Learning, Glorifying, Celebrating, and Following

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Learning, Glorifying, Celebrating, and Following

PEWEE VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH People: God hears our cries and questions, and promises to remain in “Learning, Glorifying, Celebrating, and Following …” covenant with us. Leader: In the name of the Risen One, who came, who comes, and who is to come again, the heavy weight of our doubt is lifted. GATHERING … People: We are forgiven and may begin again to love as Christ loves. ALL: ALLELUIA! AMEN. Gathering Music The Ringing of the Bell *Response, No. 106 Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks ALLELUIA NO. 1 Welcome (refrain, stanza 3, refrain) *Passing of the Peace PREPARING … HEARING … Prelude Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing arr. JOHN LONGHURST Time for Young Disciples Lighting of the Candles Kaeyln Wiser At the conclusion, children may return to their families.

*Call to Worship Reverend Joel Weible Anthem I Need Thee Every Hour ARR. BY JON HOLLOMAN Leader: The bread of life opens our eyes. Men’s Quartet – James Bates, Bob Borders, People: The word of life opens our ears. Matt Killion, Richard Ray Leader: The risen one shows us God’s own brokenness, People: And by his wounds we are healed. Scripture Reading Acts 8:1,3 and 9:1-8 ALL: LET US GIVE THANKS TO GOD TOGETHER! Sermon BETTER CALL SAUL Jenna Heery *Hymn 457 I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art TOULON *Hymn 522 Lord, When I Came Into This Life LAND OF REST Call to Confession and Prayer God, we confess that there are many hours when we are not mindful of your RESPONDING … presence. We give up the comfort and avoid the challenge that come from your Word and your Spirit. We continue in despair and self-doubt, rather *Affirmation of Faith from A BRIEF STATEMENT OF FAITH than rejoicing in knowing you love us. Afraid to die, we cannot receive new In life and death we belong to God. life. Forgive us and restore the joy of knowing you. May Christ be known Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the among us in this place and into the world. Hear, now, our silent prayers of communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in one triune God, the Holy One return … of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve. With believers in every time and place, we rejoice that nothing in life or (A Time of Silence for Personal Confession) death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen. Assurance of Pardon Leader: God loves us and frees us from all that we do to turn away from the transformative power of belief. Time of Giving Thanks If you are our guest today, please take with you the laminated Announcements bookmark in the pew rack, compliments of A Moment in Time: Remembering Years Past Pewee Valley Presbyterian! Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

Call to Offering and Giving of our Gifts

Offertory Setting on "Great is Thy Faithfulness" R.MEYER

*Doxology, No. 592 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

*Prayer of Dedication (unison) Generous God, you are our portion and our cup. In you our hearts are glad, our souls rejoice, and our bodies rest. Bless and multiply our offerings this morning that they may bring the joy of your presence more deeply into the world. Amen.


*Hymn 418 God, Bless Your Church with Strength! ICH HALTE TREULICH STILL

*Charge and Benediction

*Benediction Response Please remain standing through the Benediction Response When the bell rings and the doors open, go forth.

*Postlude Look Ye Saints, The Sight is Glorious! arr. PAUL MANZ

PLEASE NOTE: Neither food nor drinks should be consumed in our sanctuary. Please finish eating and drinking in the Family Life Center before coming in for worship. IN CASE YOU MISSED IT. Rev. Joel Weible’s sermons are posted on our website each week. Manuscripts and Audio Recordings can be found at www.peweevalleypresbyterian.org / click the “Media” tab. “We have found in this church a spiritual home where we learn to serve others, enjoy and glorify God, celebrate differences, and faithfully follow the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Sunday Morning Worship April 10, 2016 / Third Sunday of Easter

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