Ambassador's Special Self-Help Program

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Ambassador's Special Self-Help Program


Guidelines Instructions Application Form (Updated: July 2017)

United States Mission to Uganda – Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program Application Form July 2017 Introduction

Launched in 1964 in Togo, the Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program (SSH) is a unique mechanism that enables U.S. embassies around the world to support small-scale community- based initiatives that promote self-reliance, foster development, and promise an immediate and dramatic effect on local communities.


Program Eligibility

All SSH proposals have to: 1. Be community-based, 2. Be initiated locally, 3. Be administered at the local level, and 4. Include community contributions in cash, labor, or materials.

Organizations that apply for SSH funds must be registered as Community Based Organizations (CBO) or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) with the Government of Uganda.

Selection Criteria

SSH funds a wide variety of projects, including but not limited to community infrastructure, water and sanitation, and economic growth. The Proposal Review Committee will evaluate proposals according to the following criteria (not in priority order):

1. Community participation in the project design and needs assessment 2. Project outreach/impact (i.e. cost per beneficiary) 3. Feasibility of successful project implementation/impact (over a 1-year grant period) 4. Sustainability 5. Transparent and participatory beneficiary selection process 6. Community contribution

Expenditure Reporting SSH requires grantees to adhere to specific procurement, reporting, and record-keeping requirements. The Embassy will transfer the SSH funds to grantees via electronic funds transfer in two tranches, in U.S. dollars, however, the receiving bank will convert the funds to UGX at the current exchange rate. Grantees are responsible for identifying reliable suppliers and obtaining pro-forma invoices. SSH encourages grantees to purchase materials from local vendors to the extent possible.

United States Mission to Uganda – Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program Application Form July 2017 Application Process

There is a two-step application process: 1. Applicants must submit a concept note, no more than two pages (not including the cover page), addressing the topics noted below, and complete the attached logical framework and budget templates. Please read the guidelines carefully, and answer each question as clearly and comprehensively as possible, within the space allotted. Applications that do not follow this format or are incomplete will not be considered. Applicants should explain how the project fulfills the selection criteria and describe in detail the project’s goal, objectives, and activities.

2. The Embassy’s Grants Committee will review all submissions and short-listed candidates will be contacted with requests for additional information and may be asked to submit a full proposal.

Application Deadline

3. The submission deadline for the 2017 SSH is September 9, 2017. However, applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their proposals as soon as possible. The 2015 Self-Help Program, funded a total of eight projects. We expect to fund a similar number of proposals this year.

 Any application that is incomplete or missing required documentation will not be considered.  Applicants may be asked to provide additional information or clarify certain aspects their concept note.  Short-listed applicants will be contacted to schedule a pre-award site visit to meet the applying organization, community members, local leaders, etc. to assess the applying organization’s institutional capacity and discuss the project in more detail.

4. Completing the Application Form

Applicants must:  Type the application form.  Please email applications (as a Microsoft Word and Excel files) to [email protected].

Below is a description of each section of the Application Form. Please answer each section completely. Please email any questions to: [email protected].

Section 1: Cover Sheet

1. Name of Organization: This is the CBO or NGO requesting SSH funds.

United States Mission to Uganda – Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program Application Form July 2017 2. Organization’s Addresses: Physical site location and email addresses. Applying organizations must have a physical presence.

3. Project Title: Title should be short and describe the type of project (e.g. “Sewing Skills for Women” or “Borehole Construction Project”).

4. Project District/Sub-county/Parish: Please include the District, Sub-county, and Parish that the project will be located in. (Not required to be the same as the organization’s location)

5. Name of Organization’s Director and Project Coordinator: Please include complete contact information (including full name FAMILY NAME, First Name, Middle Initial), phone number(s), and email address(es) for two key personnel that will be responsible for this project. Email addresses are NOT optional . Email is the Small Grants Office’s primary form of communication with project. Please note a primary address that the applicant checks regularly. You do not need to provide a photo.

6. Total Estimated Cost of the Proposed Project in Dollars and Ugandan Shillings: The total cost of the proposed project should be between $5,000 - $10,000 using an exchange rate of 3,400 UGX per $1 USD.

7. Number of Beneficiaries: Note the total expected number of direct beneficiaries, separated by gender, and the estimated number of indirect beneficiaries. Project participants are considered direct beneficiaries; their family members are considered indirect beneficiaries.

8. Estimated Time to Complete the Project: The maximum duration of an SSH grant is 12 months, however, they can also be for a shorter period.

9. Previous U.S. Government Grant Experience: Please indicate if your organization has ever received funding from the U.S. government. If Yes, please note the year, the specific source of funding, the amount of the funding, and the title of the project.

Part 2: Project Description

1. Project Summary: A brief description of the issue this project aims to address, the project’s goal, objectives, and activities, and the impact it will have on the beneficiaries/community. This section should not exceed 1-page.

2. Project Goals, Objectives, Activities, and Monitoring and Evaluation: Please review the attached logical framework template, and revise it to the specifics of your project. The logical framework should lay out the project’s theory of change, and show how the

United States Mission to Uganda – Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program Application Form July 2017 activities contribute to achieving each associated objective, and how the objectives contribute to the realization of the overall goal. (Note: “Goals” usually are a lofty end state that the project will not achieve, but it should move the beneficiaries closer to that ideal situation. End note.)

3. Beneficiary Selection: (1/2 page)  Describe the process of determining the beneficiary selection criteria?  Explain how the beneficiary selection process will be transparent and participatory. Note: Beneficiaries should not be identified prior to the official start of the project to avoid raising hopes and creating unfulfilled expectations.  How many direct beneficiaries will the project impact?  How was the number of direct beneficiaries determined?  How many indirect beneficiaries will the project impact?  How was the number of indirect beneficiaries determined?

4. Sustainability: (1/4 page) How will the project be sustainable beyond the funding period. How will the beneficiaries/community continue to feel the impact of this project? Please address the following: b. Continuity of the project. c. Continued use and protection of any property purchased under the project. d. Potential to increase the number of beneficiaries after completion of the project.

5. Community Contribution/Involvement: (1/4 page) Please describe the community’s contribution to the project. (e.g. land, labor, cash, materials, etc.) If the project is supporting/enhancing a current community initiative, previous community investments can also be included. If applicable, please include a brief description of any partner organizations, how you are working with them, and contributions the partner will/has made to your project. Also include contributions made by local authorities, or other stakeholders.

Part 3: Project Budget

1. Working Budget: Please refer to the sample project budget in the enclosed spreadsheet (second worksheet). Please separate indirect (overhead) and direct (directly related to the implementation of the activities) costs. Please separate costs for each activity. All costs should be noted in UGX. Please make each individual budget item as specific as possible. Do not combine multiple items into one line. Make the descriptions of each item as detailed as possible. Add additional rows to the spreadsheet as needed. Be sure to breakout the quantity of the item needed and the cost per unit.

United States Mission to Uganda – Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program Application Form July 2017 Limitations on the use of Self-Help Funds:

The Self-Help Program provides money for material and supplies only. Awards cannot be used for the following:

1. Remodeling or renovating existing facilities that are in disrepair as a result of neglect or insufficient maintenance funds; 2. Activities that could potentially create tension within the community, harm community members, or damage the environment; 3. Religious or military activities; 4. Sport equipment or uniforms for a national sports team; 5. Musical instruments or uniforms for a national orchestra or dance company; 6. Surveillance equipment; 7. Used equipment, luxury goods, alcohol, and gambling equipment. 8. Alcohol; 9. Entertainment; 10. Payments to Government Officials;

Response to Submissions: Due to the high volume of submissions, we will only contact short- listed applicants. Those applicants may be asked to provide additional information or clarification and must respond in a timely manner to continue to be considered. Application forms will not be returned, so please keep a copy for your own records.

In case of any questions, please contact the Small Grants Office, U.S. Mission Uganda: [email protected]

United States Mission to Uganda – Ambassador’s Special Self-Help Program Application Form July 2017

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