You are hereby requested to attend a meeting of the above Council on 30th April 2013 at 7.15pm or at the rising of the public forum. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed below in the agenda. There will be a 15-minute public forum at 7.00pm when members of the public may ask questions or make a short statement to the Council and your attendance is also requested during this period.

Suzanne England Clerk to Sutton Bridge Parish Council



2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - to receive Declarations of disclosable pecuniary or other interests not previously notified to the Monitoring Officer and/or consideration of any written request for dispensation;

3. SIGNING OF THE MINUTES – Notes from meeting held on 26th March 2013 to be accepted as minutes.

4. POLICE MATTERS – To include update on CEMG from Cllr Rowe if meeting has taken place.




8. FINANCIAL MATTERS a. Accounts for payment 30.4.13: Chq. Payee Detail No. Net VAT Total Henry Smith Charity Land rent #000196 835.00 835.00 Carter Jonas Land rent #000197 2600.00 2600.00 LALC Subs #000198 593.90 113.60 707.50 Kings Lynn IDB Drainage rates #000199 239.74 239.74 S Holland IDB Drainage rates #000200 779.00 779.00 Tyrell Contractors Fencing/post repair #000201 450.00 90.00 540.00 Tyrell Contractors Pothole repairs #000201 130.00 26.00 156.00 Tyrell Contractors Groundworks #000201 407.00 81.40 488.40 Vol Car Scheme Parish contribution #000202 1027.12 1027.12 E.on Elec - pavilion #000203 62.31 3.12 65.43 BT Calls & bband DD 45.02 9.00 54.02 Johnston Publishing Press adv. #000204 143.04 28.60 171.64 Bridge IT Computer repair #000205 17.50 17.50 Wingland G'cutting Litter #000206 105.00 105.00 Wingland G'cutting District cuts #000206 1503.63 1503.63 Wingland G'cutting Parish cuts #000206 1151.69 1151.69 N Portass Picnic area #000207 350.00 350.00 S England Clerk's Exps #000208 50.90 50.90 S England Clerk's Salary #000209 J Ripley Admin Salary #000210

b. Money In: Clerk to advise at meeting.

c. To resolve on Accounts for Year end 31st March 2013 (copy circulated to Cllrs 24.4.13)

d. To resolve on allocation of funds to reserves

9. CORRESPONDENCE: a. Items of correspondence for comment: (i) Letter, Centrica Energy – Response to the clarification requests presented at March PC meeting. (ii) Details of SE Lincs Local Plan consultations. (iii) EDF – Details of plans to engage with SBPC concerning Power Station B. (iv) SHDC – Pest baiting around industrial units. (v) South Holland Drainage Board – Digging of drainage grips into watercourses (vi) Kings Lyn Drainage Board - As in (v) (vii) Letter, parishioner – Concerns re bedroom tax & child poverty. (viii) Letter, St Matthews PCC – Burial facilities

b. Correspondence received for information purposes only: (for further details please contact the Parish Office) (i) Community Lincs update bulletin – Issue 14 (ii) Information re Holbeach & District Community vehicle (iii) LCVS Newsbite – Issues 12 -15 (iv) LALC Mental Health Promotion Strategy consultation (v) Rural Services network – New Digest 8/4, 15/4, 22/4 (vi) Tulip newsletter (vii) RSN – Rural Opps Bulletin (viii) Summer fun Newsletter – 2013 (ix) SHDC – April Volunteering Newsflash (x) Walsingham Cross Pilgrimage – Thanks to SBPC for use of showers in pavilion


(i) Commercial : New: N/A Granted: H18-0061-13 – Construction of 3 x 2 bed terraced houses, land off Wrights Lane, SB – SHDC. H18-0018-13 – Construction of 4 classroom extension and extended play area, Westmere CP School – Granted by Lincs CC Refused: N/A

(ii) Non- Commercial: New: H18-0320-13 – Extension to enlarge kitchen, 43 New Rd, SB – Ms K Baker. H18-0307-13 – Proposed new dwelling, 101 New Rd, SB – Mr & Mrs A Thompson. H18-0246-13 - Proposed development of a pair of semi-detached houses, land adjacent to Chalk Cottage, Chalk Lane, SB – Circle Investments London Ltd H18-0222-13 – Extension and alteration to existing dwelling, Grange Farm 8-9, Hospital rd, Wingland – Mr P Stone. Granted: N/A Refused: N/A

(iii) Notice of Appeal: H18-0394-12 – Change of use of rear of shop to 1 bed flat (retrospective), re-application following refusal of H18-1024-10, 88 Bridge Rd, SB – Mr R Green.

11 HIGHWAYS & FOOTWAYS a. Update on outstanding matters b. To report any new matters

12 TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM WORKING PARTIES & COMMITTEES A. Churchyard and Playing Fields – Cllrs D Grimwood, J Grimwood, Hills B. Allotments – Cllrs M Booth, Brewis, Giles, Croxford, Preston C. Personnel Committee – Cllrs Booth, Brewis, Croxford, Preston D. Footpaths & Byeways – Cllrs M Booth, Hills, Preston E. Burial Ground Committee – Cllrs J Grimwood, Hills, J Rowe F. Parish Newsletter – Cllrs Dewsberry, Giles, Preston, Mr Brandon-King (co-opted) G. Farmers Market – Cllrs J Grimwood, Hills

13 TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM OUTSIDE BODIES REPRESENTATIVES a. Phillips and Allen’s Charities – Cllrs Dewsberry, Hills, Preston b. Voluntary Car Scheme – Cllr Grimwood c. SBCCFC – Cllr S Booth d. LALC – Cllr M Booth e. Holbeach Senior Links – Cllr Dewsberry f. Power Station Liaison – Cllr Hills g. K. L. Advisory Group Special Area of Cons. – Cllr Grimwood h. Charter of Friendship Group – Cllr Dewsberry i. Grange Wind Farm Liaison Group – Cllrs Grimwood & Preston j. The Suttons Emergency Planning Group – Cllr Croxford k. Sutton Bridge Multi Agency Group – Cllr Preston l. Friends of SB Sports Pavilion – Cllr Hills m. Sutton Bridge Youth Club – Cllr Grimwood

14 To receive update on matters relating to proposed PREL planning application and resolve on further action if appropriate

15 To resolve on authorising Parishioners to refurbish (i) Village sign at West end of Bridge Road and, (ii) Village sign on A17 on condition that it can be removed for work to be carried out off site

16 To resolve on further action concerning the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan; taking into account the information provided in – ‘A Guide to Neighbourhood Planning’ – Cllr Rowe

17 To resolve on new location within Memorial Park for adult exercise equipment – Cllr D Grimwood

18 To resolve on entering the Best Kept Village Competition 2013.

19 To resolve on action to be taken concerning unfinished triangle of land located to the rear of the Curlew Centre

20 To resolve to confirm repair works to Memorial Park car park and fencing as agreed in principle at March meeting.

21 To consider creating new children’s play area – carried fwd from March meeting

22 To receive requests from members for consideration at the discretion of the Chairman (nothing may be resolved under this heading)

23 To resolve on whether the council should move into closed session for discussion of the following agenda items on the grounds of confidentiality (detail of discussions not for publication by virtue of section 100(a) para. 4 of the local government act 1972);

24 To receive update on security measures for Memorial Park and resolve on appropriate action – Cllr Hills

25 To receive update on matters relating to burial ground and resolve appropriately

26 To receive update on current S106 Fund applications and resolve appropriately

27 To receive update on sub-lease arrangements for Curlew Centre and resolve appropriately

28 To resolve on quotes received for maintenance work to Memorial Park boundary and tree canopy

29 To receive update and discuss any confidential staffing & administration matters and resolve appropriately