Selectmen S Meeting s2

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Selectmen S Meeting s2

Selectmen’s Meeting October 15, 2007


Chairwoman Brunelle called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Selectman Perkins, Selectman Bond, and Selectman Rogers were present. Selectman Spataro was absent.

Chairwoman Brunelle began the meeting by introducing Steve Lombard, who will be the new Town Manager.

Chairwoman Brunelle thanked all department heads and staff for getting through the long, stressful, summer without a Town Manager.


There were no Minutes to approve tonight.


Meeting with Highway Superintendent – RE: Recycling

Don Boucher, Highway Superintendent, was present. He told the Board he was requesting to add paper items to the curbside recycling collection. The Board was given a list of the proposed items. Mr. Boucher is asking that approval of the additional items be effective as of November 5th.

Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board VOTED: To approve the request of Don Boucher to add items to the curbside recycling collection as listed in a memo to the Board of Selectmen dated October 11, 2007, commencing November 5, 2007. Unanimous Vote.

Mr. Boucher said the list will be updated on the Town’s website.

Meeting with Police Chief – RE: Update

Gary Russell was present to update the Board on the Fire Department.

Chairwoman Brunelle said the Board had requested to meet with Chief Russell to discuss the recent promotion for an additional Day Captain.

Chief Russell explained that, because of the resignation of the Deputy Chief, an additional Day Officer was needed. This would save $12,000/year. The promotion was done per contract and the appointee was Jim Wiksten, who is also a friend of the Chief’s.

1 of 16 Selectmen’s Meeting October 15, 2007

Chief Russell explained that Captain Wiksten had taken all the required tests. The position was offered to 7 senior people who all refused.

Chief Russell told the Board that Captain George Andrade had originally accepted the position and then changed his mind. As a result, the Chief went back to the original list and started over. The senior Lieutenant, Carl Reed, Jr., did not want an administrative position and refused.

Chief Russell told the Board that he has been Fire Chief for 3 ½ months and the department is “just starting to get its head above water”. He said some issues are being dealt with. Two (2) fire engines are out of service. The ladder truck did not pass the certification test. Repairs will cost approximately $150,000. The company who has prepared the report does not want to do the repairs.

Selectman Rogers noted that $130,000 was spent on repairs for the truck three (3) years ago.

Chief Russell said issues had been brought up immediately. The biggest issue is the twisting of the ladder when it is extended. The pistons are leaking, cables are rubbing against it, and there are cracks in the frame.

Chief Russell said there is also a problem with the heating system requiring about $5000 in repairs.

Selectman Bond asked what $130,000 in repairs “got” for the ladder truck.

Chief Russell said he didn’t know.

Selectman Bond asked if the invoice for the repairs was available.

Chief Russell said he has found some, but can’t find certification from the company that did the refurbishing and stress test. The company has since changed names. He said issues with the truck were brought to attention immediately. A new truck will cost between $500,000 and $750,000.

Chairwoman Brunelle asked what year the truck is.

Chief Russell said he thought it was in the mid-90s. He said the truck was a rare truck to begin with, and it has been difficult to get parts. He will meet with the company to have a stress done. The cost will be $900.

Selectman Bond asked if there was a market to buy used ladder trucks.

Chief Russell said he didn’t know. He said he has been looking into Grant money.

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Chairwoman Brunelle asked if there was any money left in the building account to pay for the HVAC system repairs.

Chief Russell said there is $37,000 in the account, but didn’t know how to access it. He said there are also windows leaking on some doors and water coming from upstairs.

Chairwoman Brunelle suggested a meeting with the Building Committee.

Chief Russell said the Board might want to start thinking about purchasing a new ladder truck.

Selectman Bond asked how the Executive Committee at the Fire Department is working.

Chief Russell said “excellent”. He said they meet once/month where lieutenants and captains give input.

Selectman Bond asked if the Chief was requesting any further changes in operations.

Chief Russell said he was requesting t o fill a third position. He noted that the overtime budget was cut from $200,000 to $100,000. Hiring the position will help eliminate some of the overtime.

Chief Russell also expressed concern with reimbursement from the Town Meeting in July being denied.

Chairwoman Brunelle said she was not aware of this and would look into it.

Chief Russell noted there was an agreement with the previous Chief. The amount is about $2,000.

Chairwoman Brunelle said the request could be put under the supplemental budget article if needed.

Selectman Rogers asked if the Chief would provide a report on the ladder truck to the Board.

Chief Russell said he hoped to have all information soon. He will also provide a list of needed repairs at the Station.

Jane Lopes, a member of the Building Committee, said there is bonding authorization money left. She said she believed the warranties have probably run out.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Rogers, the Board VOTED: To ask the Chief to meet with the Building Committee as soon as possible to address the issues. Unanimous Vote.

3 of 16 Selectmen’s Meeting October 15, 2007

Chief Russell asked about authorization to hire a third firefighter. He said interviews are being conducted now. He explained that Tracy White retired, the Deputy resigned, and there were two (2) retirements filled.

Selectman Rogers suggested the FinCom be asked for a recommendation.

Chief Russell said the money is within the budget.

Selectman Rogers said the FinCom should have an understanding as part of the process.

Chief Russell said it is not normal procedure to go to the FinCom to hire replacement personnel.

Selectman Rogers said the Board has received nothing in writing regarding tonight’s request.

Chief Russell asked if Selectman Rogers doubted his word.

Selectman Rogers said a process is needed and the FinCom should be notified as a courtesy.

Chairwoman Brunelle suggested the Chief make sure there are sufficient funds in the budget to cover the request.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To authorize the Fire Chief to hire a third firefighter, and to provide a copy of the Board’s motion and request to the FinCom for their information to comment if they’d like. VOTE 3 – 0 – 1 (Chairwoman Brunelle abstained)

Jane Lopes asked if the Board would take action on reappointing the Chief at tonight’s meeting.

Chief Russell explained that his appointment had been until tonight’s meeting at which time he would report back to the Board.

Chairwoman Brunelle said she wanted a written report and recommendation.

Chief Russell said the letter he received from the Board would terminate him as Chief as of this meeting.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To reappoint Gary Russell as the Fire Chief for a period of 90 days. Unanimous Vote.

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Chief Russell said he would provide a written report for the Board within the next week. He said he would come back if the Board wanted him to explain it.

Discussion – Charter Commission

Chairwoman Brunelle noted that the Board had discussed various possibilities for a Charter Commission, including an elected Commission.

Selectman Perkins said he didn’t see the need to do that. He said the Charter doesn’t need major changes.

Selectman Rogers said he had no opinion, but suggested it be delayed for a couple months to allow the Board to finish other business.

Selectman Bond said he liked the idea of an elected Commission. He said there are a number of pressing issues that will need to be dealt with, including what form of government will suit the Town best with a resort coming in. An election would attract new people to the process.

Chairwoman Brunelle said the discussion for the Charter Commission is in regards to the DOR Report. She said she didn’t mind putting the item off for a while.

Selectman Bond said the casino has more time sensitive issues and suggested doing something in regards to that.

Selectman Rogers suggested waiting until after Town Meeting.

Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Rogers, the Board VOTED: To schedule further discussion for November 19th. Unanimous Vote.

Selectman Rogers said he would provide a summary regarding the Charter on the Town’s Website.

Hearing – Vicious Dog Complaint – Bavin – 371 Wareham Street

Chairwoman Brunelle explained that this request had been withdrawn. The hearing was going to be heard regarding the relocation of a potentially vicious dog to Middleboro from another community. The Animal Control Officer had spoke to the individual who said the dog would not be relocated to Middleboro.

Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board VOTED: To send a copy of the information to Town Counsel asking what right another community has to put a vicious dog in Middleboro, or what obligation there is for giving notice for the community to respond. Unanimous Vote.

5 of 16 Selectmen’s Meeting October 15, 2007


Discussion – Casino Task Force

Selectman Perkins said he requested this item on tonight’s agenda in reference to Middleboro being shunned from this group, which is made up of 17 towns and a representative from SRPEDD. Ruth Geoffroy was sent as the Town’s representative and was not allowed to speak. Prior to the public discussion, Chairwoman Yeatts requested a police officer be present for the discussion. He said he would like to see the Board send a strong letter requesting representation on this group.

Selectman Rogers suggested trying a different tact. He said he had contacted the Chairwoman of that Committee and asked to be placed on the agenda of the next meeting. The Committee is comprised of Selectmen from other communities. He reminded the Board that he and Selectman Bond had met on the night of the formation and Selectman Bond had spoke about the importance to communicate and be part of the regional group. He asked that the Board appoint him to meet with the group and to attend all meetings, to come back to meet with the Advisory Committee.

Selectman Bond said he had talked to Lakeville Selectman Maksy today. He noted that Lakeville hasn’t voted on their position. He noted a letter from Kingston whose Board is against the Casino, but supports Middleboro being include in the Task Force.

Selectman Bond suggested Ruth Geoffroy attend with Selectman Rogers to hear what is being said. He said she has a good grasp on what’s going on with the infrastructure.

Selectman Perkins said he had no problem with Ms. Geoffroy attending to listen, but should speak with Selectman Rogers’s authority.

Chairwoman Brunelle noted that this Board offered several times to share information.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To appoint Selectman Rogers as the Board’s representative to the Casino Task Force, with Ruth Geoffroy attended as a resource as needed. Unanimous Vote.

Appointments to Casino Advisory Committee

Selectman Bond reviewed the applicants for this Committee who were on the previous committee. They included: Nancy Ockers, David Thomas, Eric Cederholm, Regina Moriarty, Colleen Lieb, Barbara Frappier, and Brian Giovanoni.

Selectman Bond suggested the 7 applicants be appointed and review applications to fill the additional 4 openings.

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Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board VOTED: To appoint Nancy Ockers, David Thomas, Eric Cederholm, Regina Moriarty, Colleen Lieb, Barbara Frappier, and Brian Giovanoni as the Casino Advisory Committee, advertising 4 openings until October 24th, at which time a recommendation for appointment will be made to the Board by the Committee. Unanimous Vote.

Brian Giovanoni noted that his Committee will meet on October 24th. The Board will meet with the Committee on October 29th.

Discussion ensued on the Committee’s website.

Mr. Giovanoni said it will be an agenda item for his Committee.

Chairwoman Brunelle said the information should be on the Town’s website.

Selectman Rogers told the Board that he had drafted something regarding the charge of the Committee. He suggested discussing it further on the 29th. He noted that $250,000 is available for use for issues that have to be evaluated.

Request to Place Stop Sign on Maple Road – Police Chief

Chief Russell explained that this has been the site of several accidents. There was no sign previously placed there.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To approve the request of the Police Chief to place a stop sign at the end of Maple Road. Unanimous Vote.

Selectman Rogers asked that the Chief also look into placing a sign at the corner of Purchade and Plymouth Street.

Discussion – Set Date for Water Rate Review

Selectman Rogers said he had met with Dick Tinkham and Tighe & Bond regarding existing and needed projects. He created a spreadsheet that he presented to the Board. He said there is a meeting scheduled with Wes Gardner for Thursday morning. This will discuss what should be in the report for the water rates as to what would fund capital projects over the next 3 – 5 years.

Chairwoman Brunelle suggested meeting on an “off night” to discuss this.

Selectman Perkins suggested, in addition to rates, connection and hook-up fees should be reviewed.

7 of 16 Selectmen’s Meeting October 15, 2007

Selectman Rogers said the water rates are based on capital projects and system development fees in order to pay for debt service. He said there should be a “bonus fee” to come into the system. This is difficult to determine without water rates. He suggested the water rates be done first, and in a month discuss the connection and hook-up fees. Then, in another month, wastewater rates and percentages could be discussed.

It was the consensus of the Board to schedule a Water Rates Workshop for November 28th.

Set Date for Classification Hearing

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To schedule the Tax Classification Hearing for November 7th. Unanimous Vote.

Set Date for Public Hearing of STM Warrant

It was the consensus of the Board to hold a public hearing for the STM Warrant on October 29th.

Selectman Bond noted that there had been some question as to the Board’s action last week on setting the Warrant without being listed on the agenda.

Chairwoman Brunelle explained that there are different processes involved in getting tax bills out before the end of the year. She took full responsibility for the item not being on last week’s agenda, but explained it had to be done. She said there is never an opening date for the Warrant, but the Board sets a closing date. Items can be submitted at any time to go on the next Warrant.

Copies of the Warrant will be available online tomorrow.

Town’s Option to Purchase Chapterland – DeMoranville

Motion was made by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Chairwoman Brunelle, not to exercise the Town’s option to purchase chapterland located on Wareham Street owned by Philip DeMoranville. Discussion ensued.

Chairwoman Brunelle noted a letter from the Assessors with no objection to the removal.

Selectman Bond asked whether or not the Water Department had been notified of the proposal.

Selectman Perkins noted that the Board had previously authorized another parcel that is contiguous to this parcel.

Chairwoman Brunelle asked if the Board wished to postpone the item for one week.

8 of 16 Selectmen’s Meeting October 15, 2007

Selectman Rogers noted the property is only 10 acres. The Water Department is usually notified for 25+ acres.

Vote was taken. Unanimous Vote.

Request to Approve & Sign WRPD Report for Pavestone

Mr. Lombard told the Board that he had received amended plans as requested.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Rogers, the Board VOTED: To authorize the Chairwoman to sign the Report. VOTE 3 – 1 (Selectman Bond opposed)

Request to Place Recycling Bin – Recycling Associates Inc./Make-A-Wish

Chairwoman Brunelle read a letter from Recycling Associates Inc./Make-A-Wish asking for permission to put a bin on land owned by the Town on Harding Street.

Chairwoman Brunelle said she believed the land is owned by the G&E Department and asked that the letter be forwarded to them.

Request to Use Town Hall Auditorium – Girl Scouts

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To allow the Girl Scouts to use the Auditorium on November 19, 2007 and to waive the fees. Unanimous Vote.

Request to Use Town Hall Parking Lot – Central Baptist Church

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Rogers, the Board VOTED: To approve the request of the Central Baptist Church to use the Town Hall parking lot on October 31st from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM for the 2nd annual Trunk or Treat Program. Unanimous Vote.

Request to Dispose of Van – Council on Aging

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To declare a 1987 Dodge van as surplus and allow the COA to dispose of it. Unanimous Vote.

9 of 16 Selectmen’s Meeting October 15, 2007

Request to Carry-Over Vacation – Highway Superintendent

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To approve the request of the Highway Superintendent to carry-over three (3) vacation days to the next calendar year. Unanimous Vote.

Request for Permission to Use Vehicle Out-of-State – Veterans’ Services Officer

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To approve the request of Paul Provencher to use the Town vehicle to travel to Rhode Island for appointments at the VA Hospital in Providence. Unanimous Vote. Unanimous Vote.


Mr. Lombard thanked the Board for his appointment. He said Department Heads have been very cooperative in developing a rapport with him. He has created a financial team, which will meet every Tuesday to develop revenue figures and help with the budget process. He said budget forms are being prepared to be distributed to Department Heads. He hoped to have a preliminary budget to present to the Board by the end of the year.

Mr. Lombard said he will also be discussing moving his office.

Chairwoman Brunelle suggested the financial team is doing with the Collaborative Leadership Group would do.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To suspend the CLG. Unanimous Vote.

Mr. Lombard said he is also keeping the FinCom apprised of the budget process.

Selectman Perkins noted an item in the Town Manager’s Report concerning a SRPEDD meeting.

Mr. Lombard said he would attend that meeting.


Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board VOTED: To pay three (3) bills submitted by the Middleboro G&E Department totaling $99.95. Unanimous Vote.

10 of 16 Selectmen’s Meeting October 15, 2007

Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board VOTED: To pay the bill submitted by SEMASS in the amount of $11,079.84. Unanimous Vote.

Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board VOTED: To pay the bill submitted by W.B. Mason in the amount of $103.73. Unanimous Vote.

Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board VOTED: To pay the bill submitted by Southcoast Media in the amount of $323.50. Unanimous Vote.

Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board VOTED: To pay the bill submitted by the MMA in the amount of $140.00. Unanimous Vote.


Gates Property – Water Exploration

Selectman Perkins noted correspondence from Town Counsel regarding the chapterland of Donald and Joanne Gates.

The Board had begun water exploration on the site, but time ran out and the option to purchase was denied.

Attorney Murray said the Gates’ are willing to grant a license to the Town for further exploration.

Selectman Perkins said this was a good idea as the Town had already spent some money.

Selectman Bond said Mr. Tinkham seemed to indicate that there is a good possibility of the property being a good water resource.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To get an additional license to complete water exploration on the Gates’ property. Unanimous Vote.

Selectman Bond asked for a copy of the P&S that was submitted to see who the parties are.

11 of 16 Selectmen’s Meeting October 15, 2007

Monitoring Wells – Rte. 28

Chairwoman Brunelle explained that a request has been made by the owners of the Bottle Shop to sign an agreement for site access to the Town-owned property across the street from Stop & Shop. The request is being made to allow the installation of monitoring wells as required by the DEP.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To authorize the Chairwoman to sign the agreement. Unanimous Vote.

Discussion ensued on when the wells would be removed. Chairwoman Brunelle said she would follow up.

Request for Reimbursement – Ginny Landers, MJHS Building Committee

Chairwoman Brunelle said that Ginny Landers has made a request to be reimbursed for her telephone expense in connection with being the Chairwoman of the MJHS Building Committee from June through September of last year. She is requesting to be reimbursed for the overage charges only. The Committee has voted to authorize the reimbursement, but the Town Accountant is asking for a vote of the Board.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To allow the reimbursement of $674.87 to Ginny Landis to be paid from the Building Committee funds. Unanimous Vote.

Negative Impact – Casino

Selectman Bond said he had received a letter from a landowner who has suffered a negative impact on their economics because of the casino. He is asking for assistance for a tax adjustment in the value of the property, and also looking for where things are going on the property to determine the proximity to his condos.

Mr. Lombard suggested Town Counsel review the letter to see if it should be discussed in Executive Session.

Selectman Bond suggested the letter also go to the Town Planner with instructions to get in touch with the people to share any information she may have about the plans for the casino.

Chairwoman Brunelle said an adjustment of value on the property is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Assessors.

Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board

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VOTED: To send copies of the letter to Town Counsel and the Town Planner. Unanimous Vote.


October 1, 2007 Meeting

 The Board received correspondence from the EMS Advisory Committee in regards to seeking RFPs for the ambulance service agreement, which will expire in June of 2008.

 Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Rogers, the Board VOTED: To authorize changes to a P&S Agreement with Carl Tucci in regards to the land exchange on Plymouth and off Wareham Streets. Unanimous Vote.

 Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To appoint Selectman Rogers as the Board’s representative to the Facilities Use & Planning Committee for the School Department. Unanimous Vote.

 The Board publicly thanked Eastern Bank for their donated articles of furniture to the School Department.

 Information on a seminar for the Municipal Coalition for Affordable Housing will be forwarded to Anna Nalevanko and Ruth Geoffroy.

 Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To send a letter of support for the request of the Chicken House for a KENO license. Unanimous Vote.

 Discussion ensued on the Job Posting for the Conservation Agent.

Selectman Rogers said there is a hiring freeze and was “surprised” that the position had been posted. He said the request should’ve gone through the Personnel Board for comment. He said the Board should look at the position to see if changes could be made.

Selectman Bond noted that the position is a GMEG position and would be subject to bargaining with the group.

 The Board received correspondence from Town Counsel regarding public records requests and personal files.

13 of 16 Selectmen’s Meeting October 15, 2007

Attorney Murray said that personal notes taken during meetings are not part of public records.

Selectman Bond explained that, although not public documents, they could be made subject to Discovery Requests with litigation.

Jane Lopes also explained that notes between members of the Board are public documents.

October 15, 2007 Correspondence

 A public service announcement was made regarding the Housing Rehab Assistance Program.

 The Assessor/Appraiser is asking that the conversion to quarterly tax bills wait until FY 2010.

 Discussion ensued on correspondence from Chief Russell in regards to appointing a Civil Defense Director for the Fire Department. Previously, Chief Silva had the position and does not wish to continue.

Chief Russell suggested that Lt. Richard Cummings be appointed to the position, with the possible appointment of David Taylor as an Assistant.

Selectman Bond suggested the position should be advertised. He said retired firefighters might be interested in the position. It is a “stipend” position.

Chairwoman Brunelle said the “Right to Know Coordinator” was also a position within the Fire Chief Job Description. She said she would look further into that.

Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board VOTED: To table the request until October 29th to obtain more information. Unanimous Vote.

 A supplemental budget request from the Building Commissioner will be discussed at the Public Hearing.

 Selectman Perkins asked that Chairwoman Brunelle check to be sure Selectman Spataro will attend a SRPEDD meeting on October 24th.

 Selectman Perkins said he is unable to attend a Selectmen’s Association dinner meeting on November 1st. Other members of the Board are also unable to attend.

 A Meeting Notice from the Executive Office of Transportation will go to Anna Nalevanko and Ruth Geoffroy.

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 Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To send correspondence from MassHousing regarding “The Lodge at Middleborough” to the ZBA. Unanimous Vote.

 It was noted that a Health Department issue with Mr. & Mrs. Farmer, 61 Brookside Drive, has been resolved.

 Confidential contract information from the COA was given to the Town Manager to address.

 Jessie Powell has written a letter of apology to the Town Accountant for the accidental posting of confidential information.

Selectman Bond noted that the Town bears part of the blame.

Mr. Lombard said he has asked the Town Clerk to let him check documents for propriety before releasing them for public information requests.

Selectman Bond suggested a letter be sent to all Department Heads to go through the Town Manager.

Mr. Lombard said he doesn’t want to see everything, only those in question.

Selectman Bond also noted that the cost of copies for public information requests is not the only cost. Time taken to amass the information is also charged.

 The Board received a final report from Sandy Bernier.

Chairwoman Brunelle said that Steve Dooney is asking that Ms. Bernier come in to meet with him a couple more times to finalize everything.

Upon motion by Selectman Perkins and seconded by Selectman Bond, the Board VOTED: To send a letter of thanks to Ms. Bernier for her service to the Town. Unanimous Vote.

 Discussion ensued on correspondence from Edgeway Mobile Home Park’s request to have Don Boucher evaluate trees in their community to determine if the trees pose a risk to the safety of others or their homes. Mr. Boucher had declined because the trees are on private property.

Selectman Rogers was concerned with the amount of questions from the residents. He asked if they had access to their own legal counsel. He said the Board only acts as only the Rent Control Board.

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Selectman Perkins said he would put this on his agenda for his meeting with the residents this week.

 Chairwoman Brunelle thanked Kathy Foye for suggestions that she had forwarded to the Board. She said Mr. Lombard is in the process of doing many of those things.

Upon motion by Selectman Bond and seconded by Selectman Perkins, the Board VOTED: To enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing Contract Negotiations, not to return to Open Session. A poll vote was taken. Selectman Bond, Selectman Rogers, Selectman Perkins, and Chairwoman Brunelle approved. VOTE 4 –0

Diane Henault, Secretary BOARD OF SELECTMEN

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