Happy Horse Riding School
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HAPPY HORSE RIDING SCHOOL 548 Tuttle Ln. Burbank, Wa. 99323 547-6035 HORSEMANSHIP DAY CAMPS www.happyhorseridingschool.com
Our goal at Happy Horse Riding School is to introduce you to the wonderful world of horses. If you already ride we’d like to teach you how to enjoy horses more or get along with your own horse better. You will be responsible for feeding the horses lunch, cleaning the stalls and taking care of any special needs they may have. If you already have a horse of your own, you can bring him or her to camp with you, just let us know so arrangements can be made.
Each day every camper will have: Riding Lesson Vaulting Lesson (gymnastics on horseback) Unmounted Lesson - Learn all about owning and caring for horses.
We use English saddles and you will be learning a basic balanced seat which will apply to any style of riding. Depending on skill level we will be doing jumping, games and riding up and down hills.
Vaulting is gymnastics on horseback. This is the MOST fun way to learn to ride!!! You don’t have to be good at gymnastics; everyone is good at gymnastics on horseback!
First Day: Every Day: 1 lb of carrots Boots/Helmet Healthy snack to share/sign up for one day Tennis shoes 1 can of frozen juice concentrate or lemonade Sunscreen Sack lunch
We have EXTRA BOOTS and HELMETS to share if you don’t have your own.
On the last day of camp, during the last hour we will have a demonstration and awards ceremony for your family and friends. Everyone is welcome!
Camps fill quickly, class size is limited. Cost is $345. A $100 deposit will hold your spot. Balance due 1 week prior to start date. Refunds will be available if your spot can be filled from the waiting list.
Happy Horse Riding School is owned and operated by Lindy Cogswell. It is located in Burbank Heights at 548 Tuttle Lane. Take Hwy 12 towards Walla Walla, turn left after the Snake river (Hwy 124) then right on Tuttle Lane. Please drive slowly in our neighborhood. THE SPEED LIMIT IS 25 MPH. There are many small children and pets. We would rather you be a few minutes late than hurt someone.
If a camp doesn’t fit into your schedule we will also offer weekly afternoon and evening lessons for children and adults. Application Happy Horse Riding School 547-6035 DAY CAMPS
Directions: Happy Horse Riding School is located in Burbank Heights at 548 Tuttle Lane. Take Hwy 12 towards Walla Walla, turn left after the Snake river (Hwy 124), then right on Tuttle Lane. Please drive slowly in our neighborhood. THE SPEED LIMIT IS 25 MPH. There are many small children and pets and we would rather you be a few minutes late than hurt someone. 7AM TO 12 PM 5 Days 5hrs/day ------Cut along the line and return bottom portion.------Registration Form Name______Age___ Height______Weight ______
Address______Zip ______
Phone #______Parent’s Names______
Email Address______T-shirt size______(print clearly please) (Youth S, M, Lg , Adult S, M, Lg)
If you have been to camp before which horses did you ride?______
What were some of your favorite parts of camp?______
Camp Date 1st choice______2nd ______If for some reason (weather or illness) we need to cancel a day of camp, could you do a make-up day on the Saturday after your last day? Yes______No_____ Maybe______(Don’t worry, this has only happened once – unless its heavy rain or high winds we usually don’t cancel)
5 DAY CAMP $345 Send this form and a $100 deposit to reserve your spot to: Happy Horse Riding School 548 Tuttle Lane Burbank, WA 99323 [email protected] www.happyhorsetricities.com
Deposit Amount Included $______Balance to be paid 5 days before camp starts. Would you like to be put on the car pool list? YES | NO 2017 Release Form
One person per form, please make additional copies if you need them.
RELEASE WAIVER FOR HAPPY HORSE RIDING SCHOOL and LINDY COGSWELL’S clinics, workshops, horsemanship camps and other activities related to horses.
When riding and participating in horse activities there is a risk involved. Horses can be dangerous. Signing this releases Lindy Cogswell, Happy Horse Riding School and anyone connected with their activities from being held liable in case of an accident or injury.
Anyone bringing a horse agrees not to sue anyone connected with Happy Horse or Lindy Cogswell for any injury to the horse or property damage related to riding, transporting to or from, or housing their horse on Happy Horse property.
Students Name: ______Address:______Date of birth ______
Parent’s Name______(if student is a minor)
Home Phone# ______E-mail ______
Work Phone#______
Student’s Signature______Date______(or parent if student is a minor)
PHOTO RELEASE Do you give permission for photos of your child/student at the school to be used in advertising & on the Happy Horse web page? □ Yes □ No
I ______give permission for my son, daughter or myself,
______to receive any necessary medical treatment while participating in (student’s name) activities of Lindy Cogswell & Happy Horse Riding School.
Signature of Student or Guardian______Date______
Emergency Contacts:______Phone______
Doctor’s name______Phone______
Medical insurance:______
Additional information: Does your child have any medical conditions that may affect his/her ability to ride? Allergies to foods or medications?