Systematic Review Search Strategy

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Systematic Review Search Strategy

Systematic Review Search Strategy

Medline (Ovid): 1. exp Fluid Therapy/ (15353) 2. (fluid adj4 (therap* or adminis* or optimi* or manag* or protocol*)).ab,ti. (10510) 3. rehydration*.ti,ab. (6439) 4. exp Hydrocolloid/ (95225) 5. exp Hetastarch/ (2977) 6. ((amylopectin and hydroxyethyl) or asl 607 or colloid$ or elo hes or elohes or elohaest or elohast or Elohes or Expafusin or expahes or haes or haessteril or haes steril or haes- steril or hemohes or hes steril or hespan or hespander or hestar or estar or hesteril or hetastarch$ or Hextend or hydrocolloid$ or hydroxy ethyl starch$ or hydroxyathyl$ or hydroxyethyl starch$ or hydroxyethyl starke or hydroxyethylamidon$ or hydroxyethylamylopectin or hydroxyethylstarch$ or hyperhaes or isohas or hetastarch or lomol or lonol or onko #s or onkohaes or pentafraction or pentaspan or pentastarch or pentastarch$ or plasmafusin or plasmasteril or rheohes or salinhes or salines or starch$ or tetrakis or tetrastarch or varihes or venofundin or volex or voluven).tw. (74588) 7. (HES not (hypereosinophil$ or embryo$ or HES-1 or HES1 or HES-6 or HES6 or hospital episode stat$ or health examination survey$)).tw. (2378) 8. exp albumins/ (145526) 9. exp colloids/ (95225) 10. exp dextrans/ (26669) 11. exp gelatin/ (9004) 12. exp serum albumin/ (70958) 13. exp hypertonic solutions/ (10978) 14. exp isotonic solutions/ (7457) 15. exp plasma substitutes/ (34658) 16. exp plasma/ (16752) 17. exp rehydration solutions/ (1274) 18. exp serum/ (61494) 19. (blood expander$ or blood substitute$ or isotonic saline solution$ or plasma volume expander$).mp. or volume expander$.tw. (4869) 20. ((ringe$ adj lactat$) or albumen$ or albumin$ or crystalloid$ or dextran$ or gelatin$ or gelofus$ or gentran$ or haemaccel$ or hartman or hemaccel$ or hypertonic or hypotonic or isotonic or plasma$ or potassium chloride or salin$ or serum$ or sodium chloride).ti,ab. (1756288) 21. exp hypotonic solutions/ (2936) 22. or/1-21 (2044860) 23. (operative or intra-operative or intraoperative or peri-operative or perioperative or surg*).ab,ti. (1536677) 24. surgery.ab,ti,sh. (817486) 25. 23 or 24 (1536677) 26. exp Hemodynamics/ (584868) 27. (hemodynamic or dynamic or haemodynamic).ab,ti. (332484) 28. (goal directed or goal oriented).ab,ti. (6246) 29. exp cardiac output/ (64669) 30. "cardiac output*".ab,ti. (38827) 31. oxygen delivery.ab,ti. (6460) 32. exp oxygen consumption/ (95005) 33. oxygen consumption.ab,ti. (31890) 34. cardiac volume/ (5937) 35. ((cardiac or heart) adj4 volume).ab,ti. (10791) 36. (stroke volume or SVV or Ventricular End Systolic Volume* or Ventricular Ejection Fraction* or Ventricular End Diastolic Volume*).ab,ti. (34265) 37. blood (377222) 38. (systolic pressure* or SPV).ab,ti. (13444) 39. (diastolic pressure* or DPV).ab,ti. (15110) 40. (pulse pressure* or PPV).ab,ti. (16547) 41. (passive leg raise or PLR).ab,ti. (794) 42. ((pleth adj3 variability) or PVI).ab,ti. (1189) 43. central venous pressure*.ab,ti. (5799) 44. exp arterial pressure/ (1740) 45. aortic blood velocity.ab,ti. (111) 46. exp vena cava, inferior/ (14631) 47. (vena cava adj4 (diameter or distensibil* or variation or collapsibil*)).ab,ti. (431) 48. ((aortic or arterial) adj4 (pressure* or tension)).ab,ti. (93068) 49. "cardiac ind*".ab,ti. (12110) 50. central venous pressure*.ab,ti. (5799) 51. ((fluid or preload) and responsiveness).ab,ti. (2397) 52. or/26-51 (1099665) 53. 22 and 25 and 52 (13067) 54. randomized controlled (398217) 55. controlled clinical (89761) 56. randomized.ab. (324710) 57. placebo.ab. (163870) 58. drug therapy.fs. (1785057) 59. randomly.ab. (233292) 60. trial.ab. (336167) 61. groups.ab. (1466130) 62. or/54-61 (3563441) 63. exp animals/ not (4061621) 64. 62 not 63 (3062373) 65. 53 and 64 (4928)

Embase (Ovid): 1. exp Fluid Therapy/ (67908) 2. (fluid adj4 (therap* or adminis* or optimi* or manag* or protocol*)).ab,ti. (13491) 3. rehydration*.ti,ab. (6892) 4. exp Hydrocolloid/ (933) 5. exp Hetastarch/ (5555) 6. ((amylopectin and hydroxyethyl) or asl 607 or colloid$ or elo hes or elohes or elohaest or elohast or Elohes or Expafusin or expahes or haes or haessteril or haes steril or haes- steril or hemohes or hes steril or hespan or hespander or hestar or estar or hesteril or hetastarch$ or Hextend or hydrocolloid$ or hydroxy ethyl starch$ or hydroxyathyl$ or hydroxyethyl starch$ or hydroxyethyl starke or hydroxyethylamidon$ or hydroxyethylamylopectin or hydroxyethylstarch$ or hyperhaes or isohas or hetastarch or lomol or lonol or onko #s or onkohaes or pentafraction or pentaspan or pentastarch or pentastarch$ or plasmafusin or plasmasteril or rheohes or salinhes or salines or starch$ or tetrakis or tetrastarch or varihes or venofundin or volex or voluven).tw. (79464) 7. (HES not (hypereosinophil$ or embryo$ or HES-1 or HES1 or HES-6 or HES6 or hospital episode stat$ or health examination survey$)).tw. (3297) 8. exp albumins/ (170570) 9. exp colloids/ (21749) 10. exp dextrans/ (22515) 11. exp gelatin/ (17003) 12. exp serum albumin/ (27612) 13. exp hypertonic solutions/ (4802) 14. exp isotonic solutions/ (4384) 15. exp plasma substitutes/ (54150) 16. exp plasma/ (105599) 17. exp rehydration solutions/ (2432) 18. exp serum/ (146523) 19. (blood expander$ or blood substitute$ or isotonic saline solution$ or plasma volume expander$).mp. or volume expander$.tw. (4258) 20. ((ringe$ adj lactat$) or albumen$ or albumin$ or crystalloid$ or dextran$ or gelatin$ or gelofus$ or gentran$ or haemaccel$ or hartman or hemaccel$ or hypertonic or hypotonic or isotonic or plasma$ or potassium chloride or salin$ or serum$ or sodium chloride).ti,ab. (2019477) 21. exp hypotonic solutions/ (2102) 22. or/1-21 (2265417) 23. (operative or intra-operative or intraoperative or peri-operative or perioperative or surg*).ab,ti. (1942085) 24. surgery.ab,ti,sh. (1196705) 25. 23 or 24 (2003695) 26. exp Hemodynamics/ (751418) 27. (hemodynamic or dynamic or haemodynamic).ab,ti. (387173) 28. (goal directed or goal oriented).ab,ti. (7791) 29. exp cardiac output/ (47312) 30. "cardiac output*".ab,ti. (44527) 31. oxygen delivery.ab,ti. (7761) 32. exp oxygen consumption/ (304452) 33. oxygen consumption.ab,ti. (34790) 34. cardiac volume/ (5206) 35. ((cardiac or heart) adj4 volume).ab,ti. (12864) 36. (stroke volume or SVV or Ventricular End Systolic Volume* or Ventricular Ejection Fraction* or Ventricular End Diastolic Volume*).ab,ti. (48644) 37. blood (454419) 38. (systolic pressure* or SPV).ab,ti. (17485) 39. (diastolic pressure* or DPV).ab,ti. (17330) 40. (pulse pressure* or PPV).ab,ti. (26288) 41. (passive leg raise or PLR).ab,ti. (1145) 42. ((pleth adj3 variability) or PVI).ab,ti. (2964) 43. central venous pressure*.ab,ti. (6731) 44. exp arterial pressure/ (82422) 45. aortic blood velocity.ab,ti. (113) 46. exp vena cava, inferior/ (17995) 47. (vena cava adj4 (diameter or distensibil* or variation or collapsibil*)).ab,ti. (690) 48. ((aortic or arterial) adj4 (pressure* or tension)).ab,ti. (105845) 49. "cardiac ind*".ab,ti. (14390) 50. central venous pressure*.ab,ti. (6731) 51. ((fluid or preload) and responsiveness).ab,ti. (3027) 52. or/26-51 (1510580) 53. 22 and 25 and 52 (20673) 54. exp randomized controlled trial/ (375311) 55. (random$ or placebo$).ti,ab,sh. (1298051) 56. ((singl$ or double$ or triple$ or treble$) and (blind$ or mask$)).tw,sh. (196127) 57. controlled clinical trial$.tw,sh. (408894) 58. or/54-57 (1444332) 59. (animal$ not human$).sh,hw. (3793217) 60. 58 not 59 (1318782) 61. 53 and 60 (4492)

Cochrane Library: 1. MeSH descriptor: [Fluid Therapy] explode all trees (1280) 2. fluid near/4 (therapy* or adminis* or manag* or protocol*):ti,ab,kw (2917) 3. MeSH descriptor: [Rehydration Solutions] explode all trees (264) 4. MeSH descriptor: [Colloids] explode all trees (5690) 5. MeSH descriptor: [Hydroxyethyl Starch Derivatives] explode all trees (476) 6. ((amylopectin and hydroxyethyl) or asl 607 or colloid* or elo hes or elohes or elohaest or elohast or Elohes or Expafusin or expahes or haes or haessteril or haes steril or haes- steril or hemohes or hes steril or hespan or hespander or hestar or estar or hesteril or hetastarch$ or Hextend or hydrocolloid$ or hydroxy ethyl starch$ or hydroxyathyl$ or hydroxyethyl starch$ or hydroxyethyl starke or hydroxyethylamidon$ or hydroxyethylamylopectin or hydroxyethylstarch$ or hyperhaes or isohas or hetastarch or lomol or lonol or onko* or onkohaes or pentafraction or pentaspan or pentastarch or pentastarch$ or plasmafusin or plasmasteril or rheohes or salinhes or salines or starch$ or tetrakis or tetrastarch or varihes or venofundin or volex or voluven):ti,ab,kw (3543) 7. (HES not (hypereosinophil$ or embryo$ or HES-1 or HES1 or HES-6 or HES6 or hospital episode stat$ or health examination survey$)):ti,ab,kw (539) 8. MeSH descriptor: [Albumins] explode all trees (4736) 9. MeSH descriptor: [Dextrans] explode all trees (511) 10. MeSH descriptor: [Gelatin] explode all trees (229) 11. MeSH descriptor: [Serum Albumin] explode all trees (1082) 12. MeSH descriptor: [Glucose Solution, Hypertonic] explode all trees (89) 13. MeSH descriptor: [Isotonic Solutions] explode all trees (698) 14. MeSH descriptor: [Plasma] explode all trees (580) 15. MeSH descriptor: [Serum] explode all trees (702) 16. blood expander$ or blood substitute$ or isotonic saline solution$ or plasma volume expander$ or volume expander$:ti,ab,kw (1249) 17. ((ringe$ adj lactat$) or albumen$ or albumin$ or crystalloid$ or dextran$ or gelatin$ or gelofus$ or gentran$ or haemaccel$ or hartman or hemaccel$ or hypertonic or hypotonic or isotonic or plasma$ or potassium chloride or salin$ or serum$ or sodium chloride):ti,ab,kw (116340) 18. {or #1-#17} (126352) 19. MeSH descriptor: [General Surgery] explode all trees (314) 20. surgery or surgical or intraoperative or intra-operative or perioperative or peri- operative:ti,ab,kw (148426) 21. #19 or #20 (148426) 22. MeSH descriptor: [Hemodynamics] explode all trees (43368) 23. hemodynamic or dynamic or haemodynamic:ti,ab,kw (20521) 24. goal directed or "goal oriented":ti,ab,kw (994) 25. MeSH descriptor: [Cardiac Output] explode all trees (4002) 26. cardiac output:ti,ab,kw (4550) 27. oxygen delivery:ti,ab,kw (1332) 28. MeSH descriptor: [Oxygen Consumption] explode all trees (5044) 29. oxygen consumption:ti,ab,kw (7724) 30. MeSH descriptor: [Cardiac Volume] explode all trees (163) 31. (cardiac or heart) near/4 volume:ti,ab,kw (2418) 32. (stroke volume or SVV or Ventricular End Systolic Volume* or Ventricular Ejection Fraction* or Ventricular End Diastolic Volume*):ti,ab,kw (8497) 33. MeSH descriptor: [Blood Pressure] explode all trees (23472) 34. systolic pressure* or SPV or diastolic pressure* or DPV or pulse pressure* or PPV or passive leg raise or PLR:ti,ab,kw (28362) 35. ((pleth near/3 variability) or PVI):ti,ab,kw (227) 36. MeSH descriptor: [Central Venous Pressure] explode all trees (199) 37. MeSH descriptor: [Arterial Pressure] explode all trees (101) 38. vena cava near/4 (diameter or distensibil* or variation or collapsibil*):ti,ab,kw (20) 39. MeSH descriptor: [Vena Cava, Inferior] explode all trees (82) 40. ((aortic or arterial) near/4 (pressure* or tension)):ti,ab,kw (11821) 41. cardiac ind*:ti,ab,kw (17202) 42. central venous pressure:ti,ab,kw (3578) 43. ((fluid or preload) and responsiveness):ti,ab,kw (140) 44. {or #22-#43} (92394) 45. #18 and #21 and #44 (4427)

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