Request to Icc for Matching Funds
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CLUB FUNDS (up to $500 per semester)
MATCHING FUNDS (up to $500 per semester/up to $1,000 per academic year) Date:
Club Name:
Requested Amount: $
Club ASB Balance: $
Reason for Request:
Amount Requested:
Advisor’s Signature
AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES Date Received by ICC: ICC Meeting Approval Date:
Decision Approved Disapproved ICC Advisor: VP of Student Services:
Date: Date:
Original to: LPC Business Services cc: ICC Chair ICC Treasurer Vice President Student Services PROCEDURES Requesting Funds From ICC
The attached form is to be used for Clubs to request: - Club Funds (up to $500 per semester) - Matching Funds (up to $500 per semester/up to $1,000 per academic year)
Please be aware that necessary back-up documentation will be required and that there will be a 6-8 week processing period.
1. Prepare the “Request to ICC” form. Attach all required back-up documentation: - Club Fund Request *attach Club’s forecasted budget *need to verify with Business Services Club’s ASB account balance. - Matching Funds *attach Club’s forecasted budget. Activity must be noted on forecasted budget. *fill out ICC Supplemental Justification Form *need to verify with Business Services Club’s ASB account balance. *attach, as necessary, all back-up documentation (e.g., LPC deposit slips)
2. Have Advisor approve, sign and date request. Make a copy of documents for your club records.
3. Submit request to ICC Officer.
All requests require two formal ICC meeting times: First ICC Meeting: Discussion Second ICC Meeting: Decision Rendered
4. After decision has been rendered, the ICC Officer will prepare disbursement for the Vice President of Student Services final approval and signature; and, then to the Office of the Vice President of Business Services for transference of funds.
Request Deadlines: Club Funds: October 10, 2007 Matching Funds: November 11, 2007
KIT|D:\WORD\ASLPC\Matching Funds Request (1/22/07 PROPOSED CLUB BUDGET Academic Year 2007 – 2008 [Submitted with Request for Club Funds in Fall; and Amended Budget in Spring] Club’s Name: Submitted by: Date: Advisor’s Signature: Date:
Please prepare this form and turn into the InterClub Council (ICC) Chairperson by October 10th of each academic year. New Clubs formed after this deadline will receive a required submittal date from the ICC Chairperson.
EXPENSES INCOME Please list possible activities and events. Note needed supplies List all possible fundraising or donations you expect to and equipment under each activity. receive. Provide Explanation Amount Provide Explanation Amount
Original to: Business Services Copies to: ICC Student Services KIT|C:/DOCUMENT/WORD/STUDENT/Proposed Budget Form (7/10/07) ICC REQUEST FOR FUNDS Supplemental Form
1. What is the funding for:
2. Who will benefit from this activity?
3. What advisor(s) is/are attending?
4. Desired dates and times to have this activity.
5. How does this activity represent your club’s mission?
6. What does the activity involve?
7. Supplies and equipment that club must purchase.
8. Fill out the attached budget form.
EXPENSES INCOME Please list possible activities and events. Note needed supplies and List all possible fundraising or donations you expect to receive. equipment under each activity. Provide Explanation Amount Provide Explanation Amount
If more space is needed, please use the backside of this form.
KIT|D:\WORD\ASLPC\Matching Funds Request (1/22/07