The Nation Grows Stronger

John Adams John Jay Zebulon Pike Santa Anna Thomas Jefferson James K. Polk Stephen Austin Francis Scott Key Sacajawea Daniel Boone Lewis and Clark Samuel Slater Henry Clay Francis Lowell Joseph Smith Peter Cooper James Madison Elizabeth Cady Stanton Dorothea Dix James Madison John Sutter John C. Fremont Horace Mann Zachary Taylor Robert Fulton John Marshall Tecumseh Alexander Hamilton Cyrus McCormick William Travis William H. Harrison James Monroe George Washington Sam Houston Samuel F.B. Morse Marcus & Narcissa Whitman Elias Howe Napoleon Brigham Young Andrew Jackson Oliver Hazard Perry

1. ______Shoshone girl- interpreter and guide for Lewis and Clark 2. ______worked for better treatment of criminals and mentally ill 3. ______mapped western trails “Pathfinder”- helped in Bear Flag Revolt 4. ______1st Sect of State- started D-R party- as pres. added LA Terr. 5. ______defeated British in Battle of Lake Erie in War of 1812 6. ______lost Texas to US- later led Mexicans to defeat in Mexican War 7. ______invented “Clermont”- first successful steamboat 8. ______established public school system in Mass.- many states copied 9. ______Era of Good Feeling- added Florida- Monroe Doctrine warned Eur 10. ______immigrant from England- started first American textile mill 11. ______took 300 American families into Mexican territory of Texas 12. ______won Battle of Buena Vista in Mexican War- elected president 13. ______defeated Indians at Tippecanoe- died after one month as president 14. ______US acquired Texas, Oregon Country, Mexican Cession 15. ______led Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, other frontiersmen at Alamo 16. ______united tribes in Old Northwest against US- lost at Tippecanoe 17. ______New Or hero- 1st Dem pres- spoils system- troops to SC- ended Bank 18. ______wrote “Star Spangled Banner” near Ft. McHenry- War of 1812 19. ______pres of Const. Conv.- Proc. of Neutrality- Whiskey Reb.- Farewell Address 20. ______blazed the Wilderness Road- led first settlers into KY 21. ______Seneca Falls Convention- founded National Women’s Suffrage Assoc. 22. ______wanted strong Constitution- 1st Secty of Treasury- Federalist Party 23. ______invented the reaper which speeded the harvesting of wheat 24. ______missionaries in Oregon- killed by Indians after measles epidemic 25. ______defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto- Pres. of Lone Star Republic 26. ______after LA Terr. Added- explored upper Miss. Valley and Southwest 27. ______first Chief Justice of Supreme Court- Jay’s Treaty- US and GB 28. ______explored Louisiana Territory after its purchase from France 29. ______French leader who sold LA Terr. To US for $15 million 30. ______invented the first sewing machine 31. ______he was the president during War of 1812 against Great Britain 32. ______gold found on his land by James Marshall- CA gold rush 33. ______with John C. Calhoun led “War Hawks” in Congress- War of 1812 34. ______started “factory system” with all manuf. steps under one roof 35. ______invented telegraph- first message- “What hath God wrought!” 36. ______founded Mormon Church- took followers to Midwest- killed by mob 37. ______succeeded Joseph Smith- took Mormons to Great Salt Lake, UT 38. ______built “Tom Thumb”- first successful steam locomotive in US 39. ______Chief Justice who established Sup. Ct’s power of judicial review 40. ______first VP- Federalist- Alien and Sedition Acts 41. ______“Father of the Constitution”- ideas strengthened central govt.

The Civil War and Reconstruction

John Wilkes Booth Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson John Brown Robert E. Lee John C. Calhoun Abraham Lincoln Henry Clay George Pickett Jefferson Davis Dred Scott Stephen A. Douglas William T. Sherman Frederick Douglass Harriet Beecher Stowe David Farragut Harriet Tubman William Lloyd Garrison Nat Turner Ulysses S. Grant Eli Whitney

CW is Civil War

1. ______President of Confederate States of America during Civil War 2. ______former slave who became a leading abolitionist writer and speaker 3. ______led Confederate charge at Gettysburg that gave Union key victory 4. ______won at Vicksburg- forced Lee’s surrender at Appomattox ending CW 5. ______slave denied freedom by Sup. Court thus opening terr. to slavery 6. ______directed slave rebellion that killed whites- spread fear in South 7. ______Senator from SC- led South’s demand for states’ rights 8. ______opposed slavery in terr.- CW president- Emancipation Proclamation 9. ______invented cotton gin- developed idea of “interchangeable part” 10. ______3 times got North and South to solve differences- “Great Compromiser” 11. ______Union naval hero in CW- captured New Orleans- Mobile Bay 12. ______abolitionist who published “The Liberator” 13. ______wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”- aroused anti-slavery feelings in North 14. ______assassinated Abraham Lincoln at Ford’s Theater in Washington 15. ______beat Union at Bull Run- accidentally killed by own men at Chancellorsville 16. ______led destructive Union “march to the sea”- Atlanta to Savannah 17. ______abolitionist who attacked Harpers Ferry, VA arsenal- hanged 18. ______top Confederate general in CW- made final surrender at Appomattox 19. ______escaped slave and most famous “conductor” on the Underground Railroad 20. ______wrote Kan-Neb Act granting popular sovereignty- debated Lincoln Modern America Takes Shape

Jane Addams George Dewey Maximilian Susan B. Anthony Thomas Edison James Naismith Alexander Graham Bell Henry Ford Matthew C. Perry Henry Bessemer James A. Garfield Walter Reed Jim Bridger Samuel Gompers Jacob Riis William Jennings Bryan Charles Goodyear John D. Rockefeller Sitting Bull William C. Gorgas Carl Schurz Andrew Carnegie John Hay William H. Seward George Washington Carver Rutherford B. Hayes Upton Sinclair Samuel L. Clemens Andrew Johnson William M. Tweed Grover Cleveland Chief Joseph Cornelius Vanderbilt George A. Custer Oliver H. Kelley Booker T. Washington John Deere Queen Liliokalani Orville & Wilbur Wright

1. ______w/ Crazy Horse fought white man’s advance- won Battle Little Big Horn 2. ______discovered vulcanization of rubber- gave it practical use 3. ______overthrown by American settlers- led to annexation of Hawaii 4. ______his Standard Oil Co. monopolized US oil refining industry 5. ______a “mountain man” of the Rockies- trapper- blazed western trails 6. ______Thomas Nast’s cartoons attacked his NYC Tammany Hall machine 7. ______two non-consecutive terms- sent troops to break Pullman strike 8. ______Secty of State under McKinley- proposed Open Door Policy in China 9. ______captured after daring march toward Canada- put on reservation 10. ______joined short railroad lines between NYC & Buffalo into NY Central 11. ______founded Hull House- a community center for poor in Chicago 12. ______destroyed Spanish fleet at Manila Bay in Spanish Amer. War 13. ______France attacked Mexico during CW- making him ruler- later killed 14. ______inventions included phonograph, light bulb, “Wizard of Menlo Park” 15. ______cabinet official under Hayes- began using civil service system 16. ______campaigned for women’s rights- especially the right to vote 17. ______conquered yellow fever in Cuba- rid Panama Canal Zone of disease 18. ______opened US trade with Japan- ending Japanese isolation from the West 19. ______wrote “Huckleberry Finn”, “Tom Sawyer”- pen name- Mark Twain 20. ______invented basketball to provide athletes with wintertime exercise 21. ______book “How the Other Half Lives”- resulted in help for NYC poor 22. ______invented telephone- 1st words- “Mr. Watson, come here, I want you” 23. ______US Army doctor in Cuba who found mosquitoes spread yellow fever 24. ______Sioux, Cheyenne destroyed his cavalry at Little Bighorn River 25. ______founded American Federation of Labor for skilled workers by craft 26. ______founded a national farmer’s organization- the Grange 27. ______he and William Kelly developed a cheaper way to make steel 28. ______ex-slave- taught new farm methods in South- 325 uses for peanuts 29. ______killed by rejected office-seeker- bringing civil service reform 30. ______followed Lincoln- opposed Radical Rep.- impeached- cleared by Senate 31. ______Secty of State who bought Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million 32. ______steelmaking monopoly- gave away millions- funded 2,800 libraries 33. ______withdrew last Union troops from the South ending Reconstruction 34. ______muckraker who wrote “The Jungle”- exposing meat packing abuses 35. ______used assembly line to mass produce affordable Model T automobile 36. ______African-American educator and reformer- founded Tuskegee Institute 37. ______invented steel blade plow to cut tough Midwest prairie soil 38. ______made first successful airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, NC 39. ______“Cross of Gold” speech- free silver to help farmers, debtors

Modern America

Neil Armstrong Herbert Hoover Richard Nixon Jimmy Carter Lyndon Johnson Sandra Day O’Connor Fidel Castro John F. Kennedy Rosa Parks Cesar Chavez Martin Luther King, Jr. John J. Pershing Winston Churchill John L. Lewis Erwin Rommel Amelia Earhart Charles Lindbergh Franklin D. Roosevelt Dwight D. Eisenhower Douglas MacArthur Theodore Roosevelt Franz Ferdinand Thurgood Marshall Josef Stalin Betty Friedan Joseph McCarthy Harry S. Truman John Glenn William McKinley Woodrow Wilson George W. Goethals Ho Chi Minh Mao Zedong William Randolph Hearst Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler Ralph Nader 1. ______after his assassination- Austria-Hungary invaded Serbia- WW I began 2. ______first African American Supreme Court justice 3. ______fascist dictator of Italy during WW II 4. ______Mexican American who started United Farm Workers Union in 60’s 5. ______led Communists over Chiang Kai-Shek’s Nationalists in China war 6. ______first American astronaut to orbit the earth 7. ______Rough Rider- “trust buster”- Big Stick Policy- conservation 8. ______Bay of Pigs invasion- Cuban Missile Crisis- Peace Corps- assassinated 9. ______New Deal to fight Great Depression- elected 4 times- WW II president 10. ______atomic bomb decision- NATO- Marshall plan- upset Dewey- Korean War 11. ______founded National Organization for Women to increase opportunities 12. ______president during stock market crash and beginning of Great Depression 13. ______criticized unsafe cars- defective products- “consumer revolution” 14. ______dictator of the Soviet Union during WW II 15. ______US Army engineer who directed construction of the Panama Canal 16. ______WW I- Progressive reforms- failed to get US into League of Nations 17. ______first president of Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) 18. ______human rights- Camp David Accords- Panama Canal Treaty- Iran hostages 19. ______accused many Americans of being communists- censured by Senate 20. ______led WW II German Afrika Korps- defeated by Eisenhower, Montgomery 21. ______with Joseph Pulitzer used “yellow press” to arouse US before Sp-Am War 22. ______Pacific commander WW II- removed as commander in Korean War 23. ______seized power in Cuba in 1959- communist dictator- ally with Soviets 24. ______her arrest set off Montgomery bus boycott- civil rights movement 25. ______Prime Minister of GB in WW II- observed Soviet “iron curtain” 26. ______hunted Pancho Villa in Mexico- commanded US troops in WW I 27. ______first woman to fly across the Atlantic- disappeared on Pacific flight 28. ______pres. during Sp-Am War- acquisition of Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico 29. ______Allied commander in WW II- led D-Day invasion- became president 30. ______visit to China- détente- SALT with Soviets- Watergate- resigned 31. ______“Great Society”- “War on Poverty”- Civil Rights Act- Vietnam War 32. ______dictator of Nazi Germany during WW II period 33. ______first woman Supreme Court justice 34. ______Communist leader of North Vietnam- opposed US in Vietnam War 35. ______non-violent civil rights leader- Montgomery bus boycott- “I have a dream” 36. ______made world’s first trans-Atlantic flight in “Spirit of St. Louis” 37. ______American astronaut who became the first man on the moon