Sunne Evangelical Lutheran Church September, 2014

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Sunne Evangelical Lutheran Church September, 2014

SUNNE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH SEPTEMBER, 2014 NEWSLETTER Pastor: Paul Schauer Church Phone: 734-6485 Cell Phone: 391-0584 Home Phone: 734-6605 e-mail: [email protected]

REFLECTIONS FROM THE PASTOR I saw geese flying south the other day. It sure seems early to me, but maybe they know something that we don’t know? It’s dark later in the morning and dark earlier in the evening now. The school bell is chiming now, too. Change is certainly in the air. Things are changing at Sunne, too. Nothing too dramatic, though. (I’m reminded of the old joke: How many Lutherans does it take to change a lightbulb? Answer: Change????) We change back to our Fall worship schedule on September 7th. Worship will be at 8:30 and 10:30 with Sunday School at 9:30. This change means we need more volunteers to be readers and greeters. We especially need people to either teach Sunday School or be one of the helpers. Parents, grandparents, family members, congregation members – all are needed to help with this important ministry. We changed how we do school kits for Lutheran World Relief this year. Instead of asking people to donate the items needed, the Vacation Bible School had a special offering focus that raised $1200 to purchase the needed items. That $1200 (along with 2 Thrivent Action Team grants of $250 each) allowed us to purchase enough supplies to put together 410 School kits! Yes, that’s right. 410!!! What fun we had with this project. In case you are wondering about how we are helping out locally, we have an arrangement with the Wilton School to provide school supplies to any students that are in need. At the end of September we have another change coming up. It’s a change that is part of a familiar activity. September 28th is our annual Harvest Festival. We all need to pitch in for this great activity where we give thanks to God for the harvest. On the table in the church narthex you will find a sign up sheet for needed supplies and for workers. The change part of this year’s Festival is that Cotton Wood, the great local bluegrass band, will be here for both worship services on the 28th. This will be a real treat for us. Please make every effort to be in worship on the 28th and to take part in the Harvest Festival Festivities. Sometimes changes become familiar. The geese will continue to fly south (and in increasing numbers now). The darkness will continue to increase until we can hardly stand it. And we will continue to worship the Lord. COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS August 13, 2014  1. Noted that July attendance and offering totals increased over July of 2013.  2. A discussion was held encouraging Pastor Paul to take vacation time.  3. Discussed Pastor Paul taking part in the Camp of the Cross mission trip to Puerto Rico in March of 2015. Approved using 2014 continuing education funds to pay the downpayment.  4. Heard a report on CANDISC (see newsletter).  5. Heard an update on the plan to put together 400 school kits on August 24th.  6. Discussed the Camp of the Cross Capital Campaign.  7. Approved purchasing a new snowblower.  8. Approved donating $200 to the Wilton Public School, $200 to the Wilton Park Board, and $100 to the First Presbyterian Church for letting us use their facilities for the CANDISC event.  9. Consensus was to pursue the idea of having a Hunger Garden at the church. (see newsletter). **************************************************************

HARVEST FESTIVAL SUNNE QUILTERS SIGN-UP Quilting season at Sunne is beginning September Harvest Festival will be September 28th with 18th at 10 a.m. Quilts are made for local and global worship at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. and dinner served missions and are given to area ministries such as from 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is a sign-up sheet Ruth Meiers Hospitality House, Abused Adult at the church for all the needed donations: pies and Resource Center, Manchester House, Charles Hall cheesecakes, potatoes, meat money, veggies, buns, Youth Services, and local victims of house fires. etc. There’s also a sign up for the work schedule. Quilts are given globally through Lutheran World Set-up will be on Saturday, September 27th at 9 Relief. If you can’t help on Thursdays, there are a.m. People of all ages are encouraged to help. plenty of things that can be done at home on a Freewill offering for the dinner. person’s own time.

Let’s Wipe Out The Debt Our total debt, as of July, 31 2014, is $176,839.36 plus interest at 6.75%.

SIMPLY GIVING BAPTISMS Sunne is now able to offer a simple way of giving to Congratulations to those God’s ministry at Sunne. Through Simply Giving, celebrating their baptismal an electronic fund transfer program, members and anniversaries in September. friends of Sunne can make a monthly or semi- 1--Anthea Schmitt monthly gift directly from a person’s checking or 2--David Falkenstein savings account into Sunne’s account. This 3--Betty Werre program is available no matter where a person banks. For more information, please contact Sunne 5--Ron Reimann Financial Secretary, Linda Mees at 734-8160 or 6--Sherry Tschosik Sunne Treasurer, SuAnn Olson at 258-3887. Please 7--Mason Oswald prayerfully consider this excellent opportunity. 10--Danielle Schill Forms are also available through the office. If you 11--Ruby Anderson are interested, please fill out the form and mail it to 11--Jeanine Helm the church or to Linda Mees (PO Box 351 14--Amanda Humann Wilton,ND 58579) or place the form in the offering 15--Christian Thompson plate. 15--Luke Odegard 15--Tavi Hirchert 15--Tori Hirchert 15--Taylon Olson 16--Tim Silliman CANDISC THANK YOU 17--Nicole Nodland A huge THANK YOU to all who helped make 21--Betty Falkenstein CANDISC such a successful event. Over 60 23--Jeff Olson volunteers cooked, greeted, handled luggage, 25--Pamela Vetter cleaned, guided, acted, transported, baked, served, 26--Marion Anderson and had a great time. We received a great number 27--Summer Pearson of compliments. While the final financial totals are 28--Chad Oswald not yet available, so far we have received around 29--Rose Strand $3400 in income with expenses around $1600. We 30--Lynette Clausen have not yet heard which community won best host 30--Tenley Nodland community.

LWR SCHOOL KIT THANK YOU A huge THANK YOU to all who helped put together 410! School kits for Lutheran World Relief. The special Vacation Bible School offering, along with two Thrivent Financial action grants, provided the funding to purchase everything needed for the kits.

RALLY Remember SUNDAY Your Grandparents th Sunday School begins September 7th at 9:30 a.m. September 7 for with a special morning of campfire songs, s’mores, and horse drawn wagon rides. Sunday School Grandparents Day classes are available for youth beginning at age 3 (if parents accompany) or age four if unattended and go through 6th grade. Confirmation is offered for those in 7th and 8th grade. If you are interested in teaching, please contact Pastor Paul at 391-0584. Sunne Lutheran Youth Scavenger Hunt Sunne Lutheran Youth (grades 7-12) will have a scavenger hunt and cook out on Sunday, September 21st. Meet at Pastor Paul’s (209 Louise Avenue) at 4pm. Food, fellowship, and fun will be part of the event. Friends are welcome. Drivers 9TH GRADE CONFIRMATION are needed. Prizes for the first place team! will meet at 7 pm at Sunne on the following Wednesdays: September 10, 17, 24; October 1. 9th graders meet with the church council on October 8th. Confirmation Sunday is October 26th during the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Western North Dakota Synod Lutheran Youth Gathering The Western ND Synod annual youth gathering will be held October 16-18 at the Ramada in 5th GRADE BIBLES Bismarck. This fantastic event is open to youth in grades 9-12. Cost for the event is $150 (SLY will Because we value the Word of God and the study of pay $50)…making the actual cost $100. Interested God’s Word, we will be giving Bibles to the youth should speak to Pastor Paul. Registration following fifth grade students during either worship th on Sunday, September 28th: Johanna Kassian, Tori deadline is September 28 . Hirchert, Tavi Hirchert, Tanner Olson, Noah Krick, and Ysabella Tarpley. HUNGER GARDEN Several people have expressed interest in establishing a hunger garden at the church to be used to help feed those who are hungry. The plan is go get the ground ready this fall so that we are ready to plant in the spring. If you are interested in helping with this project, please speak to Shelley Porter (734-8146).

SEPTEMBER 2014 Sunne Evangelical Lutheran Church

PO Box 217 Wilton, North Dakota Sunday Mon Tuesday Wednesd Thursday Friday Saturday day ay 1 2 3 4 5 6

Wayn Pam Backman Greg Carol Bailey Matthew Bailey Mitchell Bailey e Bailey Back man 7 Rally Day 8 9 10 11 12 13 8:30 am Communion Service Paul at Hedstrom/Thompson Pasto Conference Redwood Wedding 4 pm 9:30 am SS/Confirmation Village r 10:30 am Communion Service Pasto 2 pm r’s 9th grade conf. class Tonya Bauer Hunter Bauer Henry Bailey Trayton Bauer 7 pm Church Council Jenni 8pm fer Baile y David Bauer 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 8:30 am Worship Service 9th grade Quilting 10 am Food Pantry 9:30 am SS/Confirmation conf class 7 pm 4 to 6 pm 9:30 am WELCA Bible study Budget Team 7 pm 10:30 am Worship Service Glenn Bauer Kelly Bauer Mandie Bauer Olivi Steve Bauer 11:30 am LYO Info. Mtg. a Shirley Baue Bauer r 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 9th grade Quilting 10am Harvest Festival 8:30 am Communion Service conf. Set-up 9 am 9:30 am SS/Confirmation class 7 pm 10:30 am Communion Service Calvi Cheryl Berg Doris Berg Mike Berg Curt Bergquist

4:00 pm SLY Scavenger Hunt n Caitlin Berg Berg 28 29 30 The names on the 8:30 am Worship Service calendar are to remind us to pray for 9:30 am SS/Confirmation one another. 10:30 am Worship Service Lori Les Bergquist 11:30 am-2 pm Harvest Festival Berg quist Pastor Paul Schauer: 734-6485 office, 391-0584 cell phone, 734-6605 home

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