Global Comparative Religions
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Global Comparative Religions (Student Handout)
Historically, the world has been wrought with conflict over religious differences. Wars, terrorist attacks, genocides, and discriminations have been the norm in one part of the world or another throughout history. IF we can work together to understand the differences in our religions and recognize the similarities that we have, perhaps these conflicts will cease to exist. While this may seem unfathomable to some, it is something for which we must strive if we wish to end the suffering that is imposed on many for their religious beliefs.
Essential Questions:
1. How is culture defined by one’s religion? 2. How has the historic lack of tolerance created domestic and international conflict today?
Daily Blog:
You will answer the above questions in your daily journal entries in Moodle. These questions cannot be answered in one or two sentences, but rather will be a compilation of what you are learning. Please realize that once your research phase via the Internet is completed, you learning has not stopped. You must conduct the other facets of the project, which will enhance your ability to answer the questions. Additionally, the discussion board via the Ning will provoke your thoughts on the essential questions. Finally, your interviews will add to your knowledge base and create a more personal aspect to your learning. In short, you will be continually adding to your daily blog. Please note that this may be completed in class or at home, but MUST BE DONE ON A DAILY BASIS!
Wiki Creation:
Based on your assigned religion, you will need to work collaboratively to find the following information:
. Major beliefs . Lifestyle norms (Remember to contact the appropriate organization.) . Examples of experienced discrimination (current and historic) . Examples of human rights violations (current and historic) . Numbers of religious followers based on population and on major areas of the world . Impact of the religion on particular governments (i.e. Islam on Middle Eastern nations) . Conflicts that have arisen from the practice of the religion (current and historic) . Examples of terrorist acts that have taken place in the name of religion Rules to Remember:
. All information will be initially stored on a Google Doc. Please remember to invite me into your doc ([email protected])
. Information will then be transferred to the appropriate wiki page.
. The appropriate headings that correspond to the above list of 8 requirements are to be created. Please see the sample Buddhism wiki page created by me. (Bold type and Heading 3 were used)
. Create links back to the home page!
. Any links created to outside pages, must be linked in a new window.
. Resources must be listed and linked in a new window.
Learning Styles Inventory Individual Assignment:
Based on your LSI results, you will complete one of the two listed assignments under your profile. Please refer to the attached sheet regarding the possible assignments and the corresponding rubric. (See LSI assignment.)
Discussion Board via Ning:
Several Global Studies classes will be completing this project at the same time. Each class will be assigned a group in the Ning. The purpose of the Ning is to share resources and ideas with the other classes. You are required to post a minimum of four times throughout the duration of this project. Your posts may be questions, responses to questions, or listing of resources that you found to be useful.
Panel Presentation:
At the conclusion of your research, discussions, and religious analysis based on your LSI, you will prepare a Prezi presentation to submit to a panel of religious experts. This presentation will be designed to propose a solution to promote religious tolerance worldwide. In order to prepare for this panel presentation, each group will first give an informal presentation to the class via their wiki. A question and answer session will follow each presentation. The ENTIRE class will then work together to create a proposed solution and the Prezi will be completed at this time. ---- REMEMBER: This is a professional presentation and you are expected to act as professionals! This includes professional attire on the day of the presentation. Essay Reflection:
Following all aspects of this unit, for homework, you will complete an essay reflection that fully answers the essential questions for this unit. You may use any wiki information, previous journal entries, and the presentations to help you complete this essay.
Project Timeline:
Please note that days are approximate in nature. It is expected that some work will occur outside of the scheduled 80-minute class period and 40-minute Academic Prep period. It is also expected that students will be multi-tasking each day to complete discussions boards and daily blog entries for which they are responsible. The final essay is to be completed for homework, but may be completed during class time if individual students or student groups are ahead of schedule.
Days 1-2: Research collection Days 3-4: Research compilation for wiki, creation of interview questions, scheduling of interview (actual interview outside of class) Days 5-6: Art, Music, Literature, Math Analysis - Assignments based on Learning Styles Inventory Day 7: Small group presentations to the class regarding basic points about assigned religion Day 8: Outline for proposal to the panel of religious experts Days 9-10: Proposal compilation including visuals Day 11: Practice session of proposal Day 12: Proposal modifications based on class feedback and second practice session Day 13: Panel presentation Day 14: Project debrief with peer and self-evaluations Day 15: Final essay reflections DUE Global Religions Wiki Rubric
1 2 3 4 Total Organization Little to no Minimally Well organized, Excellent organization organized. but could use organizational without the use Headers used, some skills. Headers of headers or but spacing made improvement. and spacing were spacing. it difficult to Headers and appropriate. All read. spacing were links opened in used, but links new windows. did not open in new windows. Research Very little Minimal Multiple sources Extensive evidence of research were used research research. No conducted. One beyond what conducted, (points x 3) sites used or two sites used was provided. including a beyond what beyond what was Google Scholar was provided. provided. article. Content: Lacks insight Student is Shows insight Student Major Beliefs and student uncomfortable and student is at demonstrates does not have a with the ease with the remarkable grasp of the information. One content, but fails insight and full (points x 3) information. or two sentences to elaborate. knowledge of One or two included. Includes a content. Includes bullets general well- constructed included. paragraph, but paragraphs with could elaborate detailed more. information. Content: Lacks insight Student is Shows insight Student Lifestyle and student uncomfortable and student is at demonstrates does not have a with the ease with the remarkable grasp of the information. One content, but fails insight and full (points x 3) information. or two sentences to elaborate. knowledge of One or two included. Includes a content. Includes bullets general well- constructed included. paragraph, but paragraphs with could elaborate detailed more. information. Content: Lacks insight Student is Shows insight Student Discrimination and student uncomfortable and student is at demonstrates does not have a with the ease with the remarkable grasp of the information. One content, but fails insight and full (points x 3) information. or two sentences to elaborate. knowledge of One or two included. Includes a content. Includes bullets general well- constructed included. paragraph, but paragraphs with could elaborate detailed more. information. Content: Human Rights Lacks insight Student is Shows insight Student and student uncomfortable and student is at demonstrates does not have a with the ease with the remarkable (points x 3) grasp of the information. One content, but fails insight and full information. or two sentences to elaborate. knowledge of One or two included. Includes a content. Includes bullets general well- constructed included. paragraph, but paragraphs with could elaborate detailed more. information. Content: Lacks insight Student is Shows insight Student Religious and student uncomfortable and student is at demonstrates does not have a with the ease with the remarkable Followers grasp of the information. One content, but fails insight and full information. or two sentences to elaborate. knowledge of (points x 3) One or two included. Includes a content. Includes bullets general well- constructed included. paragraph, but paragraphs with could elaborate detailed more. information. Content: Lacks insight Student is Shows insight Student Government and student uncomfortable and student is at demonstrates does not have a with the ease with the remarkable Impact grasp of the information. One content, but fails insight and full information. or two sentences to elaborate. knowledge of (points x 3) One or two included. Includes a content. Includes bullets general well- constructed included. paragraph, but paragraphs with could elaborate detailed more. information. Content: Lacks insight Student is Shows insight Student Court Cases and student uncomfortable and student is at demonstrates does not have a with the ease with the remarkable grasp of the information. One content, but fails insight and full (points x 3) information. or two sentences to elaborate. knowledge of One or two included. Includes a content. Includes bullets general well- constructed included. paragraph, but paragraphs with could elaborate detailed more. information. Content: Lacks insight Student is Shows insight Student Conflicts and student uncomfortable and student is at demonstrates does not have a with the ease with the remarkable grasp of the information. One content, but fails insight and full (points x 3) information. or two sentences to elaborate. knowledge of One or two included. Includes a content. Includes bullets general well-constructed included. paragraph, but paragraphs with could elaborate detailed more. information. Grammar and Wiki was full Wiki had ten to Wiki had five to Wiki was Spelling of grammar and fifteen grammar ten spelling and virtually free spelling errors. and spelling grammar errors. from spelling Too many to errors. and grammar count. errors. Collaborative It is evident in It is evident in at It is evident in at It is evident in Editing at least one area least one area least two areas three or more that that extensive that extensive areas that collaborative collaborative collaborative extensive editing was editing was editing was collaborative conducted. conducted. conducted. editing was conducted.
Total Points Earned: ______/120
Journal Entry Rubric
2 3 4 5 Entries Completed less Completed Completed Completed 90% Completed than 50% of the between 50% between 75% or more of the entries and 75% of the and 90% of the entries entries entries Quality of Entries were Entries were of Entries were of Entries were of Entries less than satisfactory good quality. excellent satisfactory. quality. quality. Relation to Entries did not Entries touched Entries Entries related Essential relate to the upon the predominantly solely to the Question essential essential related to the essential question. question. essential question. question. Reflection Entries are not Entries are Entries are Entries are reflective. occasionally usually always used for reflective. reflective. reflection. Spelling and There are ten or There are five There are fewer There are no Grammar more grammar or more than five grammar or or spelling grammar or grammar or spelling errors. errors. spelling errors. spelling errors.
TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______/25 Discussion Board Rubric
2 3 4 5 Evidence of Provided no Provided some Provided Comments and Critical evidence of insight and insight and information Thinking critical thinking depth to the depth, but some added created in the discussion, but irrelevant much insight discussion. provided no information and depth to the justification or was included. discussion. explanation. Understanding Shows little Shows some It is evident the The discussion of Discussion understanding understanding discussion is is understood of discussion. of the basically and this is discussion. understood. evident in the quality of information added to the discussion. Level of Provided Sporadically Provided Provided Participation minimal provided comments and comments and comments and comments and some new new information to some new information in a information in a other information. At fairly regular regular and participants. At least two posts manner. At equitable least one post were made. least three posts manner. At was made. were made. least four posts were made.
TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______/15 Panel Presentation Rubric
2 4 6 8 Total Points Research Very little Minimal Multiple Extensive evidence of research sources were research research. No conducted. One used beyond conducted. sites used or two sites used what was beyond what beyond what provided. was provided. was provided. Content Lacks insight Student is Shows insight Student and student uncomfortable and student is at demonstrates does not have a with the ease with the remarkable grasp of the information. content, but insight and information. fails to full content elaborate. knowledge. Research Presentation Presentation was Presentation Presentation Presentation was not informative, but was informative was excellent (Wiki informative and not fully and fully with a Discussion) topic was not explained. explained. detailed fully explained. explanation of topic. Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation Professionalism aspects lack any aspects had aspects were aspects were professional professional generally exceptionally qualities. No elements. Dress professional. professional. professional was semi- Dress was Dress was as dress and poor professional, business casual if you were in speaking skills. with an and speaking a business appropriate shirt, skills were meeting and but not pants or professional your speaking shoes. Speaking with only one or was clear and skills were two mistakes. loud enough adequate. to be heard by the panel. Grammar and Presentation Presentation had Presentation Presentation Spelling was full of fewer than six had fewer than was virtually spelling and errors. three errors. error free. grammar errors. Overall Plan Overall plan is Overall plan is Overall plan is Overall plan not comprehensive, comprehensive is excellent comprehensive but parts are not and is feasible. and may even and is not feasible. work! feasible.
TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______/48 Final Religion Essay Rubric
2 3 4 5
Position Statement of Position is Position is Position is Statement position stated, but is clearly stated clearly stated cannot be not maintained and consistently and consistently determined. consistently maintained. maintained with throughout Missing clear references work. references to the to the issue. issue. Supporting Evidence is Argument is Evidence clearly Evidence clearly Information: unrelated to supported by supports the supports the Religion and argument. limited position with position; Culture evidence. two or three includes four or examples. more examples.
Supporting Evidence is Argument is Evidence clearly Evidence clearly Information: unrelated to supported by supports the supports the Domestic argument. limited position with position; Conflict evidence. two or three includes four or examples. more examples.
Supporting Evidence is Argument is Evidence clearly Evidence clearly Information: unrelated to supported by supports the supports the International argument. limited position with position; Conflict evidence. two or three includes four or examples. more examples.
Grammar and There are ten There are five There are fewer There are no Spelling or more or more than five grammar or grammar or grammar or grammar or spelling errors. spelling spelling errors. spelling errors. errors.
TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______/25 Project Reflection: Self
1 2 3 4 Quality of Provided work that Provided work that Provided high Provided work of the usually needed to be occasionally needed quality work. highest quality. Work checked/redone by to be checked/redone others to ensure by other group (x 4) quality. members to ensure quality. Evidence of Quality of Work Collaboration: Group member was Group member Group member Group member consistently absent played a passive role, played an active role provided leadership Leadership during the project generating few new in generating new to the group and Initiative and rarely ideas; tended to do ideas, took initiative thoughtfully contributed when only what they were in getting tasks organizing and here. told to do by others organized and dividing the work, (x 3) or did not seek help completed, and checking on when needed. sought help when progress, or needed. providing focus and direction for the project. Evidence of Leadership and Initiative Collaboration: Group member Group member tried Group member Group member seemed unwilling to to help, but was demonstrated a actively checked Facilitation help others and mostly unable and willingness to help with others to and Support provided distractions sometimes provided other group members understand how each to the other group distraction to the when asked, actively member was members. other group listened to the ideas progressing and how (x 3) members. of others, and helped he or she may be of create a positive help. work environment. Evidence of Facilitation and Support Collaboration: Group member was Group member was Group member was The group member often off task, did not often off task, did not prepared to work made up for work Contributions complete complete each day, met due left undone by other and Work assignments or assignments or dates by completing group members and Ethic duties, or had duties, or had assignments and demonstrated attendance problems attendance problems worked hard on the willingness to spend that significantly that significantly project more of the significant time (x 4) impeded progress on impeded progress on time. If absent, other outside of the project. the project. May group members class/school to have worked hard, knew the reason, and complete the project. but on relatively progress was not unimportant parts of significantly the project. impeded. Evidence of Contributions and Work Ethic TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______/56 Project Reflection: Peer
1 2 3 4 Quality of Provided work that Provided work that Provided high Provided work of the usually needed to be occasionally needed quality work. highest quality. Work checked/redone by to be checked/redone others to ensure by other group (x 4) quality. members to ensure quality. Evidence of Quality of Work Collaboration: Group member was Group member Group member Group member consistently absent played a passive role, played an active role provided leadership Leadership during the project generating few new in generating new to the group and Initiative and rarely ideas; tended to do ideas, took initiative thoughtfully contributed when only what they were in getting tasks organizing and here. told to do by others organized and dividing the work, (x 3) or did not seek help completed, and checking on when needed. sought help when progress, or needed. providing focus and direction for the project. Evidence of Leadership and Initiative Collaboration: Group member Group member tried Group member Group member seemed unwilling to to help, but was demonstrated a actively checked Facilitation help others and mostly unable and willingness to help with others to and Support provided distractions sometimes provided other group members understand how each to the other group distraction to the when asked, actively member was members. other group listened to the ideas progressing and how (x 3) members. of others, and helped he or she may be of create a positive help. work environment. Evidence of Facilitation and Support Collaboration: Group member was Group member was Group member was The group member often off task, did not often off task, did not prepared to work made up for work Contributions complete complete each day, met due left undone by other and Work assignments or assignments or dates by completing group members and Ethic duties, or had duties, or had assignments and demonstrated attendance problems attendance problems worked hard on the willingness to spend that significantly that significantly project more of the significant time (x 4) impeded progress on impeded progress on time. If absent, other outside of the project. the project. May group members class/school to have worked hard, knew the reason, and complete the project. but on relatively progress was not unimportant parts of significantly the project. impeded. Evidence of Contributions and Work Ethic TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______/56 Project Reflection: Peer
1 2 3 4 Quality of Provided work that Provided work that Provided high Provided work of the usually needed to be occasionally needed quality work. highest quality. Work checked/redone by to be checked/redone others to ensure by other group (x 4) quality. members to ensure quality. Evidence of Quality of Work Collaboration: Group member was Group member Group member Group member consistently absent played a passive role, played an active role provided leadership Leadership during the project generating few new in generating new to the group and Initiative and rarely ideas; tended to do ideas, took initiative thoughtfully contributed when only what they were in getting tasks organizing and here. told to do by others organized and dividing the work, (x 3) or did not seek help completed, and checking on when needed. sought help when progress, or needed. providing focus and direction for the project. Evidence of Leadership and Initiative Collaboration: Group member Group member tried Group member Group member seemed unwilling to to help, but was demonstrated a actively checked Facilitation help others and mostly unable and willingness to help with others to and Support provided distractions sometimes provided other group members understand how each to the other group distraction to the when asked, actively member was members. other group listened to the ideas progressing and how (x 3) members. of others, and helped he or she may be of create a positive help. work environment. Evidence of Facilitation and Support Collaboration: Group member was Group member was Group member was The group member often off task, did not often off task, did not prepared to work made up for work Contributions complete complete each day, met due left undone by other and Work assignments or assignments or dates by completing group members and Ethic duties, or had duties, or had assignments and demonstrated attendance problems attendance problems worked hard on the willingness to spend that significantly that significantly project more of the significant time (x 4) impeded progress on impeded progress on time. If absent, other outside of the project. the project. May group members class/school to have worked hard, knew the reason, and complete the project. but on relatively progress was not unimportant parts of significantly the project. impeded. Evidence of Contributions and Work Ethic TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______/56 Project Reflection: Peer
1 2 3 4 Quality of Provided work that Provided work that Provided high Provided work of the usually needed to be occasionally needed quality work. highest quality. Work checked/redone by to be checked/redone others to ensure by other group (x 4) quality. members to ensure quality. Evidence of Quality of Work Collaboration: Group member was Group member Group member Group member consistently absent played a passive role, played an active role provided leadership Leadership during the project generating few new in generating new to the group and Initiative and rarely ideas; tended to do ideas, took initiative thoughtfully contributed when only what they were in getting tasks organizing and here. told to do by others organized and dividing the work, (x 3) or did not seek help completed, and checking on when needed. sought help when progress, or needed. providing focus and direction for the project. Evidence of Leadership and Initiative Collaboration: Group member Group member tried Group member Group member seemed unwilling to to help, but was demonstrated a actively checked Facilitation help others and mostly unable and willingness to help with others to and Support provided distractions sometimes provided other group members understand how each to the other group distraction to the when asked, actively member was members. other group listened to the ideas progressing and how (x 3) members. of others, and helped he or she may be of create a positive help. work environment. Evidence of Facilitation and Support Collaboration: Group member was Group member was Group member was The group member often off task, did not often off task, did not prepared to work made up for work Contributions complete complete each day, met due left undone by other and Work assignments or assignments or dates by completing group members and Ethic duties, or had duties, or had assignments and demonstrated attendance problems attendance problems worked hard on the willingness to spend that significantly that significantly project more of the significant time (x 4) impeded progress on impeded progress on time. If absent, other outside of the project. the project. May group members class/school to have worked hard, knew the reason, and complete the project. but on relatively progress was not unimportant parts of significantly the project. impeded. Evidence of Contributions and Work Ethic TOTAL POINTS EARNED: ______/56