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PASSAIC COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Master Syllabus Academic Year: 2010-2011
I. Course Code Number: SC 102
II. Course Title: Health & Nutrition
III. Prerequisite: EN 004, RD 004
IV. Number of Credits: 3
V. Exercise Science Program Coordinator: Professor Ann Deblinger Office Location: Address: Phone: Email: Office Hours:
VI. Course Description: Introduction to the study of health and nutrition. Course will explore the relationship between nutrition and health, healthy lifestyle habits and setting nutrition goals for a variety of needs. This course covers such topics as the role of nutrients in maintaining optimal health, as well as preventing obesity and heart disease. Course material will review the physiological, social and cultural influences on eating habits.
VII. Student Learning Outcomes: upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Students will apply scientific theories and principles to the solving of current issues and problems.*
Design a healthy diet using the current food guide pyramid. List healthy practices that may reduce the risk of chronic diseases as related to nutrition. Evaluate the role of genetics in current nutritional recommendations. Describe the process of digestion. Calculate a complete nutrient analysis of daily food intake * Science Department Gen-Ed goal
VIII. Required Materials
Lecture Text: Contemporary Nutrition Issues and Insights by Gordon M. Wardlaw McGraw Hill Publishers, 7th Edition Materials: Calculators VIII. Course Outline: Lecture Schedule LECTURE SCHEDULE Week Chapter Topic 1 Introduction and Overview 2 1 What You Eat and Why 3 2 Guidelines for Designing a Healthy Diet 4 3 The Human Body: A Nutrition Perspective 5 The Human Body: A Nutrition Perspective 3 Carbohydrates 6 4 Carbohydrates 7 4 Carbohydrates 8 MIDTERM 9 5 Lipids 10 5 Lipids 11 6 Protein 12 7 Energy Balance and Weight Control 13 8 Vitamins
14 9 Water and Minerals
15 Review
Please turn off all PAGERS and CELL PHONES during class time Food Journal Project:
Part 1. Choose a nutritional goal and plan an ideal menu for three days. Nutritional goals may include: eating according to the suggestions of My Pyramid, weight loss, nutrition for prevention of heart disease, a plan to reduce cholesterol, sports and fitness nutrition, nutrition to manage diabetes, or another nutritional issue which is of interest to you.
Part 2. Project should include: 1) Three (3) completed nutritional analysis forms, recording your food intake for Three days, 2) A typed 1-2 page paper with your analysis and summary of your goal. 3) Be prepared to discuss your project.
Paper should include: 1. The goal that you set. 2. The health and nutrition concepts which you used for menu planning. 3. The challenges that you encountered while writing the menu. 4. Whether your project will meet the goal that you set. 5. How would you improve your methods to reach your goal?
Part 3 Record all of the food according to: 1. Serving size and calories per serving. 2. Grams of carbohydrates, fats- saturated and unsaturated grams and grams of protein. 3. At the end of the day add up the column for calories, to calculate total calorie consumption for the day. 4. Add up the grams of carbohydrates. Multiply by 4 to get the amount of calories in your diet from carbohydrates. 5. Add up the grams of protein. Multiply by 4 to get the amount of calories in your diet from protein. 6. Add up the grams of fats. Multiply by 9 to get the amount of calories in your diet from fat. 7. Chart total calories per day, percentage of total calories from carbohydrates proteins and fats. Divide carbohydrate calories by total calories Divide protein calories by total calories Divide fat calories by total calories X. Methods of Evaluation Your grade will be composed of the following:
Exams/Midterm/Final 60% Term Paper 20% Homework assignments/ Class projects 20%
Attendance to all class sessions is mandatory. Please contact me to explain absence. Grade will drop after 2 unexplained absences, by one full point.
Grading A 93+% B+ 87-89% C+ 77-79% D 60-69% A- 90-92% B 83-86% C 70-76% F 0-59% B- 80-82%
If you have a disability and believe you need accommodations in my classroom, please see your counselor, or Special Needs Counselor. If you require testing accommodations, you must notify me one week in advance of the test.