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ORIGIN OF HINDU DHARMA AND HINDU CIVILIZATION Krishna Maheshwari Both the origins of to be a religion, it is in corroborate for any dating to Hinduism and Hindu actuality a much broader set of be certain. To date, various Civilization are in the mist of teachings that cover methods have been used to antiquity. Unlike every other everything useful in life. assign dates -- but they do not religion, it was not founded by Scriptures tell us that the concur on many aspects and any specific person, nor is Vedas were heard by the thus the process of dating there a founding date. Rishis and passed down by an Sanatana Dharma is one that is Internally, it presents itself as oral tradition for thousands of ongoing. eternal truths (Sanatana years before they were written Comparative Analysis Dharma). What is known down for the first time. Thus World Religions however is that it is the oldest they are considered to be religion in the world and also shruti upon which all other Sanatana Dharma can be one of the few which scriptures are derived from. traced to thousands of years incorporated what we consider prior to any of the other world religion today along with all of In order to trace the origins religions and is at least 8,000 the sciences (ranging from of Sanatana Dharma and hence years old, and probably older. mathematics to astronomy to Hindu Civilization, the Judaism, the second oldest architecture) as part of its evidence that is available must surviving religion is dated to teachings. In modern terms, be examined from multiple about 4,000 years ago, starting while Hinduism is considered perspectives and must around 2,000 BC.
If the age of the various human years with each 100 Sikhism, is the youngest faith, world religions is reduced to years of history representing at five years old. Islam, is the make them proportionate to one year of human life than only teenager, and is fourteen. Christianity just turned twenty. that civilization was extinct by The Saraswati river is Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism approximately 1,750 BC and considered by many as and Confucianism are twenty- most of their knowledge was "hidden" and is referred to by five. Zoroastrianism is twenty- also lost. the Rig Veda more than 60 six. Shintoism is in its late The ancient Egyptians trace times. It is one of the seven twenties. Judaism is a mature their history to 5,250 BC. sacred rivers ("sapt sindhu"). thirty-seven. Hinduism, whose They faced three sets of dark Until recently, scholars birthday remains unknown, is ages where much of their considered the river to be at least eighty years old—the knowledge was lost. After the mythical. white-bearded grandfather of last decline they were ruled by Rishi Gritsamada among living spirituality on this [1] foreign rule and whatever Rigveda rishi-s, calls planet traces were left of their Saraswati as mother, river and Thus, Sanatana Dharma civilization were also lost. devi (ambitame, naditame, would not have been Very little is known of the devitame Saraswati). This influenced by any of the Harrappans and trace them shows that Saraswati had existing world religions until based on the cities that have attained the stature of a devi, at least 4,000 years ago. On divinity even in Vedic times. been found. Thus, the start [2] the other hand, it could have date for their civilization is influenced all of the other considered to be dated by their The Saraswati springs from religions due to its antiquity. oldest city (and not when they Himalayan glaciers in Har-ki- Ancient Civilizations started coalescing into cities dun in Uttaranchal and The Indus civilizations like other ancient emerged at Adi Badri, a sacred (Harappa) have been dated civilizations). We do however, spot 30 km. north of Jagadhri, archeologically to 7,000 BC know, that there has been through the foothills of the and possibly as far back as civilization continuity from the Shiwalik ranges. The river at 7,500 BC. Harrappans to modern day its peak was between 7-12 km India based on some of the wide at its widest point[4] and The Aegean civilizations seals that have been found. traversed a distance of over (those based around ancient 1600 km., through Himachal Greece) started around 3,750 Based on this information, it can be surmised that they were Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, BC when their civilizations Rajasthan and Gujarat, to began to change from nomadic not influence by the other (known) ancient civilizations reach Sindhu Sagara at tribes to establish villages. Prabhas Patan (Somnath)[5][6][7]. but they may have influenced These civilizations went Then, between 6000 BC and through a period of dark ages the others--at least until well after 5250 BC. 4000 BC, tectonic changes where their collective caused river-migration and the knowledge was lost before the Saraswati River desiccation of the river. It was founding of "Classical Greece" completely dry by which is considered to be approximately 2000 BC. forefather of the western world. The river had its origins at least as early as 12000BC[8]. Sumeria, considered by many to be the cradle of Considering that the Rig civilization, traces its roots to Veda mentions the river so approximately 5,250 BC when frequently, it stands that the it started coalescing into river must have been in its villages and later cities. But peak years. This implies that the Rig Veda must have been fifteen metres deep, built with Only 5% of the ruins of this conceived in its present form special trapezoid bricks (to great civilization have been between 12000 BC and 6000 prevent collapse by the excavated to date and while no BC. pressure of the surrounding large signs have been Dating based on soil), and maintained for excavated, over 4,200 seals Archaeological Discoveries several centuries. Quite a few have been uncovered. These of those wells were found in seals are proof that the Harappan Civilization private houses. Dholavira had civilization had a written The Harappan Civilization separate drains to collect rain language by at least 2000BC (also known as the Indus water and six or seven dams but it is debated as to how it Civilization and the Indus- built across nearby rivers. should be translated. Saraswati Civilization) The houses were almost One of those seals shows a covered a span of 500,000 sq always built with mud bricks figure sitting in meditation miles and has approximately (sometimes fired in kilns), showing a clear link with yoga 2,600 sites (identified so far). which followed a standard and meditation as practiced In comparison, modern India ratio of 4 :2 :1, though the today by followers of Sanatana covers 1.2M sq miles. It has actual sizes varied : bricks for Dharma. This, along with the been dated to between houses, for instance, might be construction, whose style 7000BC and 1900BC. Many 28 x 14 x 7 cm, while for follows Stapatya Veda (whose of these settlements were fortification walls they could derivative is Vastu Shastra along the Saraswati River. be 36 x 18 x 9 cm or even which is also practiced today). Harappan cities displayed bigger. Walls were on average Mehrgarh town-planning of a level that 70 cm thick , and many houses would be found over 2000 were at least two stories high. Mehrgarh was the oldest, years later in Europe. A few houses, perhaps those identified, settlement of the Geometrically designed, the of rulers or wealthy traders, Harappans prior to the finding towns had fortifications (for were particularly large, with of the ruins in the Gulf of protection against both up to seven rooms, but they Khambhat and has been dated intruders and floods), several might be found right next to a by archeologists to have been distinct quarters, assembly craftsman’s modest house. A settled between 7,000 and halls, and manufacturing units number of big buildings, such 6,500 BC. Like other of various types ; some bigger as that around Mohenjo-daro’s Harappan cities, this was also cities had furnaces for the “Great Bath,” seem to have built on a north- south axis. production of copper tools, served a community purpose. The main streets of the city ran weapons or ornaments ; public Dholavira, in Kutch, even north-south, and the entrance baths (probably often part of boasts a huge public garden. It of the homes and public temples), private baths for also has massive fortification buildings faced east. Mehrgarh most inhabitants, sewerage walls, some of them as thick as (like all the other cities as through underground drains 11m, built in the earliest stage well) were built to the west of built with precisely laid bricks, of the city ; apart from the rivers so that they were on and an efficient water standardized bricks, stones land that sloped east to the management with numerous were also used there on a large river. reservoirs and wells show that scale, undressed as well as The most interesting find at the ordinary inhabitant was dressed (note that stones were Mehrgarh was that of well taken care of. Mohenjo- perfectly dressed with just skeletons of people who had daro, for instance, had over copper tools). cavities in their molars drilled 700 wells, some of them (see image to the right). These drilling were made while these additional artifacts were Veda came atleast 1000 years people were alive and they recovered. after the Rig Veda, it can be continued to live for years This city was found to be 5 assumed that the origins of this after the drilling as evidenced miles long and 2 miles wide[11] ancient civilization date at by wear of the teeth. [12]. In comparison, modern least to 8,000 BC. Considering how cavities are Manhattan is 13.4 miles by 2.3 Dating based on the treated today, it stands that miles. understanding of Astronomy these cavities were also filled (otherwise, they would not Considering the advanced The accuracy of astronomy have alleviated pain, but nature of this city, we can only described in shastra amazes increased it by exposing nerve assume that the civilization scientists even today. The only endings even more than must have begun at least a few way to obtain as accurate before). In addition, they had hundred years prior to the constants of astronomy as to have a way to hold a patient city's founding (if not more). described in texts like the extremely still so that they Archeology, Sthapatya Surya Siddhanta is through uninterrupted naked eye could make such precise holes Veda, and dating in the back of the mouth. observations or tools and Sthapatya Veda prescribes equipment (like telescopes, Gulf of Khambhat detailed principles of the etc). construction of temples, homes, and cities. One of the In the base case, it should be main principles of Sthapaatya assumed that the rishi's did not Veda is that cities be laid out have tools such as telescopes on an exact north-south grid, on hand and did not receive with all houses facing due this information through east. Another is that the samadhi; rather, they In 2001, ruins of an an buildings be oriented to the calculated these astronomical ancient city, off of the cost of east with a slope to the east figures based on naked eye Dwarka in the Gulf of and any body of water on the observations. Khambhat (also known as the east. Mehrgarg and most other Naked eye observations are Gulf of Cambay) were found cities of the Saraswati and accurate up to one sixth of a by the National Institute of Indus valleys followed these degree. Ocean Technology. Based on principles exactly. [13] The only way to obtain the results of a battery of While it is unknown when such accurate constants of different tests, the city is the principles of architecture precession (without modern thought to be up to 9500 years were codified into the system instruments and techniques) is old (or dating it to 7,500 BC)[9] described in the Sthapatya through a very long period of [10]. Veda, it is reasonable to uninterrupted observation. The team identified city-like conclude that the knowledge Earth's Precession structures at the location, said was well known and practiced to resemble those of major during the earliest periods of Many astronomical cities of the Indus Valley this civilization. Thus, since constants can only be Civilization, with regular Mehrgarg was built on these determined by observation as geometric patterns principles, the Sthapatya Veda well as determination of other representing a granary, a great was known at a time prior to constants. For example, to bath and a citadel. Several that. Considering that the understand Earth's follow up investigations were Sthapatya Veda is a part of the precession[14], the proper conducted and many Atharva Veda, and the Atharva motion of stars[15] must be understood, as must the Siddhanta is 365.2435374 alternative, is to assume that motion of Earth's perihelion[16], days while the modern science the observations were aided by as well as the period of the calculated it to be technology or received equinoxes[17]. The vernal 365.2421897 days for the year through samadhi. equinox is often used to 2000. The difference between [18] The Surya Siddhanta self- measure the tropical year . the two observations is 1 min, dates itself as having been The Surya Siddhanta[19] 54.44128 seconds. The length given by Lord Surya at the end reports the Earth's precession of the tropical year, due in part of krita yuga and also states is 0°0’50.4” / year (or 0.014° to the variation of the that it was given to sages in precessional constant, varies per year) while modern [22] previous yugas too (ie in day science has calculated this over time . Thus it is previous krita yugas)[23]. possible that the period of the to be 0°0’50.2583” / year (or Astronomy in the Veda 0.013958° per year) in the year tropical year described by the 1900[20]. The length of the Surya Siddhanta was more The Veda mention tropical year varies over time, accurate at the time of its references to the night sky and thus the difference of composition. astronomical events as a way 0.000042° could be accounted In either case, in order to of referencing the date/time of for due to this change over come up with this level of the events being described. time (ie the Surya Siddhanta precession, it would have Below are references to some provided the correct period for taken over 10,000 years (since of these mentions along with Earth's precession at the time it would take at least 10,000 when they were last observed it was composed). years to observe and calculate based on computer simulations of the night sky[24][25][26]: The period of unaided the earth's precession). observation required to The Surya Siddhanta Rig Veda: observe Earth's period of The exact date for the . Winter equinox in Ashwini motion is approximately 3,600 composition of the Surya (7000 BC) years assuming that the other Siddhanta is unknown. constants are known. If they . Revati at the winter Scholars estimate that it was solstice (6000 BC) are not, than the total time composed no later than 300 required would be no less than AD. If we assume this date . Vernal Equinox in 10,000 years of daily and only naked eye Punarvasu (5000-6000BC) observation. observations by the rishi's than . Vernal equinox in The Tropical Year their observations began no Mrigashira (4000 BC) earlier than 10,000 BC. . The Yajur Veda: In addition, over this period of 10,000 years, they would . Krittika at the winter have to maintain accurate solstice (8500 BC) records which were passed . Purvabhadrapada The tropical year[21] is down from astronomer to nakshatra as rising due east calculated by taking into astronomer over this period. (10000 BC) account the time it takes the Thus, there must have been Ramayana earth to move 360° and also institutions and enough taking into account the earth's interest for over 125 The dating of the Ramayana precessional period. The generations of astronomers to is very uncertain. The text period of the tropical year continuously make these self-dates itself to the end of provided by the Surya observations. The only the Treta Yuga which last occurred 1M years ago[27]. The Three people referred to in Jamvant a "reech"--each was author of the Ramayana, Rishi the Ramayana are Rama, clearly a different species of Valmiki is referred to in the Hanuman, and Jamvant. Rama hominid. Taittiriya Brahmana in the was considered to be a "man", Yajurveda. Hanuman a "vanar" and
Rama Hanuman Jamvant Scientists have been tracing the evolution of Humans for many years using skeletons found by archeologists. Many hominid species have been found since the 1970 and this field continues to grow the Human family tree. Below is a graph with a of what is known today of the various hominid species and their time lines of existence (with very large margins of error in the time line).
If we correlate the timing of the Ramayana based on traditional dating, we find that three species of hominids existed at the same time approximately 1M years ago, Homo erectus, Australopithecus Boisei and Homo Antecessor. Artist depiction of Homo erectus and Australopithecus Artist depcition of Homo Boisei Antecessor Is it possible that Rama the submerged city of Dwarka Astronomical dating is also belonged to the species of off the coast of Dwarka in limited in its accuracy. All Homo erectus, Jamvant to Gujarat. Marine archeologists astronomical events repeat Australopithecus Boisei and were able to recover a seal over large periods of time. the vanaras (such as from the city that matches the Thus the date calculated based Hanuman) to Homo description of a seal on astronomical observances Antecessor? mentioned in the Mahabharata are the last time these events Mahabharata that citizens of Dwarka were took place. They would have to carry. In addition, the also taken place earlier in time The dating of the submerged city was apparently as well[30]. Mahabharata is considered to on land reclaimed from the Technology in Shastra be fairly definite by many sea. scholars, however, they don't The technology described in have full agreement on the The Mahabharata also refers shastra is both amazing in date of the events. They to the Saraswati as a seasonal concept as well as in detail. estimate that it occurred river that had dried up in a Many of the vehicles and between 5500 BC and 1100BC desert (at a place named weapons are described in based on astronomy, lists of Vinasana or Adarsana), significant amount of detail Kings provided in the disappeared in the desert, and sometimes include details reappears in some places, and Mahabharata and the Puranas, [29] for construction. For example, etc[28] joins the sea "impetuously" . space craft construction is The Saraswati river had The strongest determinant of given in the Atharva Veda but stopped being a perennial river the technology available today the date is based on and became a seasonal simulations of the night sky does not allow us to create between the period of 4000 metals with some of the targeted to match 140 of the BC and 1900 BC. astronomical references made properties that are described. in the text. According to tradition, Bet The sampling of the Dwarka (the undersea city technology described in The period of the discovered by archeologists) is Mahabharata also has possible shastra (below) is meant to one of 6 or 7 Dwarka’s that illustrate the level of co-incidence with got flooded over time and the archeological evidence. advancement of the authors of others have yet to be the scriptures. Archeologists have discovered discovered. Technology and Science of making night to what is below the effulgence of a smokeless the Rig Veda and day to what is on the other fire, and let it off on all sides, The Rig Veda describes side…Having reached the end …Endued with fiery flames… several types of vehicles: of the night, it makes itself Meteors flashed down…A produce two opposite effects, thick gloom suddenly Jalayan[31] making day to what is below shrouded the (Pandava) host. a vehicle designed to and night to what is on the All the points of the compass operate in air and water other side. In fact, the Sun also were enveloped by that never sets….[37] darkness...Inauspicious winds Kaara[32] The Rig Veda itself was began to blow. The sun a vehicle that operates on composed and has been passed himself no longer gave any ground and in water on for hundreds (if not heat…The very elements seemed to be perturbed...The Tritala[33] thousands) of generations using sophisticated error universe, scorched with heat, a vehicle consisting of three correcting codes[38]. seemed to be in a fever…The stories very waters heated, the Other Scriptures creatures residing in that Trichakra Ratha[34] Other scriptures mention element…seemed to burn. a three-wheeled vehicle multiple types of Viman-s From all the points of the designed to operate in the air (aircraft) as well as their compass, cardinal and Vaayu Ratha[35] construction, properties, etc. subsidiary, from the firmament and the very earth, showers of a gas or wind-powered They have references to sharp and fierce arrows fell chariot time measurement ranging and issued with the from a 'truti' which lasts Vidyut Ratha[36] impetuosity of Garuda or the 1/1687.5th of a second to a wind…the hostile warriors fell a vehicle that operates on mahamantavara lasting 311 down like trees burnt down by power trillion years and discuss both a raging fire. Huge elephants, Modern man has re-invented the age of the Earth at burnt by that weapon, fell some of these vehicles. For approximately 4 billion years down on the earth all around, example, the Kaara is similar and the relativity of time. uttering fierce cries loud as the in definition to an amphibious They reference the water life rumblings of the clouds…The craft such as those used in cycle steeds, O king, and the cars World War II and the also, burnt by the energy of Water ascends towards the Trichakra Ratha is similar to a that weapon, looked, O sire, sky in vapors; modern day aircraft. like the tops of trees burnt in a from the sun it descends in forest-fire. Thousands of cars In addition to vehicles, the rain, fell down on all sides. Indeed, Rig Veda describes the Earth from the rains are born the O Bharata, it seemed that the as being held in space by the plants, divine lord Agni burnt the Sun. It talks about the Earth from the plants, animals (Pandava) host in that battle, being round and in solar orbit They mention weapons of like the Samvarta fire The Sun does never set nor mass destruction akin to consuming everything at the rise. When people think the nuclear weapons. For example, end of the Yuga…Burnt by the Sun is setting (it is not so). For the effects of the Agneya Astra energy of Aswatthaman's after having arrived at the end when used offensively in the weapon, the forms of the slain of the day it makes itself Mahabharata are described as could not be distinguished.[39] produce two opposite effects, a blazing shaft possessed of [40] The usage of the Agneya father of Grammar and the archeological view is that the astra by Aswatthaman resulted person who codified Sanskrit civilization began around in the death of a full grammar, 85 grammarians are 7,500 BC based on the earliest Akshauhini [218,700] of the known to predate him. fiends to date. The Pandava troops. In Vedanta has had a long astronomical view is that the comparison, the nuclear bomb tradition of debate and civilization must date to dropped on Hiroshima (killed discussion. 10,000 BC unless they had 60,000-80,000 people) and The Veda are direct in their technology which archeology Nagasaki (killed 90,000- statements yet speak in many has yet to find evidence of. 166,000 people). tongues which require The technology described in They also describe non- solidified thought. They are the shastra boggle the mind. lethal weapons such as the communicated in a language They are beyond what many Sanmohana astra and the that is mature and systematic would consider conceivable Pramohana astra which could which speaks to the maturity unless the authors had actually make people lose of the civilization that seen things similar to what consciousness [41][42]. conceptualized them in their they had described. If the present form. Mahabharata is to be Textual development of coincident with the Harappan the Scriptures Whatever the origin date civilization, than no Shastra is referred to as that is provide by archeology explanation is available as to Siddhanta or the final time needs to be added for the how it was lost so quickly. conclusion. (Siddha = the goal, development of technology & And the scriptural view is that the achievement; Anta = is thought in the scriptures. the shastra and Sanatana reached, or its end) Conclusion Dharma is significantly older and has been presented As such, it is reasonable to The dates ascribed by the multiple times to multiple conclude that they were the various sciences have not rishis over multiple yugas culmination of a long process reached any level of which creates significant of discussion, criticism and consistency to be considered cognitive dissonance to those review. For example, while authoritative and leave much who are scientifically minded. Panini is referred to as the to be ascertained. The Notes & References
1. ↑ Panikkar, Raimon, "The Vedic Experience" 2. ↑ Saraswati in Hindi Civilizational History & Culture 3. ↑ Rig Veda 4. ↑ Since the Ghaggar Valley (through which the Saraswati flowed) is eight to twelve kilometers wide at many places. Earthquakes and floods changed the course of the Ghaggar and its tributaries frequently, and satellite imagery together with ground morphological studies confirm that it too originated in the Siwalik Himalayas before flowing into the Arabian Sea. This was the ‘lost’ Sarasvati. 5. ↑ The Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI), Jodhpur, mapped the defunct course of a river through satellite and aerial photographs and field studies. It originates in Kailash Mansarovar and emerged on the plains from the Siwalik Hills at the foothills of the Himalayas in Himachal Pradesh, flowed through the Ghaggar valley in Haryana and the Rajasthan desert, on to Hakra in the Cholistan desert (Sindh, Pakistan), before reaching the Rann of Kutch through the Nara Valley and falling off into the Arabian Sea. 6. ↑ Archaeologists from the Shimla Circle in 2003-2004 reported three sites and a Buddha vihara in Adi Badri alone. Dr. Vijay Mohan Kumar Puri, an expert on Himalayan glaciers, reported finds of metamorphic rocks on the terraces created by Himalayan glacial River Sarasvati and proved that Adi Badri was the site where the river entered the plains from its Himalayan home. Adi Badri is just 20 kms. from Jagadhri (Yamuna Nagar) and 70 kms. from Dehradun (Paonta Saheb) or Kurukshetra. Further, Dr. Puri proved the origins of Sarasvati from Rupin-Supin glaciers north of Paonta Saheb, where a Yamuna tear occurred on account of plate tectonics and caused a lateral shift of the Shiwalik ranges and consequent eastward migration of the Yamuna, a tributary of Sarasvati, taking the Sarasvati waters to join the Ganga at Prayag and create the Triveni Sangam. 7. ↑ The Saraswati: Where lies the mystery by Saswati Paik, GIS Devlopment 8. ↑ After the Pokharan blasts on 11 May 1998, the Isotope Division of the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) led by Dr. S.L. Rao took water samples from 800 deep wells within a radius of 250 km. of Pokharan. Their findings, published in Current Science, showed the waters tested were between 8000 to 14000 years old and thus confirmed ISRO findings about the river. 9. ↑ The site was discovered by a team from the National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) in December 2000 and investigated for six months with acoustic techniques. 10. ↑ Discoveries in Archeology from the Gulf of Cambay 11. ↑ Pre-Harappan bricks found in Gulf of Cambay 12. ↑ Lost city 'could rewrite history' 13. ↑ Synodical lunar month of Suryasiddhanta differs from modern value at the rate of 1 seconds (of time ) in 83 years. 14. ↑ Precession of the Earth
Earth's precession: planetary bodies like the Earth spin much like a top. They have a wobble and the time it takes for that wobble to complete one round is called the period of precession
15. ↑
An animation showing the motion of Barnard's Star from 1985 to 2005. Barnard's Star moves a distance equal to the diameter of the full moon in less than two centuries.
Proper motion of stars: The change in a star's position, measured in seconds of arc per year or per century, is referred to as proper motion.
16. ↑ Motion of Earth’s Perihelion : The perihelion is point nearest the sun in the orbit of a planet or other celestial body. Due to the nature of Earth's orbit, this point changes every year by a small amount. The motion of this point is referred to as the motion of Earth's perihelion. Motion of Earth's Perihelion
17. ↑ The day an "equinox is observed" is the day when the day length equals the length of night 18. ↑ The vernal equinox is the equinox that occurs in the spring time 19. ↑ K Chandra Hari, "True Rationale of Surya Siddhanta, Indian Journal of Science, 32(3), 1997 20. ↑ Astronomy 21. ↑ The Tropical year is the interval between two equinoxes 22. ↑ Tropical Year 23. ↑ Surya Siddhanta, 1st chapter, 23rd verse 24. ↑ Origins of Vedic Civilization byKenneth Chandler, Ph.D. 25. ↑ Date of the Rigveda 26. ↑ Gods, Sages and Kings: Vedic Secrets of Ancient Civilization By David Frawley 27. ↑ [Astronomy] 28. ↑ The Scientific Dating of the Mahabharata War By Dr.P.V.Vartak 29. ↑ Mahabharata 3.80.118, 3.82.111, 3.88.2, 3.130.3, 6.7.47, 6.37.1-4, 9.34.81, 9.37.1-2 30. ↑ The problem of using Astronomy in dating the Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata 31. ↑ Rig Veda 6.58.3 32. ↑ Rig Veda 9.14.1 33. ↑ Rig Veda 3.14.1 34. ↑ Rig Veda 4.36.1 35. ↑ Rig Veda 5.41.6 36. ↑ Rig Veda 3.14.1 37. ↑ Rig Veda, Aitareya brahmana 3.44 38. ↑ Error correcting code-like chanting procedures in ancient India by R. L. Kashyap and M. R. Bell 39. ↑ Mahabharata, Drona Parva, CCI 40. ↑ Translation of Mahabharata into English published between 1883 and 1896 was authored by Kisari Mohan Ganguli (1842-1895) 41. ↑ Mahabharata, Virata Parva, LXV 42. ↑ Mahabharata, Bhishma Parva, LXXXVII Educational Material
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