Norfolk County Council s1
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Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 21st January 2015 in the Filby Room, Police Headquarters, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase, Wymondham, Norwich NR18 0WW
Present: Joan Maughan – Independent Chair Nigel Andrews – Tenancy Support Manager, Norwich City Council Lorraryne Barrett - Head of Service, Community Services, Adult Care Dawn Collins – Assistant Director of Nursing, Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital (rep Jane Sayer) Lyn Fabre - Steve Fuller – Manager, Forwards and Futures Terry Hicks – Assistant General Manager, West Norfolk, East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust Walter Lloyd-Smith – Safeguarding Adults Lead, East Coast Community Health Care Peter McGuiness – Service Manager, Red Cross Elizabeth Morgan – County Councillor, Norfolk County Council Roger Morgan - Quality Assurance Manager, Community Services, Adult Care Kate Rudkin – Head of Development and Operations, Age UK, Norfolk Jackie Schneider – Head of Patient Safety, North Norfolk CCG Howard Stanley – Senior Nurse and Safeguarding Adults Lead – Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Groups (also rep Jackie Schneider) William Styles – Govenor, HMP Norwich Mark Talbot – Vice Chair, ARMC Ann Taylor – Head of Social Care – Southern, Adult Social Helen Thacker – Manager, Safeguarding Adults, Community Services, Adult Care Julie Wvendth - Detective Superintendent, Norfolk Constabulary (rep Nick Dean) Sue Austin – Business Support Officer, Safeguarding Adults, Adult Social Care Item Minute Action Declarations of Interest - None reported
1 Apologies for Absence Jo Cook – Head of Social Care (Northern), Community Services, Adult Care Nick Dean – Acting Chief Constable, Norfolk Constabulary Jane Sayer – Director of Nursing, Quality & Patient Safety, Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (representative Sarrana Burgess) Andrea Wright – Head of Service, Mental health Partnership, Community Services, Adult Care
Confirmation of any part of the minutes that is exempt under the Freedom of Information Act State if Whole report or the Section number(s) involved:- None
Exemption(s):- None
Approval of Minutes The group agreed that the minutes of the 16th October 2014 represented an accurate record of that meeting and they were to be finalised. Signed as a definitive record of the meeting.
……………………………………. …………….. (Chair of the meeting)
2 Matters Arising from the previous meeting Item 6: Matters Arising – CLSAP DC is no longer Chair the CLSAP and WS has agreed to take this on. JM expressed thanks to DC for chairing the CLSAPs.
Item 7: Matters Arising - RM has circulated the process of DOLS orders to all care homes.
Item 7: Matters Arising – JM has not been able to confirm a meeting with Norman Lamb but will be following this up. Will Styles WS is aware that Norman Lamb has a huge interest in this and will speak directly to Norman and maybe he could attend the April SAB. LM in agreement with this.
Item 7: Matters Arising – JM attended the independent chairs meeting across county and the DOLS issue arose. It was agreed that this is a Strategic role of the Board and the group will be writing to government on this issue to ensure concerns. JM to write letter.
Item 7: Matters Arising - Walter: National Chairs meeting: LA in terms of assessments carried out – national problem across – lack of assessors.
JM meeting – coroners – police? To look at areas. As independent chair serious concerns safeguarding issues for DOLS. Displaced to meet DOLS requirements. DOLS concerns fed up through ADASS national issue.
JM: explained that there is money from NHS England left for training healthcare staff in MCA/DoLS. Urgent
2 proposal from us to use money. There is in excess of £50k.
4 Newsdesk Housing - Nigel Andrews expressed concerns from Housing Group colleagues in Housing and LA about the number of concerns around neglect and circumstances how people are currently living. This could have an impact on their tenancy. There is a partnership chairs group on 2nd February and JM will take this information to the meeting. Now self-neglect is a category of abuse this issue will become more of a significant concern.
Over 65 age group highest in England. Ambulance service picking up. JM asked HT for self neglect figures, but this data is not recorded in CareFirst. Children Services already have a neglect strategy but not Adult Services. JM will ask the Partnership Chairs about whether neglect strategies have been set up elsewhere. JM suggested this is a lead task for NSAB.
L Fabre asked why the private sector not represented on housing sub group.
Nigel would feels housing should be involved. The Nigel Housing Subgroup was tasked with drafting a Prevention Andrews of Neglect Strategy. HT would like to be involved in this. Howard suggested making links with other groups as Childrens Services have done a lot of work on this so far. WLS have found a useful paper from Camden Council, Walter from The High Risk Panel in Camden, and Multi-agency Lloyd-Smith responses to self neglect, hoarding and fire risk. He will circulate the paper. KR will add to risk register. Kate Rudkin
Safeguarding Adults Week - JM reminded the meeting that safeguarding adults week is 7th September 2015
Action plan - JS to circulate and put in some context Presentation on human trafficking co-ordinate Julie Wvendth. Within human trafficking conference will circulate details. Brief presentation to NSAB felt helpful to have this. HT to approach Antonia Litten about this.
Care Act – The Board felt it would be useful to have a presentation on the Care Act at April board as the strategy will be out by then.
Peer review update – HT\JM to send this out to the board. Helen Important to others partners scrutinised by health and Thacker well being board.
3 Safeguarding adults review - currently running SAR Helen managed commissioned reports. Deborah Klee expected Thacker report by end of June. Dissemination of lessons learnt. HT has draft procedure setting up a meeting to discuss if meets criteria for a SAR. SARs are costly need to look at other models. HT will send current referral form round to group. HS suggested a communications group to front line staff.
Funds – JM has heard formally from Norfolk Constabulary Helen and health, they have both increased funding to the Thacker board. JM will be meeting with them both to discuss the key areas of investment against the action plan. Karen O’Hara is compiling an audit of current budget. Communication strategy to be circulated board need consensus.
5 Communications Strategy Helen Not tabled but will be circulated to the board. Thacker
6 Strategic Plan As a result from the Peer review the board needed to become more challenging and a restructuring proposal has been drafted for agreement by the Board. LB explained that JM had shared the strategic plan with the management group and it was received well. WLS suggested that housing\district councils sit on the Business Group. Questions were raised by the Board - What weight does the Business Group hold? What is CS board like? What is the strategic role of the board? NA suggested a housing rep is part of the main board.
JM explained that the board needs to change from having an operational focus to being proactive strategically. RM feels the new structure is right but the function of the Business Group is key to making this work.
Julie is in support of new structure and asked what representation of police would be required? How would reporting mechanisms work? JM sees EGB as a communications\steering group, they have direction from NSAB and intelligence from subgroups\LSAP which will be a tighter way of getting information through to the board a triage process – board ask for information deliver back intelligence – highlight issues to board.
Probation service – will become more significant and the
4 board feel they would make a valuable contribution to the board. JM will arrange for them to be invited to the April board. District Councils – need to become funders, need to get DC’s involved in LSAPS
WS suggested that maybe DWP would be beneficial as the Care Act will include employment. It was suggested Will Styles inviting chamber of commerce and to try and engage Business community links to LSAP. WS will invite DWP to CLSAP.
LB to ensure there is a link to Children services board through partnerships chairs board.
DVU are members of Chairs board and need to ensure that links are formalised. Follow up at February chairs meeting.
There will be 6 NSAB and 6 Business Group meetings in a year inclusive of development day.
7 Business Plan LB explained that the business plan is themed around key principles and there is a lot work to be done, but timescales have to be achievable. 15 month plan has governance in as well.
Agreement In principle the restructuring proposal has been agreed by a majority show of hands. April board will be the new board. Joan JM to re-circulate structure chart. The priority is to restart Maughan\ health subgroup. Helen Thacker Rewrite of policies and procedures because of Care Act being done by Learning, Improvement and Policy subgroup. Agreed strategic plan will go on website and key partners will also be provided with a copy.
9 Open Space WLS will circulate a high risk plan – picked up from Walter Camden Lloyd-Smith
KR suggested action control list to be adopted – pull out actions from NSAB as these will get round the team quicker. Joan Maughan\ JM will inform who will be on the business group and who Helen
5 will be on the board. Thacker
JM expressed thanks to HT for overseeing SAR, and Joan sorting other paperwork. Karen O’hara and her team have Maughan worked really well in organising the SAB. Condolence card to be sent to Jan Cant – JM will organise this.
Date of next meetings
Thursday 16th April 2015 Wednesday 15th July 2015 Thursday 15th October 2015
NB: all meetings will be held from 10am to 1pm
All meetings will be held in Filby Room, Police Headquarters, Jubilee House, Falconers Chase, Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 0WW
Parking is available at Waitrose (across the road from Police Headquarters). Please park in the numbered bays closest to the footpath leading to the Police Headquarters. No identification/parking permit is required on your car.
6 Actions from NSAB held on 21st January 2015
Item Lead
1 Matters Arising Will Styles to speak directly to Norman and maybe he could Will Styles attend the April SAB.
2 Newsdesk Housing Subgroup tasked to draft self-neglect strategy Nigel Andrews
4 WLS will circulate a paper from Camden Council, from The Walter Lloyd-Smith High Risk Panel in Camden, and Multi-agency responses to self neglect, hoarding and fire risk
5 Add self neglect to risk register Kate Rudkin
6 Peer Review update to be send round the Board. Helen Thacker
7 Helen to send current referral form round the board regarding Helen Thacker criteria for SAR 8 Communications Strategy Document to be distributed to the Board Helen Thacker
9 Strategic Plan DWP to be invited to Central LSAP Will Styles
10 Restructure Joan Maughan\ JM to re-circulate structure chart Helen Thacker
11 JM will inform who will be on the business group and who will Joan Maughan\Helen be on the board. Thacker
12 Condolence card to be sent to Jan Cant Joan Maughan