Name______Date ______Period ____

Nye: Chemical Reactions

Everything is made of ______.

Brought to you by ______. They’re a blast.

Oxygen is in the air we breathe. It’s what makes iron rust. It makes our blood turn _____.

Hi, I’m Sinbad and I’m made of ______.

TRY THIS: Got a penny? Then do a chemical reaction. The vinegar and salt react to strip away the grime from the copper of the penny. It’s ______.

Car engines and motorcycle engines are controlled by chemical reactions. They combine gasoline with ______in the air, in small controlled explosions.

Don’t try this at home. This top hat is made of chemicals and is held together by chemical ______.

Did you know that ______is a chemical reaction.

TRY THIS: You can make a fire extinguisher. Just take a large plastic container, put in some baking soda

(NaHCO3), add some ______. Pour some vinegar (C2H4O2) into the smaller container. Place the smaller container into the large jar. Screw on the lid, put in a small straw and go find a fire.

CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: When these two chemicals are bonded together, the pull of their electrons is so strong, they form a whole new substance, a new chemical called sodium chloride. Another name for sodium chloride is ______.

WAY COOL SCIENTIST: My name is Phil Grucci and I’m a member of the ______generation of pyrotechnicians in our family.

Every time you see a firework burst in the sky, in its beautiful colors, what you’re really seeing a chemical reaction.

The metals will create the twinkle, where the salts will create the ______.

BETTER EATING THROUGH KITCHEN CHEMISTRY with Vivian Cupcake (This is really Bill Nye.)

CHECK IT OUT: Yesterday we shot some pictures, today we’re developing them. Red light doesn’t affect the paper, but normal light makes it turn out ______.

Have you every heard of the ______prize? It is awarded to people who have done great works for humanity. There are Nobel prizes for art, peace and ______.

Alfred Nobel was a chemist who invented ______.

This made him fabulously rich. He arranged that every year money would be given away to people who win the Nobel Prize. Everybody who wins a Nobel Prize gets about ______dollars.

Scientists have kept track of what elements behave in what ways. We’ve listed them on the Periodic Table of the Elements. There are only _____ naturally occurring elements.

SONG Well, that’s our show. Chemical reactions can be ______.