On the Intracoastal
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Board of Directors Meeting
Date April 16, 2014 Call to Order 7:08 p.m. Roll Call Paul Stokes {President}, Randy Chavoor {Vice-President}, Dean Boyce {Treasurer}, Jim Fator {Secretary}, Lenny Streeto {Director}, & Meredith “D-D” Sleeman LCAM {Custom Property Management} Approximately 25-30 Members were in attendance. Paul Stokes - telephonically. Dean Boyce - absent.
Verification of Meeting Notice Posted
A quorum was established.
No minutes were read as this is the 1st meeting after the Annual & all prior minutes were dealt with at that time.
Dean Boyce sent in a signed letter of resignation. Randy Chavoor read the letter & it was accepted unanimously. A notice will be put in each building looking for a replacement Treasurer.
Correspondence- None.
Treasurer’s Report-
Jack Aiello read his report. Copy of the financials attached.
Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made, received a second and was unanimously accepted.
Meredith Sleeman read her report. Copy attached.
Motion to accept Manager’s Report was made, received a second and was unanimously accepted. Board of Directors Meeting - 4/16/14 – page 2.
Orientation- No Report.
Grounds- No Report.
Lighting- LED samples have been ordered for the shoebox lights should produce savings on common area lights. Changing out 175 watts to 50 watts. Anticipate by the next meeting the up lighting at the clubhouse repaired.
Social- Events have been very successful.
Recreation- A replacement for the treadmill is being looked into. A quote for a new treadmill has been received from Speedy Gym Repair. Committee consisting of Ray Stockmar, Jeannie Norris and Conrad Rieder was formed to research and determine equipment replacement. Randy Chavoor made a motion to purchase the gym equipment (consisting of treadmill, recomburent bike, & elliptical cross trainer) for ~$4000.00. Jim Fator 2nd the motion. Motion passed. Pool temperature is to remain at a constant 86 degrees.
Insurance- No Report.
Harbour- Kayak storage racks have been installed on the wall adjacent to building #2. Lenny Streeto made a motion to charge $5.00 per month for a Kayak rack storage rental with the funds being deposited into the Harbour Account.. Jim Fator 2nd the motion. Motion Passed. Beginning May 1, 2014 a fee of $5.00 per month will be charged to those who use a kayak rack space. This fee will be invoiced separately & will be a separate line item in the financials.
Time for the dock boards to be painted. A portion will be painted with a stain & monitored for the year to see how it holds up. Rest of the dock will just be painted as usual.
Building Captains for 1, 2 3 - No reports- Building 4’s report under Old Business.
Security- Suggestion to change building access codes every couple of months was considered. Membership was asked not to give out building codes. Security Committee to come up with recommendations Board of Directors Meeting – 4/16/14 – page 3.
Communication- No Report
Library- No Report
Old Business- Building #4 – Catwalks – The Board of Directors asked the committee to get 3 bids for the installation of “Uro – Tile” on all of the catwalks.
Randy Chavoor made a motion to “borrow” funds from the painting & all system accounts to be deposited into the elevator reserve account to pay for the recent elevator repair of ~$24,000.00. Repayment of these funds will be determined later in the year as to the amount per month per unit and to the number of installments needed to repay. Paul Stokes 2nd the motion. Motion Passed.
New Business- an 8 camera system will be installed around the Clubhouse building. 5 bollard fixtures will be purchased & installed by the turn at building #1 in 2015. 1-102 is being considered to be rented like the Cottage. If it happens Building #1 will receive the funds. Lenny Streeto wants to look into placing a cap on rentals in Harbourside. Lenny Streeto & Jack Goodliff to form a Committee. Notices will be placed in the buildings & put on the website.
Adjournment- Motion to Adjourn the April 16, 2014 Board Meeting at 9:43 p.m. was made, received a second and was unanimously accepted.
Respectfully Submitted By: Meredith “D-D” Sleeman LCAM, PM
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