How Do I Read My Pay Stub?

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How Do I Read My Pay Stub?

Grade: 10 Lesson # 11 How do I read my pay stub?

SS.912.FL.1.6 Explain that taxes are paid to federal, state, and local governments to fund government goods and services and transfer payments from government to individuals and that the major types of taxes are income taxes, payroll (Social Security) taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes.

Correlated Literacy Standards: LAFS.910.RL.1.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. LAFS.910.L.3.6 Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

1 SS.912.FL.1.6 Explain that taxes are paid to federal, state, and local governments to fund government goods and services and transfer payments from government to individuals and that the major types of taxes are income taxes, payroll (Social Security) taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes. How do I read my pay stub?

Lesson Number: 11

Correlated Florida Standards (See Full Text on Cover Page)  LAFS.910.RL.1.1 LAFS.910.L.3.6

Essential Questions  What are the components of a pay check stub?  What are the deductions that are automatic, and what types of deductions are voluntary?

Learning Goals/Objectives  Identify and define the components of a pay check stub.  Research the different types of deductions—voluntary and automatic.

Overview  Students will identify the components of a pay check stub, and be able to describe how a gross paycheck becomes a net paycheck. They will also be able to identify the purposes of voluntary and involuntary deductions.

Materials  Tablets  Videos: o o  Website: o  Access PowerPoint, “UnderstandingYourPaycheckPowerPointPresentation”from: o  Access pages 27-31 from: o  Access page 17 from: o n_plan_1%5b1%5d.13.1.pdf

Time  50 minutes

Activity Sequence INTRODUCTION/HOOK  Tell the students that today’s class will be devoted to understanding their paycheck stub. Ask if anyone receives a pay check stub, and what are their thoughts about deductions. Show the video from that offers a comedic look at a reaction to a paycheck. (5 minutes)

ACTIVITY 1. First, instruct that there are mandatory and voluntary deductions taken from paychecks. There are a few approaches from which to choose: a. Watch the brief video first to cover the basic components: v=RnxGhlX8PVY b. Use the PowerPoint “Understanding Your Paycheck PowerPoint Presentation” from: This PowerPoint offers more components than just paycheck stubs, but you can either review it in its entirety or skip to the specific sections. A matching pdf file, ms_lesson_plan_1%5b1%5d.13.1.pdf, also includes the important components on a printable page. c. Guide students through, which offers a wiki-how step-by-step approach through the basics of a paycheck stub. This can also be printed. (25minutes)

2. Have students complete the activities from the following sites (both sites include answer keys and can be printed or copied to tablets)

a. Access page 17 from: ms_lesson_plan_1%5b1%5d.13.1.pdf (10 minutes)

CLOSURE  Have students discuss what they learned either in small groups or as a class. Ask, “What surprised you the most?” Do they think that the types of deductions are fair? (10 minutes)

OPTIONAL EXTENSION SUGGESTION/HOME LEARNING  Extension activities/Home learning for this assignment would be to have them answer the following components: o Have the students complete pages 27-31 from: plete.pdf (answer keys available in the lesson plan)

 Students can also research and write about the debate regarding the future of social security. Using as a launching point, discuss the main issues regarding social security. Individually, or in groups, they can research the issues regarding the future of social security. Ask them to write a 3-5 paragraph essay proving their opinion using specific facts from their research.

Sources/Bibliographic Information that contributed to this lesson:

Nassivera, T. "Understanding Your Paycheck." Understanding Your Paycheck.Hudson Falls Central Schools, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.


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