Using Research and Technology with Topics in Khaled Hosseini S the Kite Runner (60 Points)

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Using Research and Technology with Topics in Khaled Hosseini S the Kite Runner (60 Points)

Due Date – Monday, MAY 17th Using Research and Technology with Topics in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner (60 Points) As a culminating assessment of The Kite Runner, you will work to complete a research project and visual presentation (Wiki Page) related to the topics/aspects of Afghan life or political issues presented below. You will work to provide support to me in researching topics for The Kite Runner, as well as to present your topic as an internet site. The basic topics are listed below with some follow up ideas. This is your project, and it is your job to do the research on the topic you have chosen. You must do your best to get accurate information, as well as tie your topic into The Kite Runner. Cite your sources. You MUST link to your sources – and everything you put on your Wiki Page MUST be written in your own words. Please look at the rubric on the back for grading criteria.

Afghanistan’s History: (For example Colonial & Post-Colonial/The Cold War) What role do foreign invaders play in the lives of the people who live in and around Afghanistan? Discuss the history of foreign invasions and settlement of Afghanistan. Think particularly about The Soviet Union and where and why they come into our story.  You will “teach” about history and foreigners’ impact on the people of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan’s Geography: Show the lay of the land. You might want to show maps of the country, indicating where the main characters lived, as well as indicate how and where they escaped. You may want to talk about the borders and/or why borders are arbitrary. See if you can project why Afghanistan has significance to both eastern and western countries. How is geography important in this story?  You will “teach” about the geography.

Afghanistan’s Economy: What kinds of resources do the Afghan people have? See if you can find out what the Afghan people import and export. Do you think this is a rich or poor country? You could also discuss Baba’s wealth and why so many other people are poor.  You will “teach” about the economy.

Afghanistan’s Politics and Government: How has it changed over the past 10 years? The government (monarchy, theocracy) of Afghanistan has changed its structure. How has that affected the lives of women? Definitely think about women’s rights in regard to cultural relativism – are these universal values or norms? How are Afghani women treated in the story? How does that culture affect the women in the story?  You will “teach” about government and politics, specifically how it has affected women.

Afghanistan’s Race, Ethnicity, and Tribes: Uzbeks, Hazara, Aimaqs, Turkmen and Kirghiz, Pashtun, Tajik, Baluch and Nuristanis are examples. Show where these people come from, what they might look like, who these people are in the story and how they are important to the story.  You will “teach” about race and ethnicity.

Gender: Look at roles in the family, marriages, and dating. You may want to look at how housing is structured. You may touch on (but not only report on religion and politics in your discussion). Discuss the roles of men and women in our story, not only when the story takes place in Afghanistan, but also when these Afghans move to America.  You will research and “teach” about gender roles.

Religion: (For example – Sunni and Shi’a Muslims agree on the core fundamentals of Islam – the Five Pillars – and recognize each other as Muslims, so why is there a problem with religion in this story?) You will “teach” about religion and perhaps discuss why it affects the main characters.

Foreign Policies: Discuss the relationship between the United States and Afghanistan. Talk about why our government is concerned with the government and politics of Afghanistan when it is located so far from the United States. Why does the narrator end up in America? You might speak of immigration and emigration. You may want to take this topic to a new level in the present and discuss The War on Terror – are groups like al-Qaeda a threat to the United States and to maintaining peace in the Middle East?  You will “teach” about immigration and emigration. ______Due Date – Monday, MAY 17th Name______Project Rubric You MUST turn this in with your name on it on May 14th along with your reflection essay.

CATEGORY EXEMPLARY PROFICIENT SUFFICIENT DEFICIENT Website answers Website answers Website answers Website answers Information questions and relates questions and relates questions and relates questions and relates to The Kite Runner to The Kite Runner to The Kite Runner to The Kite Runner. through analysis. through comparisons. through examples. All text is readable, Most text is readable, including color choice including color choice Bullet format is not Bullet format is not Readability of the and size. Bullets are and size. Bullets are consistent and/or too consistent or clear. Pages consistent and clear. consistent and clear. much information in Too much/too little Information is clear Information is clear large text blocks. information provided. and concise. and concise. Text Aesthetics Appealing Appealing text and There are too few (This refers to the background, editing graphic elements are There are too few elements to relate text look of the text, not and graphic elements included elements to relate text to images and the information are included appropriately. to images and info. info/hard to read or presented.) appropriately. understand Overall Aesthetics All pictures or Most pictures or (This refers to the graphics are used well graphics are used well There are too few Graphics are look of the images, and are of highest and are of good graphic elements. confusing and not not the information quality. quality. related to words. presented.) All information taken Most information Some information Very little information from the Internet has taken from the taken from the taken from the Hyperlinks relevant and working Internet has relevant Internet has relevant Internet has relevant hyperlinks. and working and working and working hyperlinks. hyperlinks. hyperlinks. There are no errors in There are few errors There are some errors There are many errors Conventions spelling, grammar and in spelling, grammar in spelling, grammar in spelling, grammar punctuation. and punctuation. and punctuation. and punctuation More than five used. At least five. All At least three used. Sources used for All sources used for sources used for Most sources used for quotes and facts are Works Cited quotes and facts are quotes and facts are quotes and facts are not included, suspect credible and cited credible and cited credible and cited and/or are not cited correctly. correctly. correctly. correctly. 3 2 1 0 Total from columns Comments/Feedback: Due Date – Monday, MAY 17th

How to Format Wikipage – Necessary Items To Not Lose Points

I. Introduction - a. Your “homepage” will be your introduction. You need to have a paragraph or two explaining the project you chose, why you chose it, and how you formatted your wikipage (i.e. – do you have specific pages for different topics, do you have a page for content and a page for pictures, etc.) II. Pages – a. Minimally you should have three pages – content, pictures, works cited. b. You may choose to have more pages (in fact, more will get you a better grade) c. If you do the minimum, you will not receive above a 90%. d. You may choose to have pages based on topics and pictures mixed in – how you format the pages is up to you. III. Content – a. Everything on your pages MUST be in your own words or quoted/cited properly (MLA format).

IV. Works Cited – a. MUST be in MLA format b. MUST have its own page c. You will lose points of the format is incorrect – use Citation Machine for help.

Most Important – this is meant to take the place of a research paper; HAVE FUN WITH THIS. Remember to look at your RUBRIC as you make your website – You will be graded on ALL items found on your rubric. I don’t want to hear that you didn’t KNOW – I’m telling you now. READ THE RUBRIC!

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