A Busy Term Ahead
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Important Dates To Remember Wednesday 23rd July Year 3 and 4 Zoo Excursion. Thursday 31st July Book Club Orders Due. Friday 1st August OR 4th August College Athletics Day. Monday 8th – Thursday 18th September P – 4 Swimming Program. Tuesday 9th September First Aid Training for staff: School finishes at 1.30 pm.
will commence in 2015 with a ‘Middle Years’ Program. A BUSY TERM AHEAD: ATHLETICS DAY: Term three has commenced very well. It is great to see that all students immediately slot back into The College Athletics Day is planned for Friday 1st their learning routines as soon as school starts August. If the weather is not suitable on 1st back after the holiday vacation. This term is most August the Athletics Day will be Monday 4th important for our Year 12 students as they August. We hope as many families as possible complete their studies prior to their exams in are able to join us for the Athletics Day and cheer Term 4. As we continually say, it is very on the students. important that students are at school every single day, apart when they are ill and to be on-time for CURRICULUM DAY POSTPONED: school. Being ‘on-time’ means being at school prior to the 9.00 am bell. Families please note, the Curriculum Day due to be held on Monday 11th August has been NEW SCHOOL GYMNASIUM: postponed. A new date will be arranged shortly. It is likely that the new date will be in Term 4. As Our new gym has now been completed and is soon as the new date is decided it will be almost ready for the College to use. In the published in the Newsletter. coming weeks, once the final touch ups are sorted out, a College Assembly will be held in the SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL REVIEW: new gym. At the moment, a new access driveway leading to the gym is being constructed. This Term our College ‘Review’ is being held. Families are reminded that the car parks are out This is something that occurs in all schools across of bounds for non-staffing members to park in. the state every four years. When a ‘Review’ No students or families should enter the area takes place the Education Department employs a where the new road is being constructed. number of people to spend time examining the curriculum, school data, school operations, WELCOME TO THE NEW AUTISM SCHOOL school programs and school policies. Our PRINCIPAL: ‘Review’ will be conducted in the week commencing 18th August and our two Reviewers The Principal for the new Jennings Street Autism are Mr Peter Gannon and Mr Chris Wardlaw. School, Mrs Rosie Hayes, commenced in her new Last Friday morning Mr Gannon spent time role last week. Until Stage 1 buildings are visiting all three Learning Communities and complete, Mrs Hayes will be working in our meeting with the College Executive. We look College Office. The new P - 12 Autism School will forward to Mr Gannon and Mr Wardlaw assisting be warmly welcomed by families of autistic the College prepare a plan for the next four years children throughout the western suburbs of which will enhance the teaching, learning and Melbourne. It will be several years before the developments which have taken place in recent new school provided for students at all levels. It years. LATENESS/ABSENTEEISM:
Have a great week We encourage all parents to maximize their Neil Sproal children’s learning opportunities by ensuring that College Principal students miss as little school as possible. Students who are regularly late to school miss the important class interactions and activities Reminders: that occur at the start of the day. Additionally, 1. No dogs are permitted in the school students who are regularly absent from school grounds at any time. are jeopardizing their educational progress, 2. Laverton College car parks are designated especially in the vital areas of Literacy and for staff parking only. Numeracy. A student who is absent from school 3. Parents and visitors to the school are for 20-25 days in a year is effectively missing half requested to avoid smoking in the vicinity a term or 5 weeks of schooling. Please help us to of the school. Smoking is not permitted help your child by ensuring that she/he misses as in the school grounds. little school as possible. 4. All visitors are asked to report to the main College Office before proceeding to a Learning Community. 5. Students are not permitted to use mobile SENIOR INTERSCHOOL SPORTS: phones whilst at school. Phones will be confiscated. Families wishing to make On Monday 23rd of June, three teams of contact with their son or daughter during Senior Laverton P - 12 College students the day should phone the College Office participated in interschool sports. For for assistance. many of the Year 12s, it was their last 6. Laverton College expects all students to chance to take part in interschool sport. follow our ‘Respectful Behaviour / Overall the results weren’t favourable to Respectful Language’ Policy every day Laverton but it was an enjoyable day. A whilst at school and going to and from big thank you to Ms Purcell for school. supervising the table tennis. Neil Sproal College Principal
Students that travel to and from school using Bus Route 400, changes to this service will take effect Sunday 27th July, 2014. For updated timetables please phone PTV 1800 800 007 or visit www.ptv.vic.gov.au/timetables BOOK DONATION:
NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION: A special thank you is extended to Mr Lishman for the donation of 100+ books. Don’t miss the latest newsletter. You can These books have been distributed subscribe to receive our latest newsletter just by across the College for the enjoyment of visiting the College website all students. www.lavertonp12college.vic.edu.au and click on the ‘subscribe to newsletter’ on the home page. SWIMMING PROGRAM:
UPDATE DETAILS: The Prep - 4 Learning Community will be running a swimming program for Did you move during the holidays? interested students in the last nine days Have you upgraded your phone and got a of term – 8th September until 18th new number? September. Permission notes will be sent home shortly. Please remember to contact the school to advise of any changes to your details. If your child suffers from asthma they must have an updated Asthma plan and their medication/puffer/spacer handed PREP – 4 ASSEMBLIES: into the Prep - 4 office for use at school.
As we have expanded the teaching areas PREP - 4 ATTENDANCE TROPHY: in the Years 3 and 4 area, the Prep - 4 assembly will now be held in the red Every Tuesday morning the room. (in the Grade 1 and 2 areas). Attendance Trophy will be awarded to the class with the Assemblies will commence once the new best attendance for the Hall is available. previous week.
WINTER UNIFORM: Winner of Week 10 – Grade 4CG. PARENT DETAILS: A plain navy blue beanie may be worn this term. Windcheaters must not have a If you have changed your phone number hood on them. Plain black runners are or address please notify the office of the recommended for everyday wear but if changes. We need to have correct phone wearing black leather school shoes numbers in case of emergencies. please bring a pair of runners to change into for sport. Jan Scott Principal Prep - 4 Community. BREAKFAST CLUB:
Breakfast Club is held between 8.15 am -8.45 am. Children will be able to UNIVERSITY OPEN DAYS: get extra toast or raisin bread before school Why go to a University Open Day? each morning. Making a decision on which University to attend is not an easy one and should not SPORT: be taken lightly.
It is important that students wear the Whether you're applying for an correct shoes for participating in sport undergraduate or postgraduate course, (i.e. runners) so that they do not injure it's a good idea to do plenty of research themselves. Runners can be brought before you decide on which University will along in their bag and changed into suit you best. The most effective way to before the sport class. At the end of sport do this is in person at one of the the students can put their school shoes university's Open Days. Why? Let's take back on. a look at the main advantages. Courses MEDICAL ALERT AND SPORT ALERTS: You may already know which course you want to embark on and an open day can If your child cannot participate in sport or give you the opportunity to speak to the has a medical reason (i.e broken arm lecturers and gain more information on etc.) we need a note advising the reason what the course offers. and the length of time the student will not be able to participate (sport/running If you are undecided which route to take, around etc.). you can gain a better understanding on which is best suited to you and what you The student will then be issued with a will achieve at the end of it. “Sport Alert” or “Medical Alert” badge which they will wear while at school. Universities offer different courses, even They must collect it before school and at for the same subjects, so find out exactly the end of the day return it to the Prep - 4 what you will be learning on each one, office. especially if you have a particular career path in mind. Ask about the structure of the course - what are the compulsory components? Do they offer the optional Meet Other People units that are necessary for your career Attending University for the first time can path? be extremely daunting, especially if you don’t know anyone. An Open Day gives Facilities you the chance to meet students and Attending University is not just about lecturers at the University so you will choosing the right course to suit you, it is have a friendly face when you start for the also important to find out about the first time. facilities on offer to you. These include You will also get the opportunity to meet the library, the student union and the halls people who are in the same boat as you, of residence. so you might even make some new friends before you even join. The Open Day is the ideal way to explore a range of universities and what they Australian Catholic August 10th 2014 (Sunday) have to offer, so you know they are University (Melbourne campus) catering for you before you sign up. August 31st 2014 (Sunday) (Ballarat campus) The staff at the University will be more Deakin University August 3rd 2014 (Sunday) than happy to show you around the Warrnambool Campus facilities at the open day so you can ask August 10th 2014 (Sunday) Geelong Waurn Ponds & as many questions as you wish. Waterfront Campus August 24th 2014 (Sunday) Local Area Melbourne Burwood Campus If you are intending on relocating to La Trobe University August 8th 2014 (Friday) attend University, take the time to find out (Shepparton campus) more about the local area. August 13th 2014 The Open Day is the perfect way to do (Wednesday) (Mildura this, and if you have any concerns, raise campus) them with tutors and/or staff at the August 17th 2014 (Sunday) (Bendigo campus) University. They can tell you about the August 24th 2014 (Sunday) main attractions of the town or city, such (Melbourne (Bundoora as the shops and nightlife, and therefore Campus)) see whether this is the right place for you. August 29th 2014 (Friday) (Albury-Wodonga campus) Chat to current students Monash University August 2nd 2014 (Saturday) Find out what it's like to study at a August 3rd 2014 (Sunday) particular university straight from the RMIT University August 10th 2014 (Sunday) horses mouth! By talking to students Swinburne August 3rd 2014 (Sunday) currently studying there, you can get an University of accurate firsthand account of university Technology life. See if you can find anyone who's University of August 17th 2014 (Sunday) taking the same course you're applying Melbourne for and ask for their honest opinion about Victoria University August 24th 2014 (Sunday) it. Academy of Design August 10th 2014 (Sunday) Melbourne 9am-5pm Costs and funding opportunities CATC Design May 3rd 2014 (Saturday) 10am Although you already know how much the School - 2pm fees will cost, this is a chance to find out if August 9th 2014 (Saturday) there are any other costs associated with 10am - 2pm the course, such as field trips, workshops William Angliss August 24th 2014 (Sunday) or conferences. You can also ask about Institute Melbourne 10am-4pm accommodation costs, and how much this is likely to mount up to during your 3 or 4 years there. Ask if there are any scholarships, bursaries or other funding LAVERTON COMMUNITY CENTRE: opportunities you can apply for to help ease the financial burden. Courses and Community groups come together at the Laverton Community Centre. Poly Hip Hop Dance group at the Wyndham Courses and Groups are: Resource Centre. Her dance and Anger Management for Women. choreography experience is extensive. Sarah has been an independent dance contractor Self-Esteem & Assertion for Women. since 2008 and has worked with schools and Mindfulness Meditation. studios including You Can dance Studio and Gentle exercise and community Lunch. the West End Performing Arts School. Grow (struggling with Mental Health). COST: FREE - although registrations are Sunrise Group (women with disabilities). required. Community Café. 12 sessions Wednesday afternoons from 4 – For more information please feel free to drop in 6pm The July dates will be 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd,30th, to the Laverton Community Centre 95 – 105 August 6, 13, 20, 27, September 3, 10, 17, 24, Railway Avenue Laverton or phone 8368 0177. October 1. 44 Woods Street Laverton WOOD STREET ART SPACE: Contact: Gail Jessen 9932 4027 - Registrations are required. Please contact Dance: Hip hop and Freestyle class for 10 - 18 [email protected] year olds. Sarah has most recently run the