Immigration Project

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Immigration Project

U.S. History Immigration Project

Assignment Summary: You will be assigned to an immigrant from the early 1900s. Throughout the entire unit you are to remain in character based on your knowledge of your immigrant.

Purpose: The purpose of this project is for you to share the experiences of immigrants during the early 1900s and connect with the challenges they dealt with while in the United States.

Role: You will be assigned a character from a foreign country that is keeping a scrapbook of their life in the U.S.

Audience: Family in the future

Form: Scrapbook, journal entries, oral presentation

FCA’s: Journals (type 3) 1. Entries are written in character and are historically correct – 20pts 2. All 8 entries are written in proper format – LER 1.1 – 40 pts 3. All 5 senses are used in each entry UNDERLINED – 20pts

Scrapbook (type 5) 1. Pictures are included for every page and coincide with journal entries, i.e., home, family, workplace, pets, old country etc. in color. – 16pts 2. All 8 journal entries (final drafts) are included and neatly displayed with captions – 40pts 3. All components are placed in a neat and publishable book with a cover page – 14pts

Social Gathering 1. Dress in character and remain in character for the whole period – 5pts 2. Bring in artifacts from your home land – 5pts 3. Share your stories and scrapbooks with others in class in a loud and appropriate manner.– 10pts Characters

1. Jacob O’Hare 4. Katarina Randazzo

 Age: 35 years old  Age: 20 years old  Religious beliefs: Catholic  Religious beliefs: Catholic  Old Country: Ireland  Old Country: Italian  Family: Wife – Catherine 30,  Family: Husband – Lorenzo 25, Children - Michael 10, Jacob Jr. 8, Children - Anthony 5, Louie. 3 Shawn 6, Sara 3  Old Job: Ironing for wealthy  Old Job: Mining coal families  Skills: Farming, mining, working  Skills: Cooking, cleaning, baking with heavy items  Problems: Extremely Jealous  Problems: Drinking 5. Xing Lee

2. Catherine O’Hare  Age: 28 years old  Religious beliefs: Buddhist  Age: 30 years old  Old Country: China  Religious beliefs: Catholic  Family: Wife – Ling 18, Children  Old Country: Ireland – Lu 2  Family: Husband – Jacob 35,  Old Job: Farming (rice) Children - Michael 10, Jacob Jr. 8,  Skills: Farming, working at a quick Shawn 6, Sara 3 pace  Old Job: Seamstress  Problems: Opium addiction  Skills: Sewing, cooking, cleaning  Problems: May be pregnant again 6. Ling Lee

 Age: 18 years old 3. Lorenzo Randazzo  Religious beliefs: Buddhist  Old Country: China  Age: 25 years old  Family: Husband – Xing 28,  Religious beliefs: Catholic Children – Lu 2  Old Country: Italy  Old Job: Farming (rice)  Family: Wife – Katarina 20,  Skills: Making rice patties, Children - Anthony 5, Louie. 3 teaching young girls classical dance,  Old Job: Farming farming  Skills: Farming, herding  Problems: Fears her husband  Problems: Adultery 7. Anthony Kulokos 10. Kaisha Strouss

 Age: 20 years old  Age: 24  Religious beliefs: Greek Orthodox  Religious beliefs: Orthodox  Old Country: Greece Christianity  Family: Sister – Athena 17  Old Country: Russia  Old Job: Fishing  Family: Husband - Victor 40,  Skills: Fishing, working on docks, Daughters – Sasha 4, Victoria 18 fix boats months  Problems: Looking for a wife,  Old Job: Homemaker need to take care of sister  Skills: Taking care of children and help (servants) 8. Athena Kulokos  Problems: Abusive husband that is rarely home  Age: 17 years old  Religious beliefs: Greek Orthodox  Old Country: Greece 11. Eva Strouss  Family: Brother – Anthony 20  Old Job: Maid  Age: 20  Skills: housework, factory work  Religious beliefs: Orthodox (assembling products) Christianity  Problems: Overprotective brother,  Old Country: Russia want to be on her own  Family: Father – Victor 40, Stepmother – Kaisha 24, Half sisters 9. Victor Strouss – Sasha 4, Victoria 18 months  Old Job: None  Age: 40  Skills: Shopping, Dancing  Religious beliefs: Orthodox  Problems: Hates her stepmother, Christianity wants a life of her own, wants to  Old Country: Russia explore the U.S. without her fathers  Family: Wife – Kaisha 24, watchful eye Daughters – Eva (from 1st wife) 20, Sasha 4, Victoria 18 months 12. Yuku Soma  Old Job: Bar owner  Skills: Make a variety of alcoholic  Age: 14 beverages, strong, accounting  Religious beliefs: Buddhist  Problems: Loves young women,  Old Country: Japan many children outside of marriage,  Family: remained in Japan gambler  Old Job: School, family farm  Skills: Calligraphy, geography, farming  Problems: Sent by family to earn money, doesn’t understand customs or language 13. Able Kade 17. Alex Kade  Age: 15  Age: 20  Religious beliefs: Jewish Orthodox  Religious beliefs: Jewish Orthodox  Old Country: Germany  Old Country: Germany  Family: none, brother Able 20  Family: wife – Deceased, Son –  Old Job: messenger Ivan 2, brother Alex 15  Skills: walk, run long distances  Old Job: bread maker  Problems: Needs to find a job to  Skills: baking help his brother and nephew, but  Problems: Needs to find a better would like to start a family of his job that will allow him to make own. Leaves behind his girlfriend. more money for his child, no family left in the old country 18. Hu Tu 14. Paul Polowski  Age: 17  Age: 20  Religious beliefs: Buddhist  Religious beliefs: Christian  Old Country: Japan  Old Country: Poland  Family: Brother in the U.S. - 30  Family: brother Saul 18  Old Job: student  Old Job: bricklayer  Skills: intelligent, studious  Skills: construction  Problems: parents sent to further  Problems: No family has lost faith education but discrimination and in religion. lack of opportunities forces you to do manual labor 15. Saul Polowski  Age: 18 19.Gino Pokulopolus  Religious beliefs: Christian  Age: 60  Old Country: Poland  Religious beliefs: none  Family: none, brother Paul - 20  Old Country: Greece  Old Job: bricklayer  Family: wife – Deceased,  Skills: construction  Old Job: Book keeper  Problems: No family but Paul, paul  Skills: math and accounting is very controlling and you are  Problems: Wife was frail on ship trying to get him to get back to his and passed away, still grieving. faith. 20. Mario Carbone 16. Shaun Mcshea  Age: 40  Religious beliefs: Catholic  Age: 18  Old Country: Italy  Religious beliefs: Catholic  Family: wife, Lucile – 30, son –  Old Country: Ireland Frank -15  Family: none  Old Job: Farmer  Old Job: sold crops at the market  Skills: Farming, raising cattle  Skills: bartering  Problems: trying to bring family  Problems: love to gamble over to the U.S. but money is spent on drinking 21. Hans Klein

 Age: 50  Religious beliefs: Jewish Orthodox  Old Country: Germany  Family: Died from consumption  Old Job: Grounds keeper  Skills: landscaping, following orders  Problems: too old, no one will hire, starting to drink from loneliness

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