Meeting opened at 6.50pm at the Diabetes WA., 174 Campbell St., Belmont WA 6104.

PRESENT: Rosemarie Winsor [President & Education & Liaison Officer], Jenny Hall [Vice-President)], Colleen Falls [Secretary], Tessa Jupp, Mary Hodgett, Barbara Flemming, Diane Cooke, Diane Davis, Louise Duck, Leanne Edwards, Imelda Gonzalvo, Anita Kaskens, Heather Lindsay-Smith, Heather MacWilliam, Andrea Randle, Jacinta Rykers, Jenny Beutel APOLOGIES: Ayeshah Ali [Treasurer], Gillian Baker-Murphy, Rosalind Bongers. PROXIES: Ayeshah Ali- proxy vote to Rosemarie Winsor Gillian Baker-Murphy- proxy vote to Rosemarie Winsor or Jenny Hall CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES Motion: ‘That the minutes of the AGM held on 18th August 2014 be accepted as a true and accurate record. Moved: Colleen Falls 2nd: Jenny Hall Accepted: By All ACCOUNTS AND REPORTS OF COMMITTEE PRESIDENTS REPORT – presented at meeting [see attached] EDUCATION AND LIAISON OFFICER’S REPORT-see president’s report TREASURER’S REPORT- 2014-2015 Year Balances SECRETARY’S REPORT – nil MOTION: ‘That all reports be accepted’. Moved: Rosemarie Winsor 2nd: Mary Hodgetts Accepted: By All ELECTIONS Positions declared vacant were : Vice President: Nomination form received– Regina Lau - elected 2 yrs Treasurer: Nomination form received– Rosalind Bongers - elected 2 yrs

Committee members: Nomination form received- Ayeshah Ali - elected 1 yrs Nomination form received - Jenny Beutel - elected 2 yrs Nomination form received- Diane Cooke - elected 1 yr Nomination form received- Diane Davis - elected 2 yrs Nomination form received- Heather MacWilliam -elected 2 yrs Nomination form received- Jenny Hall -elected 1 yr WAPNA – 2015/2016 Committee comprises: President: Rosemarie Winsor - (2016) Vice President: Regina Lau - elected for 2 yr (2017) Secretary: Colleen Falls - (2016} Treasurer: Rosalind Bongers - elected for 2 yrs (2017) Education & Liaison Officer: Rosemarie Winsor Committee members 1 Andrea Randall -(2016) 2 Gillian Baker-Murphy -(2016) 3 Ayeshah Ali – elected to 2016 4 Jenny Beutel- elected to 2017 5 Diane Cooke- elected to 2016 6 Diane Davis- elected to 2017 7 Heather MacWilliam- elected to 2017 8 Jenny Hall- elected to 2016

Out going committee thanked for their time and service. Auditor: Mr. Stephen Melville to be approached to complete the audit for 2014-2015 financial year.

Next AGM Meeting: 17th August 2016. AGM Meeting Closed 7.00pm Minute taker: Colleen Falls [Secretary] President Report to members WA Practice Nurses Association Inc AGM 17th August 2015 It has been another very busy year with WAPNA being recognized as a valuable support group for Practice Nurses. Therefore WAPNA is proving to be a very important association in our community.

This is evident with the increased number of referrals/requests for information. This is in relation to ongoing professional development, training opportunities, work related issues and requests to distribute information to our networks. I continue to network with many associations and professional groups, including APNA, Reed Medical Education, ASHM, Rural Health West, Medicare Locals, DWA, Cancer Council, Heart Foundation, the new WA Primary Health Alliance and many others. I have been involved with working groups, discussion groups and attend individual meetings in relation to maintaining and building my knowledge to provide information for WAPNA members.

During the past 12 months we continued to ask for support and for members to consider being on the committee in the following year when vacancies became available. This was not proving very successful. Therefore, at our May meeting we decided to take a very strong approach and let members know that the very small committee would need to have others “step up” to help or we will not be able to continue beyond December 2015. This proved to be very successful as several members offered to take on committee positions and provide assistance where needed. All these offers were gratefully accepted and tasks have been allocated for the year ahead. Seeing these individual members “step up” and take on various roles, enables us to continue the sustainability of a great association into 2016 as I had hoped.

I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all the helpers over the last 12 months for your ongoing support and assistance with seminars, monthly meetings, mail outs and other “behind the scenes” tasks. Special thanks to Ayeshah Ali for her role in the busy position as treasurer. She has made some positive changes/suggestions and implementations to streamline the role. This will make it a lot easier for our future treasurer.

We held an end of year breakfast function in December last year as a recognition and thank you to all committee and helpers. This was very successful and a fun time was had by us all. I would therefore suggest we continue this event every year, as I believe all the committee and helpers deserve this as a “reward” to say thank you for all the work undertaken in the past year.

As a final note I would once again like to thank everyone who has continued support for WAPNA and those of you who will now be involved with various roles for the next 12 months. I look forward to working with you all.

Rosemarie Winsor President 17th August 2015 TREASURERS AGM REPORT

Year Balances 2014-2015

Bank Account Petty Cash Total Opening Balance 18,923.03 74.68 Total 18,997.71


Membership 6,225.00 500.00 6,725.00

Sponsorship 4,900.00 4,900.00

Bank Interest 163.80 163.80

Seminar 8,840.00 655.00 9,495.00

DVDs 120 120.00

20,248.80 1,155.00 21,403.80


Speaker Gifts 1,956.35 217.40

Bank Fees 41.05

Web page 281.10

Stationary 2,280.22 100.00

Seminar 8,626.89

Tea/Coffee 34.70 275.42

Advertising 3,047.00

Videoing 3,370.00

Telephone 429.00 120.00

Meeting rental 200

Photocopying 159.85

Account fees 0.00

Equipment 1,255.00

Donations 200.00

Refunds 440.00 5.00

Miscellaneous 873.34 70.50

23,194.50 788.32 23,982.82


Closing Balance 15,972.33 441.36 16,418.69


opening bank balance 18,923.03

total credits 20,248.80

total debits 23,199.50

unbanked cheques

unpresented cheques

closing balance 15,972.33


1. Calculation at H31 was necessary to account for an overpayment received into the bank account and a $5 refund paid from the petty cash

2. Miscellaneous includes

* $528 for badges

* $300 for Xmas meal