HREC Version: Date: Enter project title here Please click here to select group Hospital Morbidity Data

Every request for inpatient data will be evaluated separately on its merit by the HMDC Data Custodian. To prevent potential delays it is strongly recommended applicants spend time discussing their needs with the HMDC Data Custodian before submitting an application for data. See the contacts at:

It is imperative applicants have referred to the online summary of HMDC data fields of the HMDC reference manual before requesting data. These documents record the changes in HMDC data collection practices/protocols over time and detail the HMDC variables. See these documents online at:

For all requests, unless requested otherwise, typical exclusions include healthy newborns, boarders, organ procurements, aged care residents, funding (duplicate) hospital cases and residential aged care facilities.

Please note: Certain combinations of variables are potentially identifying and release of these combinations will be at the discretion of the HMDC Data Custodian.

Request the variables you require below by clicking on the box on the left.

Request Variable Description Standard Information (provided on all HMDC data extracts) Admission age Age in years Sex Elective or emergency admission. Variable is unreliable Admission status from 1986-1989 and 1996-1998. Care type E.g., Acute, Rehabiliation, Palliative etc. Subset admission date MMYYYY Subset separation date MMYYYY E.g., Transferred to another hospital, deceased, Mode of separation discharged etc Patient Information Subset date of birth MMYYYY Subset date of birth YYYY Indigenous status Marital status Variable may be unreliable. Variable may be unreliable, is not an indication Employment status occupation. Interpreter service Variable may be unreliable. Language Variable may be unreliable. Country/State of birth State/Territory of residence Health Region of Hospital The WA health regions e.g.,North & South Metro, Goldfields, South-West, Great Southern, Wheatbelt, OR OR (request only one) Midwest, Pilbara, Kimberley. Version 6.0 1 Last updated January 2016 Module 3 Variable Lists Hospital Type E.g., Tertiary, public metro, private metro and rural Excludes days on leave Length of stay ≠ Separation date – admission date. Source of referral- location Source of referral- professional Available on data after July 2000 Source of referral- transport Source of referral Available on data prior to July 2000 Infant weight Available where age is less than 1 year. E.g., AHCA, private insurance, self-funded, worker’s Funding source compensation etc. Variable indicates if the patient has hospital (not ancillary) Insurance status insurance, is not an indication of a patient’s method of payment Total leave days Number of leave periods Days of psychiatric care Days of qualified newborn care Days of Hospital in the Home care Days in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Available on data prior to July 2013 Hours in ICU Available on data after July 2013 Hours of Continuous Ventilatory Support Diagnosis Codes International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes: Principal diagnosis Jan 1970 - Dec 1978 ICD-8 Jan 1979 - Dec 1987 ICD-9 Co-diagnosis Jan 1988 - Jun 1999 ICD-9-CM (Clinical Modification; Aust.) Jul 1999 - ICD-10-AM (Australian Modification) Be cautious when referring to ICD codes available online, which Additional diagnoses may not be the same as the Australian versions.

Procedure Codes Jan 1970 - Dec 1978 Code of Surgical Operations (1968) Principal procedure Jan 1979 - Dec 1987 International Classification of Procedures in Medicine (1978) Jan 1988 - Jun 1999 ICD-9-CM (Clinical Modification, Aust.) Jul 1999 - Australian Classification of Health Interventions (ACHI) Additional procedures Be cautious when referring to procedure codes available online, which may not be the same as the Australian versions. E-Codes

External cause of injury International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes: Jan 1970 - Dec 1978 ICD-8 Jan 1979 - Dec 1987 ICD-9 Activity code Jan 1988 - Jun 1999 ICD-9-CM Jul 1999 - ICD-10-AM Be cautious when referring to ICD codes available online, which Place of occurrence may not be the same as the Australian versions.

Version 6.0 2 Last updated January 2016 Module 3 Variable Lists Geocoding


Census year(s) requested:

1996 2001 2006 2011

Postcode RA Remoteness Area SEIFA Socioeconomic status. If selecting also select Radius. Radius Local Government Area (ABS) 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011 census Statistical Local Area (ABS) 1996, 2001, 2006 census SA2 (ABS) 2011 census

Geocoding Information: The Data Linkage Branch routinely processes address data from the HMDC, to match each record’s address to a longitude and latitude. DLB also provides a radius, a numeric field which is inversely proportionate to the accuracy of the match. The process is dependent upon the quality of the address data, and in some cases an address may be difficult or impossible to geocode accurately, or at all.

While the latitude and longitude cannot be provided to researchers for reasons of confidentiality, corresponding geocodes are available, including Statistical Area (SA1 and SA2), Collection District (CD), Statistical Local Area (SLA) and Local Government Area (LGA). Some of these are realigned from one census to the next. The geocodes available are CD, SLA and LGA for the 1996, 2001 and 2006 censes, while SA1, SA2 and LGA are available for 2011. Additionally, for each geocode/census combination, the Data Linkage Branch can assign Socio-Economic Indexes for Area (SEIFA) and/or Remoteness Areas (RA). Please note that records with a large radius may not fall unambiguously into a single geographical area (such as a specific CD), in which case the geocode and derived SEIFA and RA cannot be provided.

The boundaries, SEIFAs and RAs are developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), and the Data Linkage Branch uses mapping files available through the ABS website to attach them to the data. Queries about their interpretation and use should be directed to the ABS. For further information, please visit the ABS website at

Please note that, due to their small coverage, CD and SA1 are not usually included. Should you require these on your extract please provide written justification in the Sensitive Variables section of this document.

Please note: Geocoding for HMDC data commenced in 1993. Prior to 1993 full address details were not recorded in HMDC records.

Version 6.0 3 Last updated January 2016 Module 3 Variable Lists Other Variables

All of the variables below require written justification. Please provide this in the space in the table below. Items in bold require DOHWA HREC approval.

Hospital Establishment codes are considered identifying information, especially if they involve private establishments. Provision of these codes requires DOHWA HREC approval and/or hospital ethics approval. Approval from the Chief Executive of the area health service may also be required.

Request Variable Description DDMMYYYY Full date of birth Requires DOHWA HREC approval Enter justification here Age in days at admission Available where age in years is less than 1 year Enter justification here Refer to geocoding information above (1996, 2001 and Collection District (ABS) 2006 census) Enter justification here SA1 (ABS) Refer to geocoding information above (2011 census) Enter justification here Admission date DDMMYYYY Enter justification here Separation date DDMMYYYY Enter justification here DDMMYYYY Principal procedure date Enter justification here DDMMYYYY Additional procedure dates Can be incomplete Enter justification here Mental health legal status Please also select Days of Psychiatric Care Enter justification here Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) Available July 1993 onwards Grouper version Enter justification here Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) Available July 1993 onwards Grouper version Enter justification here Requires DOHWA HREC and Health Service/Hospital Patient Identifier (UMRN) Chief Executive approval Enter justification here Requires DOHWA HREC and Health Service/Hospital Hospital Identifier Chief Executive approval Enter justification here

Version 6.0 4 Last updated January 2016 Module 3 Variable Lists Comments:

Enter any extra comments here

Version 6.0 5 Last updated January 2016 Module 3 Variable Lists