Waterford Experience – Second Street School

Dear Parents, We are getting close to the 4th grade Waterford Experience. This is an exciting activity where our class will be participating in a living history program in a one-room schoolhouse at the Second Street School in Waterford, Virginia. This program is used to give students the opportunity to experience school in a one-room schoolhouse over 100 years ago. The program is based on the history of Waterford and education in nineteenth century rural Virginia. We will be going to the Second St. School in Waterford on (SEE WEBSITE FOR DATE) We will leave Newton-Lee at 9:15 a.m. and arrive in Waterford at 10:00 a.m. Once we arrive the children will meet their “new teacher”, Miss Nickens, a representative from the Waterford Foundation. At noon our instruction time will end and we will have lunch in the backyard of the school (weather permitting). After lunch, around 12:45, we will board the bus and return to Newton-Lee. Only a select number of chaperones are permitted due to the small size of the schoolhouse. Chaperones are encouraged to dress up too in order to take part in the living history experience. Please remember we may not interfere with instruction. Miss Nickens needs the children to be focused so she can present her lessons without talking or distraction. In order to make this experience as authentic as possible, clothes must also be appropriate to the time era.  For boys - baggy pants, patched denims, suspenders, knickers, straw hats and large shirts will do nicely.  For girls - petticoats, aprons, long skirts, straw hats or bonnets, and large hair ribbons are appropriate.  Please include only comfortable shoes for the day.  All students will need a cloth hankie, a lunch basket or bag, and a bottle of water. Attached is a list of lunch choices that are appropriate for this time era. This is a wonderful project and I believe it will be one of the highlights of your child’s elementary school years. Do not hesitate to call or drop a note if you have any questions.

Sincerely, 4th Grade Teacher

 Please fill out the attached Field Trip Permission Form and chaperone slip (if applicable) and return it to school by Wednesday, October 19th. Five Chaperones will be selected. If more than five parents want to go on the field trip, we will pick the names from a hat.

Chaperone’s Name: ______Child’s Name: ______

I would like to be entered into the lottery to attend the Waterford trip.

**Please return the chaperone request slip no later than Wednesday, October 19th