2008-2009 CAP 7, TRI 8, and Greater Neuse River Swim Schedule
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2013-2014 CAP 8, SWAC, and Greater Neuse River Swim Schedule
TAC (M) TAC (T) TAC (W) TAC (TH) NCSU (M) NCSU (T) NCSU (TH) Campbell (T) **7:00 PM ** 7:00 PM **7:00 PM ** 7:00 PM ** 6:15 PM ** 6:15PM **6:15 **5:00 Nov 18-21 Green Hope C. Gibbons Apex Heritage Knightdale Broughton Garner Cary Athens Panther Creek Wake Forest Southeast Millbrook Harnett Central Leesville Fuquay Middle Creek Sanderson West Johnson Wakefield East Wake Holly Springs Reagan High Clayton Rolesville Enloe
Nov 25, 26 Athens Cary Enloe Fuquay Panther Creek Garner Leesville West Johnston Sanderson East Wake Apex Clayton Heritage Rolesville Wakefield
Dec2-5 Holly Springs Panther Creek Middle Creek Rolesville Southeast C. Gibbons Cary Broughton Heritage Harnett Central Green Hope Enloe Knightdale Wakefield Jack Britt Millbrook West Johnson Wake Forest East Wake
Dec9-13 Millbrook Broughton East Wake Rolesville Leesville Wakefield Clayton C. Gibbons Southeast Heritage Sanderson Athens Panther Creek Fuquay Apex Holly Springs Cary Wake Forest Middle Creek West Johnson Garner C. Holders Knightdale Enloe Harnett Central Durham Jordan Green Hope
Dec 16-20 Holly Springs Apex Knightdale Sanderson Athens Leesville Middle Creek Millbrook Broughton Fuquay Garner Green Hope Southeast Harnett Central Wake Forest Clayton
Jan 2 Wake Forest Panther Creek Enloe Middle Creek Leesville Holly Springs Millbrook Cary
Jan 6-10 Athens Sanderson Garner Harnett Central Green hope Broughton Knightdale West Johnson Apex Heritage Clayton SE Raleigh Fuquay Wakefield East Wake Rolesville
The team listed first in bold print will be the host school for the regular season swim meets. Responsibilities of the host school will be provided. ** Warm-ups will begin 30 minutes earlier. Conference Swimming Championships. Friday, January 17, 2014 GRNC TAC Warm up 4:00 PM , Competition 5:00 PM Saturday, January 25 , 2014 SWAC TAC Warm-up 11:00 AM, Competition 12:00 Noon Saturday, January 25, 2014 CAP8 TAC Warm-up 5:00 PM, Competition 6:00 PM Diving Regular Season Meets: December 6, 20 and January 3 NCSU Warm-up 4:30 PM, Competition 5:00 PM Conference Diving Championship: January 24, 2014 NCSU Warm-up 4:30 PM, Competition 5:00 PM