Starry Elementary School, was present to provide information regarding K-5 reading. She began by describing the DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) program to those present. The key points follow:  Gives basic benchmark data three times each year: September, December and April  All students K-5 are tested  Results are entered into a web-based system that generates reports within 24 hours of the time entered.  Identifies which skills for which students need additional assistance  Used as a way to measure success of instructional strategies which focus on fluency  Staff will implement four research based instructional strategies to improve fluency  Beginning in December students will be randomly selected every three weeks for further testing to monitor progress  Next steps – Develop interventions that will address needs identified on assessments  Determine if DIBELS data can replace some existing assessments  After two year of data evaluate effectiveness of this assessment tool taking into consideration cost, time and information gathered

She distributed a folder containing 7 different DIBELS reports from our first assessment period. She reviewed the reports for all of the grade levels and also a classroom report that showed the teacher and principal how each student is doing in his/her class.

Mr. Murphy pointed out that the ITBS reading assessment is more “comprehension-based” than “fluency-based”. He also noted that the students didn’t score very well last year in fluency during their BRI testing last year. Nancy said that this is why they have focused on fluency for staff development.

(Dennis Walters arrived at 7:37.)

Board members showed a great deal of interest in this new program and asked numerous questions which were answered thoroughly and thoughtfully by both Mrs. Kodros and Mr. Murphy.

Mrs. Kodros and Mr. Murphy demonstrated several one-minute samples of how students are assessed with the DIBELS program. The first example was on letter naming. Board members scored the sample as Mr. Murphy named the various letters contained on a sheet that had been distributed previously. Next the principals demonstrated how teachers assess students for fluency using nonsense words. Mr. Murphy sounded-out non-sense words and the board members scored him on the number of sounds that he read correctly. The last demonstration was to listen to him read a story. Board members marked the number of words that he missed.

Board members thanked both Mrs. Kodros and Mr. Murphy for the presentation. (Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Kodros left the meeting following their presentation.)

Minutes Marion Independent School District Board of Education Meeting October 25, 2004 Page 2 of 7 President Thurman called for a 10 minute break at 8:05. The meeting was reconvened at 8:15




*Item 270 - Activity Fund Monthly Report, September 2004

Exhibit 270.1-10

SERIES 200 INFORMATION ITEMS These items are presented to keep Board members informed. Any Board member should feel free to ask questions on any of these items.

Item 290 - ISJIT (Iowa School Joint Investment Trust) Exhibit 290.1 SERIES 300: SUPERINTENDENT - NICHOLAS B. HOBBS



*Item 350 - Early Graduates Exhibit 350.1 is a list of early graduates from the Marion Learning Center. These students earn Alternative Diplomas. Administration recommends approval of these graduates. Exhibit 350.1

*Item 355 – Application for Cooperative Sponsorship Exhibit 355.1 is a copy of the application for cooperative sponsorship for boys swimming between Linn Mar, North-Linn and Marion Independent School District. Administration recommends approval of this cooperative sponsorship. Exhibit 355.1

*Item 360 – Request for Travel Exhibit 360.1 is a request from Marion High School teacher, Cynthia Martin, for two trips during the 2004-2005 school year. The trips include a trip to France and Italy in July with a group of about 20 with Cynthia Martin and Becky Humbert serving as chaperones. The other trip involves 5 students and Cynthia Martin as chaperone on a trip to London over spring break. Exhibit 360.2 is a request from the Marion High School Music Department for approval for a trip to Orlando and Clearwater Beach Florida from March 16 through March 23, 2005. These students will miss 1 day of school. Exhibit 360.1-2

*Item 365 – Appointment to Community Committees Mary Ames has agreed to serve as the official representative of the Marion Independent School District to the Marion City Assessor, Linn County Assessor and Priority One community advisory committees. Administration recommends approval of these appointments.

*Item 370 – Open Enrollment The following requests for open enrollment have been received and are presented for Board action. Administration recommends these requests be approved.

In 2004-2005 Name Grade Building Resident District Bleeker, Riley K Emerson Linn Mar Bleeker, Thom. JK Emerson Linn Mar Brink, Caleb K Starry Cedar Rapids Locke, Ryan 3 Emerson Linn Mar

Minutes Marion Independent School District Board of Education Meeting October 25, 2004 Page 3 of 7 Out 2004-2005 Name Grade Receiving District Hugg, Jarrett 10 Cedar Rapids is denying this request

In 2005-06 Name Grade Building Resident District

Out 2005-06 Name Grade Receiving District


Item 390 - Information Items These items are presented to keep Board members informed. Any Board member should feel free to ask questions on any of these items.

Item 390 - Yearly Board Agenda Calendar Exhibit 390.1-2 is a copy of the Yearly Board Agenda Calendar. This was created to help Board members be better informed of upcoming agenda items. Exhibit 390.1-2 Item 391 - Board Calendar November 1, 2004 School Board Retreat #2 – 5:30 pm Statistics and Student Data November 8, 2004 Work Session – 4:30 pm November 17-19, 2004 IASB Annual Convention (Please let Michelle know if you will NOT be attending.) November 22, 2004 Regular Meeting – 7:00 pm November 25-26, 2004 Thanksgiving Break December 13, 2004 Regular Meeting – 7:00 pm December 23 through January 2, 2005 Winter Break January 3, 2005 School Resumes




*Item 405 – Resignations Name Position Effective Date Axvig, Emily MS Cheerleading March 2005 Claypool, Josh 8th Grade Baseball Immediately Steinhoff, Missy Asst. Soccer Coach Immediately

* Item 410 – Appointments Name Position Salary Effective Date

*Item 415 – Contract Modifications Name Position Salary Effective Date Baty, Jane From MA+25.5 From September 2004 Step 18 to $48,579 MA+30.5, To $50,646 Step 19

Morton, Wendy From BA+12 From September 2004 Step 6, To $33,075 BA+26, Step 6 To $34,109 Minutes Marion Independent School District Board of Education Meeting October 25, 2004 Page 4 of 7 Thomason, Michelle From MA+12 From September 2004 Step 9, To $40,256 MA+18, Step 9 To $41,344 (includes 10 extra days)


*Item 450 – Resignations Name Position Effective Date Mumtha Shenoy Food Service Helper 10/8/04 Emerson/Vernon

Kim Kiskamp Media Associate 10/19/04 High School

*Item 455 – Appointments Name Position Salary Effective Date Timothy Runyan 2nd Shift Custodian $11.34/hr 9/27/04 FMI Joey Hawkins Student Assistant $7.00/hr 9/21/04 MHSAP Amanda Kruk Student Assistant $7.00/hr 10/12/04 MHSAP Jeanne Dennis Student Specific Associate $8.11/hr 10/18/04 Emerson Gene Siders Substitute Bus Driver $15.10/hr 9/30/04 Betty Risk Substitute Bus Driver $15.10/hr 9/30/04 Daryl Holub Substitute Bus Driver $15.10/hr 9/30/04 Marion Winn Substitute Bus Driver $15.10/hr 9/30/04



Item 505 - On-Time Budget Adjustment - School Budget Review Committee (SRBC) Requests School districts that have a September 2004 certified enrollment greater than the September 2003 certified enrollment have the opportunity to receive an on-time funding budget adjustment up to 100% of the enrollment increase by making a request to the School Budget Review Committee. Marion is eligible to receive on-time funding budget adjustment in the amount of $503,672 (104 students X $4,843 per student).

This action simply requests additional spending authority. There is no state money involved. Any additional funding would come by way of additional local property taxes. The Board will decide when it certifies the budget in the spring if the district will levy taxes for any portion of this amount.

Administration recommends that The Board request from the SBRC, at its December 2004 meeting, on-time funding budget adjustment for additional students that were not on the previous year's certified enrollment count in the maximum amounts allowable.

All directors voted to approve this agenda item. Exhibit 505.1-2

Item 510 - Purchase of Lot for 2005-06 Student Built House Instructor Bruce Weisinger would like to purchase a lot for next year’s student built house now so that we can obtain a choice lot in a choice location. The lot is located in the Copper Addition just off of South 22nd St. The plan is to make a down payment of $1,000 at this time, pay an additional amount after the first of the year and make final payment upon taking possession.

Administration recommends that the Board authorize Board Secretary David Bradley to sign the Offer to Purchase on behalf of the Board for the 2005-06 Student built house lot with the condition that the sale is pending final approval of the Board.

Minutes Marion Independent School District Board of Education Meeting October 25, 2004 Page 5 of 7 All directors voted to approve this agenda item.

Item 515 – Drop-Out Prevention Application Michelle Wilson and the At-Risk Committee have prepared the Drop-Out Prevention application for the 2005-06 school year. These funds pay for our Family Resource Specialist, the School Suspension Program and the other At-Risk activities in the District. This application is asking the state to approve additional allowable growth for MISD to fund this program. 25% of the budget must come from the District's General Fund and the other 75% is funded as additional local property taxes. Final determination of the tax levy will occur when the District’s 2005-06 budget is certified in the spring.

The current year’s At-Risk allowable growth portion is $90,831 with a total budget of $121,108 after the required 25% District match is included. Administration recommends approval of the application for additional allowable growth in the amount $84,747.75 with a total budget of $112,997.

Mr. Bradley explained that the reduction in the budget would not be a reduction in programming. Additional funds were budgeted for the current year in anticipation that Safe and Drug Free Schools money would not be coming from the Federal government this year. The funds were appropriated by the Feds; so the extra budgeted At-Risk funds will be carried-over as a “cushion” for next year.

All directors voted to approve this agenda item. Exhibit 515.1-2


*Item 530 – Approval of List of Bills The Finance Committee recommends the List of Bills for the following be approved for payment: 1) General Fund, October 4, 2004 $ 26,141.62 Exhibit 530.1-3 2) General Fund, October 25, 2004 $ 65,700.74 Exhibit 530.4-20 3) Schoolhouse, October 25, 2004 $ 31,908.92 Exhibit 530.21 4) General Fund, Manuals $ 1,007.95 Exhibit 530.22 5) Schoolhouse, Manuals $ 1,239.00 Exhibit 530.22 This item was pulled from the consent agenda for discussion at this time. Director Bullis had a concern with the YMCA bill for the recent MHSAP day camp. Part of the day’s activities included “riflery”. Mr. Bullis indicated that he had a problem with the District paying for anything associated with firearms. Administration indicated that the program used BB guns rather than rifles. Discussion followed. President Thurman asked if Mr. Bullis was suggesting that this bill for services already render not be paid; or was he suggesting that this was something the Board Policy Committee should consider. He indicated the latter. President Thurman suggested that the Board Policy Committee review this matter.

President Thurman called for a voted to approve the entire list of bills in Item 530. Voting to approve the motion were directors Barkley, Bennett, Bullis, Norton, Thurman and Walters. Director Ames voted against the approval of the bills. Exhibit 530.1-22

*Item 535 – List of Bills for Activity Fund and Food Service The following Activity Fund and Food Service checks for the previous month are presented to the board. 1) Activity Fund, September 24, 2004 $ 2,385.56 Exhibit 535.1-2 2) Activity Fund, October 4, 2004 $ 1,812.36Exhibit 535.3-4 3) Activity Fund, October 7, 2004 $ 844.50 Exhibit 535.5 4) Activity Fund, October 8, 2004 $ 1,179.00 Exhibit 535.6 5) Activity Fund, October 18, 2004 $ 1,178.96 Exhibit 535.7-8 6) Activity Fund, October 25, 2004 $ 35,191.33 Exhibit 535.9-14 7) Food Service, October 25, 2004 $ 59,301.85 Exhibit 535.15-17 8) Food Service, Manual $ 24.30 Exhibit 535.18 9) Student House, October 8, 2004 $ 13.29 Exhibit 535.19 10) Student House, October 25, 2004 $ 12,194.53 Exhibit 535.20 Exhibit 535.1-20

*Item 540 - Youth Athletic Teams It has been suggested by our insurance agent that it would be a good idea for the board to periodically approve or sanction the various youth sports programs and the volunteer coaches. This action will assure that the school and the volunteer coaches are protected with the full coverage of the district’s existing insurance program. There is no additional cost to the district for this. Administration Minutes Marion Independent School District Board of Education Meeting October 25, 2004 Page 6 of 7 recommends that the board sanction the youth sports activities and the respective volunteer coaches that have administrative approval including but not limited to: softball grades 3-12, baseball 3-8, basketball 3-8, volleyball 6-12, soccer 6-12 and wrestling K-8.

SERIES 500 INFORMATION ITEMS These items are presented to keep Board members informed. Board members should feel free to ask questions on any of these items.

Item 590 - Board Invoice Review Schedule This is the schedule of the months that board members are asked to come in and review the bills for the month. Mary Ames has graciously agreed to do this task each month, so other board members only need to come in twice during the year. Exhibit 590.1


ANNOUNCEMENTS Superintendent Hobbs told the board that he and President Thurman represented the District recently at the Marion Chamber’s Annual Dinner. Norm Nelson and Mick Starcevich from Kirkwood Community College were the presenters.

It was noted that Directors Barkley, Bennett and Norton attended the recent IASB ABLE training. Jill Olsen also attended this training session which focused on “Cost Benefit Analysis”.

Directors were reminded of the upcoming board retreat scheduled for November 1st at 5:30.

Several positive comments were shared about the “America Reads” program in which the District recently participated.


President Thurman adjourned the meeting at 8:38.

The Board of Education approved record of Proceedings on the 22nd day of November, 2004 and I hereby declare these minutes as permanent public records of this district.

By: Attest: President Board Secretary

Minutes Marion Independent School District Board of Education Meeting October 25, 2004 Page 7 of 7

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