Food Investigators – The Colourful Present

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Food Investigators – The Colourful Present

The colourful present

Summary: Alisha helps Ronnie put together a colourful fruit and vegetable basket for his Grandma’s birthday.

Suggested age: 5-6 years old.

Key themes: o Fruit and vegetables – 5 A DAY; o Shopping; o A special present; o Working together.

Teacher notes: o Read The colourful present story with your class. You could print the PowerPoint presentation and read it like a book, or show it on an interactive whiteboard. o Show The colourful present video – this includes the audio for the book. o Ask the children the Key questions to help them engage with the story. o Use all or some of the resources to carry the Key themes across your curriculum. o Allow children to explore the two online interactive activities entitled The colourful present - part 1 and The colourful present - part 2.

Key questions: Closed o Why does Ronnie want to get his Grandma a present? o Where do Alisha and Ronnie go to get the present? o What were the green fruit and vegetables Alisha suggested?

Open o What other colourful presents could Ronnie have got his Grandma? o What other colours of fruit and vegetables could have been included in the basket?

Own experience o Have you ever chosen a present for someone? o What did you get and why?

The colourful present activity ideas To support different aspects of the story, a range of cross curricular resources have been developed. These are in addition to the PowerPoint presentation and the video of the story. The resources can be used as stand-alone materials, or combined together to support a longer unit of work. The choice is yours.

You may wish to download all the materials and upload them to your school VLE.

All the resources below (unless stated) have been provided in Microsoft WORD format, allowing you the flexibility to adapt the worksheets to better suit the needs of the children you teach. In addition, resources marked with a star * are also available as Interactive Whiteboard (IWB) files. Curricula links

Resources England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales Key stage 1 Foundation First Foundation Writing names English – Year 1 Language and Literacy and English Language, literacy A sheet to help Writing - vocabulary, literacy Writing LIT 1-21a, 1- and communication reinforce the grammar and Reading 22a, 1-24a skills use of capital punctuation Read and follow Writing letters for -using a capital letter for simple instructions. Skills names. names of people… Writing Recognise the Begin to use capital alphabetic nature of letters for the pronoun writing and 'I', for names and at discriminate between the start of a sentence. letters. Show increased Develop a legible style control over formation of handwriting in order of lower and upper- to follow the case letters, size and conventions of written spacing. English and Welsh. Thank you English – Year 1 Language and Literacy and English Language, literacy letter Writing - composition literacy Writing LIT 1-20a – 1- and communication A writing frame There is opportunity to Reading 24a, 1-26a, 1-28a/1- skills for children to cover all statutory Read and follow 29a, ENG 1-30a Writing write a thank requirements in this simple instructions. Writing with increasing you letter from curriculum section, e.g. Writing confidence, fluency write sentences by Grandma to Understand that and accuracy, making saying out loud what they Ronnie. are going to write writing is a means of choices about communication and vocabulary. Writing - vocabulary, can be used for Write independently grammar and different purposes. and collaboratively in punctuation Write without response to a variety There is opportunity to prompting and make of stimuli, on subjects cover all statutory decisions about how that are interest and requirements in this and what they will importance to them. curriculum section, e.g. write. leaving spaces between words

Fruit and English – Year 1 Language and Literacy and English Language, literacy vegetable * Writing – transcription literacy Reading LIT 1-14a, 1- and communication A set of fruit -name the letters of the Reading 16a skills and vegetable alphabet Read and follow Writing LIT 1-21a, 1- Reading images and simple instructions. 22a, 1-24a Read with increasing letters. Writing fluency, accuracy, Distinguish between understanding and drawing and writing. independence, building on what they already know. Experience and respond to a wide range of print and fonts. Resources England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales Key stage 1 Foundation First Foundation Shopping IWB English – Year 1 Language and Literacy and English Language, literacy Help Ronnie to Reading – word reading literacy Reading LIT 1-14a, 1- and communication make a -read other words of more Reading 16a skills colourful than one syllable that contain Read with some Reading taught GPCs present for his independence. Read their own work Grandma. Read a range of and other texts aloud Follow Ronnie's texts including digital and respond in shopping list texts and those different ways for and collect the composed by different purposes, fruit and themselves and being able to talk vegetables. others. about characters, Read and follow events, language and simple instructions. information as they predict events and explore meaning. Read individually and collaboratively. Shopping Mathematics – Year 1 Mathematics and Literacy and English Mathematical maths Number – number and numeracy Reading LIT 1-14a, 1- development A sheet of place value Number 16a Develop a variety of simple addition -count, read and write Use their number mental and written problems for numbers to 100 in skills in shopping strategies of children to numerals activities. computation. solve. -identify and represent Extend activities to Understand and use numbers using objects and include counting in money, develop an pictorial representations 2s, 5s and 10s. awareness of the use Number – addition and of money and its value, subtraction initially through role -add and subtract one-digit play. and two-digit numbers to 20

Money IWB Mathematics – Year 1 Mathematics and Numeracy and Mathematical Help Alisha Number – addition and numeracy mathematics development work out how subtraction Number Number MNU 1-03a, Develop a variety of much is needed -add and subtract one-digit Use their number 1-09a, 1-10b mental and written to buy each and two-digit numbers to skills in shopping Information handling strategies of shopping 20, including zero activities. MNU 1-20a computation. basket. Put the Become familiar with Understand and use correct amount Measurement coins in everyday money, develop an of money by -recognise and know the use. awareness of the use value and denominations each shopping Extend activities to of money and its value, of coins and notes basket. include counting in initially through role 2s, 5s and 10s. play. Resources England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales Key stage 1 Foundation First Foundation Sharing * Mathematics – Year 1 Mathematics and Numeracy and Mathematical These sheets Number – multiplication numeracy mathematics development involve sharing and division Number Number MNU 1- Develop a variety of mental different foods -solve one-step problems Count a variety of 03a, 1-07b, 1-07c and written strategies of between the involving multiplication and objects Information computation. characters. division, by calculating the Recognise numbers handling Investigate patterns and answer using concrete to at least 20. MNU 1-20a relationships: Explore objects, pictorial patterns in number tables representation and arrays with the support of the and sequences, begin to teacher understand the relationships between addition and subtraction, between multiplication and division, and between halving and doubling. A colourful PSHE - Non-statutory Personal Health and Personal and social present guidance development and wellbeing development, well-being A sheet for Relationships mutual Mental and and cultural diversity children to -to identify their special understanding emotional Social development design a people (family, friends, Personal wellbeing HWB 1- Value friends and families colourful carers), what makes them understanding and 05a and show care and present for special and how special health consideration. people should care for on someone Their own and Demonstrate care, respect another special. others’ feelings and and affection for other emotions. children, adults and their Their relationships environment. with family and friends. Milk present PSHE - Non-statutory Personal Religious and Personal and social A sheet for guidance development and moral education development, well-being children to Relationships mutual Development of and cultural diversity design a -to identify their special understanding belief and values Social development present using people (family, friends, Personal RME 1-09a Value friends and families foods made carers), what makes them understanding and and show care and from milk. special and how special health consideration. people should care for on Their own and Demonstrate care, respect another others’ feelings and and affection for other emotions. children, adults and their Their relationships environment. with family and friends. Resources England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales Key stage 1 Foundation First Foundation Eat a rainbow PSHE - Non- Personal Health and wellbeing Personal and social A sheet to record statutory development and Mental, emotional, development, well- 5 different colour guidance mutual social and physical being and cultural fruit and Health and understanding education HWB 1-15a diversity vegetables to wellbeing Personal Food and health HWB Well-being support the 5 A -learn what understanding and 1-30a Develop an DAY message. constitutes a healthy health understanding that lifestyle including the Being aware of how to exercise and hygiene benefits of physical care for his/her own and the right types of activity, rest, healthy body in order to keep it food and drink are eating and dental health healthy and well. important for healthy bodies. Being healthy * PSHE - Non- Personal Health and wellbeing Personal and social A worksheet to statutory development and Mental, emotional, development, well- look at the guidance mutual social and physical being and cultural importance of Health and understanding education HWB 1-15a diversity different foods for wellbeing Personal Physical education Well-being health. -learn what understanding and HWB 1-28a Value and contribute to constitutes a healthy health Food and health HWB their own well-being lifestyle including the Being aware of how to 1-30a and to the well-being benefits of physical care for his/her own of others. activity, rest, healthy body in order to keep it Develop an eating and dental health healthy and well. understanding that Adopt healthy and exercise and hygiene hygienic routines and and the right types of understand how to food and drink are keep safe. important for healthy bodies. Feeling good * PSHE - Non- Personal Health and wellbeing Personal and social Fill in the missing statutory development and Mental, emotional, development, well- words to find out guidance mutual social and physical being and cultural why milk and Health and understanding education HWB 1-15a diversity dairy foods are wellbeing Personal Physical education Well-being important for -learn what understanding and HWB 1-28a Value and contribute to health. constitutes a healthy health their own well-being lifestyle including the The importance of and to the well-being benefits of physical keeping healthy and of others. activity, rest, healthy how to keep safe in Develop an eating and dental health familiar and unfamiliar understanding that environments. exercise and hygiene Being aware of how to and the right types of care for his/her own food and drink are body in order to keep it important for healthy healthy and well. bodies. Adopt healthy and hygienic routines and understand how to keep safe. Resources England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales Key stage 1 Foundation First Foundation 5 A DAY Art and design – Key The arts Creative arts Creative basket stage 1 Art and design Art and design EXA 1- development Draw and -to use drawing, painting Use what they have 03a, 1-05a Art craft and design label a and sculpture to develop seen as stimulus or Develop and use their colourful 5 A and share their ideas, starting point for understanding of DAY basket. experiences and individual ideas and colour, line, tone, imagination personal texture, pattern, shape interpretations. and form. Begin to develop a Use a wide range of range of skills using resources and stimuli. materials, tools and processes. Make a gift Design and The world around us Technologies Creative A recipe to technology – Key Understand that Food and textiles development make cheese stage 1 materials can be contexts for Art craft and design scones as a Make joined/assembled in developing Design and make gift. -select from and use a different ways. technological skills simple products and range of tools and and knowledge HWB mechanisms. equipment to perform 1-30b, TCH 1-11a Be involved in practical tasks Craft, design, activities that allow engineering and them to work as graphics contexts for individuals and in developing groups. technological skills and knowledge TCH 1- 13a Super Design and The world around us Technologies Creative smoothie * technology – Key Understand that Food and textiles development A recipe to stage 1 materials can be contexts for Art craft and design make a super Design joined/assembled in developing Design and make smoothie. -generate, develop, different ways. technological skills simple products and model and communicate and knowledge HWB mechanisms. their ideas through 1-30b, TCH 1-11a Be involved in talking, drawing, Craft, design, activities that allow templates, mock-ups engineering and them to work as and, where appropriate, information and graphics contexts for individuals and in communication developing groups. technology technological skills and knowledge TCH 1- Make 13a -select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks Spelling ‘oo’ English – Year 1 Language and Literacy and English Language, Literacy words Writing - literacy Writing and communication Looking at transcriptions Writing LIT 1-21a skills words which Spelling Understand that Writing – Skills contain the -spell words containing writing is a means of Develop their ability to letters ‘oo’. each of the 40+ communication and spell common and phonemes already taught can be used for familiar words in a -apply simple spelling different purposes. recognisable way. rules and guidance See themselves and their teachers as writers.

Get cooking! Why not help your class explore the fruit and vegetable theme further by cooking some simple recipes? The following recipes can be found on the Food –a fact of life website in the 5-8 tab. Go to Cooking and then:

Cool creations, for  Coleslaw  Fruit salad  Fruit kebab  Veggie snacks  Layered salad  Fruit smoothie

Acknowledgement This work has been developed by the British Nutrition Foundation, and is supported by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board's (AHDB) milk sector organisation - DairyCo.

© Food – a fact of life 2014

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