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PERMIT NO. OK0026221 Page 1 of Part I
In compliance with the Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act (OPDES Act), Title 27A O.S. § 2-6-201 et seq., and the rules of the State of Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) adopted thereunder {See OAC 252:606}; the Federal Clean Water Act, Public Law 95-217 (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.), Section 402; and NPDES Regulations (40 CFR Parts 122, 124, and 403),
Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant (Facility I.D. No. S-21309) 175 E. 2nd Street, Ste. 870 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 is hereby authorized to discharge treated wastewater from a facility located at approximately
S ½ and NW ¼ of SE ¼, Section 6, Township 20 North, Range 14 East, Indian Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma to receiving waters: Bird Creek at the point located at approximately
Latitude: 36° 14' 22.275" N [GPS: NAD 1983 CONUS] Longitude: 95° 51' 15.222" W [GPS: NAD 1983 CONUS]
Planning Segment No. 121300 (Water Body I.D. No. 121300010010) in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof.
This permit replaces and supersedes the previous permit issued on October 10, 2006.
The issuance date of this permit is , 2012.
This permit shall become effective , 2012.
This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight , 2017.
For the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality:
______Edward Dihrberg, P.E., Manager Shellie Chard-McClary, Director Permitting Group Water Quality Division Water Quality Division
TMUA Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant PERMIT NO. OK0026221 Page 2 of Part I
A. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Outfall 001)
During the period beginning the effective date and lasting through the expiration date of the permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge treated wastewater in accordance with the following limitations:
1. Non-Priority Pollutants and Minimum Control Test (Minimum Monitoring Frequencies)
Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Mass Concentrations Loading (mg/l unless otherwise Sample Pollutants (lb/d) specified) Frequency Type Monthly Monthly Weekly Daily Avg. Avg. Avg. Max. Flow (mgd) [50050] Year round --- Report --- Report Daily Totalize Carbonaceous 12 hr Biochemical Oxygen Year round 3552.8 10 15 --- Daily Comp Demand - 5 Day [80082] Total Suspended Solids 12 hr Year round 5329.3 15 22.5 --- Daily [00530] Comp Apr – May 1456.7 4.1 --- 9.9 3/week a Jun – Sep 1065.9 3 4.5 --- Daily 12 hr Ammonia, total [00610] Oct 1456.7 4.1 --- 9.9 3/week a Comp Nov – Mar 1456.7 4.1 --- 9.9 3/week a Fecal Coliform [74055] May – Sep --- 200 ------(organisms/100 ml) No more than 10% of total Fecal Coliform [30500] May – Sep --- samples collected for a month Daily Grab shall exceed 400 colonies/100 ml Total Residual Chlorine Instantaneous Maximum: [50060] Year round --- No Measurable b Daily Grab Apr – May --- Minimum: 7 Jun – Sep --- Minimum: 6 Dissolved Oxygen Daily Grab [00300] Oct --- Minimum: 6 Nov – Mar --- Minimum: 7 pH (standard unit) [00400] Year round --- 6.5 – 9.0 Daily Grab a Permittee may request a total ammonia monitoring frequency reduction from 3 per week to 1 per week if the highest result obtained during 12 consecutive reporting period is 1.5 monthly average limit (i.e., 6.15 mg/l) and there are no exceedances of monthly average limits. b No measurable is defined as less than 0.1 mg/l. If no chlorine is used for an entire reporting period, the permittee shall report a value of “zero” for the daily maximum and enter “No chlorine used this reporting period” in the comments section on the DMR for that reporting period in lieu of the indicated testing. For any week in which chlorine is used, the indicated testing shall be done until the chlorine is no longer in use and at least one subsequent test verifies that the effluent meets the total residual chlorine limit.
2. Priority Pollutants
TMUA Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant PERMIT NO. OK0026221 Page 3 of Part I
Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Mass Concentrations Loading (µg/l unless otherwise Pollutants (lb/d) specified) Frequency Sample Monthly Monthly Weekly Daily Type Avg. Avg. Avg. Max. Cadmium, total 24 hr 2/month [01027] Year round 0.51 1.430 --- 2.820 Comp Arsenic, total a 24 hr Year round 0.51 1.640 --- 3.344 1/quarter [01002] Comp Apr – May 0.0060 0.020 --- 0.029 1/period Jun – Sep 0.0064 0.021 --- 0.031 1/period 24 hr Mercury, total b Comp [71900] Oct 0.0052 0.017 --- 0.025 1/period Nov – Mar 0.0035 0.012 --- 0.017 1/period Apr – May 5.34 17.39 --- 26.09 1/period Jun – Sep 5.70 18.56 --- 27.84 1/period Cyanide, total 24 hr [00720] Oct 4.64 15.11 --- 22.67 1/period Comp c Nov – Mar 3.16 10.30 --- 15.45 1/period a If any individual test result is less than the minimum quantification level of 10 µg/l for Arsenic, a value of zero (0) may be used for the discharge monitoring report (DMR) calculations and reporting requirements. b If any individual test result is less than the minimum quantification level of 0.2 µg/l for Mercury, a value of zero (0) may be used for the discharge monitoring report (DMR) calculations and reporting requirements. c Minimum of four (4) grab samples collected and analyzed during the 24-hr period may be substituted for the 24- hr composite sample.
3. Other Year Round Requirements There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. There shall be no discharge of any visible sheen of oil or globules of oil or grease.
Samples taken in compliance with permit limits (except dissolved oxygen) and monitoring requirements shall be taken at the end of the chlorination basin located in the SW ¼, NE ¼, SE ¼, Section 6, Township 20 N, Range 14 E, I.M., Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
Samples taken in compliance with permit limits for dissolved oxygen and monitoring requirements shall be taken at the end of the step aerator located in the SW ¼, NE ¼, SE ¼, Section 6, Township 20 N, Range 14 E, I.M., Tulsa County, Oklahoma.
All monitoring and reporting requirements shall also be in compliance with Part III of this permit.
4. Whole Effluent Toxicity Reporting and Monitoring Requirements
TMUA Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant PERMIT NO. OK0026221 Page 4 of Part I
During the period beginning the effective date of the permit and lasting through the expiration date, the permittee is authorized to discharge from Outfall TX1 (functionally identical to Outfall 001). Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below. Whole Effluent Toxicity Reporting and Monitoring Requirements (Outfall TX1) Reporting/Monitoring Effluent Characteristic Requirements a Critical 7-day Testing Sample Test Parameter Dilution e Min Frequency Type Pass/Fail Survival [TLP3B] Report NOEC Survival [TOP3B] Report Ceriodaphnia dubia, L % Mortality at Critical Dilution 7-day chronic NOEC Report 24-hr 100% [TJP3B] 1/quarter b static renewal, Comp
g Pass/Fail Reproduction [TGP3B] Report n
i freshwater t
s NOECS Reproduction [TPP3B] Report e
T % Coeff of Variation [TQP3B] Report
n Pass/Fail Survival [TLP6C] Report i t
u Pimephales promelas NOECL Survival [TOP6C] Report o
R (Fathead minnow), % Mortality at Critical Dilution Report 24-hr 7-day chronic NOEC 100% [TJP6C] 1/quarter Comp static renewal, Pass/Fail Growth [TGP6C] Report
freshwater NOECS Growth [TPP6C] Report % Coeff of Variation [TQP6C] Report
c, d g Retest #1 [22415] Report n i t As 24-hr s
e d, f t Required Comp e c, d
R Retest #2 [22416] Report a See Part II, Sections E and F, Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing, for additional monitoring and reporting conditions. b See provision for monitoring frequency reduction after the first year (Part II, Section E, Item 5). c Applies to either or both species according to results of test failure triggering monthly retests. d Monthly retesting required only if routine test for reporting period fails. Fill out ONLY the relevant retest parameters on the retest DMRs, do not change the original results, and put the correct submission date in the lower right hand corner of the DMR. e All chronic WET testing shall use the dilution series specified in Part II, Sections E and F, Item 1. f Results of retests conducted pursuant to prior test failure shall not be submitted on DMRs in lieu of routine test results (see Part II, Sections E and F, Item 2.a).
C. dubia whole effluent toxicity reporting and monitoring requirements apply beginning ______, and the first reporting period is ______to ______.
P. promelas (Fathead minnow) whole effluent toxicity reporting and monitoring requirements apply beginning , and the first reporting period is to . a. WET testing summary reports:
Reports of all WET testing initiated, regardless of whether such tests are carried to completion, shall follow the requirements of Part II, Section E and F, Item.4.
TMUA Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant PERMIT NO. OK0026221 Page 5 of Part I
b. Concurrent Testing Provision for Acute WET Testing Concurrent analysis of total ammonia and pH is required for each individual effluent sample collected for acute WET testing or retesting of the Fathead minnow species. Reporting of concurrent testing results shall be in accordance with the following requirements. Results shall also be submitted in or concurrently with each WET test report. Concurrent Effluent Testing for Acute WET Tests – Reporting Requirements (Outfall TX1) Concentration Monitoring Requirements Effluent Characteristic Daily Monthly Daily Monitoring Sample Min Avg Max Frequency Type Ammonia, total (mg/l) a Report Report Report 1/quarter 24-hour composite [STORET: 00610] Measured in each composite pH (standard units) a effluent sample, including Report --- Report 1/quarter [STORET: 00400] static renewals, just prior to first use a Report only those effluent samples collected for WET testing of Fathead minnow species. Results may be used for compliance with ammonia and pH monitoring requirements for Outfall 001.
Samples collected for WET testing purposes, including static renewals, shall be of sufficient volume to allow for the required concurrent analyses in addition to the WET testing itself.
Samples sent directly to a WET testing laboratory shall not undergo any preservation other than refrigeration to no more than 6º C but not frozen prior to arrival and processing at the WET testing laboratory. b Two sets of samples for concurrent analyses are required for ammonia and pH:
Concurrent ammonia analyses must be performed on composite samples that are properly preserved and delivered directly to a state certified analytical laboratory. These results shall be included in the results for Outfall 001.
A second concurrent analysis is required for the sample that is sent to the WET testing laboratory and for the table above.
Just prior to first use of each composite sample for WET testing purposes, the biomonitoring laboratory shall take an adequately-sized portion of each composite sample, acidify it in accordance with preservation requirements in 40 CFR 136, and have it analyzed for total ammonia at a state certified laboratory. The pH measurement required for the table above must be taken just prior to the acidification step. These pH and ammonia readings should NOT be included in the results for Outfall 001. c. Sampling Location Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above for Outfall TX1 shall be taken at the following location: at the same location as for Outfall 001 (see cover page for latitude/longitude and legal location).
TMUA Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant PERMIT NO. OK0026221 Page 6 of Part I
B. Receiving Stream Minimum Flow Requirements
The permittee is required to maintain the controlled minimum flow (USGS Gauge Station 07177500 near Sperry) of Bird Creek in accordance with the following:
Season Minimum Flow Requirement (cfs) April 1 – May 31 130 a June 1 – September 30 142 a October 1 – October 15 154 b October 16 – October 31 53 b November 1 – March 31 53 a a. Stream flows shall be reported on the DMR as a daily minimum with discharge designator 001 A.
b. For the month of October:
(1) The permittee shall report the daily minimum stream flow for the October 1-15 period as a daily minimum on the DMR with discharge designator 001 B.
(2) The permittee shall report the daily minimum stream flow for the October 16-31 period as a daily minimum on the DMR with discharge designator 001 C.
(3) The permittee shall report the average minimum flow for the October 1-15 period (specified in (1) above) and the daily minimum for the October 16-31 period (specified in (2) above) as a monthly minimum on the DMR with discharge designator 001 D.
C. Sanitary Sewer Overflows
Any bypass in the collection system [sanitary sewer overflow (SSO)] shall be reported in accordance with Permit Part III.B.6.
TMUA Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant