Making A Poster: Mission Nutrition

Teacher name: Mrs. Hurley

Student Name ______

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Accuracy The pictures we put All of the pictures Most of the 4 or more of our on our pyramid we put on our pictures we put on foods were not put were all put into the pyramid were put our pyramid were into the correct food correct food group. into the correct put into the group. We need to food group except correct food try it again! Hooray! for 1 or 2. group. We had 3 pictures in the wrong group. Oops! Use of Class We used time well We used time well We used some of We didn't use our Time during class. We during class. We the time well class time well! We were focused on usually were during class. Our had a really hard getting the project focused on getting teacher had to time staying focused done. We didn’t the project done help us get on the project. We distract others and didn’t distract focused to get the often distracted while they were others while they project done others. We had to be working. were working. and we reminded several occasionally times to stay on our Great Job! distracted others. topic. We need to practice working as a team and staying on task! Attractiveness Our pyramid is neat Our pyramid is Our pyramid isn’t Our pyramid was and colorful and all neat and colorful very neat or messy and of our pictures are and most of our colorful. Some of disorganized. Our neatly glued on our pictures are glued our coloring or coloring and gluing pyramid! We took neatly on our gluing was a little was very sloppy and our time to make it pyramid! We took messy. We may we rushed to get it look nice. our time to make have rushed a finished. We need to it look nice. little too much. try it again! Awesome! Group Work Our group worked Our group worked Our group didn’t We had a very hard great together! We well together! We work very well time working were patient and were pretty together. We together. We listened to each patient and weren’t very disagreed about how other’s ideas. Our listened to each patient and had to do our project and teacher didn’t have other’s ideas. trouble listening to couldn’t work to help keep us Our teacher had each other’s together. Our working together. to help keep us ideas. Our teacher had to spend working together teacher had to a lot of time keeping Way to go! once or twice. help keep us us together as a working together group. We need to several times. work on working together as a team!