Frequently asked questions:

1. How to install Hal E-Bank/Personal?

2. How to transfer data from Hal E-Bank to other PC?

3. How to export digital certificate?

4. How to transfer E-bank connection from dial up to ADSL/cable/wireless ?

5. How to unblock the smart card?


1. How to install Hal E-Bank/Personal?

o From the location you can take file Personal E-Bank - RS o Click on Run

o Click on Next button

o Click on Yes button

o Choose "Custom installation" and click Next button

o In window "InstallShield Wizard - Select Features", choose . Program Files . Nexus Personal o Click on Next button

o Program is installing

o In window"Setup Complete", if the program ask you to restart choose "No, I will restart my computer later" o Click on Finish button

2. How to transfer data from Hal E-Bank to other PC?

When you are changing PC or reinstall Windows and want to keep data from your Address book and Archive, next it is needed  Close Hal E-Bank.  Copy files Personalebank.mdb i Eimenik.mdb from your old PC (C:\Program Files\Halcom\Personal E-bank\) to new PC.

 After installing new Personal Ebank to new PC, saved data copy over existing once (Copy and Replace). It is needed to do this before first run of your Personal E-bank

 After that it is needed to start program AddressBookUpdt.exe which is in same directory.

 Wait a couple of seconds to complete Address book update (AddresBookUpdt.exe) end message will not be shown, and after that you can start to use Personal E-Bank. If you have kept Patterns, from old PC you need to copy

All the txt files and file PersonalEbank.ini also 3. How to export digital certificate?

If you have newest version of application, program for Exporting the certificate you can find at Start>All programs>Hal E-bank>Izvoz sertifikata.

If you have an older version from location take program for export of Digital certificate and click Run


After one of 2 possibilities you have the next procedure:

a) Window with manual from export is open Click on Nastavak button


b) Then Potvrdi


c) Choose where you want to save exported files and click Save . d) At the end you will have notice about successful export. Click on Zatvori button

. e) Txt document opened at the end

You need to print, sign, stamp and deliver to the Bank. Cards need to be in reader all the time!

4. How to transfer E-bank connection from dial-up to ADSL/cable/wireless ?

To adjust parameters next it is needed:

o Close Hal E-Bank. o Window will open o From the menu choose bank you are connecting Vojvođanska banka

o Choose LAN and check if in the field IP adresa is

o After that click on Potvrdi button o In confirmation window click Yes

5. How to unblock the smart card?

To unblock the smart card (after you block it with 3 times wrong entered PIN next it is needed: o Find the envelope with PIN and PUK code received with the smart card.

o Check if the number of the card (Broj kartice) on smart card is same like the one in envelope.

o Run the program for unblock on START>All programs or programs>Hal E-bank>Unblock PIN

o In first field it is needed to enter PUK code from the envelope and in second two new PIN. o Click on Unblock.

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