Weekly Marketing Bulletin August 23 – August 29

Push Item of the Week

AD: Sensational Bouquet Retail $19.99 ea. Item # 402808 Pack 3 Cost $11.00 Gross Profit 44.97% Distribution A 1-1 B 1-1 C 1-0 D 1-0 

AD: Back to School Happy Parents Day Bouquet Retail $12.99 ea. Item # 432100 Pack 6 Cost $7.15 Gross Profit 44.96% Distribution A 1-1 B 1-1 C 1-0 D 1-0 

Feature: Artful Bouquet Retail $12.99 ea. Item # 432100 Pack 6 Cost $7.15 Gross Profit 44.96% Distribution A 1-1 B 1-1 C 1-0 D 1-0  Feature: End of Summer Bouquet Retail $12.99 ea. Item # 427741 Pack 8 Cost $6.21 Gross Profit 52.19% Distribution A 1-1 B 1-1 C 1-0 D 1-0 

AD: 6”Kalanchoe Retail $8.99 ea. Item# 424939 Pack 6 Cost $5.20 Gross Profit 42.12% Distribution A 2 B 1 C 1 D 1  Light: Kalanchoes need lots of light, preferably a south-facing window in winter and bright indirect light (or east/west window) in summer. If your Kalanchoe plant is looking leggy and thin, it probably isn’t getting enough light.  Soil: Kalanchoe plants do best in a well-draining potting mix designed for cacti and succulents, or stir in plenty of perlite or sand to improve drainage.  Temperature: Kalanchoes do fine in normal household conditions, but they need to be kept away from drafts. Keep your kalanchoe above 50°F.  Water: Over-watering is the main killer of kalanchoes! Allow your kalanchoe to get dry between watering. Then water thoroughly until it runs out the bottom, and immediately empty the drainage tray. Never leave the plant sitting in water.  Summer care: You can put your kalanchoe outdoors in summer, but choose a spot sheltered from rain.  Maintenance: Remove spent flowers to keep your kalanchoe looking neat. You may also want to wipe or gently spray them to remove dust.