Membership Drive Please Turn in Your Money for Membership Dues This Week to Help Your
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PTA Minutes 9/10/13
Membership Drive – Please turn in your money for membership dues this week to help your child’s class compete for the membership drive contest. The class with the most paid members wins a pizza party. Dues are $6.
Classic Skate Night – Next Monday, the 16th, from 5:30 to 8:30pm. Discount skate rentals will be offered, as well as free admission and other discounts.
Reflections – This year’s theme is “Believe, Dream, Inspire.” It was discussed and agreed upon that in lieu of a kickoff assemble, Emily Hovey will just make a morning announcement about Reflections, relaying information to the students. A letter will go home with the students on Monday, the 7th inviting students to participate. Reflections entry packets will be available for students to pick up in the office. Entries are due to the office on November 8 th.
Teacher Representative – Sarah Fuchs
Carnival – Last year we used Custom Events to carry out our carnival. There was resounding positive feedback from parents and students so we decided to use them again. However, this year Holly discussed with Custom Events that they could provide more rides and games. Therefore, it was voted on and passed that we have seven rides and ten games. Wristbands will be $10 for unlimited rides and games or $8 for just unlimited rides. Tickets for rides and games can also be purchased at four for $1. It was unclear, however, how many tickets are needed for rides and games. It is typically worth it to buy a wristband.
Red Ribbon Week – October 21st through the 25th. This year’s theme is “A Healthy Me is Drug Free.” The first day is usually pledge day. It was discussed and passed that we have pink and blue little people cut-outs for the students to write their names on and stick on the windows in the foyer as their pledge. It was also passed that we send out a letter to parents that Monday with a ribbon they can tie on their car antenna to make a visible pledge with their children. The students will receive the following incentives throughout the week: Monday, a bracelet; Tuesday, a lollipop; Wednesday, a sticker; Thursday, a stick on ribbon; Friday, a button. The total cost for incentives is $350. We will post a banner outside. We will also launch red balloons after school on Friday.
Birthday Table – Jessica Murphy has agreed to head up the birthday table and will be carrying it out every third Wednesday, including next week.
Fire Drill Backpacks/Buckets – Tara asked PTA members to stay after our October meeting for about 10 minutes to put together fire drill backpacks for each classroom. Backpacks will include hard candy, water bottles, and a few other fire drill essentials for students and teachers. Teachers will give students the remaining contents at the end of the year.
Pride Week – Lisa Barrow agreed to head up Pride Week.
Field Day – We need one water idea.
School Store – A volunteer is still needed to be in charge of the school store. Duties include restocking items for sale, setting up store, and tearing down. For now, Tara Koyle, Kathi Quantz, Paige Silva and Holly Durfee will help. School store will start in October and will be held every other Friday. However, because of preciously scheduled events, it will be held on the 4th and 25th of October.
Important Dates to Remember –
September 16 Classic Skate Night
October 3 Hearing Screening at 9am
October 4 Individual Photos
October 17-18 Fall Recess – NO SCHOOL
October 22 Say Boo to the Flu Next meeting will be held on October 8th at 9:30am