Writing by Extraordinary Emily

Nouns in the Park The block remembers brave soldiers. The tree shades the dark, dirty garden. Lamp lightens our paths. Old seat sits waiting for a friend.

Nouns- Activated and Extended Woollen blue jersey colouring your body. Curly grey hair warming your head. Sparkling clear glasses twinkle on your face. Fluffy possum hat tops your beautiful body.

Listing Sentence I ran, jumped, dodged and pushed.

Bare Bones I went to Winton. I played netball. I bought a lolly. I went home.

Playing Hard Time sped past and we got the hard concrete courts. “Come over here,” I heard my team mates call. I was playing in five minutes. I raced onto the court, ready to run. Soon we were underway. The ball was coming my way. I ran, jumped, dodged and pushed. The game was soon over and I walked to the shop as slow as an old dog. I went home happily thinking about the game we had just won. Character Description My Dad My Dad is the most encouraging and helpful person I know. He is always there for me and he loves me.

His beautiful blue eyes glitter as he walks in the door. His twinkling smile and shining black hair glows and his funny jokes make me giggle. He is quite tall and stands up straight in his dirty ridgeline sweatshirt with his wonderfully big hands and arms always ready to hug me.

Dad is always busy outside on the farm getting things done. He loves to be with my brother and I for as long as he can, but he has to work out on the farm. My Dad is always encouraging to me; he tries to get to any school events that I am competing in, and I love that. He is very helpful in everything that I do.

Dad is always using spare time to sit underneath one of his twenty cars fixing something. He has a cousin who is a mechanic and they are usually fixing a car together. Dad loves doing that. Dad is often told that he is very funny because he has a lot of tricks and stories that my friends and I love.

My Dad loves his many cars. They are his wonderful treasures. Dad also loves his collection of little “Winnie the Pooh” books and statues. He has many “Winnie the Pooh” presents that mean a lot to him. My Dad loves the taste of seafood.

Most of all, I love my Dad and I know he loves me.