Cherry Fork Presbyterian Chruch

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Cherry Fork Presbyterian Chruch


February, 2010 From the Pastor’s Desk opened with prayer by Rev. Manzo. Annual Dear Friends, report packets were passed out to the In this newsletter you will find congregation. The 2010 budget was something called a Spiritual Gift Inventory. reviewed and approved. Jane Leonard, This inventory is a series of questions that elder, informed the congregation that will help determine the spiritual gifts God the per capita assessment cost is has given you. These gifts include teaching, $22.50 per active member. Jackie compassion, preaching, etc. The idea of DeAtley, church treasurer, reported that the spiritual gifts comes from the apostle Paul, loan on the parking lot should be paid in full who mentioned them in his letters. These in 2010. The trustee fund report was inventories will be used to help us from reviewed and approved. Penny Tolle and Session to form committees for the future. Lucinda Raines were named to the 2010 For those of you who do not know, each nominating committee. Sarah K. Blythe will Session member has a certain area continue to be in charge of the committee to assigned to him or her to oversee. The purchase flowers from the church in the Session and I believe the more people we death of a member. Ryan Wagner can have helping out in these areas, the encouraged the congregation to go more effective they will be. These areas are online at the church’s website Christian Education, Worship, Compassion, and Fellowship, Spiritual Growth, and Mission. complete the survey from the building These will be our committees. Each committee regarding future projects at the committee will hopefully be made up of two church.* The meeting was adjourned at or three other people, including the Session 10:30 and closed with prayer by Rev. member acting as chair of a Manzo. committee. These Spiritual Gift Minutes submitted by Diana Shreffler, Elder Inventories will help us determine where *Note: For those who do not have access you may be best serving. If you have a to internet, Ryan will also have paper preference, please let me know and I am copies of the building committee survey sure we can accommodate you. Not available. everyone has to join a committee, but we January 13 will put the opportunity out there for you. The Session of the Cherry Fork Blessings and Prayers, Nate Presbyterian Church held its regular meeting in the social room of the church at Session Minutes 6:30. The meeting was opened with prayer Annual Congregational Meeting by Rev. Manzo. Elders present were Jane January 10 Leonard, Linda Purdin, Jacqueline DeAtley, The meeting was held during worship Diana Shreffler, Ryan Wagner, Alan Foster, service with 43 in attendance, and was and Betty Beam, clerk.

Check out the church website at The treasurer’s financial report was Cherry Fork Presbyterian read and approved. $1000 is to be paid on Women the faith fund. The minutes of the previous regular meeting, the joint meeting, and the The Cherry Fork Presbyterian annual congregational meeting were women met on Wednesday, January 6, in the approved. social room of the church. Penny Tolle, Jane Leonard was elected to moderator, opened the meeting with prayer moderate the next regular session meeting and we signed cards for all the ones named. in the absence of Rev. Manzo due to his Peggy Foster, hostess, read “Emergency continuing education for February 8-12. Prayers” from the book of “The Promise of The agenda for the meeting, the minutes of Answered Prayers” and read about the the previous meeting, and the treasurer’s Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary report are to be placed in each elder’s from the Year Book of Prayer. mailbox the Sunday before each session Penny thanked the Christmas party meeting. Session responsibilities are as committee. Betty Jo Baldridge and Jane follows: Mission - Ryan Wagner; Hesler will write the memoriam for Corda Compassion - Jackie DeAtley; Worship Downs. We will have the Oyster Supper on -Jane Leonard; Fellowship - Linda Purdin; Saturday, November 13, 2010. Spiritual Growth - Alan Foster; Christian Ann Downs read the treasurer’s Education - Diana Shreffler. report. 15 members answered the roll call The session suggested that the by naming their most memorable happening trustees meet every other month. Jane of 2009. Sarah K. Blythe, assistant Leonard volunteered to represent the secretary, read the secretary’s report. Penny session and meet with the trustees. The read a thank-you letter from the Ohio pastor’s treasurer’s books are to be audited. Veterans Home. Jackie DeAtley reminded If it is feasible with the Seaman Session, a motion was made to change the pastor’s us to give to the Interfaith House. Sue treasurer every two years. The pastor’s Fulton reported from the lady that we helped mileage will be $0.50 per mile for 2010. at Christmas. Penny had our lesson “Entry The bell choir will perform the into the Land.” The scripture was Joshua months of March, April, May, October, chapters 3-5. November, and December in 2010. The Peggy served delicious refreshments. accounts for the trustees and Christian The next meeting will be February 3 with education will be held at First State Bank. Jane Hesler as our hostess. Snow removal and snow days will be Corresponding Secretary, Sarah K. Blythe decided by the elders. Diana Shreffller was ordained and installed as elder. Jane Leonard was also Baby Bottle Drive installed as elder. Rick Fulton and Harry The ministry of the Pregnancy Leonard were installed as trustees. Holy Resource Center continues to thrive and Communion was served to 46 communi- needs financial support! Our 2010 cants on January 3. Baby Bottle Drive begins January 17th Chapter 2 of the “Five Practices of and goes through March 7th. Please Fruitful Congregations” was discussed. The take a bottle, fill it with loose change, next regular meeting will be held February currency, or checks and return it to the 10 at 6:30. The next joint session meeting church. Your generosity is greatly with Seaman will be held February 24 at appreciated and will go far in helping 8:00 p.m. The meeting was closed with women and their babies! prayer by Rev. Manzo. May God Bless you, Autumn Manzo

Check out the church website at Thank You! Dee and Dick Henley To the church family, Don Morrow Thank you for your thoughts, David Work prayers, and concerns when I had my eye Sydney Davis & parents surgeries. Also thanks to the caring James Bryant committee for the cherry pies. I have Wendy Manzo enjoyed them. Curt Novaria God bless all. Dinah Carroll Dan Raines Joann Fenton Jay Jennings Caring Committee and Friends at Cherry Ivan Hayslip Fork, Karen and Jim Campbell Thank you so much for the flowers, Oscar Moore cards, and prayers. Your love and Terri Wall thoughtfulness have been so very much Pauline Wheatley appreciated. Bill Miller Love, Dinah Carroll Ruth Bovie Jerry Graham family Upcoming Events David Purdin Greeters for February: Harry Leonard 2/7: Larry McIntire family Bessie Senenger 2/14: Nellie Hayslip & Ruth Ellen Fulton Haiti victims 2/21: Mickey & Debbie Miller Emergency and Fire personnel 2/28: Paul Michael Williams & Jacob Jones State and County road workers Caring Committee for February: Penny Fire victims Tolle Officers of the church Homeless people Alter Flowers for February: Tolle family

Prayer Joys & Concerns

Check out the church website at Spiritual Gift Inventory

Please answer 1- if a question describes you, 2- if it sort of describes you, 3- if it does not describe you. These answers will be compiled, and then we will let you know the committee that you may best fit with. Please put your name somewhere on the inventory.

1. I express myself through artistic means.

2. I am able to convey the Gospel message to non-believers in ways that are easy for them to understand.

3. I am moved by those who, through conflict or sorrow, are wavering in their faith.

4. I enjoy meeting new people and becoming acquainted with them.

5. I feel compelled to learn as much as I can about the Bible and faith.

6. When I see a person in need, I am moved to assist them.

7. I love to sing and enjoy inspiring others by song.

8. I like working behind the scenes to ensure that projects are successful.

9. I am motivated to provide spiritual leadership to those who are on a faith journey.

10. I have assisted others as they sought to discern whether or not their personal decisions were helpful and in accord with God’s will for their lives.

11. When I know somebody is facing a crisis, I am moved to provide support and care.

12. Not one day would be complete without biblical study or thought.

13. I have performed before groups and have felt a real sense of God’s presence.

Check out the church website at 14. When I am in a group, others will look to me for guidance.

15. I have been successful in organizing, directing, and motivating others to achieve a goal.

16. I can see great things happening in my congregation and I am not derailed by the pessimism of others.

17. I enjoy welcoming guests and helping them feel at ease.

18. People have been amazed by how at ease I am with working with those who are facing great sorrow in their lives.

19. My written work has been helpful to others in understanding life truths.

20. People have told me that I can take hard concepts and make them easy to understand.

21. When I turn out the lights, take down tables, work in the kitchen, or put chairs away, I feel that I have served the Lord.

22. My knowledge of building maintenance and repair has been a special value to others.

23. When I receive money unexpectedly, my first thought is to share this gift through the church.

24. I am a take charge person. When others follow my direction, the goal or task will be completed.

25. I can translate artistic forms from what I first saw in my imagination.

Check out the church website at Check out the church website at

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