The Ministry of Environment

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The Ministry of Environment

The Ministry of Environment

Annual report 2007

Riga 2008 Index

Preface...... 3 1. Legal status and structure of the Ministry...... 4 2. Main objectives and priorities...... 12 3. Supervised institutions...... 13 4. Essential changes during the year of account...... 15 5. Performance and evaluation in the environmental protection ...... 15 6. Performance and evaluation in the nature protection...... 24 7. Performance and evaluation in climate and renewable energy field ...... 25 8. Performance and evaluation of Investment Department activities...... 26 9. Performance and evaluation of Strategy and Coordination Department activities...... 30 10. Public relations ...... 32 11. International cooperation in 2007...... 33 12. Report onr improvement of management and activities in order to ensure effective performance...... 34 13. Educating and improvement of professional skills of human resources in 2007...... 35 14. Prognosis and plans...... 36 14.1. Prognosis and plans in the environmental protection field ...... 36 14.2. Prognosis and plans in the nature protection field...... 38 14.3. Investment priorities in 2008...... 38 Appendix No 1...... 41 Appendix No 2...... 42

2 Preface

Environmental protection in Latvia develops faster with every year and gains more importance as the state function sector. It is indicted not only by growing interest of mass media and society on environmental issues but also by successful managing the sector (regulations, political statements, planning documents, projects prepared by the Ministry of Environment) as well as growing range of financial resources from government and European Union for development of the field. The report offers detailed information on performance of the Ministry of Environment during 2007, evaluation of the performance and presented prognosis and plans for further actions. Before you start reading the report, I would like to emphasize that the involvement of society has increased significantly during the last year – in different consulting boards, in discussions about projects, documents, regulations and permissions. Not always it is possible to take into account all suggestions, because they are contradictious – some want bigger freedom to take action in their property, the others support limitations to protect the environment. The need to find compromises will be topic issue in further, but it is necessary to listen to all these different opinions as well. The environmental policy in the state is defined mostly by international and European Union demands and it is for the best because we all live in one world and we need coordinated actions which would cut down unreasonable human influence on environment. Climate changes and diminishing of biologic diversity are essential problems for the whole world. Still, the implementation of international demands as well as local solutions and actions are under our authority. We are ready to hear out and evaluate all propositions as well as constructive criticism. How to decrease the use of environmental unfriendly packing? How to prevent littering of forests and roadsides - not always higher penalties is the best solution. How to solve the issue on power efficiency? How to manage protected areas more effectively? How to increase the water quality of the Baltic Sea? These are only some of urgent questions which we strive to answer and solve together with all society of Latvia.

Minister Raimonds Vējonis

3 1. Legal status and structure of the Ministry

1. attēls Vides ministrijas struktūra


Department of Environmental Protection develops national environmental protection policy and supervises policy's realisation, elaborates strategies, plans, programs and legal acts accordingly with requirements set by EU, UNO and other international organisations, as well as co-ordinates international co-operation on environmental matters. Department consists from 5 units: Environmental Quality Unit, Technology Unit, Waste Management Unit, Unit of Water Resources, Pollution Prevention and Control Unit

Environmental Quality Unit co-ordinates development of national policy, legal acts and international co-operation in following sectors:

● waste management, ● sustainable organic pollutants, ● assessment of impact on environment, ● underground and surface water quality, ● radiation protection and nuclear safety, ● use of nature resources and implementation of economical instruments.

Unit develops national environmental quality targets, evaluates effectiveness of environmental policy instruments, shapes policy for environmental monitoring and registers, ensures inventarisation, investigation and remediation of contaminated sites.

Technology Unit co-ordinates development of pollution prevention policy in industry, power sector, transport, waste management, agriculture and informs representatives from industry on best available technologies and cleaner production concepts, introduces environmental management and eco-labelling systems, pollution registers and sustainable development projects realisation in branches of national economics. Unit

4 elaborates national policy, legal acts and co-ordinates international co-operation in following sectors:

● air, water and soil protection, ● evaluation and prevention of risks caused by chemical substances and products, including ozone layer depleting substances, ● safe production, use and circulation of chemical substances and products, ● evaluation and prevention of accidents and accidental risks caused by industrial and transport activities. Unit elaborates standards for pollution emissions and co-ordinates development of chemical substances, waste and pollution registers.

Waste Management Unit coordinates development of waste management national policy, legislative acts and recommendations as well as international cooperation.

Unit of Water Resorces has been founded on April of 2005. Unit is in charge for:

● development of policy papers and legislative acts, which refers to the management and protection of underground and surface water, ● overlook, how directives of the European Union on water management and protection are being implemented in Latvia and co-operate with other ministries and institutions of environmental protection, ● coordinate cooperation with Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus and Russia in management and protection of transboundary river basins ● participate in working groups of European Union in development of strategic documents, guidelines and other papers on management and protection of water coordinate program of "Blue Flag" in Latvia.

Pollution Prevention and Control Unit was created in April, 2007. Unit coordinates pollution prevention politics in industry and agriculture field as well as encourages awareness of representatives from other economic sectores about implementation of the best accessible technical methods. It coordinates implementation of environmental management system and calculation of pollution. Unit elaborates environmental policy and legal acts in following sectors: ● integrated prevention and control of pollution caused by national economy; ● prevention and control of pollution caused by agriculture; ● coordinating the issues to prevent degradation of the earth. Unit co-ordinates international co-operation in these sectors.

Department of Nature Protection has the long – term aim: to foster sustainable development of the state and ensure the protection of biological diversity. The key purposes of the unit are: ● development of policy papers and legislative acts, which refers to nature protection, defining goals and priorities of nature protection ● developing regulations projects in nature protection field; ● promoting the integration of nature protection claims in the strategies and legislative acts of economic sectors. Department consists of 2 units: Unit of Protected Areas organizes the protection of protected areas, coordinates the foundation of protected areas, develops of the network of European level protected areas (Natura 2000), defines the protection of international level protected areas, etc.

5 Unit of protected species and biotopes organizes the protection of wild species and biotopes, ensures the establishment of microreserves in the terms of reference of ministry, etc.

Climate and Renewable Energy Department. The long-term goal of the Climate and Renewable Energy Department is to facilitate the sustainable development of the state, integrating the climate change mitigation and renewable energy policy in the sectors of national economy and the strategies and programmes of the state regional development.

The main responsibilities of the Department are: developing the national climate change mitigation policy and monitoring its realization, developing new proposals of legislative acts on climate change mitigation and renewable energy to comply with the requirements of the EU, UN and other international organizations; participating in modelling and developing the European Union and international climate change mitigation policy; organizing and monitoring international and national co-operation projects in the spheres of climate and renewable energy, as well as planning, managing, organizing and monitoring the pilot projects’ implementation in the field of climate and renewable energy.

The Department has two divisions:

Climate Policy Division - coordinates climate change mitigation policy documents and develops and implements legislative acts, coordinates the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol requirements in Latvia, coordinates the cooperation with the Convention Secretariat and the European Union in the sphere of climate change policy, coordinates the implementation of European Union requirements in the field of climate change mitigation in Latvia and participates in the integration of the climate change mitigation requirements in other sectoral strategies and programmes.

Pilot Projects Implementation Division – organizes implementation of legislation in the field of climate change mitigation by application of Kyoto protocol flexible mechanisms and pilot projects, organizes and participates in elaboration and implementation of the renewable energy strategy, recommendations and proposals for legislative acts, coordinates elaboration and implementation of environmental requirements for energy installations, coordinates the preparation and realization of proposals for renewable energy projects; organizes monitoring of the international and national projects implementation in the spheres of climate change mitigation and renewable energy, coordinates attraction of finance for implementation of climate and renewable energy pilot projects.

6 Department of Strategy and Co-ordination The main tasks of the department are ● to coordinate preparation of policy documents within the ministry; ● to coordinate information exchange among the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Latvia to the EU and the Ministry of Environment; ● to coordinate preparation of instructions and position papers on each EU level issue, which concerns interests of Latvia within the competence of the Ministry of Environment.

Department of Strategy and Coordination has 3 divisions:

Division of EU and foreign affairs. Main functions of this division are to coordinate the collaboration with EU institutions due to harmonizing legislation which bounds on EU, to cooperate with respective departments of other ministries in order to divide competences and responsibilities regarding preparation of EU regulation acts and to promote common coordinated work. As well this division has to coordinate the information flow between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Latvia to the EU and the Ministry of Environment and to coordinate the preparation of instructions and position papers on each EU level issue, which concerns interests of Latvia within the competence of the Ministry of Environment.

Division of Environmental Strategy and Information. Main functions of this department are to organize and participate in the elaboration and implementation of strategies, plans and programs regarding to environmental education and information; to coordinate the development of Latvian strategic environmental policy documents; to cooperate with NGO’s, professional associations and environment stakeholder groups; to review applications and complaints of natural and legal persons and to prepare answers on general environmental issues; to inform public about environmental matters.

Division of Coordination is responsible for maintaining and updating the internet homepage of ministry. As well it has to coordinate preparation of ministry and dependent organizations year’s public survey; to prepare reports on execution of action plan in the government declaration’s section “Environment” within the ministry’s terms of reference and to coordinate and participate in the elaboration of the strategies, plans and programs regarding to ministry. Division has to coordinate adoption of EU legislation referable to competence of the ministry in the legislation of the Republic of Latvia and their establishment corresponding to time-limits in the EU legislation; to control execution of the tasks according to the instruction of Cabinet of Ministers; to organize reception of foreign delegations and other international events in the ministry with cooperation with other structural units and to realize all necessary organization to ensure management and staff of the ministry with business trips and to produce orders on foreign business trips of the staff of ministry and heads of the dependent organizations in according with resolution of secretary of State or his substitutes.

7 Investment Department carries out programming and co-ordinates attracting of funds from International Financial Institutions (IFIs), EU programmes and funds, and organizes participation of the Ministry in projects co-financed by EU pre-accession financial instruments.

Investment Department main responsibilities are: ● to elaborate and update the Strategy of financial attracting including the strategy of financial attracting from EU funds and to coordinate the implementation, as well as ensure the financial attracting from national budget to EU financed projects; ● to ensure the elaboration and updating of procedure of EU co-financed projects implementations supervision and administration and to prepare and update the Internal Quality Management System

Department consists of 4 units: Investment Strategy Unit, Budget Coordination Unit; Finance Management Unit and Quality Management Unit.

Investment Strategy Unit develops environmental investment policy and strategy, elaborates and updates the strategy of financial attracting in the competence of Ministry. One of the main duties of the unit is to organize the drafting of policies in the investment field in order to ensure financing from EU Cohesion Fund and European Regional Development fund (ERDF) for environment protection activities.

Budget coordination unit ensures the analysis of budget Project (for current year and middle term) and budget utilization. It compiles the state budget requirement in the field of environmental investments

Finance management unit is responsible for the management of EU co-financed projects according to the EU Standard regulations and order, regulations deeds, Project financial memorandum or rules of European Comission decisions. The main aims of the unit are: 1) to provide the preparing of necessary documentation for EU co – financed projects planned financing in order to transpose it in the state budget Project; 1) to evaluate the procurement plans, flow of money and distribution of finance of EU co-financed projects (in cooperation with Project preparation and implementation departaments).

Quality management unit completes the functions of state secretary deputy and Investment department secretariat. The main aims of the unit are: 1) to control the implementation process of the EU co-financed environmental investment projects and the documentation of the projects according to the internal control system; 2) to ensure the growth and education of human resources in the EU co-financed projects; 3) in cooperation with Communications unit to ensure informing of the society and mass media on the preparation and implementation of EU co-financed environmental investment projects.

Project Finance and Support Department

8 Project Finance and Support Department (PFSD) is responsible for development of projects and coordination of international (including IFIs) funding.

PFSD’s main responsibilities include planning of the EU financial assistance in the environmental sector and preparation of the applications and supporting documentation of the projects to be co-financed by the EU. The Department is responsible for:

1) organisation of development and implementation of the EU Directive Specific Implementation and Financing Plans in water management and solid waste management sectors; 2) co-ordination of the acquisition of financial resources from the EU and International Financing Institutions for implementation of environmental infrastructure projects; 3) provision of administrative and technical management for the elaboration of feasibility studies, in order to ensure their conformity with the Environmental Investment Strategy, other strategic documents, legal acts and EU requirements; 4) organisation of submission of proposals for receiving EU co-financing to the Managing Authority; 5) participation in the administrative and technical management of EU co-financed projects. Department consists of three units: Water Management Project Unit, Waste Management Unit, Project Coordination Unit. Main functions and responsibilities of the Units are described below.

Water Projects Unit

1) planning of technical assistance for water services development projects preparation and financing for investment projects; 2) evaluation of the project conception for water services development projects, in order to ensure their conformity with the compliance of Environmental Investment Strategy, other strategic documents, legal acts and EU requirements; 4) organization of water services development projects preparation in accordance with the investment strategies, legal requirements and conditions to attract EU financing; 5) organization of potencially EU co-financed water services development project application submission to the Managing Authority;

Waste Management Unit

1) planning of technical assistance for waste management projects preparation and financing for investment projects; 2) evaluation of the project conception for waste management projects, in order to ensure their conformity with the compliance of Environmental Investment Strategy, other strategic documents, legal acts and EU requirements; 3) organization of waste management projects preparation in accordance with the investment strategies, legal requirements and conditions to attract EU financing; 4) organization of potencially EU co-financed waste management project application submission to the Managing Authority;

Project Co-ordination Unit

1) co-ordination of development of the environmental investment projects;

9 2) participate in development of national programms for aquisition of financial resources from European Regional Development fund for the environmental infrastructure projects; 3) provision of the supervision of the activities included in the Single Programming document, which are under the responsibility of Ministry of Environment

Projects Implementation department Functions of the Project Implementation department are: 1) to participate in implementation of environment investment strategies in accordance with the policy developed by the Ministry of the Environment, as well as in development and updating of other existing strategic documents under the competency of the Ministry of the Environment; 2) to ensure implementation and monitoring of the EU co-financed investment projects in accordance with requirements of the EC and National legislative framework of Latvia and provisions of the corresponding Financing memorandum; 3) to coordinate elaboration of procurement documentation, procurement process for EU co-financed projects; 4) to participate in supervision, control of implementation of structural funds within the competence of the Ministry of the Environment 5) to prepare and compile reports, informative materials about the administrative and technical management of the EU co-financed projects Department contains of two units: Project Administrative management unit provides the supervision of implementation of EU Cohesion fund and Phare program co – financed investment programs, coordination of administrative management and preparation of surveys according to the demands of the Project sponsors, rules and the order, verification of administrative and legal aspects of documents, protocols and contracts, provides opinion on the adequacy of documents to regulations, demands of sponsors and standart order.

Project technical management unit ensures the coordination of Project implementation, supervision and management. It also ensures the preparation of purchase documents and constracts and their adequacy to regulations. The unit is responsible for the procedure of purchasing and implementation of Project by organizing and securing the work of purchasing commission.

Investment department, Project Finance and Support Department and Projects Implementation department fulfils the function of mediator institution (for Cohesion fund), first level mediator institution (ERAF) and implementation institution functions in the environmental sector by securing the administrative, technical and financial EU co- financed projects according to LR and EU laws and regulations.

10 Legal department Legal Unit - takes part in drafting normative acts in all areas of the Ministry’s jurisdiction, checks compliance of normative acts, internal instructions and agreements and contracts drawn up by the Ministry to requirements of normative acts and legal techniques.

Personnel Unit - maintains the personnel records of the Ministry and subject institutions and organizes continued education of Ministry personnel.

Administration Department The main duties of the Administration Department are to ensure provision of equipment, office management and circulation of documents; to ensure development and working of communications and information systems in the Ministry. It is also responsible for planning and organizing maintenance, repairs, reconstruction and building of real property of the Ministry’s systems, for renew, supplement and safekeep the Ministry’s fund of maps and collect and systemize the Ministry’s library, provide services for library users.

The Office - provides all office needs and circulation of documents in the Ministry, collects material for the Ministry’s library and fund of maps.

The Maintenance Unit - takes care of equipment and facilities of the Ministry.

Internal Audit Department Internal Audit Department is an independent structural unit of the Ministry of Environment which is directly subordinate to the State Secretary.

The main tasks of the Internal Audit Department are to assess compliance of the activities of an institution with the strategy, policies, plans of action and laid down functions of the institution, and efficiency of the institution; the efficient use of financial and human resources; efficiency of the internal control system.

There are two Internal Audit Units: Internal audit unit of Administrative systemic and internal audit unit of International investment.

Internal audit unit of Administrative systemic performs financial, management, assessment of performance, quality, and other administrative system internal audits. The unit audits structural units of the Ministry and subordinate institutions of the Ministry which have not an internal audit structural unit.

Internal audit unit of International investment performs international investment and Europe Union pre–structural and structural funds audits. The unit audits structural units of the Ministry, local governments and companies which have received the finance from European Commission in the framework of environmental projects.

Communication Division

The main functions of the Communication Division are

11 1) creation and maintenance of the Ministry’s public image; 2) development and implementation of the communication strategy and subordinated communication plans; 3) ensuring the dissemination of the official point of view of the Ministry and its chief officials to the mass media; 4) participation in the elaboration process of the Ministry’s normative acts and political planning documents; 5) collaboration with Investment department Quality management unit to improve the informing of social partners about the projects co- financed by EU Cohesion fund and structure funds.

Budget and Finance Department

The division ensures the planning and servicing of the Ministry’s annual budget, compiles inventories of transactions dealing with services and material goods, as well as ensures the execution of various financial operations

12 2. The main aims and priorities of the ministry

The main aims of the ministry are to elaborate the environmental protection policy, to organizē and coordinate the implementation of environmental policy. In order to fulfil these aims ministry and its subordinated institutions must:  elaborate the environmental quality norms and implementation programs as well as action programs for eliminating pollution;  ensure the preparing and implementtion of EU co-financed environmental investment projects according to the international legislation and contracts;  coordinate the formation of informative data system which fulfil the functions of the ministry;  prepare advices for educational and scientific policy in the field of environmental protection;  draft the projects of regulations and policy planning documents in the field;  give adjudgements on projects of regulations and policy planning documents drafted by the other institutions;  represent the state interests in the international organizations and EU institutions;  inform society about the policy in the field and the work of the subordinated institutions, consults with NGO in the decision making and promotes the social dialogue about the policy making and implementation, as well as involve the society members in the government structures.

According to the Government and the strategy of the ministry of the Environment the ministry has set some main tasks and priorities:

 use of renewable or environmental friendly building material in the government and local government procurements.  evaluation of efficiency of nature resource tax rates and optimizing them;  support of the environment sciencists by encouraging the elaboration, implementation and use of innovative technologies;  promotion of green procurement in the state and local governments;  improvement of compensation mechanism on restriction of economic activity in the natural preserves and microreserves;  improvement of the action of environmental protecting controlling organizations by securing their administrative productivity;  providing the deportation of used nuclear fuel, as well as the safety of Baldone radioactive waste dump according to all international regulations;  providing the full engagement of Latvia in the international emissions trade by creating the climate change financial instrument and encouragingn the development of renewable energoresources, energoefficient solutions and low carbon issue technologies;  participating in the implementation of the action plan for the Baltic Sea in order to decrease the eutroficationa and pollution as well as to continue the adjusting of water management infrastructure according to the environment protection demands and building of regional waste management sites;  securing the management of NATURA 2000 territories by increasing the collaboration with loval governments, encouraging the state and private partnership projects and involving the society in the protection of especially protected territories;

13  drafting and implementing the management plan of water basins by taking care of water quality improvement, flood risks diminishing and involving all target audiences in discussions about the management plan;  recovery of the historically contaminated territories and assessing the impact of the contamination for the environment;  promotion of society co - partnership in the environmental protection and preservation, implementation of society education and information, preparation and distribution of actual environmental information, as well as ensuring the wide participation of the society in the environmental problem solving.  improvement of environmental quality norms, fostering the implementation of these norms by creating united system of environmental monitoring and information according to the EU and international systems.  improvement of laws and regulations in the field of waste management and the problem issues in this field, fostering the implementation of deposit system for several waste types management.

3. Supervised institutions

Supervised institutions fulfils the state policy, laws and legislations in the ministry competence field.

2. attēls Ministry of the Environment supervised institutions

14 Supervised institutions:

● Latvian Environmental, Geological and Meteorological Agency (; ● Environment State Bureau (; ● Radiation Safety Centre (; ● State Hazardos Waste Management Agency "BAPA" (; ● Gauja National Park (; ● North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve Administration (; ● Latvian Nature Museum (; ● National Botanic Garden of Latvia (; ● Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology (

Subjected institutions:

● State Environmental Service (; ● Administration of Latvian Environmental Protection Fund (; ● Nature Protection Board (; ● Teici State Reserve (; ● Slitere National Park (;

15 ● Kemeri National Park Administration ( ; ● Rāzna National Park Administration (

Companies: ● State Enterprise Latvian Environmental Investment Fund (; ● State Enterprise "Vides Projekti" (;

Detailed informations about the supervised and subjected institutions can be found in the homepages.

4. Essential changes in the year of account

In order to use the resources of ministry more effective and rationally as well as to promote sustainable development the reorganization of ministry and subordinate institutions continue.

From May 1, 2007 the Minister’s Bureau has started the work.

In order to improve the work in the field of industrial pollution in the Department of Environment Protection the Pollution Prevention and Control Unit has been created from April 1, 2007.

In order to ensure the work of the EU Funds for 2007. – 2013. year for project implementation, supervisiona and control the reorganization has been done in the Investment Department. As a result in April 7, 2008 the new units have been created and Department of the Project Preparation has been replaced with the Project Finance and Support Department.

From July 1, 2007 Hydroecology Institution of Latvia has been taken over in the subordiatnion of ministry of Environment (from the subordination of ministry of Education and Science).

According to the amendments on law on Razna National park (accepted in the January 25, 2007, became valid in February 22, 2007) the administration of Raznas National park has been created. This institution is subordinated to the ministry of the Environment. Razna NAtional park has been created to replace the previous nature park „Razna”. The territory of park includes Luznavas, Makonkalna, Kaunatas, Andrupenes, Ezernieku, Cornajas and Andzelu rural municipalities.

5. Results and evaluation in the field of environmental protection

Water protection In order to carry out the urgent actions necessary for Jekabpils, Jekabpils region Salas and Plavinas protection against spring floods in 2008, the CM regulation has been prepared in 2007 „On chanelling privatization earnings for short term activities for preventing the flood threats in Jekabpils and Plavinas” (CM Regulations No 452, July 25, 2007). The financing was used to renovate the dams.

16 Considering the European Parliament and Council Directive 2007/60/EK (on October 23, 2007) „On flood risk evaluation and management” ministry of the Environment has drafted and CM has announced the „National plan for flood risk evaluation and management” (CM regulations No 830 on December 20, 2007). Program defines activities for decreasing the flood threats in the risk areas and objects, financing for these activities and supervision institutions. In order to diminish the flood threats it has been planned to attract finance from the ERAF in the activity „Environmental risks diminishing” for 15 million euros (10,53 million lats).

In order to ensure the requirements for communal sewage purification in the beginning of 2007 in the CM regulations No 34 „Regulations on pollution substances emission in water” were accepted. The regulations updates necessary information provided by the pollution substances operator in order to achieve the permission from the State Environmental service for contamination actions.

Adapting the requirements of European Parliament Directive 2006/7/EK „On water quality management in bathing places” the national legislation has faced the amendments on the Water Management law. The regulations Project for CM has been prepared in cooperation with ministry of Health.

The cooperation with local municipalities and NGO continued in the „Blue flag” movement. In 2007 „The Blue flag” has been given to eight bathing places in Latvia in Abrasciems, Bulduri, Daugavpils, LIepaja, Majori, Jankemeri and Ventspils, as well as for the yacht club „Andrejosta”. National bathing places certificate has been awarded to four bathing places - in Sigulda, „Meleku licis”, Vecaki and Vakarbulli.

In cooperation with Latvian Environmental, Geological and Meteorological Agency the report has been prepared and submitted to European Commision according to Directive 91/271/EEK on May 21, 1991 about the purification of communal sewage.

The work on new European Parliament and Council directive about environmental quality standarts in the field of water resources management has continued during 2007. The CM position for European Council Environmental ministers meeting has been prepared and accepted in June 28, 2007.

During the 2007 have been held nine Daugavas, Lielupes, Ventas and Gaujas river basins consulting boards meetings, where the problems and update information from the management plans for water basin programs.

Waste management According to the Outworn vehicles management law in 2007 the CM regulations „Amendments on CM regulations No 243 on April 6, 2004 „Requirements for recovery of outworn vehicles and environmental rules for recovery companies”” has been accepted.

According to the Electronic and electrical equipment waste management the CM regulations „Amendments on CM regulations No 923 on November 9, 2004 „Electronical and electric equipment waste management rules”” have been accepted. Regulations sets the requirements for electric anad electronic equipment collection and processing, as well as the requirements for electric and electronic equipment collection,

17 recycling and the terms and amount of recycled waste including the order of reporting about the accomplishments.

According to the Chemical substances and products law amendments on CM regulations No 723 on August 17, 2004 „Regulations on restricting use of chemical substances in electric and electronic equipment” have been accepted. The regulations includes also electric and electronic equipment, electric bulbs and household lamps.

The waste sorting in Latvia is stated by waste management plan 2006.- 2012. and ten regional waste management plans as well as Zemgale, Pieriga, Piejura, Austrumlatgale and Dienvidlatgale regional waste management plans which are accepted in the CM in 2007.

Plans define, that in whole Latvia there will be created more than 3000 divided waste collection points (2977), 77 divided waste collection places, 20 sorting stadions and 52 compost places. Regional plans are in the development phase, and the building of dividend waste collection infrastructure objects has already started in all Latvia.

The informative report on Waste management state level plan 2006. – 2012. has been elaborated.


According to the Directive 2005/20/EK as well as Europe Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EK on packaging and used packaging as well as European Parliament and Council Directive 2004/12/EK which has amendments on previous directives about packaging ministry of the Environment has drafted the CM regulations No 65 on January 16, 2007 „Regulations of used packaging registration percentual volume and terms, order of registration and report submitting along with blank forms, requirements for companies to be registred as the manager of packaging, packaging definition and requirements for heavy metals in packaging”.

Prepared and submitted European Commission the Report of Latvia on packaging according to Directive 94/62/EK on packaging and used packaging.

The law on natural resources defines that from January 1, 2007 the tax advantages on packaging have been replaced with new system – exemption from tax payment on packaging and disposable dishes and cutlery. Cabinet of Ministers has announced the regulations No 915 on November 6, 2006 „Order of acquitting from natural resource tax for packaging and disposable dishes and cutlery”.

During 2007 contracts with packaging managers on the preparing and implementing the system of used packaging management as well as about system of disposable dishes and cutlery management have been prepared and signed as well as the exemption from natural resource tax has been allocated.

On September 18, 2007 CM regulations No 631 „Environment hazardous product waste, packaging and disposable dishes and cutlery management system auditing order and order in which the person who is responsible for management system auditing” were accepted. The regulations had been drafted in order to ensure the task described in Natural resource tax law chapter 23 part 6 paragraph 3 and 4 as well as chapter 24 part 3

18 paragraph 6 and 7. CM regulations sets the order for determining a person who is responsible for system auditing, waste management system and auditing. According to the Natural resource tax law Transitional regulations paragraph 13 defines that manager who has partners who don’t pay Natural resource tax has to have an auditing of waste and packaging management starting from 2006. This is a new requirement in the legislation.

Ministry of the Environment has drafted and Saeima has accepted the amendments on Natural resource tax law that from January 1, 2008 plastic bags have higher tax rate in order to decrease the use of plastic. The tax rate was as following: 1. plastic bags with weight less than 0,003 kg - 2,60 ls for 1 kg; 2. plastic bags with weight more than 0,003 kg - 0,80 ls for 1 kg.

The tax rate is higher for small plastic bags with low plastic density, low endurance and without possibilities to use it one more time. Bigger plastic bags though can be used more then once so they have lower tax rate. This access should stimulate supermarkets to decline using of free plastic bags and customers – to use plastic bags less frequently. The aim is to reduce the use of plastic bags and the amount of plastic waste.

If the tax rate should not stimulate supermārkets for declining the use of free plastic bags, there is a possibility to prohibit the distribution of plastic bags and use environmental friendly bags instead.

Bioplastic, according to the definition in the law, is biopolimere which components are gained from renewable materials. Bioplastic is more environmental friendly than plastic because it takes down in shorter time. The law plans to decrease the tax for packaging from bioplastic to increase the use and development of bioplastic industry.

Nature resource law Law „On nature resource law” ha san option to give a lowr tax rate for companies which fulfils the used packaging management programs. On 2007 these companies were A/S „Latvijas Zaļais punkts”, SIA „Zaļā josta”, SIA „Resurss Nova”, SIA „Zaļais centrs”, SIA „PAK DEMIKSS” as well as individual comersants.

According to the amendments on Nature resource tax law on December 19, 2006 ministry of the Environment has drafted new CM regulations Project No 404 „Calculation of nature resource tax, payment order and order for using natural resources” from July 1, 2007. In comparison to previous regulations these have precise standarts on forms for Nature resource tax survey, compilation of the form and submission. These regulations also have updated 2nd position for 6th appendix where the clasification and technical description of electronic accumulators and galvanic power sources has been included.

On June 26, 2007 the ministry of the Environment drafted CM regulations No 437 „Order in which one can acquit from nature resource tax for environmental hazardous products” was announced. The aim of regulations is to improve the previous regulations in order to administer and control acquitting from nature resources tax more effectively.

Sea protection Specialists from ministry represented Latvia in HELCOM for Baltic Sea environment protection and Helsinki Convention implementation including the work for HELCOM

19 Baltic Sea action plan drafting. Action plan was affirmed in the Environmental ministers conference on November 15, 2007 in Poland. This is the pilot Project for European Sea environment strategy implementation in Baltic Sea region.

Cabinet of Ministers on November 13, 2007 affirmed the informative report „On affirmation of Helsinki commission „Baltic Sea action plan”” where the ministry of the Environment is obliget to include the Environmental Policy statement for 2009. – 2015.

Specialists from ministry took part in European Parliament and Council Sea Strategy Directive elaboration to represent the position of Latvia. In cooperation with ministry of Transportation the ministry of Environment participated in drafting Naval Affairs policy.

Noise In cooperation with Riga City Council and state agency „Latvia State Roads” the work on strategic maps in Riga aglomeration and 5 autoroad parts with more than 6 million vehicles per year. The strategical map of noises is made according to the Latvian legislation and Directive 2002/49/EK on evaluation and dealing with noise in the environment. Noise maps will include roads, railroads airports and industrial objects.

Radiation In 2007 the work on removing Salaspils nuclear reactor, including: a) preparation for used nuclear fuel transfer to Russia Federation; b) in cooperation with Latvian and Russian experts the agreement between Latvia and Russia Federation on used nuclear fuel transfer to Russia Federation.

Radioactive waste derived from removing the nuclear reactor is planned to store in „Radons” which should be enlarged: building two radioactive containers and long term radioactive waste store. According to legislation the environmental assessment report on „Radons” modernization was submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers in 2007. It was not accepted by considering the Baldone local council objections and claims for compensations.

In 2007 the job has started for National multifunctional cyclotron centre creation concession requirements elaboration according to the National multifunctional cyclotron centre creation conception. Cyclotron centre created radiofarmaceitic preparations are used in early stages of cancer diagnostics, prevention and treatment. By using cyclotron can be developed the science sectors which use ionized radiance, nuclear physics and radiochemistry methods.

Bowels of the earth exploitation and protection In 2007 the work for sustainable development of bowels of the earth exploitation and protection.

Ministry drafted CM regulations No 155 on February 27, 2007 „Calculation of compensation and order of payment for bowels of the earth rights limiting in state level bowels of the earth areas” was accepted. The aim of regulations is to define the order in which the compensation calculation and payment for legal rights limitation can be done.

20 Ministry of the Environment drafted CM regulations on April 24, 2007 „Order of issuing exploitation licences for bowels of the earth and mineral deposits output permissions and geological information usage”.

Soil protection In 2007 the work for directive for statements on soil protection and which changes the directive 2004/35/EC. Soil can be considered as not-renewable resource so it is important to ensure the soil protection against erosion and pollution.

Protective zones In order to solve problems connected with the Protective zones law the work group from different ministries has been created to prepare the „Amendments on protective zone law” which has been announced in the State Secretaries and will be accepted by the Cabinet of Ministers in 2008.

Influence on the environment asessment In this field the amendments have been made for law „Asessment on influence on the environment” with detailes description of used terminology, actions and responsible persons as well as important changes in the 1. and 2. appendixes.

In the field of cross – border cooperation of influence on the environment asessment Latvia takes part in the procedure of asessment considering the building of pipeline in the Baltic Sea, new atomic power plant in Lithuania and liquidating Ignalina atomic power plant in Lithuania.

Environment monitoring According to Environment protection law in 2007 the work was started for Environment monitoring programme statements for 2009. – 2012. and CM regulations „Regulations on requirements on environment monitoring and the order of monitoring, creating the contaminating substances register and granting the information Access for society”.

Pollution preventing and control On April 1, 2007 the ministry of the Environment has created the Pollution prevention and control department, which elaborates and coordinates the pollution prevention policy in the field of industry and argiculture by working in the reserch and recovery of contaminated areas.

In 2007 the amendments on law „On Pollution” have been drafted and accepted. Amendments defines the requirements and order for halting the work of devices if the rules of pollution actions have been broken or the device has been expluatated without permission. Amendments define that the manager of the recovery should draft the recovery program for contaminated area. That includes the area where the military explosive objects are found.

The draft law „On Convention about Access to information, society participation in decision making and possibility to address to court on account of environmental issues, protocol on polluters and emission transfer register” was drafted. This draft law will increase the society participation in gaining information and taking part in decision making.

Air protection

21 In order to fulfil the European Parliament and Council directive 2001/81/EK on maximum affordable emission for different pollution substances. The informational report „On activities in decreasing state emissions” accepted by CM on September 4, 2007.

In 2007 the position of Latvia for European Council meeting on directive project on the air quality and cleaner air in Europe.

Sea environment In order to adapt the Europen Parliament and Council Directive 2005/35/EK on ship created pollution and sanctions in violation of requirements the draft law „Amendments on law „Naval affairs and the sea safety law” and amendments on law „Criminal law”” accepted by Saeima in December 13, 2007.

In order to ensure UNO Convention on protection and exploitation cross- border waterbasins and lakes 4th meeting additions the amendments for law „On convention on protection and exploitation cross- border waterbasins and lakes” accepted on December 13, 2007.

Chemical substances management In order to adapt European Parliament and Council Regulation No 1907/2006 for REACH on which basis the European Chemicals agency was made Latvia has prepared amendments on „Chemical substances and products law” accepted by Saeima on November 1, 2007.

In order to adapt Directive 2006/50/EK the amendments on CM regulations No 184 „Requirements working with biocides”.

In 2007 the position of Latvia was prepared for European Council meetings on Global Harmonizing Systems (GHS) regulations Project draft.

Ozone layer According to European Parliamens and Council Regulation No 2037/2000 requirements the reports have been submitted for European Comission on: a) use of metilbromide in carantine and pre-treatment; b) use of halone in critical situations; c) use of HHFO for fire – extinguisher; As well as report on ozone layer takedown substances renovating and destroying scheme and report on customs inspections to prevent the illegal trading.

In the frameworks of Environmental ministry and UNO Environmental programme contract the UNEP/GEF Project institutional strengthening for implementing the Montreal protocol was completed.

In the frameworks of Environmental ministry and UNO Environmental programme the project „MB excluding from economical activities in Middle and Eastern Europe states” was launched.

22 6. Results and evaluation in the nature protection

In 2007 the work for adapting EU directives requirements in updating national legislation, drafting the individual protection and exploitation plans for restricted areas. During the period 27 regulations projects have been drafted (20 accepted).

Thanks to society support a new protected area has been created – natural restricted area „Pavilostas peleka kapa” which grants the state protection for 42,5 ha for two European level protected biotopes – dune with caulescent plants and dune with trees and bushes. Natural preserve „Pavilostas peleka kapa” will be included in Natura 2000 list.

The work continued for 7 EC LIFE program „Nature” co-financed projects implementation – „Management of Luabanas mitrajs”, „Ziemeligaunija valley protection and management”, „Pepes lake management and development”, „Implementation of marsh protection plan in Latvia”, „Flood lands meadows renovation in order to preserve Europe level species and biotopes”, „Protection of species and biotopes in nature park „Razna””, „Improving the biotopes management in Natura 2000 territory – Vestienas protected landscapes”, „Renewing biologic diversity in military poligon and Natura 2000 area in Adazi” and „Naval area protected territories in the Baltic Sea Eastern part”.

In 2007 continued UNO Development program and World Environmen Fund supported Project „Protection of biological diversity in Ziemelvidzeme biosphere reserve”. Project implementation is planned for next 5 years and it’s main aim is to ensure the protection of biological diversity in the reserve by drafting the management plan.

During the accounting period regular meeting with speciālists and heads of local municipalities have been arenged in order to evaluate the boundaries of villages on the shore. Ministry also took part in the evaluation of regions territorial planning as well as society informing on activities and legislation for Natura 2000, compensation mechanisms and EU financing.

In order to strengthen the capacity of the institution of ministry in the nature protection issues two seminārs have been organized for specialists from State Environmental service have been informed about financing for Natura 2000 and influence on environmental evaluation plan.

Ministry has taken part in workshops organized by speciālists of tourism, forestry and fishery on the issues of nature protection.

The informational report has been prepared and sent to European Commission on Biotopes Directive implementation on 2001. – 2006. From 57 EU level biotopes in Latvia positive protection asessment is for 19, 3 biotopes don’t have enough information bu the protection status of the rest is evaluated as negative. From 113 European level protected species protection of 55 species have positive evaluation, protection of 22 species has enough information, bu the rest has unsatisfactory state.

23 7. Work results and evaluations in Climate and renewable resource department

Law „On Latvia Republic participation in Kioto protocol flexible mechanisms” accepted by Saeima on November 8, 2007 defines the basic principles for participation of Latvia in Kioto protocol flexible mechanisms and competence level of involved institutions as well as the results gained by state greenhouse effect gas emisions units selling and the use and administration of achieved resources.

In 2007 the „Program of production and development of biogas 2007. – 2011”, „Informative report on Climate changes decreasing program for 2005. – 2010. accomplishment”, amendments on „Conception on participation of Latvia in international emision trade” and which was prepared to ensure the participation of Latvia in Climate program for international emision trade.

In 2007 the informatiove reports on European Parliament and Council Directive 2003/87/EK about greenhouse gas emision quotas trading system in community and changes the implementation of Directive 96/61/EK.

CM regulations No 809 on December 17, 2007 the plan of Quotas distribution in 2008 – 2012 which Latvia confirmed three times (August 2006, December 2006, december 2007) considering the objections of European Commission on volume of quotas and planned distribution.

CM has accepted the „Conception on possible actions on emision quotas distribution for 2008 – 2012”. The main aim of the conception is to ensure advised, economic based decision making for distribution of emision quotas.

8. Evaluation of Investment department

European Regional Development Fund On the financing of the ERDF the projects in four national programs have been implemented: a) „ Development of water management infrastructure in settlements with population less than 2000” and „Recovering of dump sites which do not correspond to legislation requirements”; b) „Development of eco tourism infrastructure in potential Natura 2000 territories” c) „Formation of dividend waste management points”

1. ERDF national program „Development of water management infrastructure in settlements with population less than 2000” includes 89 projects that includes 127 settlements. This program has included 51 project: a) Riga planning region 3 projects from 9 confirmed; b) Vidzeme planning region 23 projects from 36 confirmed; c) Kurzeme planning region 3 proejcts from 9 confirmed; d) Latgale planning region 14 projects from 20 confirmed; e) Zemgale planning region 8 projects from 15 confirmed.

During the Project implementation in 2007:

24 a) 29 wastewater purification plants have been recovered and built; b) 38 water preparation facilities for drinking water quality improvement have been recovered and built; c) sewer pipes have been expanded for 27 km; d) water supply nets have been expanded for 29 km; e) recovery has been applied for nets for 17 km and 46 km.

Overall 66 projects have been implemented (accepted structural fund final refund).

2. ERDF national program „Recovering of dump sites which do not correspond to legislation requirements” includes 47 dump sites with shared area of 77 ha. In the competence of program the recovery works have been carried out in 17 dump sites (33% from planned). Riga planning region has 5 recovered dump sites, Vidzeme – 12 dump sites. Two more dump sites mumst be recovered – one in Valka city, second in Krimulda.

3. From ERAF national program „Development of eco tourism infrastructure in potential Natura 2000 territories” seven included projects 5 have been carried out. The included territories in this program are located in Kemeri national park, Teici nature reserve, Krustkalnu nature reserve, Krustkalnu nature reserve, natural park „Embute”, restricted area „Ventas valley” and Gauja National park. 4 projects have been implemented fully.

4. In the dividend contest „Formation of dividend waste management points” in 2007 the construction works have been finished in 4 projects by building 76 divided waste management points, 2 composting areas, 356 waste containers. During the Project impelemetation the society informing has been arranged.

Table 1

Referable costs in 2007 ERDF co-financed projects (Ls)

Local authority State budget ERDF Total budget Technical support 40 038 - 120 112 160 150 Investment 1 376 843 2 060 472 10 218 664 13 655 979 Total 1 416 881 2 060 472 10 338 776 13 816 129

Cohesion Fund In order to ensure the implementation of Cohesion Fund co-financed projects for the environment protection 80 purchase contracts have been concluded in 2007 for the total sum 138,8 million lats. 5 supply contracts, 22 service contracts and 53 building contracts have been signed.

25 In 2007 all Financial memorandum activities have been implemeted in the projects: 1. Water supply and sewerage service development in Riga, 2nd round; 2. Water supply and sewerage service development in Jelgava; 3. Jurmala water management development; 4. Household waste management in Eastern Latgale region; 5. Household waste management in Southern Latgale region; 6. Technical support to environmental projects in Latvia. Table 2 Cohesion Fund projects in Latvia, 2007

Nr. Project name In 2007 1 Water Finished water pipes and sewerage pipes expansion in management Smiltene, Valka, Cesvaine, Preili, Sigulda and Salacgriva, as development in well as Sigulda was supplied with Hydrodynamic machine. Eastern Latvia Total sum of finished projects is 5,517 million lats (7,850 water basins million euros). Signed 7 building contracts on building and reconstructing sewerage purification plants in Kegums, Salacgriva, Lielvarde, Preili, Aluksne, Dagda and Smiltene, 6 contracts on expanding water pipes and sewerage pipes nets in Lielvarde, Cesis, Salaspils and Livani and 7 building contracts on drinking water preparation systems in Sigulda, Valka, Ogre, Smiltene, Cesvaine, Preili and Valmiera, as well aso ne contract on supplying Hydrodynamic machine for Sigulda. Total sum - 34,027 million Ls (48,416 million euros).

2 Rēzekne water Finished designing and reconstruction of Rezekne management wastewater purification plants. development 3 Water Signed 13 building contracts on water pipes and sewerage management net building in Ventspils, total sum of money – 16,409 development in million lats (23,348 million euros). The reconstruction of Ventspils, 2nd pipes has been carried put in Imulas, Amulas, Brocenu, Zuru,

26 round Ganibu, Krustkalna, Katolu, Rupniecibas, Targales, Kurzemes, Talsu and Durbes streets, as well asi n Galinciems. Total sum of finished contracts – 11,59 million Ls (16,497 million euros). 4 Water Signed 4 construction contracts on building water gaining, manaagement preparing plants and waterpipes connection in Jaunolaine and development in sewerage system reconstruction in Olaine. Olaine and Concluded contracts total sum is 10,2 million Ls (14,514 Jaunolaine million euros). Finished contracts total sum – 1,593 million lats (2,268 million euros). 5 Water Signed 5 contracts – one service contract on supervising management building contract implementation and 3 building contracts on development in water pipes and sewerage pipes reconstruction, wastewater Liepaja, 2nd round purification plants and sewerage pump station reconstruction in Liepaja. 6 Water Signed three construction contracts for 26,986 million Ls: management - modernizing Daugavpils wastewater purification plants; development in - expanding water pipes and sewerage pipes nets; Daugavpils, 2nd - reconstruction of water supply and sewerage systems. round 7 Household waste Signed last planned contract on Zemgale region household management in waste management Project facilities supply on total sum Zemgale region 0,354 million Ls. 8 Household waste Closed last two planned purchase contracts on Maliena management in region dump sites recultivation in Aluksne, Balvi, Gulbene Maliena region and Madona. 9 Ventspils heat Signed one service contract on purchase documents output supply system for construction contracts development 10 Hazardous waste Signed last contract in this Project – laboratory equipment management and spare components for hazardous waste poligon system exploitation for total sum 0,19 million Ls (0,271 million development in euros). Latvia, round 1 11 Water Signed 3 construction contracts – main water supply pipes management reconstruction, sewerage collector building from KSS Nr 1 to development in Export street, on Lielirbe street and Kalnciema street for total Riga, round 3 sum 19,8 million lats (28, 171 million euros). In 2007 diesel generatos were supplied and installed in pump stadions „Baltezers”, „Daugava 2”, „Ilzene” and „Alfa”. Total sum – 0,82 million lats (1.167 million euros). līguma summa ir 0,82 milj.Ls (1.167 milj. eiro).

The rest 19 of Cohesion Fund projects refer to technical support. Total sum - 1,576 million Ls.

In projects for the technical support in 2007:  prepared purchasing documentation on Piejura and Vidusdaugava waste management projects;  fulfilled unaccounted water decreasing program;

27  supply of facilities in institutional development in 14 Eastern Latvia water basins municipalities;  consultation and prepared documentations for Project „Water and sewerage service development in Riga”, round 3;  prepared purchase documentation for construction, supply of facilities and supervision of construction works for Eastern Latvia municipalities;  prepared purchasing documentation construction, supply of facilities and supervision of construction works for Kurzeme region municipalities;  supplied the facilities for research and survey in Kurzemes region Table 3

Cohesium Fund financing for projects in environment protection 2007

State Local authority Cohesium Total budget budget Fund Technical support 163 0 4 214 4 377 Investment 22478 6830 55104 84412 Kopā 22 641 6 830 59 318 88 789

9. Work Evaluation for Department of Strategy and coordination

In 2007 the accomplishment report on implementation of Sustainable development strategy for the European Commission was prepared and submitted.

During the presidency of Germany in the negotiations among EU Council, Commission and European Parliament in order to get the agreement on financial instrument for environmental needs (LIFE +) the proposal of the regulation had been accepted. LIFE + is an instrument for EU environmental policy development and implementation and supports the environmental projects from 2007 to 2013.

On 14 March, 2007 EU Council and European Parliament accepted the INSPIRE directive which became valid on May 15, 2007. Directive gives new legal framework for for Europe dimensional information infrastructure creation and exploiting for more accessible and higher quality dimensional data (data which directry or indirectly shows the location or geographic area).

The main acitvities in 2007 in EU: Air quality filed By adapting the European Parliament and Council Directive on air quality and cleaner air for Europe, created stronger requirements in comparison with existing order regulated by previous directivas. Carbon dioxide emissions from cars is essential issui in diminishing climate changes. As the reduction of emissions for 120 g/km has failed to suceed, Commission has stated a proposal for firmer legal frameworks in order to achieve the goal. Waste policy In expert level in Council work group the work on Directive Project which finished with political agreement on EU Environmental board on June 28, 2007. The agreement was made on open questions about waste burning status, as well as minimum technical standarts for waste processing, collecting and transportation.

28 Political consensus was made on regulations projects on metallic quicksilver export prohibition and safekeeping in order to prepare the veto on Community quicksilver export and to define the requirements for safekeeping in 2011.

Soil protection Soil protection directive and strategy has been discussed in Council workshops. The main conclusion was that soil protection needs long term strategy because the degradation of soil increases but there are no adequate protection activities. In 2007 the consensus about this directive was not reached.

Water resources policy On June 28, 2007 in the meeting of environmental ministers political agreement on directive on environmental quality standarts in water resource field. Directive defines quality norms for priority substances and pollution control activities in order to decrease the use of these substances till 2020.

Climate policy Discussions on international climate change decreasing regime after 2012 declared the aim to lessen the greenhouse gas emission for industrial countries for 30% till 2020 (in comparison to 1990). The cooperation among developed countries and third countries for decreasing climate change.

Commission has created suggestions for amendments on directive with the aim to harmonize trading system of Community emission quotes. The discussions about quotes plan for 2008 – 2012 the proposal on the behalf of Latvia state has been made in order to counterbalance the position of Comission on decreasing emisions in very high rates.

In order to decrease the impact of aviation made on climate change the Directive Project has been prepared by including aviation branch with internal flights from 2011 and international flights from 2012.

Especially urgent question is about adapting for climate changes and implementing the policy and actions according to this issue. The Green Book published on June 29, 2007 contains preventive actions in order to adaptē for climate changes. The most urgent topics in Latvia are sea coast erosion, flood threats in Daugava as well as impact of weather changes on agriculture.

Concerning international environmental issues there have been different negotiations on Sustainable development global environmental aspects by preparing for UNO Environment organization friends group meeting in Costarica in autumn 2007.

Activities connected with organizing third countries meeting on Aarhus convention on accessible information, saociety participation in decision making and opportunity to apply to court fof environmental issues on June 8 to 13, 2008 in Riga.

EU planned tasks have been completed in conference on Stockholm convention on consistent organic pollution except the issue about the adequacy of mechanisms for convention which were not supported by G-77 states as well as JUSCANZ states because USA has not ratified the convention. The question on adequacy is open till COP 4 in Geneva 2009.

29 Essential inpot has made for „Environment Europe” supervised by UNECE. The aim of there process is to harmonize the quality of environment and coordinate environmental policy in Europe. From May 9 to 11 on 2007 the participation of minister of the Environment participated in in UNO CSD session 15 meeting in Newyork. All the actions have been made in order to become a member state of this commission from 2010 to 2013.

10. PR and cooperation with society

In 2007 the work on society informing and creating the consciousness of society.

One of the main tasks of the ministry of the Environment to carry out the environmental policy most effective is the participation of society in the policy building. The main instrument to build the society support is to inform the society on issues which are in the competence of ministry. The Communication division continues the work on informing society on urgent issues and policy initiatives.

In order to achieve the aims of the ministry the PR specialists from ministry uses all necessary communication instruments – for example, the information about the ministry activities is prepared and distributed to mass media, organized different media enterprises (radio and TV interviews, expert opinions, press conferences). The information has also been displayed in the ministry web page.

Today when the society acknowledges the rights to live in clean environment and the duty to preserve this environment for next generations. In order to promote journalists to write about problem situations and achievments in the environmental field ministry organizes the contest „The best publication, TV story and radio broadcast on environmental issues”. In 2007 one more award has been added – all latvians could vote for their favorite environmental journalist.

Communiaction division specialists have collaborated with environmenta communiacation specialists during 2007 in organizing the activities for European Union, Green Spider and participated in the organizing of the 13th international conference on society informing activities about European Union (from october 17 to 20, Netherlands).

Environmental Consulting Board (VKP) continued the work in order to promote the cooperation and information flow between state and municipalities institutions, NGO, organizations of environmental specialists, science institutions and legal enities for environmental policy implementation. At the end of 2007 the annual meeting of nongovernmental organizations and Professional associations took place where the discussions were held on urgent issues and problems in the environment field.

11. International cooperation in the environmental field 2007

In 2007 the ministry of the Environment representad Latvia in many institutions and activities as well as developed two sided cooperation with international organizations. The aim of the international cooperation was to represent the interests of Latvia in global and international processes in the environmental field.

30 After the end of the LIFE program in 2007 the nww financial instrument LIFE+ has been intruduced. 7 projects with total amount of money 8,4 millions euros (5,1 million European Community financing) have been introduced to it.

According to the Development cooperation priorities the two sided international cooperation between Latvia and Eastern European states – Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia went on in 2007. In 2007 the contract with ministry of Environment protection and natural resources of Georgia on cooperation in environmental protection projects.

In June 28, 2007 in Luxembourg the agreement memorandum with ministry of the Environment of Finland and ministry of the Economics of Netherlands on cooperation on UNO convention on climate changes Kioto protocol paragraph 17 implementation. Similar protocol has been signed with ministry of Agriculture, forestry, environment and water management of Austria.

In June 7 to 8 in 2007 according to the cooperation among Baltic States Baltic Environment nimisters meeting took place in Marciena. Ministers discussed issues connected with Baltic Sea protection, emissions quotes, EU Cohesium Fund. Presiding state of Baltic Ministers Council in 2007 was Latvia.

Payment in international organizations for 2007 was 44 861 LVL.

12. Summary on management and action development systems in providing effective action

Inner Audit Department has analyzed, evaluated and checked the ministries and subordinated institutions as well as ERAF and Cohesion Funds inner control systems according to the audit year plan.

The reports about audit results with proposal implementation graphics were submitted to state secretary and accepted. 221 proposal has been made for system improvement. Main proposals are connected with management of the ministry and state institutions, personal data processing system, as well as the improvement of actions of EU financed projects.

According to the facts and proofs from audits and implemented proposals from previous audits it can be considered that the inner control in the audit systems is at good level but it would be necessary to make some improvements.

The main conclusions and proposals have been made on determining responsible persons, on drafting and updating regulations and standarts, on implementing of the standarts, on improvement of legal and administrative warranties in the ministry, on better cooperation among departaments and divizions in the ministry as well as among ministry and subordinated institutions, on coordination between the ministry and subordinated institutions, on managing the buildings given in the possession of ministry.

By doing the audit for EU financed projects in the ministry or other institutions and organizations which have projects co-financed by EU the main proposals are connected with publicity of Cohesium Fund activities, on updating the regulations and promoting the work according the requirements set by these regulations.

31 13. Educating and improving the qualification of the personel in 2007

In 2007 there were 208 posts in the ministry of the Environment – the average count of clerks – 114, average count of employees – 69.

Fluctuation in the personel can be evaluated by such parameters – the coeficient of personel rotation was 0,40 but the rejuvenescence coeficient – 0,23.

In 2007 the legal employment relations have been suspended with 32 employees – 15 clerks and 17 workers. According to the position employment relations have been suspended with 1 head of the department, 2 deputies of the heads of the department, 1 head of the division, 5 deputies of the heads of divizions and 23 assistants and experts.

Gender division in the ministry is 143 women and 48 men.

Age groups division:  Age category from 20 to 29 – 85 employees;  From 30 to 39 – 50 emplyees;  From 40 to 49 – 23 employees;  From 50 to 59 – 25 employees;  From 60 to 69 – 8 employees.

During the accounting period level of the education in ministry is described as following:  employees with univarsity education – 168;  employees with secondary education – 14;  employees with special secondary education – 7;  employees with another education – 2

59 employees have bachelors degree, 14 employees continue to study for obtaining bachelors degree, 86 employees have masters degree, 15 continues to study to obtain the masters degree, 4 employess have more than one masters degree. 95 employees have Professional higher education, 16 employees continue studies in such programs. 4 employees have dectors degree, 7 employees continue the studies in doctoral programme. 3 employees have finished education in foreign country.

University education speciality for the employees: ● 23,8% - economics and management; ● 20,2% - environmental studies; ● 11,3% - nature studies; ● 7,1% - chemistry; ● 6,5% - legislation; ● 5,9% - sociology; ● 2,9% - history and philosophy; 2,4% - politics; 1,8% - communications and philology.

32 14. Forecasts and plans

14.1. Forecasts and plans in the environment

Water protection field In 2008 it is planned to continue the work in order to adapt two new European Parliament and Council Directives - 2007/60/EK on flood risk asessment and management and 2006/118/EK on groundwaters protection against pollution and degradation. These directives should be applied for the legislation and implemented in the action.

According to the Water management law requirements 4 water basins management plans will be prepared and social discussion according to the legislation.

The work on updating laws and regulations, implementation of „Blue flag” campaign and water resource protection will be continued.

Nature Resource Tax According to the law „On Nature Resource Tax” in 2008 it is planned to draft the CM regulations on documents which will confirm that the packaging which has been in touch with hazardous chemical substances or prosucts after the purification is cleaned so well it is no longer considered to be hazardous waste.

Packaging The participation in Packaging management board should continue. In 2008 it is planned to continue the work with managers and to sign contracts on used packaging and disposable dishes and cutlery management system development and use, as well as to asign the tax exemption on packaging and disposable dishes and cutlery.

Sea environment protection In second quater of 2008 it is planned to confirm the European Parliament and Council Directive which builds the system for Community actions in the field of sea environment (Sea Strategy framework directive). After the directive will be enforced the work on adapting its requirements in Latvian legislation will start – it must be done in two years. In the frameworks of HELCOM as well as in Latvia the implementation of the Baltic Sea Action plan implementation will be started.

Noise In 2008 the report on noise charts for submitting in the European Comission will be prepared. The cooperation with Riga council and state joint stock company „Latvijas valsts celi” in action plan for decreasing the noise in Riga agglomeration and 5 autoroads sections.

Radiation According to the agreement (December 3, 2007) between Latvia and Russia Federation on used nuclear fuel transporting to Russia Federatio it is planned to move used nuclear fuel from Salaspils nuclear reactor to Russia in 2008. After that the liquidating of the nuclear reactor. At the same time the issues on radioactive waste depot „Radons” modernizing project should be discussed including the problems concerning compensations for Baldone.

33 The work on drafting concession regulations conditions on National Multifunctional Cyclotrone centre creation according to the Concession law paragraph 4.

Till December 2008 it is planned to adapt requirements of Directive 2006/117/Euratom on radioactive waste and used nuclear fuel transportation supervision and control in the legislation. This directive commutes the previous Directive 92/3/Euratom.

Protection of earth entrails CM regulations will be drafted for extraction waste management and state level earth entrail area „Dobeles struktura”.

Soil protection The work on directive on soil protection and changes in Directive 2004/35/EC is in progress.

Protective zone In order to solve the problems about Protective zones law the work group with specialists from several ministries has been developed and the draft law „Amendments on protective zones” has been announced in State secretaries meeting. In 2008 the draft law will be considered in the Cabinet of Ministers meeting. The problems about defining the protective zones for waterbasins and management of flood threatened territories will be also solved.

Influence on the environment evaluation In 2008 it has been planned several amendments concerning legislation on influence on the environment evaluation:  law „On influence on the environment evaluation”;  CM Regulations No 91, February 17, 2004 „Order in which regional environment administration proclaims the technical regulations for actions which don’t need to have the evaluation on the influence on the environment”;  CM regulations No 157 on March 23, 2004 „Order of the strategical asessment of influence on the environment”  CM No 87 on February 17, 2004 „Order in which the evaluation on action’s influence on the environment is made”

One of the main activities in 2008 is the meeting of the member states of Espo Convention „On influence on the environment evaluation in the cross-border context” in May 19 to 21 in Bucareste, Romania where the experts from the ministry of the Environment will participate. They will protect the position of Latvia in open discussions about Gas pipeline in the Baltic sea, new nuclear power station in Lithuania and liquidation of Ignalina nuclear power station.

Environmental monitoring According to the Environment protection law requirements in 2008 it is planned to finish Environment monitoring program statement for 2009 – 2012 and drafting of the Project for CM regulations „Regulations on requirements on environment monitoring and the order of environment monitoring procedure, creation of register for hazardous substances and information accessibility for society” till December 1, 2008. In the environment monitoring program statements should be included structure of monitoring, priorities and financing necessary for regulations, EU legislation and international

34 conventions implementation. According to the statements the Environment monitoring program will be elaborated commuting the Environment monitoring program from 2006.

Pollution prevention and control In 2008 it is planned to make an amendment on CM Regulations No 294 „Orderi n which one must report on A, B and C category contamination actions and how the licences on A and B category contamination actions are issued” in order to simplify the administrative procedures on obtaining licences on contamination actions in order to promote the circulation of electronical documents.

In 2008 the work on European Parliament and Council industrial emission directive proposal of uniting 7 legal acts in one will be continued. Directive proposal would simplify and update legal acts and implement more effective policy to decrease and control the industrial pollution. The most important is to ensure the implementation of the best technical method which will aid in environment quality improvement and meeting the targets of European Union strategies.

14.2. Forecasts and plans in the nature protection field

It is planned to draft 24 regulations projects. Active cooperation in Environment protection Project implementation. IIn order to increase the participation of the local municipalities in especially protected nature territories management the seminars will be organized in all regions for future cooperation.

14.3. Priorities in the investment field in 2008

Provide the use of EU Structure Fund and Cohesium Fund financing in „State strategic framework document for 2007 – 2013” action program „Infrastructure and services” additional actions „Environment” and „Infrastructure of environment protection” activities and underactivities.

Environmental policy activities in water management, waste management, nature protection, contaminated places recovery, environment risks prevention and control fields:  Water management infrastructure development in settlements with population under 2000 Aim: increasing the quality and accessibility of service of water supply and wastewater conglomeration and cleansing by ensuring the higher quality habitat environment, reducing environment pollution and watercourse eutrofication, promoting rational use of water resources.

 Development of infrastructure in „Natura 2000”: o Underactivity: development of „Natura 2000” territory protection administrative infrastructure; o Underactivity: development of anthropogenic load decreasing, educational and informative infrastructure in „Natura 2000” territories. Aim: protect the quality of Latvian nature according the EU directives requirements, international bonds and local needs; reduce existing and future threats for nature treasures and ensure the effective use of resources for protecting and renovating the natural treasures.

35  Creating the infrastructure for environmental education and maintaining the biological diversity in ex situ Aim: preservation of biological diversity by preserving endangered species, as well as their increasing in nature.

 Historically contaminated areas recovery Aim: increase the quality of soil, ground, underground and surface water as well as improve the quality of environment in the contaminated areas by decreasing the threats for inhabitants health.

 Decresing environmental risks: o underactivity: decreasing the flood threats in Plavinas and Jekabpils; o underactivity: reconstruction of hydrotechnical building in order to decrease the flood risks; Aim: to decrease the flood risks for Plavinas and Jekabpils. To decrease the flood risks in the areas which consist with flood risk prevention according to the national program first flood risk or extraordinary scenario 1C criteria.

 Development of environmental monitoring and control system Aim: provide institutions and society with up to date, target oriented and true information about environment quality and nature resources as well as on usefulness and efficiency of environment protection activities.

 Water management infrastructure development in agglomerations with population over 2000 Aim: improving quality and accessibility of service of water supply and wastewater collection and recovery by decrasing pollution and eutrification and promoting rational use of water resources and energoresources.

 Development of regional waste management system o Underactivity: recovary of the damp sites inadequate with requirements of regulations o Underactivity: development of regional waste management system o Underactivity: development of divided waste management system. Aim: develop sustainable waste management system by ensuring the waste burrial and processing in safe and healthy way; to ensure accessibility of waste management service in 100% inhabitants of cities and 80% inhabitants of rural districts. Promote the development of dividend waste collection infrastructure though promoting the use of recycled materials. Decrease the negative impact of inadequate dump sites on envrionment.

Total amount of money for 2007 – 2013 is 706,261 million Ls Table 4 Planned financing for 2007-2013 environmental field (million Ls)

ES Structural funds and Cohesium Fund 556,972 78,9 % National publicē financing 95,26 13,5 % Private financing 54,029 7,6 % Total 706,261 100 %

36 4. attēls

37 Apendiks 1

Table 1

State budget financing and application (Ls)

Nr. Previous year Year of account p.k. Financial resources (de facto) Statutes De facto 1. Financial resources for 62 929 700 128 054 848 119 496 240 expenses 1.1. grants 37 149 638 66 068 515 66 068 515 1.2. From paid services and other 2 185 449 2 331 973 2 299 990 income 1.3. Foreign financial help 23 594 613 59 530 070 51 003 445 State budget transferts 0 124 290 124 290 2. Expenses total 60 753 236 129 804 626 116 023 603 2.1. Upkeeping expenses (total) 30 652 401 120 469 722 108 230 445 2.1.1. Subsidies and grants including 5 154 629 90 586 085 82 615 051 payment for international 303 841 311 122 304 084 organizations 2.1.2. Other upkeeping expernses 25 497 772 29 883 637 25 615 394 2.2. investments 30 100 835 9 334 904 7 793 158

38 Appendix 2

Laws and regulations accepted from January 1, 2007 to May 1, 2008

Laws  Amendments on Razna National park law (25.01.2007.)  Amendments on law “On rights for compensations of landowners for constraints of the exploitation in especially protected areas and microreserves” (04.04.2007.)  Amendments on law “On especially protected nature areas” (10.05.2007.)  Amendments on Water management law (31.05.2007.)  Amendments on law “On Influence on environment evaluation” (07.06.2007.)  Amendments on Environment protection law (21.06.2007.)  Amendments on law “On Pollution” (25.10.2007.)  Amendments on Chemical substances and products law (01.11.2007.)  Amendments on law Grozījumi likumā“On rights for compensations of landowners for constraints of the exploitation in especially protected areas and microreserves” (08.11.2007.)  Amendments on Kemeri National park law (13.12.2007.)  Amendments on Nature resource tax law (13.12.2007.)  Law “On Convention registers about information accessibility, participation of society in decision making and possibility to start proceeding on environmental issues” (21.02.2008.)  Amendments on Waste management (13.03.2008.)

Cabinet of Ministers regulations:  CM Regulations No 45 on January 9, 2007 "Amendments on CM No 968 on November 23, 2004 “Statute of hazardous waste management state agency””  CM Regulations No 59 January 9, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 34, January 22, 2002 “Regulations on contaminating substances emission in water”  CM regulations No 60 on January 16, 2007 “Individual regulations on protection and exploitation of nature reserve “Burtnieku ezera plavas””  CM regulations No 65 on January 16, 2007 "Regulations on used packaging regeneration percent range and terms, order of registration and reports as well as standard forms, requirements for registration as waste management company, standards of packaging definition criteria and exceptions about heavy metal in packaging””  CM regulations No 50 on January 17, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 131 on March 3, 2004 “On Geneva convention on border crossing air pollution in great lengths statements 2004 – 2010””  CM regulations No 71 on January 23, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 242 on April 6, 2004 “Regulations on Components and Materials of Cars which can contain Compounds with Lead, Mercury, Cadmium or Chromium VI” "  CM regulations No 72 on January 23, 2007 "Statute of nature park “Pape” consulting board”

39  CM regulations No 88 on January 30, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 107 on March 12, 2002 “Order of classifying, marking and packaging of chemical chemical substances and products””  CM regulations No 89 on January 30, 2007 "Statutes of Razna national park administration”  CM regulations No 92 on January 30, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 244 on April 29, 2003 “Statutes of ministry of the Environment”  CM regulations No 118 on February 13, 2007 "Statutes of North Vidzeme biosphere reserve consulting board”  CM regulations No 155 on February 27, 2007 "Calculation and payment of remuneration on entrails of the earth ownership rights confinement for state level entrails of earth areas”  CM regulations No 229 on March 6, 2007 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations on “Sitas un Padedzes paliene””  CM regulations No 229 on April 3, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 1047 on December 27, 2005 “Regulations on mobile technique which is not created for autoroad internal combustion engines contaminating substances emissions in air””  CM regulations no 230 on April 3, 2007 „Amendments on regulations No 723 on August 17, 2004 "Regulations on restriction of use of chemical substances in electric and electronic equipment””  CM regulations No 231 on April 3, 2007 "Regulations on limitation of evaporable organic compounds from special products””  CM regulations No 245 on April 10, 2007 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Mugurves pļavas""  CM regulations No 274 on April 24, 2007 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Dvietes paliene"”  CM regulations No 275 on April 24, 2007 „Amendments on CM regulations no 242 on March 28, 2007 "Statutes of Latvia Environment protection fund administration””  CM regulations No 280 on April 24, 2007 "Main order of issuing licences for usage of entrails of the earth and mineral deposits extraction as well as use of geologic information”  CM regulations No 294 on May 2, 2007 „Amendments on CM regulations No 628 on July 27, 2004 “Special environmental requests for contaminating actions in animal shelters””  CM regulations No 310 on May 8, 2007 „Amendments on CM regulations No 101 on January 31, 2006 “Statements for Latvian Environmental protection fund board””  CM regulations No 290 on May 17, 2007 „Amendments on Conception on participation of Latvia in international emission trade”  CM regulations No 332 on May 22, 2007 „Amendments on CM regulations No 886 on November 22, 2005 “Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Vecumu meži"”  CM regulations No 333 on May 22, 2007 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Numernes valnis"”  CM regulations No 356 on May 29, 2007 “Amendments on CM regulations No 83 on March 9, 1999 “Regulations on nature parks””  CM regulations No 372 on June 5, 2007 "Statutes of environment science and education board”

40  CM regulations No 353 on June 7, 2007 “On South Latgale regional waste management plan 2007 – 2013”  CM regulations No 354 on June 7, 2007 "On Eastern Latgale regional waste management plan 2007 – 2013”  CM regulations No 355 on June 7, 2007 "On Maritime regional waste management plan 2007 – 2013”  CM regulations No 404 on June 19, 2007 "Nature resource tax calculation and payment order and order in which the permission for nature resource is given”  CM regulations No 437 on June 26, 2007 “Order in which one is released from payment of nature resource tax on environmental harmful products”  CM regulations No 447 on June 26, 2007 " Individual protection and exploitation regulations of Razna national park”  CM regulations No 499 on July 17, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 243 on April 6, 2004 “Requirements for used vehicles recycling and environmental requirements for recycling companies””  CM regulations NO 510 on July 24, 2007 “Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Stiklu purvi"”  CM regulations No 511 on July 24, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 184 on April 15, 2003 “Requirements in working eith biocides””  CM regulations No 527 on July 31, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 151 on April 9, 2002 “Statutes of packaging management board””  CM regulations No 514 on August 15, 2007 "On strategy of the ministry of the Environment 2007 – 2009”  CM regulations No 568 on August 28, 2007 "Order in which the administrative violation protocol on vehicles moving beside roads in protective zone of dene or beaches of Baltic Sea and Riga bay or especially protected nature areas”  CM regulations No 631 on September 18, 2007 “Environment harmful products waste, packaging and disposable dishes and cutlery management system auditing and order in which the person who is allowed to do the auditing is determined”  CM regulations No 589 on September 19, 2007 "On Riga agglomeration regional waste management plan 2007 – 2013”  CM regulations No 661 on October 2, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 923 on November 9, 2004 "Regulations on electric and electronical equipment waste management””  CM regulations No 613 on October 3, 2007 "On Zemgale regional waste management plan 2007 – 2013”  CM regulations No 686 on October 9, 2007 "Regulations on contents and drafting of nature protection plan for specially protected nature areas”  CM regulations No 687 on October 9, 2007 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Driksnas sils””  CM regulation No 689 on October 9, 2007 Ministru kabineta 2007.gada 9.oktobra noteikumi nr.689 "Noteikumi par valsts nodevu par paredzētās darbības ietekmes uz vidi sākotnējo izvērtējumu"  CM regulations No 706 on October 16, 2007 Ministru kabineta 2007.gada 16.oktobra noteikumi Nr.706 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Virgulicas meži"”  CM No 730 on October 30, 2007 "Amendments on CM regulations No 212 on June 15, 1999 “Regulations on Nature reserves”

41  CM regulations NO 810 on November 27, 2007 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Pinku ezers"”  CM regulations No 833 on December 4, 2007 „Regulations on conferment and annulment of status of environmental inspector as well as the criteria and requirements and samples of certificates”  CM regulations No 893 on December 18, 2007 „Amendments on CM regulations No 101 on January 31, 2006 “Amndments on CM regulations No 101 on January 31, 2006 “Statutes on Latvia Environment protection Fund””  CM regulations No 894 on December 18, 2007 "Order in which thre register of environment management and auditing is made and maintained and how the organizations are registered”  CM regulations No 912 on December 18, 2007 "Water supply, sewage collection and building of purification plants”  CM regulations No 4 on January 2, 2008 "Regulations on samples of state environment inspectors’ certificates, tags and uniforms”  CM regulations No 23 on January 15, 2008 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Rakupes ieleja"”  CM regulations No 96 on February 11, 2008 "Regulations on conformity assessment institution accreditation and supervision”  CM regulations No 133 on March 3, 2008 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Abavas senleja"”  CM regulations No 134 on March 3, 2008 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Svētes paliena"”  CM regulations No 1114 on March 6, 2008 "On Maliena regional waste management plan 2008 – 2013”  CM regulations No 194 on March 18, 2008 „Amendments on CM regulations No 836 on December 4, 2007 "Regulations on action program “Infrastructure and services” activity “Water management infrastructure development in in agglomerations with population up to 2000””  CM regulations No 221 on March 25, 2008 „CM regulations No 532 on July 19, 2005 "Regulations on order of risk assessment and risk decreasing for industrial accidents””  CM regulations No 272 on April 15, 2008 „Amendments on CM regulations No 400 on May 16, 2006 “Regulations on environment protection requirements for fuel stations, oil stations and mobile tanks””  CM regulations No 273 on April 15, 2008 „Amendments on CM regulations No 147 February 22, 2005 "Nature protection board statutes”  CM regulations No 297 on April 21, 2008 "Individual protection and exploitation regulations of nature reserve "Mezmuizas avoti"”  CM regulations No 301 on April 22, 2008 "Amendments on CM regulations No 474 on June 13, 2006 “Waste sites arrangement and management, closing and recovery regulations””


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