Apus / Review Sheet / Mid Term/ Mr. Lipman / 2014-15
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The APUSH mid-term will cover the following units and consist of all AP questions under the new format. 1491-1607 1607-1754 1754-1800 1800-1848 1844-1877 1865-1898 (Partially) The exam will consist of 55 multiple choice questions which must be answered in 55 minutes. There will then be 2 short answer questions which must be completed in 25 minutes, and one long essay question for which you will have 35 minutes. The following topics/terms should be studied to prepare for the multiple choice portion of the exam.
1. Columbian Exchange; Great Awakening; Middle Passage; Englightment 2. American Indian reaction to European settlement in North America 3. European changes due to exploration and settlement of North America 4. Differences between settlement in Virginia/ North Carolina and Massachusetts 5. Population trends 1670-1790 in North America 6. Hamilton’s views on democracy and representation 7. Political differences between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists and Democractic Republicans 8. Abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison and their viewpoints and the counter- Positions 9. Andrew Jackson policies and the view points for and against him 10. Issues of sectionalism and the road to war with Mexico 11. Radical Republicans and the era of reconstruction and how it impacted the South 12. George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards and the first Great Awakening 13. Immigrants and Immigration Trends 1820-1860 14. Women’s rights movement and Seneca Falls Convention 15. Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence (concepts and principles) 16. Washington’s Farewell Address of 1796 17. How the Columbian Exchange Transformed both Europe and America 18. Patterns and Trends of British Settlement of North America 1607-1775 19. The settlement of Jamestown
The Short Answer Questions will deal with the topics of the following: 1. Political Parties in the 1790s; Social Reform of the 1820s; Democratic and Whig parties of the 1830s 2. The Columbian Exchange and Triangle Trade of the 18th century
The Long Essay will cover the topic of labor system changes 1600-1763 in North America.