The Web-Resources Are in Fourteen Sections
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The following web-resources can be downloaded for free from the sites indicated. Only few of them are solely available in hard copy; in those cases you are invited to contact directly the organisations involved.
The web-site addresses have been checked by the working group on July 2005. For any changes, please refer to the main addresses.
The web-resources are in fourteen sections:
Humanitarian Aid in general Project Cycle Management (PCM) Design Indicators, Monitoring and Evaluation Gender in Emergency Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development (LRRD) Food Security Water and Sanitation Health Nutrition Shelter Non Food Items Disaster Preparedness Demining Awareness Psychosocial
1 of 11 Sector Title References Available at Humanitarian Conflict-sensitive Africa Peace Forum, Centre for Aid in general approaches to Conflict Resolution, Consortium of development, humanitarian Humanitarian Agencies, Forum on assistance and peace Early Warning and Early building: tools for peace Response, International Alert, and conflict impact Saferworld, 2004. assessment. Resource Pack. Humanitarian Handbook for emergencies. UNHCR, Second Edition, Geneva Aid in general 1999. bin/texis/vtx/publ/opendoc.pdf? tbl=PUBL&id=3bb2fa26b
Humanitarian Handbook on promoting European Commission, Europe Aid in general good governance in EC Aid Cooperation Office, Thematic df/themes-gg-handbook_en.pdf development and co- Network on Good Governance, operation. Brussels, 2004. Humanitarian Participation by Crisis- Active Learning Network for Aid in general Affected Populations in Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action. A Humanitarian Action (Alnap), Handbook for Practitioners Overseas Development Institute, London 2003. PCM Alnap Review of Active Learning Network for Humanitarian action in Accountability and Performance in 2003. Field level learning. Humanitarian Action (Alnap), Overseas Development Institute, London 2004. PCM Assessing the Quality of a European Commission, Europe European Commission Europe Aid Co-operation Financing Proposal. Aid Co-operation Office, E-quality Office General Affairs, Evaluation, PCM Helpdesk.
2 of 11 assessment tool, March 2001. PCM Assessing the Quality of Active Learning Network for Humanitarian Evaluations. Accountability and Performance in The ALNAP Quality Humanitarian Action (Alnap), proforma 2005 (v.02/03/05). March 2005. PCM AusGUIDElines. 1. The Australian Agency for International Logical Framework Development. sguidelines-1.pdf Approach. The Australian Government’s Overseas Aid Program. Commonwealth of Australia 2000. PCM Project Cycle Management, Aid Delivery Methods, Volume 1, Guidelines. European Commission, Europe s/pcm_manual_2004_en.pdf Aid Cooperation Office, march 2004. PCM Tools for Development. A Performance and Effectiveness handbook for those Department, Department for t.pdf engaged in development International Development, activity. September 2002. Design Alnap training modules for Active Learning Network for Indicators M&E evaluation of humanitarian Accountability and Performance in action. Humanitarian Action (Alnap), July 2003. Design Choosing outcome J. Hoddinott, Technical Guide 7, Indicators M&E indicators of household International Food Policy food security. Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington DC, March 1999. Design Comprehensive Lefevre, P.; Kolsteren, P.; De Indicators M&E Participatory Planning And Wael, M.; Byekwaso, F.; Beghin, I. Evaluation. International Fund for Agricultural
3 of 11 Development (IFAD), 2001. Design Glossary of key terms in OECD/DAC, Tri-lingual report: Indicators M&E evaluation and results English, French and Spanish, based management. 2002. Design Guidance for Evaluating OECD/DAC, 1999. Indicators M&E Humanitarian assistance in Complex Emergencies. Design Guidelines for the use of The European commission, Indicators M&E Indicators in country Dg development, Development c/pdf/indicateurs-guidelines_en.pdf performance assessment. policy and sectorial Questions, Economic co-operation and PRSP process, Brussels, November 2002. Design Health, Nutrition and Annex O in “A Sourcebook for Indicators M&E Population Technical Poverty Reduction Strategies”, df Notes. The World Bank, Washington, October 2002. Design The Monitoring and CISP, COSV, COOPI, Intersos, Indicators M&E Evaluation Manual of the Movimondo and DRN, January NGOs of the Forum Solint. 2003. Design Methodological Note. OECD-DAC (1998), Indicator Indicators M&E Methodology Sheets, DCD/DAC(98)6/ADD. Design Review of the DAC OECD/DAC, 1998. Indicators M&E principles for evaluation of Development Assistance. Design Sustainability Indicators for Dan Rigby, David Howlett and Phil Indicators M&E Natural Resource Woodhouse, Department for wp1.pdf Management & Policy. International Development
4 of 11 Working Paper 1. A Review Research Project No. R7076CA, of Indicators of Agricultural February 2000. and Rural Livelihood Sustainability. Design The Sphere Project. The Sphere Project, 2004. Indicators M&E Humanitarian Charter and k_full.pdf Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. Design Water, Sanitation and Comprehensive Poverty Indicators M&E Poverty Technical Notes. Reduction and Growth Strategy, (CPRGS), Draft for comments, April 2001. Gender in Gender. M. Bamberger, M. Blackden, L. Emergency Fort, and V. Manoukian, Chapter f 10 in “A Sourcebook for Poverty Reduction Strategies”, The World Bank, Washington, October 2002. Gender in Gender and Project J. Osterhaus, Deutsche Emergency Management. A Gesellschaft f.r Technische tmanagementEngl.pdf contribution to the quality Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), management of GTZ. Eschborn, 2000. Gender in Gender: Technical Notes. Annex I in “A Sourcebook for Emergency Poverty Reduction Strategies”, df The World Bank, Washington, October 2002.
5 of 11 Gender in Gender-based Violence The Reproductive Health for Emergency Tools Manual For Refugees Consortium V_nairobi/M&E_toolsmanual.pdf Assessment & Program c/o the Women’s Commission for Design, Monitoring & Refugee Women and Children Evaluation. and The International Rescue Committee, February, 2003. LRRD Communication from The Commission of The European Commission to The Council Communities, Brussels, lex/lex/LexUriServ/site/en/com/2001/com2001_0153 and The European 23.04.2001,COM (2001) 153 final. en01.pdf Parliament. Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development – An assessment. LRRD Bridging the Gap. C. Boano,; A. Rottlaender, A. Involuntary population Sanchez-Bayo and F. Viliani, oano.pdf ! movement and CRIC, Oxford Brookes University, reconstruction strategy. 2003. LRRD Council Conclusion on European Council Conclusions Linking Relief, and Resolutions, 31/05/01 reference=PRES/01/191&format=HTML&aged=1&la Rehabilitation and nguage=EN&guiLanguage=it Development (LRRD). LRRD Guidelines for Education in EFA Strategic Planning, edited by Situations of Emergency Kacem Bensalah, Division of 214e.pdf and Crisis. policies and strategies of education. Support to countries in crisis and reconstruction, Unesco, Paris, 2003. LRRD Linking Relief to Edited by G. Brambilla, G. Solari Rehabilitation and and O. L. Haldorsson, VOICE and page_1.html Development. Ideas and CISP, Rome, November 2001. 6 of 11 Suggestions from European NGOs. LRRD Linking relief, rehabilitation document issued by DG and development (LRRD): development for-action_en.pdf ideas for action Food Security Agricultural Sub-sector CEC, DG Development, Rural Strategy Paper. Development and Food Security, rurpol/outputs/agricultural/agriculturalssp.pdf October 2000. Food Security Agricultural Research for European Commission Strategy development (ARD). Document, 29/08/01. rurpol/outputs/ard/ard.pdf Food Security Analysis of Target Groups. H. Beerlandt and S. Huysman, Manual for bottom-up (IFAD/Belgian Survival Fund, approach in food security 1999) interventions. Food Security Designing methods for the C. Carletto and S. Morris, monitoring and evaluation Technical Guide 10, International of household food security Food Policy Research Institute rural development projects. (IFPRI), Washington DC, March 1999. Food Security Fisheries Sub-sector CEC, DG Development, Rural Strategy Paper. Development and Food Security, rurpol/outputs/fisheries/fisheries.pdf October 2000. Food Security Food For Work Manual C-SAFE / Consortium for Southern Africa Food Security Emergency, Manual.pdf Produced by CARE Indonesia, 2004. Food Security Food security in practice. Edited by John Hoddinott, Methods for Rural International Food Policy Development Projects. Research Institute, Washington
7 of 11 DC, 2001. Food Security Livestock Sub-sector CEC, DG Development, Rural Strategy Paper. Development and Food Security, rurpol/outputs/livestock/livestock.pdf October 2000. Food Security Manual for the Provision of Joint Emergency Food Aid General Food Distributions Programme (JEFAP) / Active during Emergency Learning Network for Programmes in Malawi. Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action (ALNAP), 2003. Food Security Mini-manual. For Famine Early Warning System understanding and Network (Fews-net), draft, august, .pdf assessing households’ risk 2000. of food shortage. Food Security Rapid appraisal methods G. Bergeron, Technical Guide 6, for the assessment, design International Food Policy and evaluation of food Research Institute (IFPRI), security programs. Washington DC, March 1999. Food Security Saving Fish and Fishers The World Bank, Agriculture and Toward Sustainable and Rural Development Department, DocName/SavingFishandFishersTowardSustainable Equitable Governance of Washington, May 2004. andEquitableGovernanceoftheGlobalFishingSector/ the Global Fishing Sector. $FILE/SavingFishandFishers.pdf Water and External Consultant E. Kleemeier and K. Stallard, OED Sanitation Evaluation of Knowledge Working Papers, World Bank, UNIDViewForJavaSearch/E319F31B3E8BE0CF852 Bank: Water Supply Washington DC, 2003. 56DC000750D87/$file/water_review.pdf Sector. Water and Emergency Water Sources: S. House and B. Reed, Water Sanitation Guidelines for selection and Engineering and Development complete-3rd-ed.pdf treatment (3rd Ed). Centre (WEDC) , 2004.
8 of 11 Water and Public Health Engineering Médecins Sans Frontières, Paris, MSF Sanitation in emergency situation. October 1994. Health A Field Guide to Designing G.A. O’Sullivan, J.A. Yonkler, W. a Health Communication Morgan, and A.P. Merritt, Strategy. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs, March 2003. Health A review of DG ECHO’s M. Van Bruaene, A. Doerlemann, approach to HIV/AIDS. Prolog Consult Belgium, ECHO, 2004/hiv_aids_concept_paper.pdf Concept paper. 2004. Health A review of DG ECHO’s M. Van Bruaene, A. Doerlemann, approach to HIV/AIDS. Prolog Consult Belgium, ECHO, 2004/hiv_aids_guidelines.pdf Model Guidelines on 2004. mainstreaming HIV/AIDS. Health Building monitoring, K. L. McCoy, P. N. Ngari and E. E. evaluation and reporting Krumpe, Pact, Washington DC, mer_systems.pdf systems for HIV/AIDS 2005. programs.
Health Emergency Sanitation. P. Harvey, S.Baghri and B. Reed, Assessment and Water, Engineering and book=1%2084380%20005%205 programme design. Development Centre (WEDC), Loughborough University, Leicestershire, 2002. Health Guidelines for HIV/AIDS Inter-Agency Standing Committee interventions in emergency (IASC), 2003. me_guidelines-hiv-emer.pdf settings.
9 of 11 Health Nutrition counselling, care World Health Organization, and support for Hiv-infected Switzerland, 2004. df women. Guidelines on HIV- related care, treatment and support for HIV-infected women and their children in resource-constrained settings. Nutrition Community-based food and S. Ismail, M. Immink, I. Mazar and nutrition programmes: what G. Nantel, Food and Agriculture makes them successful. A Organization of the United review and analysis of Nations, Rome, 2003 experience. Nutrition Food and nutrition needs in UNHCR/UNICEF/WFP/WHO, emergencies Rome, World Food Programme, 2003. Nutrition Guide Nutrition M.Boelaert et al., MSF, Paris, MSF 1998 Nutrition The Management of WHO, Geneva, 2000. Nutrition in Major 08.pdf Emergencies. Nutrition Tools for Operationalizing Basic II, Virginia, 2003 Essential Nutrition Actions. %20bibliography.pdf Annotated Bibliography. Shelter Emergency Handbook UNHCR Canada. Notes on Shelter. ok_shelter_notes.pdf Shelter Guidelines for Rapid C. Kelly, Developed by: Benfield Environmental Impact Hazard Research Centre, guidelines.v4.4.pdf Assessment in Disasters. University College London and
10 CARE International, Version 4.4, April 2005. Non Food Items Commodity distribution: a UNHCR,1997. practical guide for field bin/texis/vtx/publ/opendoc.pdf? staff. tbl=PUBL&id=3c4d44554 Disaster Preparedness Demining Preparing the Ground for K. B. Harpviken, R. Roberts, Awareness Peace. Mine Action in International Peace Research on_detail_channel/9429/46107.html Support of Peace building Institute PRIO), Oslo, 2004. Demining Working with the military UNHCR, January 1995. Awareness bin/texis/vtx/publ/opendoc.pdf? tbl=PUBL&id=3d5123714 Psychosocial Psychology in humanitarian NOHA Blue Books, volume 7, assistance 1998. how/Ressources/psychology/Psychology.pdf Psychosocial Sexual and Gender-Based UNHCR, May 2003. Violence against Refugees, bin/texis/vtx/protect/opendoc.pdf? Returnees and Internally tbl=PROTECTION&id=3f696bcc4 Displaced Persons. Guidelines for Prevention and Response