Santiago Canyon College College Planning and Allocation Council MINUTES February 14, 2:00 p.m. E-107

Approved 2/28/06 Administrators: Faculty: Classified: John Hernandez Rick Adams (absent) Diane Durdella Mary Halvorson Morrie Barembaum Zina Edwards Steve Kawa (absent) Linda Cucovatz Sheryl Martin Jose Vargas Rosi Enriquez Terry Wilksen Juan Vázquez Laura Wirtz Janell McWilliam (alt) (absent) Connie Wilson (absent) Student: Shawnte Behn John Smith (alt) Communication: Technology: Curt Childress AnnMarie Librescu Guest: Rosa Salazar de la Torre

1. ASB: Shawnte Behn Activities:  Welcome Back – power bars distributed with theme of “Power Your Way Through the New Semester”  Raised funds for Locks of Love  February 21 – ICC Luncheon  Planning stages for Black History Month  Conducting drawing for IPOD, using Spring 2006 sticker on ID card  March 3 – ASB Retreat  Judicial Branch is considering policy of a non-smoking campus  Santiago, the Hawk, is appearing at high schools with Outreach

2. Budget and Facilities: Terry Wilksen for Steve Kawa a. The January budget report is now available on-line. Questions: contact Raul, x4714. b. Power out in the E-building on Monday was due to an elevator motor burn out. A new motor is being installed. c. As requested by students, trash cans have been placed in the parking lots, and vending machines have been placed on the first floor of the E-building.

3. Approval of Minutes, 1/24/06 Corrections: 7a – “approximately” 70,000 square feet 6a - Wednesday, February 1 Motion to accept minutes of 1/24/06 as corrected (Durdella/Cucovatz) passed unanimously.

4. Curriculum and Instruction: Linda Cucovatz a. The curriculum flex activity was very successful. Many new faculty attended. b. 2006 quadrennial list has been distributed to council members.

-1- 5. Academic Affairs: Mary Halvorson a. Intersession was very successful. b. Interesting to note the number of students attending that possess bachelor’s degrees – 790. c. The pilot “Jump Start” program has begun with a Business 100 class at Orange High School.

6. Student Services: John Hernandez a. The Financial Aid Analyst position presented at the last meeting has been approved by the Chancellor’s Cabinet, and will be effective fall 2006. b. Both the ASB and ASG (SCC/SAC) supported following AB982 legislation to make the health fee mandatory for all students, including those using the BOG waiver. The RSCCD Board of Trustees endorsed their request at the last meeting, making it effective fall 2006. c. Admissions answered approximately 3,000 phone calls during the fire watch. d. SCC was not awarded the Americorp Grant. e. The High School Counselor Breakfast welcomed over 70 high school counselors and techs from local schools as well as Corona and South County (37% of SCC students come from outside the immediate service area). f. Financial Aid is working with OUSD to host a “Cash for College” event on Saturday, February 25, at Orange High School.

7. Academic Senate/Educational Master Plan: Rosi Enriquez a. Rosi complemented Student Services’ staff on their customer service to students. b. Discussions from Academic Senate retreat:  Potential scheduling issues with 16-week semester  Checklist for grant application procedure (a draft of suggested guidelines was given to Rosi) c. Distance Ed Task Force – first meeting is Tuesday, March 14, 12 noon in E-205. d. EMP – first meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 23. The current booklet needs to be updated to reflect the next five years.

8. Continuing Education: Jose Vargas a. Inmate Education – currently the jails are on lock-down. b. Datatel – continuing education division is going to implement ASAP now and then be last to implement Datatel. c. Application has been submitted to the State with the Orange public library to establish a library at the Orange Education Center.

9. Classified: Diane Durdella a. The main theme of the Classified Staff Development activity will be health and wellness. The kick-off will be “Choose to Lose.” b. Question raised if a bike rack is on campus. c. Classified have suggested a directory be located on campus to assist students; possibly sharing the cost with ASB. d. Question raised if a health center is a possibility at OEC. Noted there is no funding revenue base at OEC for a health center.

-2- 10. Communication: AnnMarie Librescu a. Technology Day introduced Pod Casting – some districts are already using this format. b. Orange Business News – SCC will be running quarterly articles. c. Laurene Weidner is the new Director of Public Affairs and Governmental Relations. She will be visiting the campus on Wednesday, March 1. d. Suggestion for a “hot line” or web site location as a central point for information, especially during fires, etc. Shawnte also suggested activities for students be included on the hotline.

11. Technology: Curt Childress a. Currently re-wiring the B building to enable troubleshooting access. b. OEC wireless is up and running. Access points and antennas have been received for SCC. c. During spring break, the mainframe will be down. Curt will clarify available access during that period.

12. President: Juan Vázquez a. Chancellor’s Ball:  Action: SCC needs to make recommendations for the Partners in Education awards. One suggestion: Roger Hobbs from the Community Foundation of Orange.  Asking for participation from all faculty and staff. A steering committee will be meeting soon to determine the responsibilities for each college and the district. b. Proposed Planning Timelines. Action: Review as to how SCC can fit into or modify to the needs of the college. c. Accreditation visit resulted in an abbreviated visit in fall 2008, which will also bring in sync the accreditation process for the entire district. d. The classified hiring request list is going to the Chancellor next week, and will be followed by the administrator list.

13. Next meeting: Tuesday, February 28, 2006, 2:00 p.m., E-107.
