Before Commissioners: Robert G. Taub, Acting Chairman; s5
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ORDER NO. 2366
Before Commissioners: Robert G. Taub, Acting Chairman; Tony Hammond, Vice Chairman; Mark Acton; Ruth Y. Goldway; and Nanci E. Langley
Competitive Products Price Changes Docket No. CP2015-33 Rates of General Applicability
(Issued February 25, 2015)
The Postal Service proposes changes in rates of general applicability for certain competitive products and related classification changes. The changes are scheduled to become effective April 26, 2015. Subject to the discussion below, the Commission approves the planned rate changes and will reflect applicable classification changes in the Mail Classification Schedule (MCS). Attached to this Order is a draft of the MCS changes made as a result of this Order.
The Postal Service’s Notice
On January 26, 2015, the Postal Service filed notice with the Commission concerning changes in rates of general applicability for competitive products.1 The Postal Service represents that, as required by 39 C.F.R. § 3015.2, the Notice includes an explanation and justification for the changes, the effective date, and a schedule of the changed rates. Id. at 1. The Notice also includes related mail classification changes. Attached to the Notice is the Governors’ Decision evaluating the new prices and classification changes in accordance with 39 U.S.C. §§ 3632-33 and 39 C.F.R. § 3015.7.2 The Governors’ Decision provides an analysis of the competitive products’ price and classification changes intended to demonstrate that the changes comply with 39 U.S.C. § 3633(a) and 39 C.F.R. part 3015. The attachment to the Governors’ Decision (MCS Attachment) sets forth the price changes and includes draft MCS language for competitive products of general applicability. The proposed price and classification changes are summarized below. Priority Mail Express. The existing structure of Priority Mail Express Retail, Commercial Base, and Commercial Plus price categories do not change. The Postal Service makes some minor classification changes, but proposes no price changes. Priority Mail. The existing structure of Priority Mail Retail, Commercial Base, and Commercial Plus price categories do not change. The Postal Service makes some minor classification changes, but proposes no price changes. Parcel Select. Overall, the proposed prices for Parcel Select increase by 9.4 percent.3 Prices for Lightweight Parcel Select increase by 9.8 percent. The average price increase for destination entry parcels is 7.3 percent. For non-destination entry parcels, the average price increase is 8.7 percent. Parcel Return Service. Overall, the proposed increase for Parcel Return Service prices is 4.8 percent. Prices for returned parcels retrieved from a return Network Distribution Center increase by 5.7 percent, prices for returned parcels retrieved from a return Sectional Center Facility increase by 5.0 percent, and prices for parcels picked up at a return delivery unit increase by 4.7 percent. The Postal Service proposes the elimination of Parcel Return Service-Full Network due to insufficient volumes and to simplify product offerings. First-Class Package Service. Overall, the increase for First-Class Package Service prices is 5.1 percent. The Postal Service has requested the transfer of First-
1 Notice of the United States Postal Service of Changes in Rates of General Applicability for Competitive Products Established in Governors’ Decision No. 14-5, January 26, 2015 (Notice). Pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 3632(b)(2), the Postal Service is obligated to publish the Governors’ Decision and record of proceedings in the Federal Register at least 30 days before the effective date of the new rates or classes.
2 Decision of the Governors of the United States Postal Service on Changes in Rates and Classes of General Applicability for Competitive Products (Governors’ Decision No. 14-05), December 5, 2014 (Governors’ Decision No. 14-05).
3 Governor’s Decision No. 14-05 notes that non-Lightweight Parcel Select prices increase by 8.0 percent. See Governors’ Decision No. 14-05 at 2. The 8.0 percent increase discussed in Governors’ Decision 14-05 is the overall price increase of Parcel Select, not including the price increase for Lightweight Parcels. Using data filed in the supporting workpapers, the Commission calculates that the overall price increase for the entire Parcel Select product is 9.4 percent. Docket No. CP2015-33 - 3 -
Class Mail Retail parcels to the competitive product list.4 If the Commission approves the transfer, the Postal Service states that First-Class Mail Retail prices will increase by 22.0 percent. If the Commission does not approve the transfer, the Postal Service does not propose to adopt the MCS changes for First-Class Mail Retail. The Postal Service’s request to transfer First-Class Mail Retail parcels in Docket No. MC2015-7 is pending before the Commission. The Commission therefore delays implementation of the proposed classification changes related to the transfer of First-Class Mail Retail until that docket concludes. Should the Commission approve the transfer of First-Class Mail Retail parcels to the competitive product list, it will supplement this order by filing a revised MCS attachment with the approved classification changes. Standard Post. The proposed Standard Post prices increase by an average of 11.3 percent.5 Prices in Zones 1-4 continue to align with the Retail Priority Mail prices for those zones. Thus, customers continuing to ship using those price zones will receive Priority Mail service, and will default to Standard Post service only if the item contains hazardous material or is otherwise not permitted to travel by air transportation. Round-Trip Mailer. At the time Governors’ Decision No. 14-05 was issued, the addition of Round-Trip Mailer to the competitive product list was pending before the Commission. If the Commission had approved the transfer, prices for Round-Trip Mailer would have increased by 2.3 percent and classification changes to the MCS would have been adopted. On December 23, 2014, the Commission denied the request to add Round-Trip Mailer to the competitive product list.6 The Postal Service appealed the Commission’s decision.7 Should the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals sustain the Postal Service’s appeal and reverse Order No. 2306, the Commission will supplement this order by filing a revised MCS attachment adding Round-Trip Mailer to the competitive product list. Domestic Extra Services. The Postal Service proposes increases in prices for several Special Services. The retail counter enrollment fee for Premium Forwarding Service (PFS) increases to $18.00, an increase of 5.9 percent. The online enrollment fee for PFS increases to $16.50, an increase of 3.1 percent. The weekly reshipment fee
4 Docket No. MC2015-7, Request of the United States Postal Service to Transfer First-Class Mail Parcels to the Competitive Product List, November 14, 2014.
5 Governor’s Decision No. 14-05 notes that Standard Post prices increase by 11.4 percent. See Governors’ Decision No. 14-05 at 3. The 11.4 percent increase discussed in Governors’ Decision 14-05 is the overall price increase of Standard Post, not including the decrease in prices for Limited Overland Routes to or from designated intra-Alaskan ZIP Codes. Using data filed in the supporting workpapers, the Commission calculates that the overall price increase for the entire Standard Post product is 11.3 percent.
6 Docket Nos. MC2013-57 and CP2013-75, Order Denying Request, December 23, 2014 (Order No. 2306).
7 U. S. Postal Service v. Postal Regulatory Commission, Case No. 15-1018 (D.C. Cir. 2015). for PFS increases to $18.00, an increase of 5.9 percent. Prices for Adult Signature service increase to $5.50 for the basic service and $5.75 for the person-specific service, an increase of 5.8 and 5.5 percent, respectively. Address Enhancement Service prices increase up to 4.8 percent.8 Competitive Post Office Box prices increase, on average, by 3.5 percent. The increase for Package Intercept Service is 5.7 percent. Global Express Guaranteed and Priority Mail Express International. The Postal Service proposes to increase the prices for Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) by 7.2 percent overall. The proposed increase for Priority Mail Express International (PMEI) is 6.7 percent. The existing structure of GXG Retail, Commercial Base, and Commercial Plus price categories does not change. Priority Mail International. Overall, the proposed increase for Priority Mail International (PMI) prices is 5.5 percent. The existing structure of PMI Flat Rate, Retail, Commercial Base, and Commercial Plus price categories does not change, except for the establishment of new zoned prices based on origin ZIP Code for PMI destined to Canada. The maximum weight for PMI Rate Group 17 (Netherlands) increases to 66 pounds. International Priority Airmail/International Surface Air Lift. The Postal Service proposes to increase the published prices for International Priority Airmail and International Surface Air Lift by 4.5 percent. Airmail M-Bags. The Postal Service proposes to increase the published prices for Airmail M-Bags by 6.8 percent. First-Class Package International Service. Overall, the proposed increase in First-Class Package International Service (FCPIS) prices is 7.2 percent. The Postal Service does not propose any price or classification changes for FCPIS Retail, Commercial Base, and Commercial Plus price categories. International Ancillary Services. The Postal Service proposes that prices for Certificates of Mailing increase by 2.5 percent, prices for Outbound Registered Mail increase by 2.2 percent, and prices for Outbound International Return Receipt increase by 2.7 percent. The Postal Service combines the insurance tables for PMI and PMEI to simplify pricing and that combination results in a price decrease of 13.7 percent for PMI Insurance and a price increase of 231.1 percent for PMEI Insurance.9 The Postal Service proposes to renumber the International Business Return Service Competitive Contract product. It seeks to remove provisions concerning Inbound International Return Receipt and Inbound International Insurance from the MCS. The Notice also includes three additional attachments: (1) a redacted table that shows FY 2015 projected volumes, revenues, attributable costs, contribution, and cost coverage for each product, assuming implementation of new prices on April 26, 2015;
8 Governor’s Decision No. 14-05 notes that Address Forwarding Service prices increase up to 4.7 percent. See Governors’ Decision No. 14-05 at 3. However, using data filed in the supporting workpapers, the Commission calculates that the overall price increase for the Address Forwarding Service is 4.76 percent, which should be rounded up to 4.8 percent.
9 See Responses of the United States Postal Service to Chairman’s Information Request No. 1, February 11, 2015, at questions 3a-3c (Response to CHIR No. 1). Docket No. CP2015-33 - 5 -
(2) a redacted table that shows FY 2015 projected volumes, revenues, attributable costs, contribution, and cost coverage for each product, assuming a hypothetical implementation date of October 1, 2014; and (3) an application for non-public treatment of the unredacted version of the annex to Governors’ Decision No. 14-05 and other supporting materials filed under seal.
Procedural History
On January 28, 2015, the Commission provided notice of the Postal Service’s filing, established the instant docket for consideration of the filing’s consistency with applicable statutory policies and Commission regulations, appointed a Public Representative, and provided the public with an opportunity to comment.10 On February 6, 2015, Chairman’s Information Request No. 1 was issued.11 It sought clarification on several topics including: the costs associated with combining the PMI and PMEI insurance tables; the proposed zoned prices for Country Group 1 (Canada) based on origin ZIP Code for PMI Retail and Commercial; the attributable cost estimates for Adult Signature, Package Intercept Service, and Address Enhancement Service; and revisions to Restricted Delivery, Special Handling, International Return Receipt, and International Insurance. In its Response to CHIR No. 1, the Postal Service confirms that some of the proposed classification changes in the instant docket are a reflection of changes proposed in Docket No. R2015-4, concerning Market Dominant price adjustments.12 The Postal Service explains that the removal of Inbound International Insurance and the resulting title changes to MCS section 2615.5 are not related to changes in Docket No. R2015-4. Id. question 6. The Postal Service also indicates the location of calculations related to the combined PMI/PMEI Insurance table and confirms percentage price changes for PMI Insurance (decrease of 13.7 percent) and PMEI Insurance (increase of 231.1 percent) as well as International Ancillary Services, as a whole (increase of 25.4 percent). Id. questions 3a-3c. For the new zoned-based prices for PMI destined for Canada, the Postal Service suggests a note describing qualifying mail for the origin ZIP Code zones.
10 Order No. 2333, Notice and Order Concerning Changes in Rates of General Applicability for Competitive Products, January 28, 2015.
11 Chairman’s Information Request No. 1, February 6, 2015 (CHIR No. 1).
12 Response to CHIR No. 1 at questions 1a, 5, and 6. See also Docket No. R2015-4, United States Postal Service Notice of Market-Dominant Price Adjustment, January 15, 2015. These changes include the addition of Special Handling to the list of Ancillary Services available for Priority Mail Express, the removal of Restricted Delivery as an optional Ancillary Service for Priority Mail, Parcel Select, First- Class Package Service, and Standard Post, and the removal of Inbound International Return Receipt and revisions to Outbound and International Return Receipt. Response to CHIR No. 1 at questions 1a, 5, and 6. Id. question 4a. It explains that the zoned distance from the origin point to the destination International Service Center (ISC) determines the applicable rate and that, due to changes in serving ISC areas, the Postal Service believes it is unnecessary to list the ZIP Code pairs in the MCS. Id. question 4c. Finally, the Postal Service states that Adult Signature and Package Intercept Service are both included within the Other Ancillary Services category in the Competitive Product Contribution and Cost Coverage Analysis Table.13 The Postal Service explains that for Other Ancillary Services and Address Forwarding, not enough information is available to develop econometric models to estimate own-price elasticities and that it assumes the price changes are negligible. Response to CHIR No. 1 at questions 7a and 8. On February 18, 2015, Chairman’s Information Request No. 2 was issued.14 It sought further clarification on the new zone-based prices for PMI destined for Canada and asks the delineation of the sub-country groups (1.1-1.8) and how customers can determine the applicable sub-country group that applies to a specific mailing. The Commission also suggested column headings for certain price tables and sought Postal Service input. In its Response to CHIR No. 2, the Postal Service explains that customers can determine the applicable sub-country group via the lookup table from the National Customer Support Center by inputting the origin ZIP Code or by presenting the item to a retail associate at a local post office who would enter the post office ZIP Code into the retail system.15 The Postal Service provides a table showing zone delineations by distance from origin ZIP Code. In addition, the Postal Service indicates that the column headings proposed by the Commission do not accurately incorporate the information included in the footnote proposed by the Postal Service in its Response to CHIR No. 1 and suggests the use of the column headings proposed in its Response to CHIR No. 1 or the column headings originally proposed in the MCS Attachment.
The Public Representative filed comments on February 9, 2015.16 No other interested person submitted comments. The Public Representative concludes that the proposed changes in rates should satisfy the requirements of 39 U.S.C. § 3633. PR Comments at 4. However, he raises concerns regarding the Notice and proposed rate changes. First, the Public
13 Id. question 7; see also Notice at Redacted Annex Apr – Public.xlsx Competitive Apr FY15 (Competitive Product Contribution and Cost Coverage Analysis Table).
14 Chairman’s Information Request No. 2, February 18, 2015 (CHIR No. 2).
15 Responses of the United States Postal Service to Chairman’s Information Request No. 2, February 20, 2015 (Response to CHIR No. 2).
16 Public Representative Comments on Postal Service Notice Concerning Changes in Rates of General Applicability for Competitive Products, February 9, 2015 (PR Comments). Docket No. CP2015-33 - 7 -
Representative argues that, for the combined PMI/PMEI Insurance table, the classification changes identified in the MCS Attachment do not always comport with the price calculations found in the financial workpapers and suggests the Commission request revisions to either the MCS Attachment or the financial workpapers. Id. In addition, the Public Representative is concerned that there is no electronic link between the price cap calculation spreadsheets and the supporting documentation, making it difficult to fully evaluate the Postal Service’s proposal. Id. at 5. The Public Representative further contends that the Postal Service fails to discuss all classification changes in the Notice and he calls into question the transparency of the proposed price adjustments and product classification changes. Id. Finally, the Public Representative questions the Postal Service’s need to file Special and Ancillary Services workpapers non-publicly and argues that doing so undermines transparency. Id. at 5-6.
The Commission has reviewed the Notice, including materials filed under seal, the CHIR responses, and the comments. Planned price changes for competitive products are reviewed pursuant to 39 U.S.C. § 3633(a) and Commission regulations under 39 C.F.R. part 3015. In brief, these statutory and regulatory provisions require each competitive product to cover its attributable costs (39 U.S.C. § 3633(a)(2)), prohibit the subsidization of competitive products by market dominant products (39 U.S.C. § 3633(a)(1)), and require that competitive products collectively make an appropriate contribution to the recovery of the Postal Service’s total institutional costs (39 U.S.C. § 3633(a)(3)). The Commission finds that the new prices are projected to generate sufficient revenues to cover the attributable costs of competitive products. This finding supports a conclusion that the new prices will satisfy section 3633(a)(2). As long as projected revenues cover their attributable costs, the new competitive international product prices are likely to enable competitive products, as a whole, to contribute an appropriate share of institutional costs of the Postal Service, in accordance with section 3633(a)(3).17 Together, these findings support the conclusion that competitive products will not be subsidized by market dominant products, as required by 39 U.S.C § 3633(a)(1). The Commission therefore concludes that the new competitive prices comply with 39 U.S.C. § 3633(a). Public Representative concerns. The Public Representative notes the Postal Service’s failure to provide information concerning certain proposed classification changes and that the changes to the combined PMI/PMEI Insurance price table indicated in the MCS Attachment do not match the price calculations set forth in its
17 See Competitive Product Contribution and Cost Coverage Analysis Table; see also 39 C.F.R. § 3015.7(c). Competitive Products as a whole are expected to contribute 15.3 percent to institutional costs in FY 2015. See Competitive Product Contribution and Cost Coverage Analysis Table. workpapers. PR Comments at 4-6. He also argues that there is a lack of transparency in the Postal Service’s Notice and that the Postal Service failed to publicly file price change information for Special and Ancillary Services. Id at 5-6 Restricted Delivery, Special Handling, and Inbound International Return Receipt (IIRR). In its Response to CHIR No. 1, the Postal Service expands on its explanation of certain proposed classification changes and noted that some of the proposed classification changes originated in Docket No. R2015-4.18 The addition of Special Handling to Priority Mail Express, the removal of Restricted Delivery from the list of optional Ancillary Services for Priority Mail, Parcel Select, First-Class Package Service, and Standard Post, the removal of IIRR, and the resulting classification change renaming International Return Receipt as Outbound International Return Receipt all originate in Docket No. R2015-4.19 As such, the Commission delays implementation of the proposed MCS changes until the conclusion of the Market Dominant rate adjustment proposed in Docket No. R2015-4. Should the Commission approve the changes listed above, it will supplement this order by filing a revised MCS attachment with the approved classification changes. Combined PMI/PMEI Insurance table. While the Postal Service’s plan to combine the PMI and PMEI Insurance price tables will result in a relatively small price decrease for the former and a much larger price increase for the latter, the Commission finds that the Postal Service’s charts comport with the workpapers and that this proposed classification change, and resulting price change, complies with 39 U.S.C. § 3633(a) and 39 CFR part 3015. Public information on price changes. The Commission notes that the price changes for Special and Ancillary Services are publicly available through a comparison of the relevant sections of the existing MCS on the Commission’s website with the MCS.20 Additional concerns. The Postal Service proposes to remove Inbound International Insurance from the MCS as a “housekeeping matter.” See Governors’ Decision 14-05 at 4; see also MCS Attachment at 165, 171-173. Inbound International Insurance is offered by foreign postal operators for inbound parcels that are accepted by the Postal Service for delivery. The Postal Service is not obligated to include the reference to this service offering in the MCS. The Commission therefore finds that the Postal Service’s proposal to eliminate Inbound International Insurance from the MCS complies with 39 U.S.C. § 3633(a) and 39 CFR part 3015. The Postal Service’s MCS Attachment also includes classification updates regarding Negotiated Service Agreements (NSAs). See MCS Attachment at 153-163. Generally, the proposed changes involve striking expired agreements or correcting expiration dates for current agreements. The rules regulating Postal Service initiated 18 See supra n.9.
19 See respectively, id. at 37, 55; id. at 36, 54-55; see additionally id. at 33-36; id. at 55.
20 See Commission website at; see also MCS Attachment at 165-176. Docket No. CP2015-33 - 9 -
classification changes to the MCS do not require the Postal Service to submit MCS revisions of this nature to the Commission for approval. However, in order to ensure a current and accurate MCS, the Commission shall update the draft MCS on its website to reflect the changes provided in the MCS Attachment, with one exception.21 The request to renumber International Business Reply Service (IBRS) Competitive Contracts is not a mere update to the MCS. See MCS Attachment at 153, 158-162. IBRS Competitive Contracts are currently listed under Inbound International NSAs in the MCS and the renumbering that the Postal Service proposes will allow for the product to be listed under Outbound International NSAs in the MCS. This type of change, while potentially minor in nature, must be filed in a separate docket pursuant to the rules governing minor classification changes (39 C.F.R. §§ 3020.90 and 3020.91). In conclusion, as set forth in this Order, the Postal Service may implement its planned price changes as scheduled. Subject to the changes discussed in the body of this Order and indicated in the MCS language following the signature of this Order, the proposed classification changes will be incorporated into the MCS.22
21 NSA-related changes will not be included in the MCS language attached to this order.
22 As indicated in previous orders, the language suggested by the Postal Service in its filing is illustrative and subject to adjustment in the MCS that the Commission ultimately adopts. V. ORDERING PARAGRAPHS
It is ordered:
1. The planned rates can take effect as scheduled.
2. Implementation of the Postal Service’s proposed classification changes related to the transfer of First-Class Mail Retail to the competitive product list is delayed until such time as the Commission issues its final decision in Docket No. MC2015-7.
3. Implementation of the Postal Service’s proposed classification changes related to the addition of Round-Trip Mailer to the competitive product list is delayed until such time as the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals issues its final decision concerning the Postal Service’s appeal of Commission Order No. 2306.
4. Implementation of the Postal Service’s proposed classification changes related to the addition of Special Handling, the removal of Restricted Delivery and the revisions to Inbound and Outbound International Return Receipt are delayed until such time as the Commission issues its final decision in Docket No. R2015-4.
5. All other proposed changes to the Mail Classification Schedule may be implemented with the changes described in the body of this Order. The appropriate language will be added to the Mail Classification Schedule.
By the Commission.
Shoshana M. Grove Secretary Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 11 of 147
The following material represents a change to the Mail Classification Schedule. The Commission uses two main conventions when making changes to the Mail Classification Schedule. New text is underlined. Deleted text is struck through. Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 12 of 147 Domestic Products Priority Mail
Part B—Competitive Products ***** 2100 Domestic Products ***** 2110 Priority Mail ***** 2110.3 Minimum Volume Requirements
Minimum Volume Requirements Commercial 50 pounds or 200 pieces (Permit Imprint only) Plus Cubic Priority Mail All Other none Priority Mail
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 13 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select 2115 Parcel Select ***** 2115.6 Prices
Destination Entered — DDU
a. DDU
Maximum DDU Weight ($) (pounds) 1 2.51 2 2.51 3 2.59 4 2.65 5 2.71 6 2.77 7 2.83 8 2.89 9 2.95 10 3.01 11 3.07 12 3.13 13 3.19 14 3.25 15 3.31 16 3.37 17 3.43 18 3.49 19 3.55 20 3.61 21 3.67 22 3.73 23 3.79 24 3.85 25 3.91 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 14 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select a. DDU (Continued)
Maximum DDU Weight ($) (pounds) 26 3.97 27 4.03 28 4.09 29 4.15 30 4.21 31 4.27 32 4.33 33 4.39 34 4.45 35 4.51 36 4.57 37 4.63 38 4.69 39 4.75 40 4.81 41 4.87 42 4.93 43 4.99 44 5.05 45 5.11 46 5.17 47 5.23 48 5.29 49 5.35 50 5.41 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 15 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select a. DDU (Continued)
Maximum DDU Weight ($) (pounds) 51 5.48 52 5.55 53 5.62 54 5.69 55 5.76 56 5.83 57 5.90 58 5.97 59 6.04 60 6.11 61 6.18 62 6.25 63 6.32 64 6.39 65 6.46 66 6.53 67 6.60 68 6.67 69 6.74 70 6.81 Oversized 10.31
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 16 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select Destination Entered — DSCF
a. DSCF — 5-Digit Machinable
Maximum DSCF Weight 5-Digit (pounds) ($) 1 3.45 2 3.45 3 3.59 4 3.73 5 3.87 6 4.01 7 4.15 8 4.30 9 4.45 10 4.60 11 4.75 12 4.91 13 5.07 14 5.23 15 5.39 16 5.55 17 5.71 18 5.87 19 6.03 20 6.19 21 6.35 22 6.51 23 6.67 24 6.83 25 6.99 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 17 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select a. DSCF — 5-Digit Machinable (Continued)
Maximum DSCF Weight 5-Digit (pounds) ($) 26 7.15 27 7.31 28 7.47 29 7.63 30 7.78 31 7.93 32 8.08 33 8.23 34 8.38 35 8.53 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 18 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select b. DSCF — 3-Digit, 5-Digit Non-Machinable
Maximum DSCF DSCF Weight 3-Digit 5-Digit (pounds) ($) ($) 1 4.95 3.45 2 4.95 3.45 3 5.09 3.59 4 5.23 3.73 5 5.37 3.87 6 5.51 4.01 7 5.65 4.15 8 5.80 4.30 9 5.95 4.45 10 6.10 4.60 11 6.25 4.75 12 6.41 4.91 13 6.57 5.07 14 6.73 5.23 15 6.89 5.39 16 7.05 5.55 17 7.21 5.71 18 7.37 5.87 19 7.53 6.03 20 7.69 6.19 21 7.85 6.35 22 8.01 6.51 23 8.17 6.67 24 8.33 6.83 25 8.49 6.99 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 19 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select b. DSCF — 3-Digit, 5-Digit Non-Machinable (Continued)
Maximum DSCF DSCF Weight 3-Digit 5-Digit (pounds) ($) ($) 26 8.65 7.15 27 8.81 7.31 28 8.97 7.47 29 9.13 7.63 30 9.28 7.78 31 9.43 7.93 32 9.58 8.08 33 9.73 8.23 34 9.88 8.38 35 10.03 8.53 36 10.18 8.68 37 10.33 8.83 38 10.48 8.98 39 10.63 9.13 40 10.78 9.28 41 10.93 9.43 42 11.08 9.58 43 11.23 9.73 44 11.38 9.88 45 11.53 10.03 46 11.68 10.18 47 11.83 10.33 48 11.98 10.48 49 12.13 10.63 50 12.28 10.78 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 20 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select b. DSCF — 3-Digit, 5-Digit Non-Machinable (Continued)
Maximum DSCF DSCF Weight 3-Digit 5-Digit (pounds) ($) ($) 51 12.43 10.93 52 12.58 11.08 53 12.73 11.23 54 12.88 11.38 55 13.03 11.53 56 13.18 11.68 57 13.33 11.83 58 13.48 11.98 59 13.63 12.13 60 13.78 12.28 61 13.92 12.42 62 14.06 12.56 63 14.20 12.70 64 14.34 12.84 65 14.48 12.98 66 14.62 13.12 67 14.76 13.26 68 14.90 13.40 69 15.04 13.54 70 15.18 13.68 Oversized 18.68 18.68
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 21 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select Destination Entered — DNDC
a. DNDC — Machinable
Maximum DNDC DNDC DNDC DNDC Weight Zones 1 & 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zones 5 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 4.55 5.18 5.92 6.85 2 4.55 5.18 5.92 6.85 3 4.90 5.80 6.94 7.98 4 5.22 6.43 7.94 9.00 5 5.52 7.07 8.82 9.83 6 5.77 7.68 9.57 10.58 7 6.04 8.25 10.20 11.26 8 6.30 8.81 10.76 11.83 9 6.55 9.36 11.28 12.37 10 6.80 9.90 11.76 12.89 11 7.05 10.43 12.19 13.32 12 7.29 10.93 12.58 13.75 13 7.53 11.40 12.93 14.16 14 7.77 11.85 13.25 14.52 15 8.01 12.27 13.55 14.85 16 8.25 12.68 13.81 15.15 17 8.49 13.07 14.08 15.44 18 8.73 13.46 14.32 15.70 19 8.97 13.81 14.56 15.96 20 9.20 14.13 14.80 16.22 21 9.43 14.45 15.04 16.48 22 9.66 14.75 15.28 16.75 23 9.90 15.02 15.53 17.02 24 10.14 15.26 15.78 17.28 25 10.38 15.48 16.03 17.55 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 22 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select a. DNDC — Machinable (Continued)
Maximum DNDC DNDC DNDC DNDC Weight Zones 1 & 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zones 5 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 10.61 15.69 16.28 17.83 27 10.84 15.89 16.53 18.10 28 11.07 16.10 16.78 18.38 29 11.30 16.32 17.03 18.66 30 11.52 16.54 17.28 18.94 31 11.74 16.76 17.53 19.22 32 11.96 16.98 17.78 19.50 33 12.18 17.21 18.03 19.80 34 12.40 17.43 18.28 20.11 35 12.62 17.65 18.53 20.42 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 23 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select b. DNDC — Non-Machinable
Maximum DNDC DNDC DNDC DNDC Weight Zones 1 & 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zones 5 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 7.05 7.68 8.42 9.35 2 7.05 7.68 8.42 9.35 3 7.40 8.30 9.44 10.48 4 7.72 8.93 10.44 11.50 5 8.02 9.57 11.32 12.33 6 8.27 10.18 12.07 13.08 7 8.54 10.75 12.70 13.76 8 8.80 11.31 13.26 14.33 9 9.05 11.86 13.78 14.87 10 9.30 12.40 14.26 15.39 11 9.55 12.93 14.69 15.82 12 9.79 13.43 15.08 16.25 13 10.03 13.90 15.43 16.66 14 10.27 14.35 15.75 17.02 15 10.51 14.77 16.05 17.35 16 10.75 15.18 16.31 17.65 17 10.99 15.57 16.58 17.94 18 11.23 15.96 16.82 18.20 19 11.47 16.31 17.06 18.46 20 11.70 16.63 17.30 18.72 21 11.93 16.95 17.54 18.98 22 12.16 17.25 17.78 19.25 23 12.40 17.52 18.03 19.52 24 12.64 17.76 18.28 19.78 25 12.88 17.98 18.53 20.05 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 24 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select b. DNDC — Non-Machinable (Continued)
Maximum DNDC DNDC DNDC DNDC Weight Zones 1 & 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zones 5 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 13.11 18.19 18.78 20.33 27 13.34 18.39 19.03 20.60 28 13.57 18.60 19.28 20.88 29 13.80 18.82 19.53 21.16 30 14.02 19.04 19.78 21.44 31 14.24 19.26 20.03 21.72 32 14.46 19.48 20.28 22.00 33 14.68 19.71 20.53 22.30 34 14.90 19.93 20.78 22.61 35 15.12 20.15 21.03 22.92 36 15.34 20.38 21.28 23.23 37 15.56 20.62 21.54 23.54 38 15.78 20.85 21.80 23.85 39 16.00 21.08 22.06 24.16 40 16.22 21.31 22.32 24.47 41 16.44 21.54 22.58 24.78 42 16.66 21.78 22.84 25.09 43 16.88 22.03 23.10 25.40 44 17.10 22.27 23.36 25.70 45 17.32 22.52 23.62 26.00 46 17.54 22.77 23.88 26.31 47 17.76 23.02 24.13 26.62 48 17.98 23.27 24.36 26.94 49 18.20 23.52 24.58 27.27 50 18.42 23.75 24.80 27.63 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 25 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select b. DNDC — Non-Machinable (Continued)
Maximum DNDC DNDC DNDC DNDC Weight Zones 1 & 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zones 5 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 18.64 23.98 25.02 28.00 52 18.86 24.21 25.24 28.37 53 19.08 24.43 25.46 28.74 54 19.30 24.64 25.69 29.11 55 19.53 24.85 25.92 29.48 56 19.77 25.05 26.15 29.85 57 20.02 25.25 26.38 30.22 58 20.27 25.47 26.62 30.59 59 20.52 25.68 26.86 30.96 60 20.77 25.87 27.10 31.33 61 21.02 26.06 27.33 31.67 62 21.27 26.25 27.56 31.97 63 21.52 26.44 27.79 32.26 64 21.77 26.63 28.02 32.53 65 22.02 26.82 28.25 32.80 66 22.27 27.01 28.48 33.06 67 22.52 27.19 28.71 33.31 68 22.77 27.37 28.94 33.56 69 23.02 27.55 29.17 33.81 70 23.27 27.73 29.39 34.06 Oversized 28.51 40.04 53.15 63.34
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 26 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select Non-Destination Entered — ONDC Presort
a. ONDC Presort
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight 1 & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 5.20 5.30 5.45 5.59 5.82 6.07 6.54 2 5.40 5.80 6.50 7.13 8.15 9.11 10.44 3 6.15 7.15 8.30 9.62 10.43 11.99 13.72 4 7.00 8.45 9.60 10.54 11.70 12.99 14.81 5 8.40 9.40 10.75 12.07 13.17 14.30 16.02 6 9.05 10.25 11.55 13.60 14.89 16.18 18.15 7 9.65 11.15 12.50 14.77 16.30 17.84 20.21 8 10.40 11.80 13.05 16.61 18.51 20.48 23.43 9 10.90 12.15 13.55 18.09 20.41 22.75 26.24 10 11.60 12.20 13.80 19.74 22.27 24.85 28.67 11 12.45 12.70 13.95 21.41 24.29 27.27 31.62 12 12.85 13.10 14.15 23.02 26.19 29.37 34.14 13 13.00 13.45 14.35 24.34 27.45 30.63 35.43 14 13.20 13.85 14.55 25.88 29.05 32.24 37.21 15 13.45 14.30 14.75 27.29 30.30 33.33 38.18 16 14.25 15.35 16.25 28.92 32.07 35.29 40.42 17 15.00 16.35 17.75 30.63 33.51 36.42 41.34 18 15.75 17.35 19.25 32.16 35.20 38.24 43.40 19 16.50 18.35 20.75 32.82 35.87 39.01 44.24 20 17.25 19.35 22.25 33.46 36.58 39.73 45.12 21 18.00 20.35 23.75 33.98 37.15 40.35 45.81 22 18.75 21.35 25.75 34.60 37.84 41.09 46.65 23 19.50 22.35 27.75 35.75 38.88 42.25 47.96 24 20.25 23.60 29.75 37.17 40.13 43.57 49.48 25 21.65 26.45 33.25 38.63 41.33 44.86 50.93 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 27 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select a. ONDC Presort (Continued)
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight 1 & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 22.05 26.70 34.40 40.25 42.75 46.41 52.69 27 22.70 27.10 35.45 41.81 44.06 47.81 54.31 28 23.45 27.50 36.50 43.42 45.38 49.22 55.92 29 24.15 27.75 37.45 44.79 46.56 50.48 57.36 30 24.90 28.15 38.35 46.19 47.67 51.69 58.74 31 25.65 28.45 38.95 47.26 48.42 52.50 59.63 32 25.95 29.05 39.65 48.43 49.69 54.26 62.01 33 26.35 29.90 40.65 49.95 51.32 56.49 64.83 34 26.60 30.70 41.65 51.45 52.98 58.73 67.75 35 26.90 31.45 42.25 52.59 54.13 60.44 70.05 36 27.20 32.35 42.80 53.55 55.21 62.11 72.26 37 27.50 32.95 43.45 54.59 56.41 63.91 74.66 38 27.75 33.80 44.00 55.69 57.52 65.63 76.99 39 28.05 34.55 44.55 56.72 58.61 67.32 79.28 40 28.40 35.30 45.15 57.78 59.80 69.10 81.66 41 28.70 36.00 45.65 58.65 60.88 70.75 83.90 42 28.90 36.65 46.20 59.72 61.98 72.50 86.22 43 29.25 37.25 46.60 60.53 62.93 73.97 88.33 44 29.45 37.85 47.20 61.56 64.16 75.81 90.84 45 29.65 38.30 47.55 62.35 65.04 77.25 92.84 46 29.90 38.60 48.05 63.27 66.11 78.95 95.13 47 30.15 38.90 48.50 64.10 67.13 80.55 97.39 48 30.40 39.25 48.95 65.03 68.15 82.16 99.60 49 30.60 39.55 49.35 65.77 68.80 82.99 100.67 50 30.75 39.80 49.70 66.55 69.32 83.78 101.60 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 28 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select a. ONDC Presort (Continued)
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight 1 & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 30.90 40.15 50.15 67.51 70.03 84.67 102.78 52 31.30 40.40 50.50 68.16 70.56 85.34 103.61 53 31.80 40.70 50.85 68.92 71.07 86.04 104.51 54 32.25 40.90 51.20 69.81 71.61 86.78 105.43 55 32.80 41.20 51.45 70.28 72.01 87.28 106.07 56 33.25 41.40 51.75 70.71 72.71 87.92 106.84 57 33.75 41.55 52.10 71.23 73.53 88.62 107.79 58 34.30 41.75 52.40 71.55 74.28 89.19 108.43 59 34.85 41.95 52.65 71.88 74.99 89.71 109.11 60 35.30 42.15 53.20 72.54 76.16 90.75 110.46 61 35.85 42.35 54.15 73.74 77.84 92.43 112.51 62 36.25 42.45 54.85 74.70 79.24 93.66 114.07 63 36.95 42.65 55.75 75.87 80.85 95.30 116.10 64 37.30 42.75 56.55 76.88 82.39 96.76 117.89 65 37.80 42.85 57.35 77.96 83.90 98.20 119.70 66 38.30 43.05 58.25 79.10 85.54 99.76 121.59 67 38.90 43.15 59.25 80.44 87.43 101.49 123.80 68 39.40 43.25 60.05 80.64 88.94 102.93 125.58 69 39.95 43.30 60.75 80.83 90.04 103.57 126.16 70 40.35 43.40 61.75 81.08 91.55 104.68 127.38 Oversized 62.49 67.44 72.39 104.61 122.87 141.12 159.37
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 29 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select Non-Destination Entered — NDC Presort
a. NDC Presort
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight 1 & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 5.55 5.65 5.80 5.94 6.17 6.42 6.89 2 5.75 6.15 6.85 7.48 8.50 9.46 10.79 3 6.50 7.50 8.65 9.97 10.78 12.34 14.07 4 7.35 8.80 9.95 10.89 12.05 13.34 15.16 5 8.75 9.75 11.10 12.42 13.52 14.65 16.37 6 9.40 10.60 11.90 13.95 15.24 16.53 18.50 7 10.00 11.50 12.85 15.12 16.65 18.19 20.56 8 10.75 12.15 13.40 16.96 18.86 20.83 23.78 9 11.25 12.50 13.90 18.44 20.76 23.10 26.59 10 11.95 12.55 14.15 20.09 22.62 25.20 29.02 11 12.80 13.05 14.30 21.76 24.64 27.62 31.97 12 13.20 13.45 14.50 23.37 26.54 29.72 34.49 13 13.35 13.80 14.70 24.69 27.80 30.98 35.78 14 13.55 14.20 14.90 26.23 29.40 32.59 37.56 15 13.80 14.65 15.10 27.64 30.65 33.68 38.53 16 14.60 15.70 16.60 29.27 32.42 35.64 40.77 17 15.35 16.70 18.10 30.98 33.86 36.77 41.69 18 16.10 17.70 19.60 32.51 35.55 38.59 43.75 19 16.85 18.70 21.10 33.17 36.22 39.36 44.59 20 17.60 19.70 22.60 33.81 36.93 40.08 45.47 21 18.35 20.70 24.10 34.33 37.50 40.70 46.16 22 19.10 21.70 26.10 34.95 38.19 41.44 47.00 23 19.85 22.70 28.10 36.10 39.23 42.60 48.31 24 20.60 23.95 30.10 37.52 40.48 43.92 49.83 25 22.00 26.80 33.60 38.98 41.68 45.21 51.28 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 30 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select a. NDC Presort (Continued)
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight 1 & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 22.40 27.05 34.75 40.60 43.10 46.76 53.04 27 23.05 27.45 35.80 42.16 44.41 48.16 54.66 28 23.80 27.85 36.85 43.77 45.73 49.57 56.27 29 24.50 28.10 37.80 45.14 46.91 50.83 57.71 30 25.25 28.50 38.70 46.54 48.02 52.04 59.09 31 26.00 28.80 39.30 47.61 48.77 52.85 59.98 32 26.30 29.40 40.00 48.78 50.04 54.61 62.36 33 26.70 30.25 41.00 50.30 51.67 56.84 65.18 34 26.95 31.05 42.00 51.80 53.33 59.08 68.10 35 27.25 31.80 42.60 52.94 54.48 60.79 70.40 36 27.55 32.70 43.15 53.90 55.56 62.46 72.61 37 27.85 33.30 43.80 54.94 56.76 64.26 75.01 38 28.10 34.15 44.35 56.04 57.87 65.98 77.34 39 28.40 34.90 44.90 57.07 58.96 67.67 79.63 40 28.75 35.65 45.50 58.13 60.15 69.45 82.01 41 29.05 36.35 46.00 59.00 61.23 71.10 84.25 42 29.25 37.00 46.55 60.07 62.33 72.85 86.57 43 29.60 37.60 46.95 60.88 63.28 74.32 88.68 44 29.80 38.20 47.55 61.91 64.51 76.16 91.19 45 30.00 38.65 47.90 62.70 65.39 77.60 93.19 46 30.25 38.95 48.40 63.62 66.46 79.30 95.48 47 30.50 39.25 48.85 64.45 67.48 80.90 97.74 48 30.75 39.60 49.30 65.38 68.50 82.51 99.95 49 30.95 39.90 49.70 66.12 69.15 83.34 101.02 50 31.10 40.15 50.05 66.90 69.67 84.13 101.95 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 31 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select a. NDC Presort (Continued)
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight 1 & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 31.25 40.50 50.50 67.86 70.38 85.02 103.13 52 31.65 40.75 50.85 68.51 70.91 85.69 103.96 53 32.15 41.05 51.20 69.27 71.42 86.39 104.86 54 32.60 41.25 51.55 70.16 71.96 87.13 105.78 55 33.15 41.55 51.80 70.63 72.36 87.63 106.42 56 33.60 41.75 52.10 71.06 73.06 88.27 107.19 57 34.10 41.90 52.45 71.58 73.88 88.97 108.14 58 34.65 42.10 52.75 71.90 74.63 89.54 108.78 59 35.20 42.30 53.00 72.23 75.34 90.06 109.46 60 35.65 42.50 53.55 72.89 76.51 91.10 110.81 61 36.20 42.70 54.50 74.09 78.19 92.78 112.86 62 36.60 42.80 55.20 75.05 79.59 94.01 114.42 63 37.30 43.00 56.10 76.22 81.20 95.65 116.45 64 37.65 43.10 56.90 77.23 82.74 97.11 118.24 65 38.15 43.20 57.70 78.31 84.25 98.55 120.05 66 38.65 43.40 58.60 79.45 85.89 100.11 121.94 67 39.25 43.50 59.60 80.79 87.78 101.84 124.15 68 39.75 43.60 60.40 80.99 89.29 103.28 125.93 69 40.30 43.65 61.10 81.18 90.39 103.92 126.51 70 40.70 43.75 62.10 81.43 91.90 105.03 127.73 Oversized 62.84 67.79 72.74 104.96 123.22 141.47 159.72
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 32 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select Non-Destination Entered — Nonpresort
a. Nonpresort
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight 1 & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 5.70 5.80 5.95 6.09 6.32 6.57 7.04 2 5.90 6.30 7.00 7.63 8.65 9.61 10.94 3 6.65 7.65 8.80 10.12 10.93 12.49 14.22 4 7.50 8.95 10.10 11.04 12.20 13.49 15.31 5 8.90 9.90 11.25 12.57 13.67 14.80 16.52 6 9.55 10.75 12.05 14.10 15.39 16.68 18.65 7 10.15 11.65 13.00 15.27 16.80 18.34 20.71 8 10.90 12.30 13.55 17.11 19.01 20.98 23.93 9 11.40 12.65 14.05 18.59 20.91 23.25 26.74 10 12.10 12.70 14.30 20.24 22.77 25.35 29.17 11 12.95 13.20 14.45 21.91 24.79 27.77 32.12 12 13.35 13.60 14.65 23.52 26.69 29.87 34.64 13 13.50 13.95 14.85 24.84 27.95 31.13 35.93 14 13.70 14.35 15.05 26.38 29.55 32.74 37.71 15 13.95 14.80 15.25 27.79 30.80 33.83 38.68 16 14.75 15.85 16.75 29.42 32.57 35.79 40.92 17 15.50 16.85 18.25 31.13 34.01 36.92 41.84 18 16.25 17.85 19.75 32.66 35.70 38.74 43.90 19 17.00 18.85 21.25 33.32 36.37 39.51 44.74 20 17.75 19.85 22.75 33.96 37.08 40.23 45.62 21 18.50 20.85 24.25 34.48 37.65 40.85 46.31 22 19.25 21.85 26.25 35.10 38.34 41.59 47.15 23 20.00 22.85 28.25 36.25 39.38 42.75 48.46 24 20.75 24.10 30.25 37.67 40.63 44.07 49.98 25 22.15 26.95 33.75 39.13 41.83 45.36 51.43 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 33 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select a. Nonpresort (Continued)
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight 1 & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 22.55 27.20 34.90 40.75 43.25 46.91 53.19 27 23.20 27.60 35.95 42.31 44.56 48.31 54.81 28 23.95 28.00 37.00 43.92 45.88 49.72 56.42 29 24.65 28.25 37.95 45.29 47.06 50.98 57.86 30 25.40 28.65 38.85 46.69 48.17 52.19 59.24 31 26.15 28.95 39.45 47.76 48.92 53.00 60.13 32 26.45 29.55 40.15 48.93 50.19 54.76 62.51 33 26.85 30.40 41.15 50.45 51.82 56.99 65.33 34 27.10 31.20 42.15 51.95 53.48 59.23 68.25 35 27.40 31.95 42.75 53.09 54.63 60.94 70.55 36 27.70 32.85 43.30 54.05 55.71 62.61 72.76 37 28.00 33.45 43.95 55.09 56.91 64.41 75.16 38 28.25 34.30 44.50 56.19 58.02 66.13 77.49 39 28.55 35.05 45.05 57.22 59.11 67.82 79.78 40 28.90 35.80 45.65 58.28 60.30 69.60 82.16 41 29.20 36.50 46.15 59.15 61.38 71.25 84.40 42 29.40 37.15 46.70 60.22 62.48 73.00 86.72 43 29.75 37.75 47.10 61.03 63.43 74.47 88.83 44 29.95 38.35 47.70 62.06 64.66 76.31 91.34 45 30.15 38.80 48.05 62.85 65.54 77.75 93.34 46 30.40 39.10 48.55 63.77 66.61 79.45 95.63 47 30.65 39.40 49.00 64.60 67.63 81.05 97.89 48 30.90 39.75 49.45 65.53 68.65 82.66 100.10 49 31.10 40.05 49.85 66.27 69.30 83.49 101.17 50 31.25 40.30 50.20 67.05 69.82 84.28 102.10 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 34 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select a. Nonpresort (Continued)
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight 1 & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 31.40 40.65 50.65 68.01 70.53 85.17 103.28 52 31.80 40.90 51.00 68.66 71.06 85.84 104.11 53 32.30 41.20 51.35 69.42 71.57 86.54 105.01 54 32.75 41.40 51.70 70.31 72.11 87.28 105.93 55 33.30 41.70 51.95 70.78 72.51 87.78 106.57 56 33.75 41.90 52.25 71.21 73.21 88.42 107.34 57 34.25 42.05 52.60 71.73 74.03 89.12 108.29 58 34.80 42.25 52.90 72.05 74.78 89.69 108.93 59 35.35 42.45 53.15 72.38 75.49 90.21 109.61 60 35.80 42.65 53.70 73.04 76.66 91.25 110.96 61 36.35 42.85 54.65 74.24 78.34 92.93 113.01 62 36.75 42.95 55.35 75.20 79.74 94.16 114.57 63 37.45 43.15 56.25 76.37 81.35 95.80 116.60 64 37.80 43.25 57.05 77.38 82.89 97.26 118.39 65 38.30 43.35 57.85 78.46 84.40 98.70 120.20 66 38.80 43.55 58.75 79.60 86.04 100.26 122.09 67 39.40 43.65 59.75 80.94 87.93 101.99 124.30 68 39.90 43.75 60.55 81.14 89.44 103.43 126.08 69 40.45 43.80 61.25 81.33 90.54 104.07 126.66 70 40.85 43.90 62.25 81.58 92.05 105.18 127.88 Oversized 62.99 67.94 72.89 105.11 123.37 141.62 159.87
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 35 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select Machinable Lightweight Parcels (3.5 ounces or greater)
Entry Point/Sortation Level Maximum DDU/ DSCF/ DNDC/ DNDC/ None/ None/ Weight 5-Digit 5-Digit 5-Digit NDC NDC Mixed NDC (ounces) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 1.10 1.15 1.21 1.55 1.60 1.94 5 1.13 1.20 1.26 1.61 1.66 2.01 6 1.16 1.25 1.31 1.67 1.73 2.08 7 1.19 1.30 1.36 1.73 1.80 2.15 8 1.22 1.36 1.42 1.79 1.87 2.22 9 1.26 1.42 1.48 1.85 1.94 2.29 10 1.30 1.48 1.54 1.92 2.01 2.37 11 1.34 1.54 1.61 1.99 2.08 2.45 12 1.39 1.60 1.68 2.06 2.15 2.53 13 1.44 1.67 1.75 2.13 2.22 2.62 14 1.49 1.74 1.82 2.20 2.30 2.71 15 1.55 1.81 1.89 2.27 2.38 2.80 16 1.61 1.88 1.96 2.34 2.46 2.89 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 36 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Select Irregular Lightweight Parcels
Entry Point/Sortation Level Maximum DDU/ DSCF/ DNDC/ DSCF/ DNDC/ DNDC/ None/ None/ Weight 5-Digit 5-Digit 5-Digit SCF SCF NDC NDC Mixed NDC (ounces) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 1.07 1.11 1.17 1.14 1.21 1.63 1.69 2.07 2 1.07 1.11 1.17 1.14 1.21 1.63 1.69 2.07 3 1.07 1.11 1.17 1.14 1.21 1.63 1.69 2.07 4 1.10 1.15 1.21 1.18 1.25 1.67 1.74 2.13 5 1.13 1.20 1.26 1.23 1.30 1.72 1.80 2.19 6 1.16 1.25 1.31 1.28 1.35 1.78 1.86 2.25 7 1.19 1.30 1.36 1.33 1.40 1.84 1.92 2.32 8 1.22 1.36 1.42 1.39 1.46 1.90 1.99 2.39 9 1.26 1.42 1.48 1.45 1.52 1.97 2.06 2.46 10 1.30 1.48 1.54 1.51 1.58 2.04 2.13 2.53 11 1.34 1.54 1.61 1.57 1.65 2.11 2.20 2.61 12 1.39 1.60 1.68 1.63 1.72 2.18 2.27 2.69 13 1.44 1.67 1.75 1.70 1.79 2.25 2.34 2.77 14 1.49 1.74 1.82 1.77 1.86 2.32 2.42 2.85 15 1.55 1.81 1.89 1.84 1.93 2.39 2.50 2.93 16 1.61 1.88 1.96 1.91 2.00 2.46 2.59 3.01
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 37 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service 2120 Parcel Return Service ***** 2120.3 Minimum Volume Requirements
Minimum Volume Requirements PRS Full 50,000 pieces annually Network All other Parcel none Return Service
2120.4 Price Categories
PRS Full Network – Contains merchandise and is delivered in bulk to addressee o PRS Full Network o Balloon Price o Oversized
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 38 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service 2120.6 Prices
RNDC Entered
a. Machinable RNDC
Maximum RNDC Weight (pounds) ($) 1 3.76 2 4.15 3 4.55 4 4.86 5 5.26 6 5.68 7 6.10 8 6.53 9 6.97 10 7.41 11 7.77 12 8.14 13 8.44 14 8.71 15 8.91 16 9.09 17 9.23 18 9.44 19 9.58 20 9.79 21 9.94 22 10.12 23 10.28 24 10.46 25 10.56 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 39 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service a. Machinable RNDC (Continued)
Maximum RNDC Weight (pounds) ($) 26 10.70 27 10.84 28 11.02 29 11.16 30 11.31 31 11.46 32 11.55 33 11.70 34 11.87 35 12.00 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 40 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service b. Nonmachinable RNDC
Maximum RNDC Weight (pounds) ($) 1 6.26 2 6.65 3 7.05 4 7.36 5 7.76 6 8.18 7 8.60 8 9.03 9 9.47 10 9.91 11 10.27 12 10.64 13 10.94 14 11.21 15 11.41 16 11.59 17 11.73 18 11.94 19 12.08 20 12.29 21 12.44 22 12.62 23 12.78 24 12.96 25 13.06 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 41 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service b. Nonmachinable RNDC (Continued)
Maximum RNDC Weight (pounds) ($) 26 13.20 27 13.34 28 13.52 29 13.66 30 13.81 31 13.96 32 14.05 33 14.20 34 14.37 35 14.50 36 14.60 37 14.76 38 14.87 39 15.02 40 15.16 41 15.25 42 15.37 43 15.50 44 15.62 45 15.74 46 15.86 47 16.01 48 16.13 49 16.24 50 16.38 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 42 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service b. Nonmachinable RNDC (Continued)
Maximum RNDC Weight (pounds) ($) 51 16.52 52 16.59 53 16.69 54 16.82 55 16.94 56 17.03 57 17.15 58 17.27 59 17.38 60 17.53 61 17.64 62 17.75 63 17.85 64 17.96 65 18.09 66 18.19 67 18.32 68 18.42 69 18.50 70 18.66 Oversized 41.80
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 43 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service RSCF Entered
a. Machinable RSCF
Maximum RSCF Weight (pounds) ($) 1 3.03 2 3.42 3 3.69 4 3.97 5 4.23 6 4.57 7 4.88 8 5.19 9 5.54 10 5.86 11 6.18 12 6.51 13 6.77 14 7.02 15 7.20 16 7.40 17 7.56 18 7.78 19 7.95 20 8.16 21 8.32 22 8.51 23 8.67 24 8.85 25 8.95 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 44 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service a. Machinable RSCF (Continued)
Maximum RSCF Weight (pounds) ($) 26 9.09 27 9.24 28 9.41 29 9.55 30 9.72 31 9.89 32 10.01 33 10.18 34 10.38 35 10.55 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 45 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service b. Nonmachinable RSCF
Maximum RSCF Weight (pounds) ($) 1 5.53 2 5.92 3 6.19 4 6.47 5 6.73 6 7.07 7 7.38 8 7.69 9 8.04 10 8.36 11 8.68 12 9.01 13 9.27 14 9.52 15 9.70 16 9.90 17 10.06 18 10.28 19 10.45 20 10.66 21 10.82 22 11.01 23 11.17 24 11.35 25 11.45 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 46 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service b. Nonmachinable RSCF (Continued)
Maximum RSCF Weight (pounds) ($) 26 11.59 27 11.74 28 11.91 29 12.05 30 12.22 31 12.39 32 12.51 33 12.68 34 12.88 35 13.05 36 13.20 37 13.39 38 13.53 39 13.68 40 13.84 41 13.97 42 14.13 43 14.29 44 14.41 45 14.53 46 14.65 47 14.79 48 14.88 49 14.97 50 15.08 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 47 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service b. Nonmachinable RSCF (Continued)
Maximum RSCF Weight (pounds) ($) 51 15.20 52 15.26 53 15.34 54 15.46 55 15.57 56 15.66 57 15.77 58 15.88 59 15.98 60 16.11 61 16.21 62 16.32 63 16.42 64 16.50 65 16.61 66 16.69 67 16.80 68 16.88 69 16.96 70 17.07 Oversized 30.44
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 48 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service RDU Entered
a. Machinable RDU
Maximum RDU Weight ($) (pounds) 1 2.44 2 2.49 3 2.53 4 2.57 5 2.62 6 2.66 7 2.70 8 2.75 9 2.79 10 2.84 11 2.88 12 2.92 13 2.97 14 3.01 15 3.06 16 3.10 17 3.14 18 3.19 19 3.23 20 3.28 21 3.32 22 3.36 23 3.41 24 3.45 25 3.50 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 49 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service a. Machinable RDU (Continued)
Maximum RDU Weight ($) (pounds) 26 3.54 27 3.58 28 3.63 29 3.67 30 3.72 31 3.76 32 3.80 33 3.85 34 3.89 35 3.94 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 50 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service b. Nonmachinable RDU
Maximum RDU Weight ($) (pounds) 1 2.44 2 2.49 3 2.53 4 2.57 5 2.62 6 2.66 7 2.70 8 2.75 9 2.79 10 2.84 11 2.88 12 2.92 13 2.97 14 3.01 15 3.06 16 3.10 17 3.14 18 3.19 19 3.23 20 3.28 21 3.32 22 3.36 23 3.41 24 3.45 25 3.50 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 51 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service b. Nonmachinable RDU (Continued)
Maximum RDU Weight ($) (pounds) 26 3.54 27 3.58 28 3.63 29 3.67 30 3.72 31 3.76 32 3.80 33 3.85 34 3.89 35 3.94 36 3.98 37 4.02 38 4.07 39 4.11 40 4.16 41 4.20 42 4.24 43 4.29 44 4.33 45 4.38 46 4.42 47 4.46 48 4.51 49 4.55 50 4.59 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 52 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service b. Nonmachinable RDU (Continued)
Maximum RDU Weight ($) (pounds) 51 4.64 52 4.68 53 4.73 54 4.77 55 4.81 56 4.86 57 4.90 58 4.95 59 4.99 60 5.03 61 5.08 62 5.12 63 5.17 64 5.21 65 5.25 66 5.30 67 5.34 68 5.39 69 5.43 70 5.47 Oversized 9.09
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 53 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service PRS Full Network
a. PRS Full Network
Maximum Zones Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Weight 1 & 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 4.69 4.96 5.04 5.24 5.46 5.53 5.62 2 4.96 5.26 5.66 5.76 6.06 6.17 6.36 3 5.03 5.46 5.92 6.09 6.39 6.55 6.98 4 5.14 5.61 6.19 6.45 6.68 6.95 7.44 5 5.28 5.68 6.43 6.69 6.92 7.22 7.81 6 5.41 5.83 6.52 6.84 7.02 7.42 7.98 7 5.65 5.99 6.64 7.00 7.22 7.60 8.22 8 5.86 6.13 6.80 7.12 7.42 7.92 8.66 9 5.96 6.28 6.90 7.26 7.56 8.31 9.17 10 8.18 8.39 9.37 9.96 10.51 11.86 13.08 11 8.88 9.18 9.98 10.66 11.45 13.24 14.57 12 9.11 9.43 10.15 10.82 11.93 14.00 15.52 13 9.34 9.66 10.27 11.06 12.44 14.82 16.49 14 9.52 9.93 10.44 11.30 13.12 15.56 17.40 15 9.69 10.23 10.61 11.55 13.75 16.34 18.33 16 9.84 10.36 10.68 11.76 14.26 16.90 19.06 17 9.93 10.68 11.00 12.22 14.98 17.78 20.04 18 10.06 10.87 11.31 12.83 15.65 18.54 21.03 19 10.18 11.23 11.72 13.37 16.31 19.31 22.03 20 10.36 11.58 12.10 13.94 17.01 20.08 23.01 21 10.52 11.89 12.46 14.51 17.67 20.86 23.92 22 10.76 12.24 12.90 15.03 18.38 21.65 24.94 23 10.99 12.61 13.29 15.54 19.05 22.42 25.93 24 11.19 12.91 13.69 16.04 19.76 23.17 26.92 25 15.34 17.26 18.59 22.00 27.47 33.08 38.41 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 54 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service a. PRS Full Network (Continued)
Maximum Zones Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Weight 1 & 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 15.70 18.08 19.31 22.73 28.31 33.01 38.57 27 16.04 18.50 19.75 23.40 29.23 34.06 39.88 28 16.32 18.93 20.36 24.10 30.13 35.05 41.23 29 16.64 19.29 20.92 24.65 30.97 35.91 42.46 30 17.04 19.74 21.54 25.35 31.91 36.90 43.78 31 17.29 20.05 22.01 26.02 32.77 37.88 44.99 32 17.41 20.46 22.58 26.75 33.69 38.90 46.33 33 17.74 20.92 23.13 27.44 34.56 39.92 47.58 34 17.90 21.38 23.63 28.13 35.50 40.95 48.91 35 18.20 21.84 24.16 28.79 36.39 41.98 50.17 36 18.45 22.05 24.58 29.49 37.27 43.00 51.25 37 18.77 22.54 25.04 30.13 38.07 43.98 52.23 38 19.05 22.87 25.59 30.83 38.90 45.03 53.18 39 19.31 23.32 26.16 31.46 40.13 46.49 54.25 40 19.50 23.84 26.72 32.10 40.92 47.46 55.14 41 19.75 24.16 27.18 32.71 41.63 48.35 55.88 42 20.05 24.44 27.68 33.30 42.29 49.23 56.74 43 20.29 24.85 28.23 33.99 43.06 50.24 57.72 44 20.55 25.27 28.70 34.59 43.82 51.27 58.32 45 20.77 25.66 29.23 35.26 44.56 52.29 59.28 46 20.98 26.02 29.58 35.90 45.27 53.33 60.25 47 21.15 26.22 30.03 36.49 45.89 54.34 61.21 48 21.36 26.50 30.42 37.09 46.55 55.38 62.18 49 21.54 26.78 30.81 37.72 47.14 56.39 63.12 50 21.71 27.02 31.17 37.84 47.38 56.98 64.08 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 55 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service a. PRS Full Network (Continued)
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight 1 & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 21.83 27.20 31.39 38.07 47.79 57.73 64.44 52 22.01 27.37 31.61 38.57 48.26 58.50 65.38 53 22.17 27.64 31.75 39.05 48.73 59.10 66.33 54 22.36 27.85 32.12 39.56 49.23 59.53 67.17 55 22.55 28.03 32.39 40.14 49.58 59.73 67.94 56 22.70 28.31 32.69 40.69 49.88 59.82 68.78 57 22.98 28.55 32.96 41.26 50.40 60.26 69.48 58 23.20 28.79 33.26 41.69 50.96 60.63 70.04 59 23.40 29.07 33.62 42.09 51.42 60.96 70.56 60 23.63 29.34 33.95 42.39 51.87 61.28 71.01 61 23.87 29.57 34.23 42.87 52.32 61.64 71.42 62 24.04 29.78 34.47 43.24 52.68 61.99 71.85 63 24.22 30.06 34.72 43.60 53.02 62.39 72.29 64 24.44 30.38 35.00 43.90 53.39 62.80 72.70 65 24.63 30.71 35.37 44.19 53.84 63.11 73.12 66 24.83 31.07 35.76 44.49 54.38 63.43 73.65 67 25.02 31.39 36.11 44.74 54.82 63.74 73.85 68 25.20 31.70 36.44 45.00 55.11 64.10 74.01 69 25.43 31.94 36.78 45.24 55.40 64.42 74.21 70 25.59 32.22 37.02 45.41 55.52 64.64 74.86 Oversized 66.02 69.06 70.43 72.51 97.11 103.41 114.45
b. Balloon Price
Pieces exceeding 84 inches in length and girth combined (but not more than 108 inches) and weighing less than 20 pounds are subject to a price equal to that for a 20-pound parcel for the zone to which the parcel is addressed. Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 56 of 147 Domestic Products Parcel Return Service c. Oversized Pieces
Regardless of weight, any piece that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in length plus girth must pay the oversized price.
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 57 of 147 Domestic Products First-Class Package Service 2125 First-Class Package Service ***** 2125.6 Prices
Commercial Base
Maximum 5-Digit 3-Digit ADC Mixed Weight ($) ($) ($) ADC/Single- (ounces) Piece ($) 1 1.54 1.67 1.79 2.04 2 1.54 1.67 1.79 2.04 3 1.54 1.67 1.79 2.04 4 1.63 1.76 1.88 2.13 5 1.72 1.85 1.97 2.22 6 1.85 1.98 2.10 2.35 7 2.03 2.16 2.28 2.53 8 2.21 2.34 2.46 2.71 9 2.39 2.52 2.64 2.89 10 2.57 2.70 2.82 3.07 11 2.75 2.88 3.01 3.25 12 2.93 3.06 3.20 3.44 13 3.11 3.25 3.39 3.63
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 58 of 147 Domestic Products Standard Post 2135 Standard Post ***** 2135.6 Prices
Standard Post1
Maximum Zones 1 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 5.75 5.85 6.00 6.14 6.37 6.62 7.09 2 5.95 6.35 7.05 7.68 8.70 9.66 10.99 3 6.70 7.70 8.85 10.17 10.98 12.54 14.27 4 7.55 9.00 10.15 11.09 12.25 13.54 15.36 5 8.95 9.95 11.30 12.62 13.72 14.85 16.57 6 9.60 10.80 12.10 14.15 15.44 16.73 18.70 7 10.20 11.70 13.05 15.32 16.85 18.39 20.76 8 10.95 12.35 13.60 17.16 19.06 21.03 23.98 9 11.45 12.70 14.10 18.64 20.96 23.30 26.79 10 12.15 12.75 14.35 20.29 22.82 25.40 29.22 11 13.00 13.25 14.50 21.96 24.84 27.82 32.17 12 13.40 13.65 14.70 23.57 26.74 29.92 34.69 13 13.55 14.00 14.90 24.89 28.00 31.18 35.98 14 13.75 14.40 15.10 26.43 29.60 32.79 37.76 15 14.00 14.85 15.30 27.84 30.85 33.88 38.73 16 14.80 15.90 16.80 29.47 32.62 35.84 40.97 17 15.55 16.90 18.30 31.18 34.06 36.97 41.89 18 16.30 17.90 19.80 32.71 35.75 38.79 43.95 19 17.05 18.90 21.30 33.37 36.42 39.56 44.79 20 17.80 19.90 22.80 34.01 37.13 40.28 45.67 21 18.55 20.90 24.30 34.53 37.70 40.90 46.36 22 19.30 21.90 26.30 35.15 38.39 41.64 47.20 23 20.05 22.90 28.30 36.30 39.43 42.80 48.51 24 20.80 24.15 30.30 37.72 40.68 44.12 50.03 25 22.20 27.00 33.80 39.18 41.88 45.41 51.48 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 59 of 147 Domestic Products Standard Post Standard Post (Continued)
Maximum Zones 1 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 22.60 27.25 34.95 40.80 43.30 46.96 53.24 27 23.25 27.65 36.00 42.36 44.61 48.36 54.86 28 24.00 28.05 37.05 43.97 45.93 49.77 56.47 29 24.70 28.30 38.00 45.34 47.11 51.03 57.91 30 25.45 28.70 38.90 46.74 48.22 52.24 59.29 31 26.20 29.00 39.50 47.81 48.97 53.05 60.18 32 26.50 29.60 40.20 48.98 50.24 54.81 62.56 33 26.90 30.45 41.20 50.50 51.87 57.04 65.38 34 27.15 31.25 42.20 52.00 53.53 59.28 68.30 35 27.45 32.00 42.80 53.14 54.68 60.99 70.60 36 27.75 32.90 43.35 54.10 55.76 62.66 72.81 37 28.05 33.50 44.00 55.14 56.96 64.46 75.21 38 28.30 34.35 44.55 56.24 58.07 66.18 77.54 39 28.60 35.10 45.10 57.27 59.16 67.87 79.83 40 28.95 35.85 45.70 58.33 60.35 69.65 82.21 41 29.25 36.55 46.20 59.20 61.43 71.30 84.45 42 29.45 37.20 46.75 60.27 62.53 73.05 86.77 43 29.80 37.80 47.15 61.08 63.48 74.52 88.88 44 30.00 38.40 47.75 62.11 64.71 76.36 91.39 45 30.20 38.85 48.10 62.90 65.59 77.80 93.39 46 30.45 39.15 48.60 63.82 66.66 79.50 95.68 47 30.70 39.45 49.05 64.65 67.68 81.10 97.94 48 30.95 39.80 49.50 65.58 68.70 82.71 100.15 49 31.15 40.10 49.90 66.32 69.35 83.54 101.22 50 31.30 40.35 50.25 67.10 69.87 84.33 102.15 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 60 of 147 Domestic Products Standard Post Standard Post (Continued)
Maximum Zones 1 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8 Weight & 2 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 31.45 40.70 50.70 68.06 70.58 85.22 103.33 52 31.85 40.95 51.05 68.71 71.11 85.89 104.16 53 32.35 41.25 51.40 69.47 71.62 86.59 105.06 54 32.80 41.45 51.75 70.36 72.16 87.33 105.98 55 33.35 41.75 52.00 70.83 72.56 87.83 106.62 56 33.80 41.95 52.30 71.26 73.26 88.47 107.39 57 34.30 42.10 52.65 71.78 74.08 89.17 108.34 58 34.85 42.30 52.95 72.10 74.83 89.74 108.98 59 35.40 42.50 53.20 72.43 75.54 90.26 109.66 60 35.85 42.70 53.75 73.09 76.71 91.30 111.01 61 36.40 42.90 54.70 74.29 78.39 92.98 113.06 62 36.80 43.00 55.40 75.25 79.79 94.21 114.62 63 37.50 43.20 56.30 76.42 81.40 95.85 116.65 64 37.85 43.30 57.10 77.43 82.94 97.31 118.44 65 38.35 43.40 57.90 78.51 84.45 98.75 120.25 66 38.85 43.60 58.80 79.65 86.09 100.31 122.14 67 39.45 43.70 59.80 80.99 87.98 102.04 124.35 68 39.95 43.80 60.60 81.19 89.49 103.48 126.13 69 40.50 43.85 61.30 81.38 90.59 104.12 126.71 70 40.90 43.95 62.30 81.63 92.10 105.23 127.93 Oversized 63.04 67.99 72.94 105.16 123.42 141.67 159.92
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 61 of 147 Domestic Products Standard Post Limited Overland Routes
Pieces delivered to or from designated intra-Alaska ZIP Codes not connected by overland routes are eligible for the following prices.
Maximum Zones Weight Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 1 & 2 ($) ($) ($) (pounds) ($) 1 5.75 5.85 6.00 6.12 2 5.95 6.35 6.56 6.78 3 6.41 7.07 7.39 7.71 4 7.05 7.46 7.88 8.29 5 7.34 7.85 8.36 8.87 6 7.63 8.24 8.84 9.45 7 7.93 8.63 9.33 10.03 8 8.22 9.02 9.81 10.61 9 8.52 9.41 10.30 11.19 10 8.81 9.80 10.78 11.77 11 9.10 10.18 11.27 12.35 12 9.40 10.57 11.75 12.93 13 9.69 10.96 12.23 13.51 14 9.99 11.35 12.72 14.08 15 10.28 11.74 13.20 14.66 16 10.57 12.13 13.69 15.24 17 10.87 12.52 14.17 15.82 18 11.16 12.91 14.66 16.40 19 11.46 13.30 15.14 16.98 20 11.75 13.69 15.62 17.56 21 12.04 14.08 16.11 18.14 22 12.34 14.46 16.59 18.72 23 12.63 14.85 17.08 19.30 24 12.93 15.24 17.56 19.88 25 13.22 15.63 18.04 20.46 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 62 of 147 Domestic Products Standard Post Limited Overland Routes (Continued)
Maximum Zones Weight Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 1 & 2 ($) ($) ($) (pounds) ($) 26 13.51 16.02 18.53 21.04 27 13.81 16.41 19.01 21.62 28 14.10 16.80 19.50 22.20 29 14.40 17.19 19.98 22.77 30 14.69 17.58 20.47 23.35 31 14.98 17.97 20.95 23.93 32 15.28 18.36 21.43 24.51 33 15.57 18.74 21.92 25.09 34 15.87 19.13 22.40 25.67 35 16.16 19.52 22.89 26.25 36 16.45 19.91 23.37 26.83 37 16.75 20.30 23.86 27.41 38 17.04 20.69 24.34 27.99 39 17.34 21.08 24.82 28.57 40 17.63 21.47 25.31 29.15 41 17.92 21.86 25.79 29.73 42 18.22 22.25 26.28 30.31 43 18.51 22.64 26.76 30.89 44 18.81 23.03 27.24 31.46 45 19.10 23.41 27.73 32.04 46 19.39 23.80 28.21 32.62 47 19.69 24.19 28.70 33.20 48 19.98 24.58 29.18 33.78 49 20.27 24.97 29.67 34.36 50 20.57 25.36 30.15 34.94 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 63 of 147 Domestic Products Standard Post Limited Overland Routes (Continued)
Maximum Zones Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Weight 1 & 2 ($) ($) ($) (pounds) ($) 51 20.86 25.75 30.63 35.52 52 21.16 26.14 31.12 36.10 53 21.45 26.53 31.60 36.68 54 21.74 26.92 32.09 37.26 55 22.04 27.31 32.57 37.84 56 22.33 27.69 33.06 38.42 57 22.63 28.08 33.54 39.00 58 22.92 28.47 34.02 39.58 59 23.21 28.86 34.51 40.15 60 23.51 29.25 34.99 40.73 61 23.80 29.64 35.48 41.31 62 24.10 30.03 35.96 41.89 63 24.39 30.42 36.44 42.47 64 24.68 30.81 36.93 43.05 65 24.98 31.20 37.41 43.63 66 25.27 31.59 37.90 44.21 67 25.57 31.97 38.38 44.79 68 25.86 32.36 38.87 45.37 69 26.15 32.75 39.35 45.95 70 26.44 33.14 39.83 46.52 Oversized 40.75 46.55 52.35 58.15
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 64 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services 2300 International Products ***** 2305 Outbound International Expedited Services ***** 2305.6 Prices
Global Express Guaranteed Retail Prices
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 0.5 55.85 61.50 71.25 116.50 78.50 82.95 61.50 95.95 1 65.75 67.05 80.75 132.35 91.15 94.15 72.95 107.75 2 70.20 73.01 86.90 146.60 97.40 101.50 81.80 120.20 3 74.65 78.96 93.05 160.85 103.65 108.85 90.65 132.65 4 79.10 84.92 99.20 175.10 109.90 116.20 99.50 145.10 5 83.50 90.87 105.35 189.35 116.15 123.55 108.35 157.55 6 87.90 96.42 110.80 203.50 122.30 130.90 114.10 169.80 7 92.30 101.97 116.25 217.65 128.45 138.25 119.85 182.05 8 96.70 107.52 121.70 231.80 134.60 145.60 125.60 194.30 9 101.10 113.07 127.15 245.95 140.75 152.95 131.35 206.55 10 105.50 118.62 132.60 260.10 146.90 160.30 137.10 218.80 11 109.75 121.97 137.05 274.25 151.25 166.45 141.75 228.15 12 114.00 125.32 141.50 288.40 155.60 172.60 146.40 237.50 13 118.25 128.67 145.95 302.55 159.95 178.75 151.05 246.85 14 122.50 132.02 150.40 316.70 164.30 184.90 155.70 256.20 15 126.75 135.37 154.85 330.85 168.65 191.05 160.35 265.55 16 131.00 138.72 159.30 345.00 173.00 197.20 165.00 274.90 17 135.25 142.07 163.75 359.15 177.35 203.35 169.65 284.25 18 139.50 145.42 168.20 373.30 181.70 209.50 174.30 293.60 19 143.75 148.77 172.65 387.45 186.05 215.65 178.95 302.95 20 148.00 152.12 177.10 401.60 190.40 221.80 183.60 312.30 21 152.25 154.47 181.55 412.75 194.75 227.95 188.25 321.65 22 156.50 156.82 186.00 423.90 199.10 234.10 192.90 331.00 23 160.75 159.17 190.45 435.05 203.45 240.25 197.55 340.35 24 165.00 161.52 194.90 446.20 207.80 246.40 202.20 349.70 25 169.25 163.87 199.35 457.35 212.15 252.55 206.85 359.05 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 65 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Global Express Guaranteed Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 173.50 166.22 203.80 468.50 216.50 258.70 211.50 368.40 27 177.75 168.57 208.25 479.65 220.85 264.85 216.15 377.75 28 182.00 170.92 212.70 490.80 225.20 271.00 220.80 387.10 29 186.25 173.27 217.15 501.95 229.55 277.15 225.45 396.45 30 190.50 175.62 221.60 513.10 233.90 283.30 230.10 405.80 31 194.75 177.97 226.05 524.25 238.25 289.45 234.75 415.15 32 199.00 180.32 230.50 535.40 242.60 295.60 239.40 424.50 33 203.25 182.67 234.95 546.55 246.95 301.75 244.05 433.85 34 207.50 185.02 239.40 557.70 251.30 307.90 248.70 443.20 35 211.75 187.37 243.85 568.85 255.65 314.05 253.35 452.55 36 216.00 189.72 248.30 580.00 260.00 320.20 258.00 461.90 37 220.25 192.07 252.75 591.15 264.35 326.35 262.65 471.25 38 224.50 194.42 257.20 602.30 268.70 332.50 267.30 480.60 39 228.75 196.77 261.65 613.45 273.05 338.65 271.95 489.95 40 233.00 199.12 266.10 624.60 277.40 344.80 276.60 499.30 41 236.35 201.47 270.55 635.75 281.75 350.95 281.25 508.65 42 239.70 203.82 275.00 646.90 286.10 357.10 285.90 518.00 43 243.05 206.17 279.45 658.05 290.45 363.25 290.55 527.35 44 246.40 208.52 283.90 669.20 294.80 369.40 295.20 536.70 45 249.75 210.87 288.35 680.35 299.15 375.55 299.85 546.05 46 253.10 213.22 292.80 691.50 303.50 381.70 304.50 555.40 47 256.45 215.57 297.25 702.65 307.85 387.85 309.15 564.75 48 259.80 217.92 301.70 713.80 312.20 394.00 313.80 574.10 49 263.15 220.27 306.15 724.95 316.55 400.15 318.45 583.45 50 266.50 222.62 310.60 736.10 320.90 406.30 323.10 592.80 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 66 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Global Express Guaranteed Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 269.85 224.97 315.05 747.25 325.25 412.45 327.75 602.15 52 273.20 227.32 319.50 758.40 329.60 418.60 332.40 611.50 53 276.55 229.67 323.95 769.55 333.95 424.75 337.05 620.85 54 279.90 232.02 328.40 780.70 338.30 430.90 341.70 630.20 55 283.25 234.37 332.85 791.85 342.65 437.05 346.35 639.55 56 286.60 236.72 337.30 803.00 347.00 443.20 351.00 648.90 57 289.95 239.07 341.75 814.15 351.35 449.35 355.65 658.25 58 293.30 241.42 346.20 825.30 355.70 455.50 360.30 667.60 59 296.65 243.77 350.65 836.45 360.05 461.65 364.95 676.95 60 300.00 246.12 355.10 847.60 364.40 467.80 369.60 686.30 61 303.35 248.47 359.55 858.75 368.75 473.95 374.25 695.65 62 306.70 250.82 364.00 869.90 373.10 480.10 378.90 705.00 63 310.05 253.17 368.45 881.05 377.45 486.25 383.55 714.35 64 313.40 255.52 372.90 892.20 381.80 492.40 388.20 723.70 65 316.75 257.87 377.35 903.35 386.15 498.55 392.85 733.05 66 320.10 260.22 381.80 914.50 390.50 504.70 397.50 742.40 67 323.45 262.57 386.25 925.65 394.85 510.85 402.15 751.75 68 326.80 264.92 390.70 936.80 399.20 517.00 406.80 761.10 69 330.15 267.27 395.15 947.95 403.55 523.15 411.45 770.45 70 333.50 269.62 399.60 959.10 407.90 529.30 416.10 779.80 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 67 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Global Express Guaranteed Commercial Base Prices
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 0.5 46.91 51.66 59.85 97.86 65.94 69.68 51.66 80.60 1 55.23 56.32 67.83 111.17 76.57 79.09 61.28 90.51 2 58.97 61.33 73.00 123.14 81.82 85.26 68.71 100.97 3 62.71 66.33 78.16 135.11 87.07 91.43 76.15 111.43 4 66.44 71.33 83.33 147.08 92.32 97.61 83.58 121.88 5 70.14 76.33 88.49 159.05 97.57 103.78 91.01 132.34 6 73.84 80.99 93.07 170.94 102.73 109.96 95.84 142.63 7 77.53 85.65 97.65 182.83 107.90 116.13 100.67 152.92 8 81.23 90.32 102.23 194.71 113.06 122.30 105.50 163.21 9 84.92 94.98 106.81 206.60 118.23 128.48 110.33 173.50 10 88.62 99.64 111.38 218.48 123.40 134.65 115.16 183.79 11 92.19 102.45 115.12 230.37 127.05 139.82 119.07 191.65 12 95.76 105.27 118.86 242.26 130.70 144.98 122.98 199.50 13 99.33 108.08 122.60 254.14 134.36 150.15 126.88 207.35 14 102.90 110.90 126.34 266.03 138.01 155.32 130.79 215.21 15 106.47 113.71 130.07 277.91 141.67 160.48 134.69 223.06 16 110.04 116.52 133.81 289.80 145.32 165.65 138.60 230.92 17 113.61 119.34 137.55 301.69 148.97 170.81 142.51 238.77 18 117.18 122.15 141.29 313.57 152.63 175.98 146.41 246.62 19 120.75 124.97 145.03 325.46 156.28 181.15 150.32 254.48 20 124.32 127.78 148.76 337.34 159.94 186.31 154.22 262.33 21 127.89 129.75 152.50 346.71 163.59 191.48 158.13 270.19 22 131.46 131.73 156.24 356.08 167.24 196.64 162.04 278.04 23 135.03 133.70 159.98 365.44 170.90 201.81 165.94 285.89 24 138.60 135.68 163.72 374.81 174.55 206.98 169.85 293.75 25 142.17 137.65 167.45 384.17 178.21 212.14 173.75 301.60 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 68 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Global Express Guaranteed Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 145.74 139.62 171.19 393.54 181.86 217.31 177.66 309.46 27 149.31 141.60 174.93 402.91 185.51 222.47 181.57 317.31 28 152.88 143.57 178.67 412.27 189.17 227.64 185.47 325.16 29 156.45 145.55 182.41 421.64 192.82 232.81 189.38 333.02 30 160.02 147.52 186.14 431.00 196.48 237.97 193.28 340.87 31 163.59 149.49 189.88 440.37 200.13 243.14 197.19 348.73 32 167.16 151.47 193.62 449.74 203.78 248.30 201.10 356.58 33 170.73 153.44 197.36 459.10 207.44 253.47 205.00 364.43 34 174.30 155.42 201.10 468.47 211.09 258.64 208.91 372.29 35 177.87 157.39 204.83 477.83 214.75 263.80 212.81 380.14 36 181.44 159.36 208.57 487.20 218.40 268.97 216.72 388.00 37 185.01 161.34 212.31 496.57 222.05 274.13 220.63 395.85 38 188.58 163.31 216.05 505.93 225.71 279.30 224.53 403.70 39 192.15 165.29 219.79 515.30 229.36 284.47 228.44 411.56 40 195.72 167.26 223.52 524.66 233.02 289.63 232.34 419.41 41 198.53 169.23 227.26 534.03 236.67 294.80 236.25 427.27 42 201.35 171.21 231.00 543.40 240.32 299.96 240.16 435.12 43 204.16 173.18 234.74 552.76 243.98 305.13 244.06 442.97 44 206.98 175.16 238.48 562.13 247.63 310.30 247.97 450.83 45 209.79 177.13 242.21 571.49 251.29 315.46 251.87 458.68 46 212.60 179.10 245.95 580.86 254.94 320.63 255.78 466.54 47 215.42 181.08 249.69 590.23 258.59 325.79 259.69 474.39 48 218.23 183.05 253.43 599.59 262.25 330.96 263.59 482.24 49 221.05 185.03 257.17 608.96 265.90 336.13 267.50 490.10 50 223.86 187.00 260.90 618.32 269.56 341.29 271.40 497.95 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 69 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Global Express Guaranteed Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 226.67 188.97 264.64 627.69 273.21 346.46 275.31 505.81 52 229.49 190.95 268.38 637.06 276.86 351.62 279.22 513.66 53 232.30 192.92 272.12 646.42 280.52 356.79 283.12 521.51 54 235.12 194.90 275.86 655.79 284.17 361.96 287.03 529.37 55 237.93 196.87 279.59 665.15 287.83 367.12 290.93 537.22 56 240.74 198.84 283.33 674.52 291.48 372.29 294.84 545.08 57 243.56 200.82 287.07 683.89 295.13 377.45 298.75 552.93 58 246.37 202.79 290.81 693.25 298.79 382.62 302.65 560.78 59 249.19 204.77 294.55 702.62 302.44 387.79 306.56 568.64 60 252.00 206.74 298.28 711.98 306.10 392.95 310.46 576.49 61 254.81 208.71 302.02 721.35 309.75 398.12 314.37 584.35 62 257.63 210.69 305.76 730.72 313.40 403.28 318.28 592.20 63 260.44 212.66 309.50 740.08 317.06 408.45 322.18 600.05 64 263.26 214.64 313.24 749.45 320.71 413.62 326.09 607.91 65 266.07 216.61 316.97 758.81 324.37 418.78 329.99 615.76 66 268.88 218.58 320.71 768.18 328.02 423.95 333.90 623.62 67 271.70 220.56 324.45 777.55 331.67 429.11 337.81 631.47 68 274.51 222.53 328.19 786.91 335.33 434.28 341.71 639.32 69 277.33 224.51 331.93 796.28 338.98 439.45 345.62 647.18 70 280.14 226.48 335.66 805.64 342.64 444.61 349.52 655.03 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 70 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Global Express Guaranteed Commercial Plus Prices
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 0.5 42.45 46.74 54.15 88.54 59.66 63.04 46.74 72.92 1 49.97 50.96 61.37 100.59 69.27 71.55 55.44 81.89 2 53.35 55.49 66.04 111.42 74.02 77.14 62.17 91.35 3 56.73 60.01 70.72 122.25 78.77 82.73 68.89 100.81 4 60.12 64.54 75.39 133.08 83.52 88.31 75.62 110.28 5 63.46 69.06 80.07 143.91 88.27 93.90 82.35 119.74 6 66.80 73.28 84.21 154.66 92.95 99.48 86.72 129.05 7 70.15 77.50 88.35 165.41 97.62 105.07 91.09 138.36 8 73.49 81.72 92.49 176.17 102.30 110.66 95.46 147.67 9 76.84 85.93 96.63 186.92 106.97 116.24 99.83 156.98 10 80.18 90.15 100.78 197.68 111.64 121.83 104.20 166.29 11 83.41 92.70 104.16 208.43 114.95 126.50 107.73 173.39 12 86.64 95.24 107.54 219.18 118.26 131.18 111.26 180.50 13 89.87 97.79 110.92 229.94 121.56 135.85 114.80 187.61 14 93.10 100.34 114.30 240.69 124.87 140.52 118.33 194.71 15 96.33 102.88 117.69 251.45 128.17 145.20 121.87 201.82 16 99.56 105.43 121.07 262.20 131.48 149.87 125.40 208.92 17 102.79 107.97 124.45 272.95 134.79 154.55 128.93 216.03 18 106.02 110.52 127.83 283.71 138.09 159.22 132.47 223.14 19 109.25 113.07 131.21 294.46 141.40 163.89 136.00 230.24 20 112.48 115.61 134.60 305.22 144.70 168.57 139.54 237.35 21 115.71 117.40 137.98 313.69 148.01 173.24 143.07 244.45 22 118.94 119.18 141.36 322.16 151.32 177.92 146.60 251.56 23 122.17 120.97 144.74 330.64 154.62 182.59 150.14 258.67 24 125.40 122.76 148.12 339.11 157.93 187.26 153.67 265.77 25 128.63 124.54 151.51 347.59 161.23 191.94 157.21 272.88 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 71 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Global Express Guaranteed Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 131.86 126.33 154.89 356.06 164.54 196.61 160.74 279.98 27 135.09 128.11 158.27 364.53 167.85 201.29 164.27 287.09 28 138.32 129.90 161.65 373.01 171.15 205.96 167.81 294.20 29 141.55 131.69 165.03 381.48 174.46 210.63 171.34 301.30 30 144.78 133.47 168.42 389.96 177.76 215.31 174.88 308.41 31 148.01 135.26 171.80 398.43 181.07 219.98 178.41 315.51 32 151.24 137.04 175.18 406.90 184.38 224.66 181.94 322.62 33 154.47 138.83 178.56 415.38 187.68 229.33 185.48 329.73 34 157.70 140.62 181.94 423.85 190.99 234.00 189.01 336.83 35 160.93 142.40 185.33 432.33 194.29 238.68 192.55 343.94 36 164.16 144.19 188.71 440.80 197.60 243.35 196.08 351.04 37 167.39 145.97 192.09 449.27 200.91 248.03 199.61 358.15 38 170.62 147.76 195.47 457.75 204.21 252.70 203.15 365.26 39 173.85 149.55 198.85 466.22 207.52 257.37 206.68 372.36 40 177.08 151.33 202.24 474.70 210.82 262.05 210.22 379.47 41 179.63 153.12 205.62 483.17 214.13 266.72 213.75 386.57 42 182.17 154.90 209.00 491.64 217.44 271.40 217.28 393.68 43 184.72 156.69 212.38 500.12 220.74 276.07 220.82 400.79 44 187.26 158.48 215.76 508.59 224.05 280.74 224.35 407.89 45 189.81 160.26 219.15 517.07 227.35 285.42 227.89 415.00 46 192.36 162.05 222.53 525.54 230.66 290.09 231.42 422.10 47 194.90 163.83 225.91 534.01 233.97 294.77 234.95 429.21 48 197.45 165.62 229.29 542.49 237.27 299.44 238.49 436.32 49 199.99 167.41 232.67 550.96 240.58 304.11 242.02 443.42 50 202.54 169.19 236.06 559.44 243.88 308.79 245.56 450.53 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 72 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Global Express Guaranteed Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 205.09 170.98 239.44 567.91 247.19 313.46 249.09 457.63 52 207.63 172.76 242.82 576.38 250.50 318.14 252.62 464.74 53 210.18 174.55 246.20 584.86 253.80 322.81 256.16 471.85 54 212.72 176.34 249.58 593.33 257.11 327.48 259.69 478.95 55 215.27 178.12 252.97 601.81 260.41 332.16 263.23 486.06 56 217.82 179.91 256.35 610.28 263.72 336.83 266.76 493.16 57 220.36 181.69 259.73 618.75 267.03 341.51 270.29 500.27 58 222.91 183.48 263.11 627.23 270.33 346.18 273.83 507.38 59 225.45 185.27 266.49 635.70 273.64 350.85 277.36 514.48 60 228.00 187.05 269.88 644.18 276.94 355.53 280.90 521.59 61 230.55 188.84 273.26 652.65 280.25 360.20 284.43 528.69 62 233.09 190.62 276.64 661.12 283.56 364.88 287.96 535.80 63 235.64 192.41 280.02 669.60 286.86 369.55 291.50 542.91 64 238.18 194.20 283.40 678.07 290.17 374.22 295.03 550.01 65 240.73 195.98 286.79 686.55 293.47 378.90 298.57 557.12 66 243.28 197.77 290.17 695.02 296.78 383.57 302.10 564.22 67 245.82 199.55 293.55 703.49 300.09 388.25 305.63 571.33 68 248.37 201.34 296.93 711.97 303.39 392.92 309.17 578.44 69 250.91 203.13 300.31 720.44 306.70 397.59 312.70 585.54 70 253.46 204.91 303.70 728.92 310.00 402.27 316.24 592.65 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 73 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate Retail Prices
Country Price Group Canada All Other Countries (Price Group 1) (Price Groups 2 through 17) ($) ($) Flat Rate 38.50 49.95 Envelope Flat Rate 71.50 90.95 Box
Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate Commercial Base Prices
Country Price Group Canada All Other Countries (Price Group 1) (Price Groups 2 through 17) ($) ($) Flat Rate 35.50 45.95 Envelope Flat Rate 65.75 83.75 Box
Priority Mail Express International Flat Rate Commercial Plus Prices
Country Price Group Canada All Other Countries (Price Group 1) (Price Groups 2 through 17) ($) ($) Flat Rate 35.50 45.95 Envelope Flat Rate 65.75 83.75 Box Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 74 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Retail Prices
Maxim Country Price Group um Weigh t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) (poun ds) 0.5 38.00 48.50 50.95 59.00 54.25 54.25 55.00 52.00 50.00 1 41.75 50.35 54.80 60.25 55.95 57.50 60.00 56.75 54.25 2 46.20 53.90 59.85 65.00 59.60 61.85 65.95 61.50 58.50 3 50.65 57.45 64.90 69.75 63.25 66.20 71.90 66.25 62.75 4 55.10 61.00 69.95 74.50 66.90 70.55 77.85 71.00 67.00 5 59.55 64.55 75.00 79.25 70.55 74.90 83.80 75.75 71.25 6 64.00 67.20 78.70 84.10 74.20 79.25 89.75 80.30 75.30 7 68.45 69.85 82.40 88.95 77.85 83.60 95.70 84.85 79.35 8 72.90 72.50 86.10 93.80 81.50 87.95 101.65 89.40 83.40 9 77.35 75.15 89.80 98.65 85.15 92.30 107.60 93.95 87.45 10 81.80 77.80 93.50 103.50 88.80 96.65 113.55 98.50 91.50 11 86.05 80.35 96.70 108.25 92.45 101.00 119.40 103.15 95.55 12 90.30 82.90 99.90 113.00 96.10 105.35 125.25 107.80 99.60 13 94.55 85.45 103.10 117.75 99.75 109.70 131.10 112.45 103.65 14 98.80 88.00 106.30 122.50 103.40 114.05 136.95 117.10 107.70 15 103.05 90.55 109.50 127.25 107.05 118.40 142.80 121.75 111.75 16 107.30 93.10 112.70 132.00 110.70 122.75 148.65 126.40 115.80 17 111.55 95.65 115.90 136.75 114.35 127.10 154.50 131.05 119.85 18 115.80 98.20 119.10 141.50 118.00 131.45 160.35 135.70 123.90 19 120.05 100.75 122.30 146.25 121.65 135.80 166.20 140.35 127.95 20 124.30 103.30 125.50 151.00 125.30 140.15 172.05 145.00 132.00 21 128.55 105.85 128.70 155.75 128.95 144.50 177.90 149.65 136.05 22 132.80 108.40 131.90 160.50 132.60 148.85 183.75 154.30 140.10 23 137.05 110.95 135.10 165.25 136.25 153.20 189.60 158.95 144.15 24 141.30 113.50 138.30 170.00 139.90 157.55 195.45 163.60 148.20 25 145.55 116.05 141.50 174.75 143.55 161.90 201.30 168.25 152.25 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 75 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 0.5 58.50 56.50 55.50 56.50 56.00 57.00 56.50 56.50 1 61.25 58.50 61.75 58.25 57.50 59.95 57.75 57.95 2 66.90 62.50 66.70 61.20 63.05 63.90 60.50 60.50 3 72.55 66.50 71.65 64.15 68.60 67.85 63.25 63.05 4 78.20 70.50 76.60 67.10 74.15 71.80 66.00 65.60 5 83.85 74.50 81.55 70.05 79.70 75.75 68.75 68.15 6 89.70 77.50 86.00 73.00 85.35 79.70 71.50 70.70 7 95.55 80.50 90.45 75.95 91.00 83.65 74.25 73.25 8 101.40 83.50 94.90 78.90 96.65 87.60 77.00 75.80 9 107.25 86.50 99.35 81.85 102.30 91.55 79.75 78.35 10 113.10 89.50 103.80 84.80 107.95 95.50 82.50 80.90 11 118.95 92.50 107.65 87.85 113.90 99.45 85.75 84.05 12 124.80 95.50 111.50 90.90 119.85 103.40 89.00 87.20 13 130.65 98.50 115.35 93.95 125.80 107.35 92.25 90.35 14 136.50 101.50 119.20 97.00 131.75 111.30 95.50 93.50 15 142.35 104.50 123.05 100.05 137.70 115.25 98.75 96.65 16 148.20 107.50 126.90 103.10 143.65 119.20 102.00 99.80 17 154.05 110.50 130.75 106.15 149.60 123.15 105.25 102.95 18 159.90 113.50 134.60 109.20 155.55 127.10 108.50 106.10 19 165.75 116.50 138.45 112.25 161.50 131.05 111.75 109.25 20 171.60 119.50 142.30 115.30 167.45 135.00 115.00 112.40 21 177.45 122.50 146.15 118.35 172.70 138.95 118.25 115.55 22 183.30 125.50 150.00 121.40 177.95 142.90 121.50 118.70 23 189.15 128.50 153.85 124.45 183.20 146.85 124.75 121.85 24 195.00 131.50 157.70 127.50 188.45 150.80 128.00 125.00 25 200.85 134.50 161.55 130.55 193.70 154.75 131.25 128.15 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 76 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Retail Prices (Continued)
Maxim Country Price Group um Weigh t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (poun ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ds) 26 149.80 118.60 144.70 179.50 147.20 166.25 207.15 172.90 156.30 27 154.05 121.15 147.90 184.25 150.85 170.60 213.00 177.55 160.35 28 158.30 123.70 151.10 189.00 154.50 174.95 218.85 182.20 164.40 29 162.55 126.25 154.30 193.75 158.15 179.30 224.70 186.85 168.45 30 166.80 128.80 157.50 198.50 161.80 183.65 230.55 191.50 172.50 31 170.45 131.35 160.70 203.25 165.45 188.00 236.40 196.15 176.55 32 174.10 133.90 163.90 208.00 169.10 192.35 242.25 200.80 180.60 33 177.75 136.45 167.10 212.75 172.75 196.70 248.10 205.45 184.65 34 181.40 139.00 170.30 217.50 176.40 201.05 253.95 210.10 188.70 35 185.05 141.55 173.50 222.25 180.05 205.40 259.80 214.75 192.75 36 188.70 144.10 176.70 227.00 183.70 209.75 265.65 219.40 196.80 37 192.35 146.65 179.90 231.75 187.35 214.10 271.50 224.05 200.85 38 196.00 149.20 183.10 236.50 191.00 218.45 277.35 228.70 204.90 39 199.65 151.75 186.30 241.25 194.65 222.80 283.20 233.35 208.95 40 203.30 154.30 189.50 246.00 198.30 227.15 289.05 238.00 213.00 41 206.95 156.85 192.70 250.75 201.95 231.50 294.90 242.65 217.05 42 210.60 159.40 195.90 255.50 205.60 235.85 300.75 247.30 221.10 43 214.25 161.95 199.10 260.25 209.25 240.20 306.60 251.95 225.15 44 217.90 164.50 202.30 265.00 212.90 244.55 312.45 256.60 229.20 45 221.55 167.05 205.50 269.75 216.55 248.90 318.30 261.25 233.25 46 225.20 169.60 208.70 274.50 220.20 253.25 324.15 265.90 237.30 47 228.85 172.15 211.90 279.25 223.85 257.60 330.00 270.55 241.35 48 232.50 174.70 215.10 284.00 227.50 261.95 335.85 275.20 245.40 49 236.15 177.25 218.30 288.75 231.15 266.30 341.70 279.85 249.45 50 239.80 179.80 221.50 293.50 234.80 270.65 347.55 284.50 253.50 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 77 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 206.70 137.50 165.40 133.60 198.95 158.70 134.50 131.30 27 212.55 140.50 169.25 136.65 204.20 162.65 137.75 134.45 28 218.40 143.50 173.10 139.70 209.45 166.60 141.00 137.60 29 224.25 146.50 176.95 142.75 214.70 170.55 144.25 140.75 30 230.10 149.50 180.80 145.80 219.95 174.50 147.50 143.90 31 235.95 152.50 184.65 148.85 225.20 178.45 150.75 147.05 32 241.80 155.50 188.50 151.90 230.45 182.40 154.00 150.20 33 247.65 158.50 192.35 154.95 235.70 186.35 157.25 153.35 34 253.50 161.50 196.20 158.00 240.95 190.30 160.50 156.50 35 259.35 164.50 200.05 161.05 246.20 194.25 163.75 159.65 36 265.20 167.50 203.90 164.10 251.45 198.20 167.00 162.80 37 271.05 170.50 207.75 167.15 256.70 202.15 170.25 165.95 38 276.90 173.50 211.60 170.20 261.95 206.10 173.50 169.10 39 282.75 176.50 215.45 173.25 267.20 210.05 176.75 172.25 40 288.60 179.50 219.30 176.30 272.45 214.00 180.00 175.40 41 294.45 182.50 223.15 179.35 277.70 217.95 183.25 178.55 42 300.30 185.50 227.00 182.40 282.95 221.90 186.50 181.70 43 306.15 188.50 230.85 185.45 288.20 225.85 189.75 184.85 44 312.00 191.50 234.70 188.50 293.45 229.80 193.00 188.00 45 317.85 194.50 238.55 191.55 298.70 233.75 196.25 191.15 46 323.70 197.50 242.40 194.60 303.95 237.70 199.50 194.30 47 329.55 200.50 246.25 197.65 309.20 241.65 202.75 197.45 48 335.40 203.50 250.10 200.70 314.45 245.60 206.00 200.60 49 341.25 206.50 253.95 203.75 319.70 249.55 209.25 203.75 50 347.10 209.50 257.80 206.80 324.95 253.50 212.50 206.90 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 78 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Retail Prices (Continued)
Maxim Country Price Group um Weigh t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (poun ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ds) 51 243.45 182.35 224.70 298.25 238.45 275.00 353.40 289.15 257.55 52 247.10 184.90 227.90 303.00 242.10 279.35 359.25 293.80 261.60 53 250.75 187.45 231.10 307.75 245.75 283.70 365.10 298.45 265.65 54 254.40 190.00 234.30 312.50 249.40 288.05 370.95 303.10 269.70 55 258.05 192.55 237.50 317.25 253.05 292.40 376.80 307.75 273.75 56 261.70 195.10 240.70 322.00 256.70 296.75 382.65 312.40 277.80 57 265.35 197.65 243.90 326.75 260.35 301.10 388.50 317.05 281.85 58 269.00 200.20 247.10 331.50 264.00 305.45 394.35 321.70 285.90 59 272.65 202.75 250.30 336.25 267.65 309.80 400.20 326.35 289.95 60 276.30 205.30 253.50 341.00 271.30 314.15 406.05 331.00 294.00 61 279.95 207.85 256.70 345.75 274.95 318.50 411.90 335.65 298.05 62 283.60 210.40 259.90 350.50 278.60 322.85 417.75 340.30 302.10 63 287.25 212.95 263.10 355.25 282.25 327.20 423.60 344.95 306.15 64 290.90 215.50 266.30 360.00 285.90 331.55 429.45 349.60 310.20 65 294.55 218.05 269.50 364.75 289.55 335.90 435.30 354.25 314.25 66 298.20 220.60 272.70 369.50 293.20 340.25 441.15 358.90 318.30 67 - 223.15 275.90 374.25 296.85 344.60 447.00 363.55 322.35 68 - 225.70 279.10 379.00 300.50 348.95 452.85 368.20 326.40 69 - 228.25 282.30 383.75 304.15 353.30 458.70 372.85 330.45 70 - 230.80 285.50 388.50 307.80 357.65 464.55 377.50 334.50 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 79 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 352.95 212.50 261.65 209.85 330.20 257.45 215.75 210.05 52 358.80 215.50 265.50 212.90 335.45 261.40 219.00 213.20 53 364.65 218.50 269.35 215.95 340.70 265.35 222.25 216.35 54 370.50 221.50 273.20 219.00 345.95 269.30 225.50 219.50 55 376.35 224.50 277.05 222.05 351.20 273.25 228.75 222.65 56 382.20 227.50 280.90 225.10 356.45 277.20 232.00 225.80 57 388.05 230.50 284.75 228.15 361.70 281.15 235.25 228.95 58 393.90 233.50 288.60 231.20 366.95 285.10 238.50 232.10 59 399.75 236.50 292.45 234.25 372.20 289.05 241.75 235.25 60 405.60 239.50 296.30 237.30 377.45 293.00 245.00 238.40 61 411.45 242.50 300.15 240.35 382.70 296.95 248.25 241.55 62 417.30 245.50 304.00 243.40 387.95 300.90 251.50 244.70 63 423.15 248.50 307.85 246.45 393.20 304.85 254.75 247.85 64 429.00 251.50 311.70 249.50 398.45 308.80 258.00 251.00 65 434.85 254.50 315.55 252.55 403.70 312.75 261.25 254.15 66 440.70 257.50 319.40 255.60 408.95 316.70 264.50 257.30 67 ------68 ------69 ------70 ------Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 80 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Base Prices
Maxim Country Price Group um Weigh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) (poun ds) 0.5 35.53 45.35 47.64 55.17 50.72 50.72 51.43 48.62 46.75 1 39.04 47.08 51.24 56.33 52.31 53.76 56.10 53.06 50.72 2 42.00 49.00 54.40 59.09 54.18 56.22 59.95 55.90 53.18 3 46.04 52.22 58.99 63.40 57.49 60.18 65.36 60.22 57.04 4 50.09 55.45 63.58 67.72 60.81 64.13 70.77 64.54 60.90 5 54.13 58.68 68.18 72.04 64.13 68.08 76.17 68.86 64.77 6 56.51 59.34 69.49 74.26 65.52 69.98 79.25 70.90 66.49 7 60.44 61.68 72.76 78.54 68.74 73.82 84.50 74.92 70.07 8 64.37 64.02 76.03 82.83 71.96 77.66 89.76 78.94 73.64 9 68.30 66.36 79.29 87.11 75.19 81.50 95.01 82.96 77.22 10 72.23 68.70 82.56 91.39 78.41 85.34 100.26 86.98 80.79 11 75.98 70.95 85.39 95.58 81.63 89.18 105.43 91.08 84.37 12 79.73 73.20 88.21 99.78 84.86 93.02 110.60 95.19 87.95 13 83.49 75.45 91.04 103.97 88.08 96.87 115.76 99.29 91.52 14 87.24 77.70 93.86 108.17 91.30 100.71 120.93 103.40 95.10 15 90.99 79.96 96.69 112.36 94.53 104.55 126.09 107.51 98.68 16 94.75 82.21 99.51 116.56 97.75 108.39 131.26 111.61 102.25 17 98.50 84.46 102.34 120.75 100.97 112.23 136.42 115.72 105.83 18 102.25 86.71 105.17 124.94 104.19 116.07 141.59 119.82 109.40 19 106.00 88.96 107.99 129.14 107.42 119.91 146.75 123.93 112.98 20 109.76 91.21 110.82 133.33 110.64 123.75 151.92 128.04 116.56 21 111.84 92.09 111.97 135.50 112.19 125.72 154.77 130.20 118.36 22 115.54 94.31 114.75 139.64 115.36 129.50 159.86 134.24 121.89 23 119.23 96.53 117.54 143.77 118.54 133.28 164.95 138.29 125.41 24 122.93 98.75 120.32 147.90 121.71 137.07 170.04 142.33 128.93 25 126.63 100.96 123.11 152.03 124.89 140.85 175.13 146.38 132.46 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 81 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 0.5 54.70 52.83 51.89 52.83 52.36 53.30 52.83 52.83 1 57.27 54.70 57.74 54.46 53.76 56.05 54.00 54.18 2 60.81 56.81 60.63 55.63 57.31 58.09 54.99 54.99 3 65.95 60.45 65.13 58.31 62.36 61.68 57.49 57.31 4 71.08 64.08 69.63 60.99 67.40 65.27 59.99 59.63 5 76.22 67.72 74.13 63.68 72.45 68.86 62.49 61.95 6 79.21 68.43 75.94 64.46 75.36 70.38 63.13 62.43 7 84.37 71.08 79.87 67.06 80.35 73.86 65.56 64.68 8 89.54 73.73 83.80 69.67 85.34 77.35 67.99 66.93 9 94.70 76.38 87.73 72.27 90.33 80.84 70.42 69.18 10 99.87 79.03 91.66 74.88 95.32 84.33 72.85 71.43 11 105.03 81.68 95.05 77.57 100.57 87.81 75.72 74.22 12 110.20 84.33 98.45 80.26 105.83 91.30 78.59 77.00 13 115.36 86.98 101.85 82.96 111.08 94.79 81.46 79.78 14 120.53 89.62 105.25 85.65 116.34 98.28 84.33 82.56 15 125.70 92.27 108.65 88.34 121.59 101.77 87.20 85.34 16 130.86 94.92 112.05 91.04 126.84 105.25 90.07 88.12 17 136.03 97.57 115.45 93.73 132.10 108.74 92.94 90.90 18 141.19 100.22 118.85 96.42 137.35 112.23 95.81 93.69 19 146.36 102.87 122.25 99.12 142.60 115.72 98.68 96.47 20 151.52 105.52 125.65 101.81 147.86 119.21 101.55 99.25 21 154.38 106.58 127.15 102.96 150.25 120.89 102.88 100.53 22 159.47 109.19 130.50 105.62 154.82 124.32 105.71 103.27 23 164.56 111.80 133.85 108.27 159.38 127.76 108.53 106.01 24 169.65 114.41 137.20 110.93 163.95 131.20 111.36 108.75 25 174.74 117.02 140.55 113.58 168.52 134.63 114.19 111.49 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 82 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maxim Country Price Group um Weigh t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (poun ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ds) 26 130.33 103.18 125.89 156.17 128.06 144.64 180.22 150.42 135.98 27 134.02 105.40 128.67 160.30 131.24 148.42 185.31 154.47 139.50 28 137.72 107.62 131.46 164.43 134.42 152.21 190.40 158.51 143.03 29 141.42 109.84 134.24 168.56 137.59 155.99 195.49 162.56 146.55 30 145.12 112.06 137.03 172.70 140.77 159.78 200.58 166.61 150.08 31 148.29 114.27 139.81 176.83 143.94 163.56 205.67 170.65 153.60 32 151.47 116.49 142.59 180.96 147.12 167.34 210.76 174.70 157.12 33 154.64 118.71 145.38 185.09 150.29 171.13 215.85 178.74 160.65 34 157.82 120.93 148.16 189.23 153.47 174.91 220.94 182.79 164.17 35 160.99 123.15 150.95 193.36 156.64 178.70 226.03 186.83 167.69 36 164.17 125.37 153.73 197.49 159.82 182.48 231.12 190.88 171.22 37 167.34 127.59 156.51 201.62 162.99 186.27 236.21 194.92 174.74 38 170.52 129.80 159.30 205.76 166.17 190.05 241.29 198.97 178.26 39 173.70 132.02 162.08 209.89 169.35 193.84 246.38 203.01 181.79 40 176.87 134.24 164.87 214.02 172.52 197.62 251.47 207.06 185.31 41 180.05 136.46 167.65 218.15 175.70 201.41 256.56 211.11 188.83 42 183.22 138.68 170.43 222.29 178.87 205.19 261.65 215.15 192.36 43 186.40 140.90 173.22 226.42 182.05 208.97 266.74 219.20 195.88 44 189.57 143.12 176.00 230.55 185.22 212.76 271.83 223.24 199.40 45 192.75 145.33 178.79 234.68 188.40 216.54 276.92 227.29 202.93 46 195.92 147.55 181.57 238.82 191.57 220.33 282.01 231.33 206.45 47 199.10 149.77 184.35 242.95 194.75 224.11 287.10 235.38 209.97 48 202.28 151.99 187.14 247.08 197.93 227.90 292.19 239.42 213.50 49 205.45 154.21 189.92 251.21 201.10 231.68 297.28 243.47 217.02 50 208.63 156.43 192.71 255.35 204.28 235.47 302.37 247.52 220.55 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 83 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 179.83 119.63 143.90 116.23 173.09 138.07 117.02 114.23 27 184.92 122.24 147.25 118.89 177.65 141.51 119.84 116.97 28 190.01 124.85 150.60 121.54 182.22 144.94 122.67 119.71 29 195.10 127.46 153.95 124.19 186.79 148.38 125.50 122.45 30 200.19 130.07 157.30 126.85 191.36 151.82 128.33 125.19 31 205.28 132.68 160.65 129.50 195.92 155.25 131.15 127.93 32 210.37 135.29 164.00 132.15 200.49 158.69 133.98 130.67 33 215.46 137.90 167.34 134.81 205.06 162.12 136.81 133.41 34 220.55 140.51 170.69 137.46 209.63 165.56 139.64 136.16 35 225.63 143.12 174.04 140.11 214.19 169.00 142.46 138.90 36 230.72 145.73 177.39 142.77 218.76 172.43 145.29 141.64 37 235.81 148.34 180.74 145.42 223.33 175.87 148.12 144.38 38 240.90 150.95 184.09 148.07 227.90 179.31 150.95 147.12 39 245.99 153.56 187.44 150.73 232.46 182.74 153.77 149.86 40 251.08 156.17 190.79 153.38 237.03 186.18 156.60 152.60 41 256.17 158.78 194.14 156.03 241.60 189.62 159.43 155.34 42 261.26 161.39 197.49 158.69 246.17 193.05 162.26 158.08 43 266.35 164.00 200.84 161.34 250.73 196.49 165.08 160.82 44 271.44 166.61 204.19 164.00 255.30 199.93 167.91 163.56 45 276.53 169.22 207.54 166.65 259.87 203.36 170.74 166.30 46 281.62 171.83 210.89 169.30 264.44 206.80 173.57 169.04 47 286.71 174.44 214.24 171.96 269.00 210.24 176.39 171.78 48 291.80 177.05 217.59 174.61 273.57 213.67 179.22 174.52 49 296.89 179.66 220.94 177.26 278.14 217.11 182.05 177.26 50 301.98 182.27 224.29 179.92 282.71 220.55 184.88 180.00 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 84 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maxim Country Price Group um Weigh t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (poun ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ds) 51 211.80 158.64 195.49 259.48 207.45 239.25 307.46 251.56 224.07 52 214.98 160.86 198.27 263.61 210.63 243.03 312.55 255.61 227.59 53 218.15 163.08 201.06 267.74 213.80 246.82 317.64 259.65 231.12 54 221.33 165.30 203.84 271.88 216.98 250.60 322.73 263.70 234.64 55 224.50 167.52 206.63 276.01 220.15 254.39 327.82 267.74 238.16 56 227.68 169.74 209.41 280.14 223.33 258.17 332.91 271.79 241.69 57 230.85 171.96 212.19 284.27 226.50 261.96 338.00 275.83 245.21 58 234.03 174.17 214.98 288.41 229.68 265.74 343.08 279.88 248.73 59 237.21 176.39 217.76 292.54 232.86 269.53 348.17 283.92 252.26 60 240.38 178.61 220.55 296.67 236.03 273.31 353.26 287.97 255.78 61 243.56 180.83 223.33 300.80 239.21 277.10 358.35 292.02 259.30 62 246.73 183.05 226.11 304.94 242.38 280.88 363.44 296.06 262.83 63 249.91 185.27 228.90 309.07 245.56 284.66 368.53 300.11 266.35 64 253.08 187.49 231.68 313.20 248.73 288.45 373.62 304.15 269.87 65 256.26 189.70 234.47 317.33 251.91 292.23 378.71 308.20 273.40 66 259.43 191.92 237.25 321.47 255.08 296.02 383.80 312.24 276.92 67 - 194.14 240.03 325.60 258.26 299.80 388.89 316.29 280.44 68 - 196.36 242.82 329.73 261.44 303.59 393.98 320.33 283.97 69 - 198.58 245.60 333.86 264.61 307.37 399.07 324.38 287.49 70 - 200.80 248.39 338.00 267.79 311.16 404.16 328.43 291.02 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 85 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 307.07 184.88 227.64 182.57 287.27 223.98 187.70 182.74 52 312.16 187.49 230.99 185.22 291.84 227.42 190.53 185.48 53 317.25 190.10 234.33 187.88 296.41 230.85 193.36 188.22 54 322.34 192.71 237.68 190.53 300.98 234.29 196.19 190.97 55 327.42 195.32 241.03 193.18 305.54 237.73 199.01 193.71 56 332.51 197.93 244.38 195.84 310.11 241.16 201.84 196.45 57 337.60 200.54 247.73 198.49 314.68 244.60 204.67 199.19 58 342.69 203.15 251.08 201.14 319.25 248.04 207.50 201.93 59 347.78 205.76 254.43 203.80 323.81 251.47 210.32 204.67 60 352.87 208.37 257.78 206.45 328.38 254.91 213.15 207.41 61 357.96 210.98 261.13 209.10 332.95 258.35 215.98 210.15 62 363.05 213.59 264.48 211.76 337.52 261.78 218.81 212.89 63 368.14 216.20 267.83 214.41 342.08 265.22 221.63 215.63 64 373.23 218.81 271.18 217.07 346.65 268.66 224.46 218.37 65 378.32 221.42 274.53 219.72 351.22 272.09 227.29 221.11 66 383.41 224.03 277.88 222.37 355.79 275.53 230.12 223.85 67 ------68 ------69 ------70 ------Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 86 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Plus Prices
Maxim Country Price Group um Weigh t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (poun ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ds) 0.5 31.85 40.65 42.71 49.46 45.47 45.47 46.10 43.59 41.91 1 35.00 42.21 45.94 50.50 46.90 48.20 50.29 47.57 45.47 2 38.73 45.18 50.17 54.49 49.96 51.84 55.28 51.55 49.04 3 40.22 45.62 51.54 55.39 50.23 52.57 57.10 52.61 49.83 4 43.76 48.44 55.55 59.16 53.13 56.03 61.82 56.38 53.21 5 47.29 51.26 59.56 62.93 56.03 59.48 66.55 60.15 56.58 6 48.00 50.40 59.03 63.08 55.65 59.44 67.31 60.23 56.48 7 51.34 52.39 61.80 66.71 58.39 62.70 71.78 63.64 59.51 8 54.68 54.38 64.58 70.35 61.13 65.96 76.24 67.05 62.55 9 58.01 56.36 67.35 73.99 63.86 69.23 80.70 70.46 65.59 10 61.35 58.35 70.13 77.63 66.60 72.49 85.16 73.88 68.63 11 64.54 60.26 72.53 81.19 69.34 75.75 89.55 77.36 71.66 12 67.73 62.18 74.93 84.75 72.08 79.01 93.94 80.85 74.70 13 70.91 64.09 77.33 88.31 74.81 82.28 98.33 84.34 77.74 14 74.10 66.00 79.73 91.88 77.55 85.54 102.71 87.83 80.78 15 77.29 67.91 82.13 95.44 80.29 88.80 107.10 91.31 83.81 16 80.48 69.83 84.53 99.00 83.03 92.06 111.49 94.80 86.85 17 83.66 71.74 86.93 102.56 85.76 95.32 115.88 98.29 89.89 18 86.85 73.65 89.33 106.13 88.50 98.59 120.26 101.78 92.93 19 90.04 75.56 91.73 109.69 91.24 101.85 124.65 105.26 95.96 20 93.23 77.48 94.13 113.25 93.98 105.11 129.04 108.75 99.00 21 96.41 79.39 96.53 116.81 96.71 108.38 133.43 112.24 102.04 22 99.60 81.30 98.93 120.38 99.45 111.64 137.81 115.73 105.08 23 102.79 83.21 101.33 123.94 102.19 114.90 142.20 119.21 108.11 24 105.98 85.13 103.73 127.50 104.93 118.16 146.59 122.70 111.15 25 109.16 87.04 106.13 131.06 107.66 121.43 150.98 126.19 114.19 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 87 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 0.5 49.04 47.36 46.52 47.36 46.94 47.78 47.36 47.36 1 51.34 49.04 51.76 48.83 48.20 50.25 48.41 48.58 2 56.08 52.39 55.91 51.30 52.85 53.56 50.71 50.71 3 57.61 52.81 56.90 50.94 54.48 53.88 50.23 50.07 4 62.10 55.99 60.83 53.29 58.88 57.02 52.41 52.09 5 66.59 59.16 64.76 55.63 63.29 60.15 54.60 54.12 6 67.28 58.13 64.50 54.75 64.01 59.78 53.63 53.03 7 71.66 60.38 67.84 56.96 68.25 62.74 55.69 54.94 8 76.05 62.63 71.18 59.18 72.49 65.70 57.75 56.85 9 80.44 64.88 74.51 61.39 76.73 68.66 59.81 58.76 10 84.83 67.13 77.85 63.60 80.96 71.63 61.88 60.68 11 89.21 69.38 80.74 65.89 85.43 74.59 64.31 63.04 12 93.60 71.63 83.63 68.18 89.89 77.55 66.75 65.40 13 97.99 73.88 86.51 70.46 94.35 80.51 69.19 67.76 14 102.38 76.13 89.40 72.75 98.81 83.48 71.63 70.13 15 106.76 78.38 92.29 75.04 103.28 86.44 74.06 72.49 16 111.15 80.63 95.18 77.33 107.74 89.40 76.50 74.85 17 115.54 82.88 98.06 79.61 112.20 92.36 78.94 77.21 18 119.93 85.13 100.95 81.90 116.66 95.33 81.38 79.58 19 124.31 87.38 103.84 84.19 121.13 98.29 83.81 81.94 20 128.70 89.63 106.73 86.48 125.59 101.25 86.25 84.30 21 133.09 91.88 109.61 88.76 129.53 104.21 88.69 86.66 22 137.48 94.13 112.50 91.05 133.46 107.18 91.13 89.03 23 141.86 96.38 115.39 93.34 137.40 110.14 93.56 91.39 24 146.25 98.63 118.28 95.63 141.34 113.10 96.00 93.75 25 150.64 100.88 121.16 97.91 145.28 116.06 98.44 96.11 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 88 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maxim Country Price Group um Weigh t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (poun ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ds) 26 112.35 88.95 108.53 134.63 110.40 124.69 155.36 129.68 117.23 27 115.54 90.86 110.93 138.19 113.14 127.95 159.75 133.16 120.26 28 118.73 92.78 113.33 141.75 115.88 131.21 164.14 136.65 123.30 29 121.91 94.69 115.73 145.31 118.61 134.48 168.53 140.14 126.34 30 125.10 96.60 118.13 148.88 121.35 137.74 172.91 143.63 129.38 31 127.84 98.51 120.53 152.44 124.09 141.00 177.30 147.11 132.41 32 130.58 100.43 122.93 156.00 126.83 144.26 181.69 150.60 135.45 33 133.31 102.34 125.33 159.56 129.56 147.53 186.08 154.09 138.49 34 136.05 104.25 127.73 163.13 132.30 150.79 190.46 157.58 141.53 35 138.79 106.16 130.13 166.69 135.04 154.05 194.85 161.06 144.56 36 141.53 108.08 132.53 170.25 137.78 157.31 199.24 164.55 147.60 37 144.26 109.99 134.93 173.81 140.51 160.58 203.63 168.04 150.64 38 147.00 111.90 137.33 177.38 143.25 163.84 208.01 171.53 153.68 39 149.74 113.81 139.73 180.94 145.99 167.10 212.40 175.01 156.71 40 152.48 115.73 142.13 184.50 148.73 170.36 216.79 178.50 159.75 41 155.21 117.64 144.53 188.06 151.46 173.63 221.18 181.99 162.79 42 157.95 119.55 146.93 191.63 154.20 176.89 225.56 185.48 165.83 43 160.69 121.46 149.33 195.19 156.94 180.15 229.95 188.96 168.86 44 163.43 123.38 151.73 198.75 159.68 183.41 234.34 192.45 171.90 45 166.16 125.29 154.13 202.31 162.41 186.68 238.73 195.94 174.94 46 168.90 127.20 156.53 205.88 165.15 189.94 243.11 199.43 177.98 47 171.64 129.11 158.93 209.44 167.89 193.20 247.50 202.91 181.01 48 174.38 131.03 161.33 213.00 170.63 196.46 251.89 206.40 184.05 49 177.11 132.94 163.73 216.56 173.36 199.73 256.28 209.89 187.09 50 179.85 134.85 166.13 220.13 176.10 202.99 260.66 213.38 190.13 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 89 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 155.03 103.13 124.05 100.20 149.21 119.03 100.88 98.48 27 159.41 105.38 126.94 102.49 153.15 121.99 103.31 100.84 28 163.80 107.63 129.83 104.78 157.09 124.95 105.75 103.20 29 168.19 109.88 132.71 107.06 161.03 127.91 108.19 105.56 30 172.58 112.13 135.60 109.35 164.96 130.88 110.63 107.93 31 176.96 114.38 138.49 111.64 168.90 133.84 113.06 110.29 32 181.35 116.63 141.38 113.93 172.84 136.80 115.50 112.65 33 185.74 118.88 144.26 116.21 176.78 139.76 117.94 115.01 34 190.13 121.13 147.15 118.50 180.71 142.73 120.38 117.38 35 194.51 123.38 150.04 120.79 184.65 145.69 122.81 119.74 36 198.90 125.63 152.93 123.08 188.59 148.65 125.25 122.10 37 203.29 127.88 155.81 125.36 192.53 151.61 127.69 124.46 38 207.68 130.13 158.70 127.65 196.46 154.58 130.13 126.83 39 212.06 132.38 161.59 129.94 200.40 157.54 132.56 129.19 40 216.45 134.63 164.48 132.23 204.34 160.50 135.00 131.55 41 220.84 136.88 167.36 134.51 208.28 163.46 137.44 133.91 42 225.23 139.13 170.25 136.80 212.21 166.43 139.88 136.28 43 229.61 141.38 173.14 139.09 216.15 169.39 142.31 138.64 44 234.00 143.63 176.03 141.38 220.09 172.35 144.75 141.00 45 238.39 145.88 178.91 143.66 224.03 175.31 147.19 143.36 46 242.78 148.13 181.80 145.95 227.96 178.28 149.63 145.73 47 247.16 150.38 184.69 148.24 231.90 181.24 152.06 148.09 48 251.55 152.63 187.58 150.53 235.84 184.20 154.50 150.45 49 255.94 154.88 190.46 152.81 239.78 187.16 156.94 152.81 50 260.33 157.13 193.35 155.10 243.71 190.13 159.38 155.18 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 90 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maxim Country Price Group um Weigh t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (poun ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ds) 51 182.59 136.76 168.53 223.69 178.84 206.25 265.05 216.86 193.16 52 185.33 138.68 170.93 227.25 181.58 209.51 269.44 220.35 196.20 53 188.06 140.59 173.33 230.81 184.31 212.78 273.83 223.84 199.24 54 190.80 142.50 175.73 234.38 187.05 216.04 278.21 227.33 202.28 55 193.54 144.41 178.13 237.94 189.79 219.30 282.60 230.81 205.31 56 196.28 146.33 180.53 241.50 192.53 222.56 286.99 234.30 208.35 57 199.01 148.24 182.93 245.06 195.26 225.83 291.38 237.79 211.39 58 201.75 150.15 185.33 248.63 198.00 229.09 295.76 241.28 214.43 59 204.49 152.06 187.73 252.19 200.74 232.35 300.15 244.76 217.46 60 207.23 153.98 190.13 255.75 203.48 235.61 304.54 248.25 220.50 61 209.96 155.89 192.53 259.31 206.21 238.88 308.93 251.74 223.54 62 212.70 157.80 194.93 262.88 208.95 242.14 313.31 255.23 226.58 63 215.44 159.71 197.33 266.44 211.69 245.40 317.70 258.71 229.61 64 218.18 161.63 199.73 270.00 214.43 248.66 322.09 262.20 232.65 65 220.91 163.54 202.13 273.56 217.16 251.93 326.48 265.69 235.69 66 223.65 165.45 204.53 277.13 219.90 255.19 330.86 269.18 238.73 67 - 167.36 206.93 280.69 222.64 258.45 335.25 272.66 241.76 68 - 169.28 209.33 284.25 225.38 261.71 339.64 276.15 244.80 69 - 171.19 211.73 287.81 228.11 264.98 344.03 279.64 247.84 70 - 173.10 214.13 291.38 230.85 268.24 348.41 283.13 250.88 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 91 of 147 International Products Outbound International Expedited Services Priority Mail Express International Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 264.71 159.38 196.24 157.39 247.65 193.09 161.81 157.54 52 269.10 161.63 199.13 159.68 251.59 196.05 164.25 159.90 53 273.49 163.88 202.01 161.96 255.53 199.01 166.69 162.26 54 277.88 166.13 204.90 164.25 259.46 201.98 169.13 164.63 55 282.26 168.38 207.79 166.54 263.40 204.94 171.56 166.99 56 286.65 170.63 210.68 168.83 267.34 207.90 174.00 169.35 57 291.04 172.88 213.56 171.11 271.28 210.86 176.44 171.71 58 295.43 175.13 216.45 173.40 275.21 213.83 178.88 174.08 59 299.81 177.38 219.34 175.69 279.15 216.79 181.31 176.44 60 304.20 179.63 222.23 177.98 283.09 219.75 183.75 178.80 61 308.59 181.88 225.11 180.26 287.03 222.71 186.19 181.16 62 312.98 184.13 228.00 182.55 290.96 225.68 188.63 183.53 63 317.36 186.38 230.89 184.84 294.90 228.64 191.06 185.89 64 321.75 188.63 233.78 187.13 298.84 231.60 193.50 188.25 65 326.14 190.88 236.66 189.41 302.78 234.56 195.94 190.61 66 330.53 193.13 239.55 191.70 306.71 237.53 198.38 192.98 67 ------68 ------69 ------70 ------
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 92 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International 2315 Outbound Priority Mail International ***** 2315.7 Prices
Priority Mail International Flat Rate Retail Prices
Country Price Group Canada All Other Countries (Price Group 1) (Price Groups 2 through 17) ($) ($) Flat Rate 21.95 26.50 Envelopes Letter Post 21.95 26.50 Flat Rate Boxes Medium 45.25 66.25 Flat Rate Boxes Large 59.75 86.25 Flat Rate Boxes
Priority Mail International Flat Rate Commercial Base Prices1
Country Price Group Canada All Other Countries (Price Group 1) (Price Groups 2 through 17) ($) ($) Flat Rate 20.85 25.25 Envelopes Letter Post 20.85 25.25 Flat Rate Boxes Medium 42.95 62.95 Flat Rate Boxes Large 56.75 81.95 Flat Rate Boxes
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 93 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Flat Rate Commercial Plus Prices1
Country Price Group Canada All Other Countries (Price Group 1) (Price Groups 2 through 17) ($) ($) Flat Rate 20.85 25.25 Envelopes Letter Post 20.85 25.25 Flat Rate Boxes Medium 42.95 62.95 Flat Rate Boxes Large 56.75 81.95 Flat Rate Boxes
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 94 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Retail Prices
Country Price Group 1 Maximum Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Weight Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone (pounds) 1.1 &1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 30.75 31.75 34.00 35.75 36.50 37.00 37.50 2 33.20 34.30 36.75 38.70 39.45 39.95 40.55 3 35.65 36.85 39.50 41.65 42.40 42.90 43.60 4 38.10 39.40 42.25 44.60 45.35 45.85 46.65 5 40.55 41.95 45.00 47.55 48.30 48.80 49.70 6 43.00 44.60 47.85 50.40 51.15 51.85 52.75 7 45.45 47.25 50.70 53.25 54.00 54.90 55.80 8 47.90 49.90 53.55 56.10 56.85 57.95 58.85 9 50.35 52.55 56.40 58.95 59.70 61.00 61.90 10 52.80 55.20 59.25 61.80 62.55 64.05 64.95 11 55.15 57.85 61.90 64.45 65.20 67.00 68.00 12 57.50 60.50 64.55 67.10 67.85 69.95 70.95 13 59.85 63.15 67.20 69.75 70.50 72.90 73.90 14 62.20 65.80 69.85 72.40 73.15 75.85 76.85 15 64.55 68.45 72.50 75.05 75.80 78.80 79.80 16 66.90 71.10 75.15 77.70 78.45 81.75 82.75 17 69.25 73.75 77.80 80.35 81.10 84.70 85.70 18 71.60 76.40 80.45 83.00 83.75 87.65 88.65 19 73.95 79.05 83.10 85.65 86.40 90.60 91.60 20 76.30 81.70 85.75 88.30 89.05 93.55 94.55 21 78.65 84.35 88.40 90.95 91.70 96.50 97.50 22 81.00 87.00 91.05 93.60 94.35 99.45 100.45 23 83.35 89.65 93.70 96.25 97.00 102.40 103.40 24 85.70 92.30 96.35 98.90 99.65 105.35 106.35 25 87.75 94.95 99.00 101.55 102.30 108.30 109.30 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 95 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 37.50 40.50 46.50 42.75 44.25 45.50 41.25 40.25 2 40.90 45.35 51.45 45.60 48.10 50.80 45.60 44.50 3 44.30 50.20 56.40 48.45 51.95 56.10 49.95 48.75 4 47.70 55.05 61.35 51.30 55.80 61.40 54.30 53.00 5 51.10 59.90 66.30 54.15 59.65 66.70 58.65 57.25 6 53.65 62.95 70.75 56.90 63.40 72.10 62.30 60.40 7 56.20 66.00 75.20 59.65 67.15 77.50 65.95 63.55 8 58.75 69.05 79.65 62.40 70.90 82.90 69.60 66.70 9 61.30 72.10 84.10 65.15 74.65 88.30 73.25 69.85 10 63.85 75.15 88.55 67.90 78.40 93.70 76.90 73.00 11 66.00 78.20 93.00 70.45 82.15 99.40 80.55 76.15 12 68.15 81.25 97.45 73.00 85.90 105.10 84.20 79.30 13 70.30 84.30 101.90 75.55 89.65 110.80 87.85 82.45 14 72.45 87.35 106.35 78.10 93.40 116.50 91.50 85.60 15 74.60 90.40 110.80 80.65 97.15 122.20 95.15 88.75 16 76.75 93.45 115.25 83.20 100.90 127.90 98.80 91.80 17 78.90 96.50 119.70 85.75 104.65 133.60 102.45 94.85 18 81.05 99.55 124.15 88.30 108.40 139.30 106.10 97.90 19 83.20 102.60 128.60 90.85 112.15 145.00 109.75 100.95 20 85.35 105.65 133.05 93.40 115.90 150.70 113.40 104.00 21 87.50 108.70 137.50 95.95 119.65 156.40 117.05 107.05 22 89.65 111.75 141.95 98.50 123.40 162.10 120.70 110.10 23 91.80 114.80 146.40 101.05 127.15 167.80 124.35 113.15 24 93.95 117.85 150.85 103.60 130.90 173.50 128.00 116.20 25 96.10 120.90 155.30 106.15 134.65 179.20 131.65 119.25 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 96 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 45.00 47.00 46.75 39.75 45.75 41.95 39.50 39.50 2 49.45 51.15 49.90 43.10 50.10 45.40 42.75 42.85 3 53.90 55.30 53.05 46.45 54.45 48.85 46.00 46.20 4 58.35 59.45 56.20 49.80 58.80 52.30 49.25 49.55 5 62.80 63.60 59.35 53.15 63.15 55.75 52.50 52.90 6 67.55 66.85 62.20 56.00 66.40 59.20 55.55 55.55 7 72.30 70.10 65.05 58.85 69.65 62.65 58.60 58.20 8 77.05 73.35 67.90 61.70 72.90 66.10 61.65 60.85 9 81.80 76.60 70.75 64.55 76.15 69.55 64.70 63.50 10 86.55 79.85 73.60 67.40 79.40 73.00 67.75 66.15 11 91.20 82.80 76.45 69.95 82.65 76.75 69.80 68.60 12 95.85 85.75 79.30 72.50 85.90 80.50 71.85 71.05 13 100.50 88.70 82.15 75.05 89.15 84.25 73.90 73.50 14 105.15 91.65 85.00 77.60 92.40 88.00 75.95 75.95 15 109.80 94.60 87.85 80.15 95.65 91.75 78.00 78.40 16 114.45 97.55 90.70 82.70 98.80 95.50 80.05 80.85 17 119.10 100.50 93.55 85.25 101.95 99.25 82.10 83.30 18 123.75 103.45 96.40 87.80 105.10 103.00 84.15 85.75 19 128.40 106.40 99.25 90.35 108.25 106.75 86.20 88.20 20 133.05 109.35 102.10 92.90 111.40 110.50 88.25 90.65 21 137.70 112.30 104.95 95.45 114.55 114.25 90.30 93.10 22 142.35 115.25 107.80 98.00 117.70 118.00 92.35 95.55 23 147.00 118.20 110.65 100.55 120.85 121.75 94.40 98.00 24 151.65 121.15 113.50 103.10 124.00 125.50 96.45 100.45 25 156.30 124.10 116.35 105.65 127.15 129.25 98.50 102.90 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 97 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Retail Prices (Continued)
Country Price Group 1 Maximum Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Weight Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone (pounds) 1.1 &1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 89.80 97.60 101.65 104.20 104.95 111.25 112.25 27 91.85 100.25 104.30 106.85 107.60 114.20 115.20 28 93.90 102.90 106.95 109.50 110.25 117.15 118.15 29 95.95 105.55 109.60 112.15 112.90 120.10 121.10 30 98.00 108.20 112.25 114.80 115.55 123.05 124.05 31 100.05 110.85 114.90 117.45 118.20 126.00 127.00 32 102.10 113.50 117.55 120.10 120.85 128.95 129.95 33 104.15 116.15 120.20 122.75 123.50 131.90 132.90 34 106.20 118.80 122.85 125.40 126.15 134.85 135.85 35 108.25 121.45 125.50 128.05 128.80 137.80 138.80 36 110.30 124.10 128.15 130.70 131.45 140.75 141.75 37 112.35 126.75 130.80 133.35 134.10 143.70 144.70 38 114.40 129.40 133.45 136.00 136.75 146.65 147.65 39 116.45 132.05 136.10 138.65 139.40 149.60 150.60 40 118.50 134.70 138.75 141.30 142.05 152.55 153.55 41 120.55 137.35 141.40 143.95 144.70 155.50 156.50 42 122.60 140.00 144.05 146.60 147.35 158.45 159.45 43 124.65 142.65 146.70 149.25 150.00 161.40 162.40 44 126.70 145.30 149.35 151.90 152.65 164.35 165.35 45 128.75 147.95 152.00 154.55 155.30 167.30 168.30 46 130.80 150.60 154.65 157.20 157.95 170.25 171.25 47 132.85 153.25 157.30 159.85 160.60 173.20 174.20 48 134.90 155.90 159.95 162.50 163.25 176.15 177.15 49 136.95 158.55 162.60 165.15 165.90 179.10 180.10 50 139.00 161.20 165.25 167.80 168.55 182.05 183.05 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 98 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 98.25 123.95 159.75 108.70 138.40 184.90 135.30 122.30 27 100.40 127.00 164.20 111.25 142.15 190.60 138.95 125.35 28 102.55 130.05 168.65 113.80 145.90 196.30 142.60 128.40 29 104.70 133.10 173.10 116.35 149.65 202.00 146.25 131.45 30 106.85 136.15 177.55 118.90 153.40 207.70 149.90 134.50 31 109.00 139.20 182.00 121.45 157.15 213.40 153.55 137.55 32 111.15 142.25 186.45 124.00 160.90 219.10 157.20 140.60 33 113.30 145.30 190.90 126.55 164.65 224.80 160.85 143.65 34 115.45 148.35 195.35 129.10 168.40 230.50 164.50 146.70 35 117.60 151.40 199.80 131.65 172.15 236.20 168.15 149.75 36 119.75 154.45 204.25 134.20 175.90 241.90 171.80 152.80 37 121.90 157.50 208.70 136.75 179.65 247.60 175.45 155.85 38 124.05 160.55 213.15 139.30 183.40 253.30 179.10 158.90 39 126.20 163.60 217.60 141.85 187.15 259.00 182.75 161.95 40 128.35 166.65 222.05 144.40 190.90 264.70 186.40 165.00 41 130.50 169.70 226.50 146.95 194.65 270.40 190.05 168.05 42 132.65 172.75 230.95 149.50 198.40 276.10 193.70 171.10 43 134.80 175.80 235.40 152.05 202.15 281.80 197.35 174.15 44 136.95 178.85 239.85 154.60 205.90 287.50 201.00 177.20 45 139.10 181.90 244.30 157.15 209.65 293.20 204.65 180.25 46 141.25 184.95 248.75 159.70 213.40 298.90 208.30 183.30 47 143.40 188.00 253.20 162.25 217.15 304.60 211.95 186.35 48 145.55 191.05 257.65 164.80 220.90 310.30 215.60 189.40 49 147.70 194.10 262.10 167.35 224.65 316.00 219.25 192.45 50 149.85 197.15 266.55 169.90 228.40 321.70 222.90 195.50 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 99 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 160.95 127.05 119.20 108.20 130.30 133.00 100.55 105.35 27 165.60 130.00 122.05 110.75 133.45 136.75 102.60 107.80 28 170.25 132.95 124.90 113.30 136.60 140.50 104.65 110.25 29 174.90 135.90 127.75 115.85 139.75 144.25 106.70 112.70 30 179.55 138.85 130.60 118.40 142.90 148.00 108.75 115.15 31 184.20 141.80 133.45 120.95 146.05 151.75 110.80 117.60 32 188.85 144.75 136.30 123.50 149.20 155.50 112.85 120.05 33 193.50 147.70 139.15 126.05 152.35 159.25 114.90 122.50 34 198.15 150.65 142.00 128.60 155.50 163.00 116.95 124.95 35 202.80 153.60 144.85 131.15 158.65 166.75 119.00 127.40 36 207.45 156.55 147.70 133.70 161.80 170.50 121.05 129.85 37 212.10 159.50 150.55 136.25 164.95 174.25 123.10 132.30 38 216.75 162.45 153.40 138.80 168.10 178.00 125.15 134.75 39 221.40 165.40 156.25 141.35 171.25 181.75 127.20 137.20 40 226.05 168.35 159.10 143.90 174.40 185.50 129.25 139.65 41 230.70 171.20 161.95 146.45 177.55 189.25 131.30 142.10 42 235.35 174.05 164.80 149.00 180.70 193.00 133.35 144.55 43 240.00 176.90 167.65 151.55 183.85 196.75 135.40 147.00 44 244.65 179.75 170.50 154.10 187.00 200.50 137.45 149.45 45 249.30 182.60 173.35 156.65 190.15 204.25 139.50 151.90 46 253.95 185.45 176.20 159.20 193.30 208.00 141.55 154.35 47 258.60 188.30 179.05 161.75 196.45 211.75 143.60 156.80 48 263.25 191.15 181.90 164.30 199.60 215.50 145.65 159.25 49 267.90 194.00 184.75 166.85 202.75 219.25 147.70 161.70 50 272.55 196.85 187.60 169.40 205.90 223.00 149.75 164.15 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 100 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Retail Prices (Continued)
Country Price Group 1 Maximum Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Weight Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone (pounds) 1.1 &1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 141.05 $163.85 $167.90 $170.35 $171.20 $185.00 $186.00 52 143.10 $166.50 $170.55 $172.90 $173.85 $187.95 $188.95 53 145.15 $169.15 $173.20 $175.45 $176.50 $190.90 $191.90 54 147.20 $171.80 $175.85 $178.00 $179.15 $193.85 $194.85 55 149.25 $174.45 $178.50 $180.55 $181.80 $196.80 $197.80 56 151.30 $177.10 $181.15 $183.10 $184.45 $199.75 $200.75 57 153.35 $179.75 $183.80 $185.65 $187.10 $202.70 $203.70 58 155.40 $182.40 $186.45 $188.20 $189.75 $205.65 $206.65 59 157.45 $185.05 $189.10 $190.75 $192.40 $208.60 $209.60 60 159.50 $187.70 $191.75 $193.30 $195.05 $211.55 $212.55 61 161.55 $190.35 $194.40 $195.85 $197.70 $214.50 $215.50 62 163.60 $193.00 $197.05 $198.40 $200.35 $217.45 $218.45 63 165.65 $195.65 $199.70 $200.95 $203.00 $220.40 $221.40 64 167.70 $198.30 $202.35 $203.50 $205.65 $223.35 $224.35 65 169.75 $200.95 $205.00 $206.05 $208.30 $226.30 $227.30 66 171.80 $203.60 $207.65 $208.60 $210.95 $229.25 $230.25 67 ------68 ------69 ------70 ------Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 101 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 152.00 200.20 271.00 172.45 232.15 327.40 226.55 198.55 52 154.15 203.25 275.45 175.00 235.90 333.10 230.20 201.60 53 156.30 206.30 279.90 177.55 239.65 338.80 233.85 204.65 54 158.45 209.35 284.35 180.10 243.40 344.50 237.50 207.70 55 160.60 212.40 288.80 182.65 247.15 350.20 241.15 210.75 56 162.75 215.45 293.25 185.20 250.90 355.90 244.80 213.80 57 164.90 218.50 297.70 187.75 254.65 361.60 248.45 216.85 58 167.05 221.55 302.15 190.30 258.40 367.30 252.10 219.90 59 169.20 224.60 306.60 192.85 262.15 373.00 255.75 222.95 60 171.35 227.65 311.05 195.40 265.90 378.70 259.40 226.00 61 173.50 230.70 315.50 197.95 269.65 384.40 263.05 229.05 62 175.65 233.75 319.95 200.50 273.40 390.10 266.70 232.10 63 177.80 236.80 324.40 203.05 277.15 395.80 270.35 235.15 64 179.95 239.85 328.85 205.60 280.90 401.50 274.00 238.20 65 182.10 242.90 333.30 208.15 284.65 407.20 277.65 241.25 66 184.25 245.95 337.75 210.70 288.40 412.90 281.30 244.30 67 186.40 249.00 342.20 213.25 292.15 418.60 284.95 247.35 68 188.55 252.05 346.65 215.80 295.90 424.30 288.60 250.40 69 190.70 255.10 351.10 218.35 299.65 430.00 292.25 253.45 70 192.85 258.15 355.55 220.90 303.40 435.70 295.90 256.50 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 102 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Retail Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 277.20 199.70 190.45 171.95 209.05 226.75 151.80 166.60 52 281.85 202.55 193.30 174.50 212.20 230.50 153.85 169.05 53 286.50 205.40 196.15 177.05 215.35 234.25 155.90 171.50 54 291.15 208.25 199.00 179.60 218.50 238.00 157.95 173.95 55 295.80 211.10 201.85 182.15 221.65 241.75 160.00 176.40 56 300.45 213.95 204.70 184.70 224.80 245.50 162.05 178.85 57 305.10 216.80 207.55 187.25 227.95 249.25 164.10 181.30 58 309.75 219.65 210.40 189.80 231.10 253.00 166.15 183.75 59 314.40 222.50 213.25 192.35 234.25 256.75 168.20 186.20 60 319.05 225.35 216.10 194.90 237.40 260.50 170.25 188.65 61 323.70 228.20 218.95 197.45 240.55 264.25 172.30 191.10 62 328.35 231.05 221.80 200.00 243.70 268.00 174.35 193.55 63 333.00 233.90 224.65 202.55 246.85 271.75 176.40 196.00 64 337.65 236.75 227.50 205.10 250.00 275.50 178.45 198.45 65 342.30 239.60 230.35 207.65 253.15 279.25 180.50 200.90 66 346.95 242.45 233.20 210.20 256.30 283.00 182.55 203.35 67 ------184.60 - 68 ------186.65 - 69 ------188.70 - 70 ------190.75 -
1 . The applicable Origin Zone for pieces destined to Canada is based on the applicable zone from the origin point to the serving International Service Center (ISC). In future releases, distance to and within Canada could be considered for application of the appropriate Origin Zone group. Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 103 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Base Prices
Country Price Group 1 Maximum Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Weight Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone (pounds) 1.1 &1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 26.75 27.62 29.58 31.10 31.76 32.19 32.63 2 28.88 29.84 31.97 33.67 34.32 34.76 35.68 3 31.02 32.06 34.37 36.24 36.89 37.32 38.73 4 33.15 34.28 36.76 38.80 39.45 39.89 41.78 5 35.28 36.50 39.15 41.37 42.02 42.46 44.83 6 37.41 38.80 41.63 43.85 44.50 45.11 47.88 7 39.54 41.11 44.11 46.33 46.98 47.76 50.93 8 41.67 43.41 46.59 48.81 49.46 50.42 53.98 9 43.80 45.72 49.07 51.29 51.94 53.07 57.03 10 45.94 48.02 51.55 53.77 54.42 55.72 60.08 11 47.98 50.33 53.85 56.07 56.72 58.29 63.13 12 50.03 52.64 56.16 58.38 59.03 60.86 66.08 13 52.07 54.94 58.46 60.68 61.34 63.42 69.03 14 54.11 57.25 60.77 62.99 63.64 65.99 71.98 15 56.16 59.55 63.08 65.29 65.95 68.56 74.93 16 58.20 61.86 65.38 67.60 68.25 71.12 77.88 17 60.25 64.16 67.69 69.90 70.56 73.69 80.83 18 62.29 66.47 69.99 72.21 72.86 76.26 83.78 19 64.34 68.77 72.30 74.52 75.17 78.82 86.73 20 66.38 71.08 74.60 76.82 77.47 81.39 89.68 21 68.43 73.38 76.91 79.13 79.78 83.96 92.63 22 70.47 75.69 79.21 81.43 82.08 86.52 95.58 23 72.51 78.00 81.52 83.74 84.39 89.09 98.53 24 74.56 80.30 83.82 86.04 86.70 91.65 101.48 25 76.34 82.61 86.13 88.35 89.00 94.22 104.43 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 104 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 32.63 35.24 40.46 37.19 38.50 39.59 35.89 35.02 2 35.58 39.45 44.76 39.67 41.85 44.20 39.67 38.72 3 38.54 43.67 49.07 42.15 45.20 48.81 43.46 42.41 4 41.50 47.89 53.37 44.63 48.55 53.42 47.24 46.11 5 44.46 52.11 57.68 47.11 51.90 58.03 51.03 49.81 6 46.68 54.77 61.55 49.50 55.16 62.73 54.20 52.55 7 48.89 57.42 65.42 51.90 58.42 67.43 57.38 55.29 8 51.11 60.07 69.30 54.29 61.68 72.12 60.55 58.03 9 53.33 62.73 73.17 56.68 64.95 76.82 63.73 60.77 10 55.55 65.38 77.04 59.07 68.21 81.52 66.90 63.51 11 57.42 68.03 80.91 61.29 71.47 86.48 70.08 66.25 12 59.29 70.69 84.78 63.51 74.73 91.44 73.25 68.99 13 61.16 73.34 88.65 65.73 78.00 96.40 76.43 71.73 14 63.03 75.99 92.52 67.95 81.26 101.36 79.61 74.47 15 64.90 78.65 96.40 70.17 84.52 106.31 82.78 77.21 16 66.77 81.30 100.27 72.38 87.78 111.27 85.96 79.87 17 68.64 83.96 104.14 74.60 91.05 116.23 89.13 82.52 18 70.51 86.61 108.01 76.82 94.31 121.19 92.31 85.17 19 72.38 89.26 111.88 79.04 97.57 126.15 95.48 87.83 20 74.25 91.92 115.75 81.26 100.83 131.11 98.66 90.48 21 76.13 94.57 119.63 83.48 104.10 136.07 101.83 93.13 22 78.00 97.22 123.50 85.70 107.36 141.03 105.01 95.79 23 79.87 99.88 127.37 87.91 110.62 145.99 108.18 98.44 24 81.74 102.53 131.24 90.13 113.88 150.95 111.36 101.09 25 83.61 105.18 135.11 92.35 117.15 155.90 114.54 103.75 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 105 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 39.15 40.89 40.67 34.58 39.80 36.50 34.37 34.37 2 43.02 44.50 43.41 37.50 43.59 39.50 37.19 37.28 3 46.89 48.11 46.15 40.41 47.37 42.50 40.02 40.19 4 50.76 51.72 48.89 43.33 51.16 45.50 42.85 43.11 5 54.64 55.33 51.63 46.24 54.94 48.50 45.68 46.02 6 58.77 58.16 54.11 48.72 57.77 51.50 48.33 48.33 7 62.90 60.99 56.59 51.20 60.60 54.51 50.98 50.63 8 67.03 63.81 59.07 53.68 63.42 57.51 53.64 52.94 9 71.17 66.64 61.55 56.16 66.25 60.51 56.29 55.25 10 75.30 69.47 64.03 58.64 69.08 63.51 58.94 57.55 11 79.34 72.04 66.51 60.86 71.91 66.77 60.73 59.68 12 83.39 74.60 68.99 63.08 74.73 70.04 62.51 61.81 13 87.44 77.17 71.47 65.29 77.56 73.30 64.29 63.95 14 91.48 79.74 73.95 67.51 80.39 76.56 66.08 66.08 15 95.53 82.30 76.43 69.73 83.22 79.82 67.86 68.21 16 99.57 84.87 78.91 71.95 85.96 83.09 69.64 70.34 17 103.62 87.44 81.39 74.17 88.70 86.35 71.43 72.47 18 107.66 90.00 83.87 76.39 91.44 89.61 73.21 74.60 19 111.71 92.57 86.35 78.60 94.18 92.87 74.99 76.73 20 115.75 95.13 88.83 80.82 96.92 96.14 76.78 78.87 21 119.80 97.70 91.31 83.04 99.66 99.40 78.56 81.00 22 123.84 100.27 93.79 85.26 102.40 102.66 80.34 83.13 23 127.89 102.83 96.27 87.48 105.14 105.92 82.13 85.26 24 131.94 105.40 98.74 89.70 107.88 109.19 83.91 87.39 25 135.98 107.97 101.22 91.92 110.62 112.45 85.70 89.52 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 106 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Country Price Group 1 Maximum Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Weight Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone (pounds) 1.1 &1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 78.13 84.91 88.44 90.65 91.31 96.79 107.38 27 79.91 87.22 90.74 92.96 93.61 99.35 110.33 28 81.69 89.52 93.05 95.27 95.92 101.92 113.28 29 83.48 91.83 95.35 97.57 98.22 104.49 116.23 30 85.26 94.13 97.66 99.88 100.53 107.05 119.18 31 87.04 96.44 99.96 102.18 102.83 109.62 122.13 32 88.83 98.75 102.27 104.49 105.14 112.19 125.08 33 90.61 101.05 104.57 106.79 107.45 114.75 128.03 34 92.39 103.36 106.88 109.10 109.75 117.32 130.98 35 94.18 105.66 109.19 111.40 112.06 119.89 133.93 36 95.96 107.97 111.49 113.71 114.36 122.45 136.88 37 97.74 110.27 113.80 116.01 116.67 125.02 139.83 38 99.53 112.58 116.10 118.32 118.97 127.59 142.78 39 101.31 114.88 118.41 120.63 121.28 130.15 145.73 40 103.10 117.19 120.71 122.93 123.58 132.72 148.68 41 104.88 119.49 123.02 125.24 125.89 135.29 151.63 42 106.66 121.80 125.32 127.54 128.19 137.85 154.58 43 108.45 124.11 127.63 129.85 130.50 140.42 157.53 44 110.23 126.41 129.93 132.15 132.81 142.98 160.48 45 112.01 128.72 132.24 134.46 135.11 145.55 163.43 46 113.80 131.02 134.55 136.76 137.42 148.12 166.38 47 115.58 133.33 136.85 139.07 139.72 150.68 169.33 48 117.36 135.63 139.16 141.38 142.03 153.25 172.28 49 119.15 137.94 141.46 143.68 144.33 155.82 175.23 50 120.93 140.24 143.77 145.99 146.64 158.38 178.18 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 107 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 85.48 107.84 138.98 94.57 120.41 160.86 117.71 106.40 27 87.35 110.49 142.85 96.79 123.67 165.82 120.89 109.05 28 89.22 113.14 146.73 99.01 126.93 170.78 124.06 111.71 29 91.09 115.80 150.60 101.22 130.20 175.74 127.24 114.36 30 92.96 118.45 154.47 103.44 133.46 180.70 130.41 117.02 31 94.83 121.10 158.34 105.66 136.72 185.66 133.59 119.67 32 96.70 123.76 162.21 107.88 139.98 190.62 136.76 122.32 33 98.57 126.41 166.08 110.10 143.25 195.58 139.94 124.98 34 100.44 129.06 169.95 112.32 146.51 200.54 143.12 127.63 35 102.31 131.72 173.83 114.54 149.77 205.49 146.29 130.28 36 104.18 134.37 177.70 116.75 153.03 210.45 149.47 132.94 37 106.05 137.03 181.57 118.97 156.30 215.41 152.64 135.59 38 107.92 139.68 185.44 121.19 159.56 220.37 155.82 138.24 39 109.79 142.33 189.31 123.41 162.82 225.33 158.99 140.90 40 111.66 144.99 193.18 125.63 166.08 230.29 162.17 143.55 41 113.54 147.64 197.06 127.85 169.35 235.25 165.34 146.20 42 115.41 150.29 200.93 130.07 172.61 240.21 168.52 148.86 43 117.28 152.95 204.80 132.28 175.87 245.17 171.69 151.51 44 119.15 155.60 208.67 134.50 179.13 250.13 174.87 154.16 45 121.02 158.25 212.54 136.72 182.40 255.08 178.05 156.82 46 122.89 160.91 216.41 138.94 185.66 260.04 181.22 159.47 47 124.76 163.56 220.28 141.16 188.92 265.00 184.40 162.12 48 126.63 166.21 224.16 143.38 192.18 269.96 187.57 164.78 49 128.50 168.87 228.03 145.59 195.45 274.92 190.75 167.43 50 130.37 171.52 231.90 147.81 198.71 279.88 193.92 170.09 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 108 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 140.03 110.53 103.70 94.13 113.36 115.71 87.48 91.65 27 144.07 113.10 106.18 96.35 116.10 118.97 89.26 93.79 28 148.12 115.67 108.66 98.57 118.84 122.24 91.05 95.92 29 152.16 118.23 111.14 100.79 121.58 125.50 92.83 98.05 30 156.21 120.80 113.62 103.01 124.32 128.76 94.61 100.18 31 160.25 123.37 116.10 105.23 127.06 132.02 96.40 102.31 32 164.30 125.93 118.58 107.45 129.80 135.29 98.18 104.44 33 168.35 128.50 121.06 109.66 132.54 138.55 99.96 106.58 34 172.39 131.07 123.54 111.88 135.29 141.81 101.75 108.71 35 176.44 133.63 126.02 114.10 138.03 145.07 103.53 110.84 36 180.48 136.20 128.50 116.32 140.77 148.34 105.31 112.97 37 184.53 138.77 130.98 118.54 143.51 151.60 107.10 115.10 38 188.57 141.33 133.46 120.76 146.25 154.86 108.88 117.23 39 192.62 143.90 135.94 122.97 148.99 158.12 110.66 119.36 40 196.66 146.46 138.42 125.19 151.73 161.39 112.45 121.50 41 200.71 148.94 140.90 127.41 154.47 164.65 114.23 123.63 42 204.75 151.42 143.38 129.63 157.21 167.91 116.01 125.76 43 208.80 153.90 145.86 131.85 159.95 171.17 117.80 127.89 44 212.85 156.38 148.34 134.07 162.69 174.44 119.58 130.02 45 216.89 158.86 150.81 136.29 165.43 177.70 121.37 132.15 46 220.94 161.34 153.29 138.50 168.17 180.96 123.15 134.28 47 224.98 163.82 155.77 140.72 170.91 184.22 124.93 136.42 48 229.03 166.30 158.25 142.94 173.65 187.49 126.72 138.55 49 233.07 168.78 160.73 145.16 176.39 190.75 128.50 140.68 50 237.12 171.26 163.21 147.38 179.13 194.01 130.28 142.81 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 109 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International
Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Country Price Group 1 Maximum Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Weight Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone (pounds) 1.1 &1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 122.71 142.55 146.07 148.20 148.94 160.95 181.13 52 124.50 144.86 148.38 150.42 151.25 163.52 184.08 53 126.28 147.16 150.68 152.64 153.56 166.08 187.03 54 128.06 149.47 152.99 154.86 155.86 168.65 189.98 55 129.85 151.77 155.30 157.08 158.17 171.22 192.93 56 131.63 154.08 157.60 159.30 160.47 173.78 195.88 57 133.41 156.38 159.91 161.52 162.78 176.35 198.83 58 135.20 158.69 162.21 163.73 165.08 178.92 201.78 59 136.98 160.99 164.52 165.95 167.39 181.48 204.73 60 138.77 163.30 166.82 168.17 169.69 184.05 207.68 61 140.55 165.60 169.13 170.39 172.00 186.62 210.63 62 142.33 167.91 171.43 172.61 174.30 189.18 213.58 63 144.12 170.22 173.74 174.83 176.61 191.75 216.53 64 145.90 172.52 176.04 177.05 178.92 194.31 219.48 65 147.68 174.83 178.35 179.26 181.22 196.88 222.43 66 149.47 177.13 180.66 181.48 183.53 199.45 225.38 67 ------68 ------69 ------70 ------Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 110 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 132.24 174.17 235.77 150.03 201.97 284.84 197.10 172.74 52 134.11 176.83 239.64 152.25 205.23 289.80 200.27 175.39 53 135.98 179.48 243.51 154.47 208.50 294.76 203.45 178.05 54 137.85 182.13 247.38 156.69 211.76 299.72 206.63 180.70 55 139.72 184.79 251.26 158.91 215.02 304.67 209.80 183.35 56 141.59 187.44 255.13 161.12 218.28 309.63 212.98 186.01 57 143.46 190.10 259.00 163.34 221.55 314.59 216.15 188.66 58 145.33 192.75 262.87 165.56 224.81 319.55 219.33 191.31 59 147.20 195.40 266.74 167.78 228.07 324.51 222.50 193.97 60 149.07 198.06 270.61 170.00 231.33 329.47 225.68 196.62 61 150.95 200.71 274.49 172.22 234.60 334.43 228.85 199.27 62 152.82 203.36 278.36 174.44 237.86 339.39 232.03 201.93 63 154.69 206.02 282.23 176.65 241.12 344.35 235.20 204.58 64 156.56 208.67 286.10 178.87 244.38 349.31 238.38 207.23 65 158.43 211.32 289.97 181.09 247.65 354.26 241.56 209.89 66 160.30 213.98 293.84 183.31 250.91 359.22 244.73 212.54 67 162.17 216.63 297.71 185.53 254.17 364.18 247.91 215.19 68 164.04 219.28 301.59 187.75 257.43 369.14 251.08 217.85 69 165.91 221.94 305.46 189.96 260.70 374.10 254.26 220.50 70 167.78 224.59 309.33 192.18 263.96 379.06 257.43 223.16 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 111 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Base Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (pounds) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 241.16 173.74 165.69 149.60 181.87 197.27 132.07 144.94 52 245.21 176.22 168.17 151.82 184.61 200.54 133.85 147.07 53 249.26 178.70 170.65 154.03 187.35 203.80 135.63 149.21 54 253.30 181.18 173.13 156.25 190.10 207.06 137.42 151.34 55 257.35 183.66 175.61 158.47 192.84 210.32 139.20 153.47 56 261.39 186.14 178.09 160.69 195.58 213.59 140.98 155.60 57 265.44 188.62 180.57 162.91 198.32 216.85 142.77 157.73 58 269.48 191.10 183.05 165.13 201.06 220.11 144.55 159.86 59 273.53 193.58 185.53 167.34 203.80 223.37 146.33 161.99 60 277.57 196.05 188.01 169.56 206.54 226.64 148.12 164.13 61 281.62 198.53 190.49 171.78 209.28 229.90 149.90 166.26 62 285.66 201.01 192.97 174.00 212.02 233.16 151.68 168.39 63 289.71 203.49 195.45 176.22 214.76 236.42 153.47 170.52 64 293.76 205.97 197.93 178.44 217.50 239.69 155.25 172.65 65 297.80 208.45 200.40 180.66 220.24 242.95 157.04 174.78 66 301.85 210.93 202.88 182.87 222.98 246.21 158.82 176.91 67 ------160.60 - 68 ------162.39 - 69 ------164.17 - 70 ------165.95 -
1 . The applicable Origin Zone for pieces destined to Canada is based on the applicable zone from the origin point to the serving International Service Center (ISC). In future releases, distance to and within Canada could be considered for application of the appropriate Origin Zone group. Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 112 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Plus Prices
Country Price Group 1 Maximum Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Weight Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone (pounds) 1.1 &1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 24.29 25.08 26.86 28.24 28.84 29.23 29.63 2 26.23 27.10 29.03 30.57 31.17 31.56 32.03 3 28.16 29.11 31.21 32.90 33.50 33.89 34.44 4 30.10 31.13 33.38 35.23 35.83 36.22 36.85 5 32.03 33.14 35.55 37.56 38.16 38.55 39.26 6 33.97 35.23 37.80 39.82 40.41 40.96 41.67 7 35.91 37.33 40.05 42.07 42.66 43.37 44.08 8 37.84 39.42 42.30 44.32 44.91 45.78 46.49 9 39.78 41.51 44.56 46.57 47.16 48.19 48.90 10 41.71 43.61 46.81 48.82 49.41 50.60 51.31 11 43.57 45.70 48.90 50.92 51.51 52.93 53.72 12 45.43 47.80 50.99 53.01 53.60 55.26 56.05 13 47.28 49.89 53.09 55.10 55.70 57.59 58.38 14 49.14 51.98 55.18 57.20 57.79 59.92 60.71 15 50.99 54.08 57.28 59.29 59.88 62.25 63.04 16 52.85 56.17 59.37 61.38 61.98 64.58 65.37 17 54.71 58.26 61.46 63.48 64.07 66.91 67.70 18 56.56 60.36 63.56 65.57 66.16 69.24 70.03 19 58.42 62.45 65.65 67.66 68.26 71.57 72.36 20 60.28 64.54 67.74 69.76 70.35 73.90 74.69 21 62.13 66.64 69.84 71.85 72.44 76.24 77.03 22 63.99 68.73 71.93 73.94 74.54 78.57 79.36 23 65.85 70.82 74.02 76.04 76.63 80.90 81.69 24 67.70 72.92 76.12 78.13 78.72 83.23 84.02 25 69.32 75.01 78.21 80.22 80.82 85.56 86.35 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 113 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 29.63 32.00 36.74 33.77 34.96 35.95 32.59 31.80 2 32.31 35.83 40.65 36.02 38.00 40.13 36.02 35.16 3 35.00 39.66 44.56 38.28 41.04 44.32 39.46 38.51 4 37.68 43.49 48.47 40.53 44.08 48.51 42.90 41.87 5 40.37 47.32 52.38 42.78 47.12 52.69 46.33 45.23 6 42.38 49.73 55.89 44.95 50.09 56.96 49.22 47.72 7 44.40 52.14 59.41 47.12 53.05 61.23 52.10 50.20 8 46.41 54.55 62.92 49.30 56.01 65.49 54.98 52.69 9 48.43 56.96 66.44 51.47 58.97 69.76 57.87 55.18 10 50.44 59.37 69.95 53.64 61.94 74.02 60.75 57.67 11 52.14 61.78 73.47 55.66 64.90 78.53 63.63 60.16 12 53.84 64.19 76.99 57.67 67.86 83.03 66.52 62.65 13 55.54 66.60 80.50 59.68 70.82 87.53 69.40 65.14 14 57.24 69.01 84.02 61.70 73.79 92.04 72.29 67.62 15 58.93 71.42 87.53 63.71 76.75 96.54 75.17 70.11 16 60.63 73.83 91.05 65.73 79.71 101.04 78.05 72.52 17 62.33 76.24 94.56 67.74 82.67 105.54 80.94 74.93 18 64.03 78.64 98.08 69.76 85.64 110.05 83.82 77.34 19 65.73 81.05 101.59 71.77 88.60 114.55 86.70 79.75 20 67.43 83.46 105.11 73.79 91.56 119.05 89.59 82.16 21 69.13 85.87 108.63 75.80 94.52 123.56 92.47 84.57 22 70.82 88.28 112.14 77.82 97.49 128.06 95.35 86.98 23 72.52 90.69 115.66 79.83 100.45 132.56 98.24 89.39 24 74.22 93.10 119.17 81.84 103.41 137.07 101.12 91.80 25 75.92 95.51 122.69 83.86 106.37 141.57 104.00 94.21 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 114 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 35.55 37.13 36.93 31.40 36.14 33.14 31.21 31.21 2 39.07 40.41 39.42 34.05 39.58 35.87 33.77 33.85 3 42.58 43.69 41.91 36.70 43.02 38.59 36.34 36.50 4 46.10 46.97 44.40 39.34 46.45 41.32 38.91 39.14 5 49.61 50.24 46.89 41.99 49.89 44.04 41.48 41.79 6 53.36 52.81 49.14 44.24 52.46 46.77 43.88 43.88 7 57.12 55.38 51.39 46.49 55.02 49.49 46.29 45.98 8 60.87 57.95 53.64 48.74 57.59 52.22 48.70 48.07 9 64.62 60.51 55.89 50.99 60.16 54.94 51.11 50.17 10 68.37 63.08 58.14 53.25 62.73 57.67 53.52 52.26 11 72.05 65.41 60.40 55.26 65.29 60.63 55.14 54.19 12 75.72 67.74 62.65 57.28 67.86 63.60 56.76 56.13 13 79.40 70.07 64.90 59.29 70.43 66.56 58.38 58.07 14 83.07 72.40 67.15 61.30 73.00 69.52 60.00 60.00 15 86.74 74.73 69.40 63.32 75.56 72.48 61.62 61.94 16 90.42 77.06 71.65 65.33 78.05 75.45 63.24 63.87 17 94.09 79.40 73.90 67.35 80.54 78.41 64.86 65.81 18 97.76 81.73 76.16 69.36 83.03 81.37 66.48 67.74 19 101.44 84.06 78.41 71.38 85.52 84.33 68.10 69.68 20 105.11 86.39 80.66 73.39 88.01 87.30 69.72 71.61 21 108.78 88.72 82.91 75.41 90.49 90.26 71.34 73.55 22 112.46 91.05 85.16 77.42 92.98 93.22 72.96 75.48 23 116.13 93.38 87.41 79.43 95.47 96.18 74.58 77.42 24 119.80 95.71 89.66 81.45 97.96 99.15 76.20 79.36 25 123.48 98.04 91.92 83.46 100.45 102.11 77.82 81.29 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 115 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Country Price Group 1 Maximum Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Weight Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone (pounds) 1.1 &1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 70.94 77.10 80.30 82.32 82.91 87.89 88.68 27 72.56 79.20 82.40 84.41 85.00 90.22 91.01 28 74.18 81.29 84.49 86.51 87.10 92.55 93.34 29 75.80 83.38 86.58 88.60 89.19 94.88 95.67 30 77.42 85.48 88.68 90.69 91.28 97.21 98.00 31 79.04 87.57 90.77 92.79 93.38 99.54 100.33 32 80.66 89.67 92.86 94.88 95.47 101.87 102.66 33 82.28 91.76 94.96 96.97 97.57 104.20 104.99 34 83.90 93.85 97.05 99.07 99.66 106.53 107.32 35 85.52 95.95 99.15 101.16 101.75 108.86 109.65 36 87.14 98.04 101.24 103.25 103.85 111.19 111.98 37 88.76 100.13 103.33 105.35 105.94 113.52 114.31 38 90.38 102.23 105.43 107.44 108.03 115.85 116.64 39 92.00 104.32 107.52 109.53 110.13 118.18 118.97 40 93.62 106.41 109.61 111.63 112.22 120.51 121.30 41 95.23 108.51 111.71 113.72 114.31 122.85 123.64 42 96.85 110.60 113.80 115.81 116.41 125.18 125.97 43 98.47 112.69 115.89 117.91 118.50 127.51 128.30 44 100.09 114.79 117.99 120.00 120.59 129.84 130.63 45 101.71 116.88 120.08 122.09 122.69 132.17 132.96 46 103.33 118.97 122.17 124.19 124.78 134.50 135.29 47 104.95 121.07 124.27 126.28 126.87 136.83 137.62 48 106.57 123.16 126.36 128.38 128.97 139.16 139.95 49 108.19 125.25 128.45 130.47 131.06 141.49 142.28 50 109.81 127.35 130.55 132.56 133.15 143.82 144.61 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 116 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 77.62 97.92 126.20 85.87 109.34 146.07 106.89 96.62 27 79.32 100.33 129.72 87.89 112.30 150.57 109.77 99.03 28 81.01 102.74 133.23 89.90 115.26 155.08 112.65 101.44 29 82.71 105.15 136.75 91.92 118.22 159.58 115.54 103.85 30 84.41 107.56 140.26 93.93 121.19 164.08 118.42 106.26 31 86.11 109.97 143.78 95.95 124.15 168.59 121.30 108.66 32 87.81 112.38 147.30 97.96 127.11 173.09 124.19 111.07 33 89.51 114.79 150.81 99.97 130.07 177.59 127.07 113.48 34 91.21 117.20 154.33 101.99 133.04 182.10 129.96 115.89 35 92.90 119.61 157.84 104.00 136.00 186.60 132.84 118.30 36 94.60 122.02 161.36 106.02 138.96 191.10 135.72 120.71 37 96.30 124.43 164.87 108.03 141.92 195.60 138.61 123.12 38 98.00 126.83 168.39 110.05 144.89 200.11 141.49 125.53 39 99.70 129.24 171.90 112.06 147.85 204.61 144.37 127.94 40 101.40 131.65 175.42 114.08 150.81 209.11 147.26 130.35 41 103.10 134.06 178.94 116.09 153.77 213.62 150.14 132.76 42 104.79 136.47 182.45 118.11 156.74 218.12 153.02 135.17 43 106.49 138.88 185.97 120.12 159.70 222.62 155.91 137.58 44 108.19 141.29 189.48 122.13 162.66 227.13 158.79 139.99 45 109.89 143.70 193.00 124.15 165.62 231.63 161.67 142.40 46 111.59 146.11 196.51 126.16 168.59 236.13 164.56 144.81 47 113.29 148.52 200.03 128.18 171.55 240.63 167.44 147.22 48 114.98 150.93 203.54 130.19 174.51 245.14 170.32 149.63 49 116.68 153.34 207.06 132.21 177.47 249.64 173.21 152.04 50 118.38 155.75 210.57 134.22 180.44 254.14 176.09 154.45 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 117 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 26 127.15 100.37 94.17 85.48 102.94 105.07 79.43 83.23 27 130.82 102.70 96.42 87.49 105.43 108.03 81.05 85.16 28 134.50 105.03 98.67 89.51 107.91 111.00 82.67 87.10 29 138.17 107.36 100.92 91.52 110.40 113.96 84.29 89.03 30 141.84 109.69 103.17 93.54 112.89 116.92 85.91 90.97 31 145.52 112.02 105.43 95.55 115.38 119.88 87.53 92.90 32 149.19 114.35 107.68 97.57 117.87 122.85 89.15 94.84 33 152.87 116.68 109.93 99.58 120.36 125.81 90.77 96.78 34 156.54 119.01 112.18 101.59 122.85 128.77 92.39 98.71 35 160.21 121.34 114.43 103.61 125.33 131.73 94.01 100.65 36 163.89 123.67 116.68 105.62 127.82 134.70 95.63 102.58 37 167.56 126.01 118.93 107.64 130.31 137.66 97.25 104.52 38 171.23 128.34 121.19 109.65 132.80 140.62 98.87 106.45 39 174.91 130.67 123.44 111.67 135.29 143.58 100.49 108.39 40 178.58 133.00 125.69 113.68 137.78 146.55 102.11 110.32 41 182.25 135.25 127.94 115.70 140.26 149.51 103.73 112.26 42 185.93 137.50 130.19 117.71 142.75 152.47 105.35 114.19 43 189.60 139.75 132.44 119.72 145.24 155.43 106.97 116.13 44 193.27 142.00 134.70 121.74 147.73 158.40 108.59 118.07 45 196.95 144.25 136.95 123.75 150.22 161.36 110.21 120.00 46 200.62 146.51 139.20 125.77 152.71 164.32 111.82 121.94 47 204.29 148.76 141.45 127.78 155.20 167.28 113.44 123.87 48 207.97 151.01 143.70 129.80 157.68 170.25 115.06 125.81 49 211.64 153.26 145.95 131.81 160.17 173.21 116.68 127.74 50 215.31 155.51 148.20 133.83 162.66 176.17 118.30 129.68 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 118 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Country Price Group 1 Maximum Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Weight Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone (pounds) 1.1 &1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 111.43 129.44 132.64 134.58 135.25 146.15 146.94 52 113.05 131.54 134.73 136.59 137.34 148.48 149.27 53 114.67 133.63 136.83 138.61 139.44 150.81 151.60 54 116.29 135.72 138.92 140.62 141.53 153.14 153.93 55 117.91 137.82 141.02 142.63 143.62 155.47 156.26 56 119.53 139.91 143.11 144.65 145.72 157.80 158.59 57 121.15 142.00 145.20 146.66 147.81 160.13 160.92 58 122.77 144.10 147.30 148.68 149.90 162.46 163.25 59 124.39 146.19 149.39 150.69 152.00 164.79 165.58 60 126.01 148.28 151.48 152.71 154.09 167.12 167.91 61 127.62 150.38 153.58 154.72 156.18 169.46 170.25 62 129.24 152.47 155.67 156.74 158.28 171.79 172.58 63 130.86 154.56 157.76 158.75 160.37 174.12 174.91 64 132.48 156.66 159.86 160.77 162.46 176.45 177.24 65 134.10 158.75 161.95 162.78 164.56 178.78 179.57 66 135.72 160.84 164.04 164.79 166.65 181.11 181.90 67 ------68 ------69 ------70 ------Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 119 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 120.08 158.16 214.09 136.24 183.40 258.65 178.97 156.85 52 121.78 160.57 217.61 138.25 186.36 263.15 181.86 159.26 53 123.48 162.98 221.12 140.26 189.32 267.65 184.74 161.67 54 125.18 165.39 224.64 142.28 192.29 272.16 187.63 164.08 55 126.87 167.80 228.15 144.29 195.25 276.66 190.51 166.49 56 128.57 170.21 231.67 146.31 198.21 281.16 193.39 168.90 57 130.27 172.62 235.18 148.32 201.17 285.66 196.28 171.31 58 131.97 175.02 238.70 150.34 204.14 290.17 199.16 173.72 59 133.67 177.43 242.21 152.35 207.10 294.67 202.04 176.13 60 135.37 179.84 245.73 154.37 210.06 299.17 204.93 178.54 61 137.07 182.25 249.25 156.38 213.02 303.68 207.81 180.95 62 138.76 184.66 252.76 158.40 215.99 308.18 210.69 183.36 63 140.46 187.07 256.28 160.41 218.95 312.68 213.58 185.77 64 142.16 189.48 259.79 162.42 221.91 317.19 216.46 188.18 65 143.86 191.89 263.31 164.44 224.87 321.69 219.34 190.59 66 145.56 194.30 266.82 166.45 227.84 326.19 222.23 193.00 67 147.26 196.71 270.34 168.47 230.80 330.69 225.11 195.41 68 148.95 199.12 273.85 170.48 233.76 335.20 227.99 197.82 69 150.65 201.53 277.37 172.50 236.72 339.70 230.88 200.23 70 152.35 203.94 280.88 174.51 239.69 344.20 233.76 202.64 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 120 of 147 International Products Outbound Priority Mail International Priority Mail International Parcels Commercial Plus Prices (Continued)
Maximum Country Price Group Weight 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 (pounds) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 51 218.99 157.76 150.46 135.84 165.15 179.13 119.92 131.61 52 222.66 160.01 152.71 137.86 167.64 182.10 121.54 133.55 53 226.34 162.27 154.96 139.87 170.13 185.06 123.16 135.49 54 230.01 164.52 157.21 141.88 172.62 188.02 124.78 137.42 55 233.68 166.77 159.46 143.90 175.10 190.98 126.40 139.36 56 237.36 169.02 161.71 145.91 177.59 193.95 128.02 141.29 57 241.03 171.27 163.96 147.93 180.08 196.91 129.64 143.23 58 244.70 173.52 166.22 149.94 182.57 199.87 131.26 145.16 59 248.38 175.78 168.47 151.96 185.06 202.83 132.88 147.10 60 252.05 178.03 170.72 153.97 187.55 205.80 134.50 149.03 61 255.72 180.28 172.97 155.99 190.03 208.76 136.12 150.97 62 259.40 182.53 175.22 158.00 192.52 211.72 137.74 152.90 63 263.07 184.78 177.47 160.01 195.01 214.68 139.36 154.84 64 266.74 187.03 179.73 162.03 197.50 217.65 140.98 156.78 65 270.42 189.28 181.98 164.04 199.99 220.61 142.60 158.71 66 274.09 191.54 184.23 166.06 202.48 223.57 144.21 160.65 67 ------145.83 - 68 ------147.45 - 69 ------149.07 - 70 ------150.69 -
1 . The applicable Origin Zone for pieces destined to Canada is based on the applicable zone from the origin point to the serving International Service Center (ISC). In future releases, distance to and within Canada could be considered for application of the appropriate Origin Zone group.
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 121 of 147 International Products International Priority Airmail (IPA) 2320 International Priority Airmail (IPA) ***** 2320.6 Prices
International Priority Airmail Letters and Postcards
a. Presort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.54 0.17 0.54 0.55 0.54 0.53 0.57 0.50 0.45 0.20 Containers Mixed Country — — — — — — — — 0.54 0.22 Containers
Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.19 0.49 0.45 0.17 0.50 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.15 Containers Mixed Country 0.20 0.51 0.49 0.18 0.54 0.22 0.22 0.20 0.17 Containers Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 122 of 147 International Products International Priority Airmail (IPA) ii. Per Pound
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country Container 6.91 8.30 8.53 8.90 8.68 9.36 8.90 9.04 9.49 10.48 s (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country Container 4.68 5.19 6.33 6.71 6.50 7.01 6.65 6.53 7.10 6.92 s (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Container — — — — — — — — 7.45 7.26 s (ISC Drop Shipment)
Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
Direct Country 10.4 10.2 Containers 9.27 9.00 9.12 9.74 9.04 9.37 9.27 8 8 (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country 7.05 6.60 6.65 7.54 6.53 6.99 6.92 7.05 8.10 Containers (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Containers 7.35 6.95 7.03 7.89 7.01 7.04 7.26 7.35 8.51 (ISC Drop Shipment) Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 123 of 147 International Products International Priority Airmail (IPA) b. Worldwide Nonpresort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 0.60 Containers
ii. Per Pound
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 12.01 Containers (Full Service) Worldwide Nonpresorted 9.46 Containers (ISC Drop Shipment)
International Priority Airmail Large Envelopes (Flats)
a. Presort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.54 0.17 0.54 0.55 0.54 0.53 0.57 0.50 0.45 0.20 Containers Mixed Country — — — — — — — — 0.54 0.22 Containers Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 124 of 147 International Products International Priority Airmail (IPA)
Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.19 0.49 0.45 0.17 0.50 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.15 Containers Mixed Country 0.20 0.51 0.49 0.18 0.54 0.22 0.22 0.20 0.17 Containers
ii. Per Pound
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country Container 5.87 7.05 7.26 7.59 7.40 7.98 7.58 7.69 8.08 8.91 s (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country Container 3.99 4.42 5.40 5.72 5.54 5.97 5.66 5.55 6.04 5.89 s (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Container — — — — — — — — 6.33 6.19 s (ISC Drop Shipment) Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 125 of 147 International Products International Priority Airmail (IPA) Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
Direct Country 10.4 10.2 Containers 7.89 7.65 7.76 8.30 9.04 9.37 9.27 8 8 (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country 6.01 5.63 5.66 6.42 6.53 6.99 6.92 7.05 8.10 Containers (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Containers 6.26 5.91 5.99 6.72 7.01 7.04 7.26 7.35 8.51 (ISC Drop Shipment)
b. Worldwide Nonpresort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 0.60 Containers
ii. Per Pound
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 12.01 Containers (Full Service) Worldwide Nonpresorted 9.46 Containers (ISC Drop Shipment) Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 126 of 147 International Products International Priority Airmail (IPA) International Priority Airmail Packages (Small Packets and Rolls)
a. Presort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.54 0.17 0.54 0.55 0.54 0.53 0.57 0.50 0.45 0.20 Containers Mixed Country — — — — — — — — 0.54 0.22 Containers
Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.19 0.49 0.45 0.17 0.50 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.15 Containers Mixed Country 0.20 0.51 0.49 0.18 0.54 0.22 0.22 0.20 0.17 Containers Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 127 of 147 International Products International Priority Airmail (IPA) ii. Per Pound
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country Container 5.58 6.71 6.90 7.19 7.01 7.58 7.19 7.30 7.67 8.46 s (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country Container 3.78 4.21 5.12 5.42 5.26 5.67 5.37 5.28 5.73 5.59 s (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Containers — — — — — — — — 6.03 5.86 (ISC Drop Shipment)
Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
Direct Country 10.4 10.2 Containers 7.49 7.27 7.37 7.87 9.04 9.37 9.27 8 8 (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country 5.70 5.35 5.37 6.09 6.53 6.99 6.92 7.05 8.10 Containers (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Containers 5.95 5.60 5.68 6.37 7.01 7.04 7.26 7.35 8.51 (ISC Drop Shipment) Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 128 of 147 International Products International Priority Airmail (IPA) b. Worldwide Nonpresort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 0.60 Containers
ii. Per Pound
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 12.01 Containers (Full Service) Worldwide Nonpresorted 9.46 Containers (ISC Drop Shipment)
International Priority Airmail M-Bag
a. International Priority Airmail M-Bag (Full Service)
Maximum Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 11 56.10 63.47 74.36 74.36 74.36 93.39 74.36 74.36 88.99 81.62 For each additional pound or 5.10 5.77 6.76 6.76 6.76 8.49 6.76 6.76 8.09 7.42 fraction thereof Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 129 of 147 International Products International Priority Airmail (IPA) Maximum Price Group Weight (pounds) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 11 90.86 77.00 74.36 90.53 74.36 84.15 81.62 90.86 89.54 For each additional pound or 8.26 7.00 6.76 8.23 6.76 7.65 7.42 8.26 8.14 fraction thereof
b. International Priority Airmail M-Bag (ISC Drop Shipment)
Maximum Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 5 21.99 27.20 34.15 34.15 34.15 49.76 34.15 34.15 45.55 43.15 6 22.38 27.97 35.28 35.28 35.28 51.62 35.28 35.28 47.21 43.98 7 22.78 28.75 36.41 36.41 36.41 53.48 36.41 36.41 48.87 44.82 8 23.18 29.52 37.54 37.54 37.54 55.34 37.54 37.54 50.54 45.66 9 23.58 30.29 38.67 38.67 38.67 57.20 38.67 38.67 52.20 46.49 10 23.97 31.07 39.79 39.79 39.79 59.06 39.79 39.79 53.86 47.33 11 24.37 31.84 40.92 40.92 40.92 60.92 40.92 40.92 55.52 48.16 For each additional pound or 2.22 2.89 3.72 3.72 3.72 5.54 3.72 3.72 5.05 4.38 fraction thereof Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 130 of 147 International Products International Priority Airmail (IPA) Maximum Price Group Weight (pounds) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 5 49.46 36.99 34.15 49.68 34.15 43.24 43.15 49.46 47.88 6 50.78 38.07 35.28 50.90 35.28 44.46 43.98 50.78 49.25 7 52.09 39.15 36.41 52.12 36.41 45.69 44.82 52.09 50.62 8 53.41 40.22 37.54 53.35 37.54 46.91 45.66 53.41 51.99 9 54.73 41.30 38.67 54.57 38.67 48.13 46.49 54.73 53.36 10 56.04 42.37 39.79 55.79 39.79 49.36 47.33 56.04 54.73 11 57.36 43.45 40.92 57.02 40.92 50.58 48.16 57.36 56.10 For each additional pound or 5.21 3.95 3.72 5.18 3.72 4.60 4.38 5.21 5.10 fraction thereof Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 131 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) 2325 International Surface Air Lift (ISAL)
2325.1 Description
***** d. Mailpieces are prepared for mailing in Direct Country containers (5 or more pounds of mail addressed to an individual country), Mixed Country Package containers (5 or more pounds of mail addressed to individual countries in the same Price Group), or Worldwide Nonpresort containers (mail that cannot be made up into Direct Country of or Mixed Country containers), as specified in the International Mail Manual. (See the International Mail Manual for additional mail preparation requirements.) International Direct Sacks—M- Bags (meeting the requirements of 2330) also may be mailed in conjunction with an International Surface Air Lift mailing.
2325.2 Size and Weight Limitations
c. Large Envelopes (Flats)
Length Height Thickness Weight Minimum 5 inches 3.5 inches 0.007 inch none and at least one dimension 11.5 inches 6.125 inches 0.25 inch exceeds Maximum 15 inches 12 inches 0.75 inches 17.6 pounds ounces
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 132 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) 2325.6 Prices
International Surface Air Lift Letters and Postcards
a. Presort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.49 0.15 0.47 0.50 0.50 0.47 0.51 0.45 0.40 0.19 Containers Mixed Country — — — — — — — — 0.49 0.20 Containers
Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.17 0.41 0.45 0.15 0.45 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.14 Containers Mixed Country 0.18 0.42 0.49 0.17 0.49 0.20 0.20 0.18 0.15 Containers Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 133 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) ii. Per Pound
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country Container 6.27 7.77 7.50 8.08 7.94 8.50 8.08 7.95 8.39 9.51 s (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country Container 4.26 4.87 5.58 6.08 5.94 6.36 6.03 5.74 6.27 6.28 s (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Container — — — — — — — — 6.37 6.59 s (ISC Drop Shipment)
Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
Direct Country Containers 8.19 8.03 7.95 8.81 7.95 8.53 9.51 8.19 9.34 (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country 6.24 5.87 5.74 6.84 5.74 6.35 6.28 6.24 7.36 Containers (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Containers 6.46 6.18 6.37 7.01 6.37 6.40 6.59 6.46 7.48 (ISC Drop Shipment) Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 134 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) b. Worldwide Nonpresort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 0.54 Containers
ii. Per Pound
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 10.83 Containers (Full Service) Worldwide Nonpresorted Containers 8.53 (ISC Drop Shipment)
International Surface Air Lift Large Envelopes (Flats)
a. Presort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.49 0.15 0.47 0.50 0.50 0.47 0.51 0.45 0.40 0.19 Containers Mixed Country — — — — — — — — 0.49 0.20 Containers Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 135 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL)
Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.17 0.41 0.45 0.15 0.45 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.14 Containers Mixed Country 0.18 0.42 0.49 0.17 0.49 0.20 0.20 0.18 0.15 Containers
ii. Per Pound
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country Container 5.33 6.63 6.40 6.88 6.76 7.23 6.88 6.77 7.14 8.10 s (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country Container 3.63 4.15 4.75 5.18 5.05 5.42 5.13 4.89 5.33 5.35 s (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Container — — — — — — — — 5.42 5.62 s (ISC Drop Shipment) Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 136 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
Direct Country Containers 6.98 6.82 6.77 7.50 7.95 8.53 9.51 8.19 9.34 (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country 5.32 5.01 4.89 5.82 5.74 6.35 6.28 6.24 7.36 Containers (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Containers 5.51 5.26 5.42 5.97 6.37 6.40 6.59 6.46 7.48 (ISC Drop Shipment)
b. Worldwide Nonpresort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 0.54 Containers
ii. Per Pound
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted Containers 10.83 (Full Service) Worldwide Nonpresorted Containers 8.53 (ISC Drop Shipment) Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 137 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) International Surface Air Lift Packages (Small Packets and Rolls)
a. Presort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.49 0.15 0.47 0.50 0.50 0.47 0.51 0.45 0.40 0.19 Containers Mixed Country — — — — — — — — 0.49 0.20 Containers
Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country 0.17 0.41 0.45 0.15 0.45 0.19 0.19 0.17 0.14 Containers Mixed Country 0.18 0.42 0.49 0.17 0.49 0.20 0.20 0.18 0.15 Containers Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 138 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) ii. Per Pound
Price Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) Direct Country Container 5.06 6.28 6.07 6.53 6.41 6.87 6.53 6.42 6.77 7.69 s (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country Container 3.44 3.94 4.50 4.91 4.79 5.14 4.87 4.64 5.06 5.08 s (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Container — — — — — — — — 5.14 5.33 s (ISC Drop Shipment)
Price Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($)
Direct Country Containers 6.63 6.49 6.42 7.13 7.95 8.53 9.51 8.19 9.34 (Full Service) Mixed Direct Country 5.05 4.75 4.64 5.54 5.74 6.35 6.28 6.24 7.36 Containers (ISC Drop Shipment) Mixed Country Containers 5.23 5.00 5.14 5.67 6.37 6.40 6.59 6.46 7.48 (ISC Drop Shipment) Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 139 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) b. Worldwide Nonpresort Mail (Full Service and ISC Drop Shipment)
i. Per Piece
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 0.54 Containers
ii. Per Pound
($) Worldwide Nonpresorted 10.83 Containers (Full Service) Worldwide Nonpresorted Containers 8.53 (ISC Drop Shipment) Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 140 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) International Surface Air Lift M-Bags
a. International Priority Airmail M-Bag (Full Service)
Maximum Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 11 19.58 20.79 24.42 24.42 24.42 33.99 24.42 24.86 31.79 28.60 For each additional pound or 1.78 1.89 2.22 2.22 2.22 3.09 2.22 2.26 2.89 2.60 fraction thereof
Maximum Price Group Weight (pounds) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 11 31.79 25.63 24.86 33.44 24.86 28.60 28.60 31.79 39.71 For each additional pound or 2.89 2.33 2.26 3.04 2.26 2.60 2.60 2.89 3.61 fraction thereof Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 141 of 147 International Products International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) b. International Priority Airmail M-Bag (ISC Drop Shipment)
Maximum Price Group Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 5 17.64 16.22 12.67 12.67 12.67 17.93 12.67 12.87 17.38 16.36 6 17.77 16.77 14.12 14.12 14.12 20.35 14.12 14.37 19.29 17.89 7 17.89 17.33 15.57 15.57 15.57 22.76 15.57 15.86 21.20 19.42 8 18.02 17.88 17.02 17.02 17.02 25.17 17.02 17.36 23.12 20.94 9 18.14 18.43 18.48 18.48 18.48 27.59 18.48 18.85 25.03 22.47 10 18.27 18.99 19.93 19.93 19.93 30.00 19.93 20.35 26.94 23.99 11 18.39 19.54 21.38 21.38 21.38 32.42 21.38 21.84 28.85 25.52 For each additional pound or 1.67 1.78 1.94 1.94 1.94 2.95 1.94 1.99 2.62 2.32 fraction thereof
Maximum Price Group Weight (pounds) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 5 13.76 13.55 12.87 14.42 12.87 14.80 16.36 13.76 18.56 6 16.24 15.07 14.37 17.08 14.37 16.58 17.89 16.24 21.56 7 18.72 16.58 15.86 19.73 15.86 18.37 19.42 18.72 24.56 8 21.19 18.10 17.36 22.38 17.36 20.16 20.94 21.19 27.56 9 23.67 19.61 18.85 25.04 18.85 21.95 22.47 23.67 30.56 10 26.15 21.13 20.35 27.69 20.35 23.73 23.99 26.15 33.55 11 28.62 22.65 21.84 30.35 21.84 25.52 25.52 28.62 36.55 For each additional pound or 2.60 2.06 1.99 2.76 1.99 2.32 2.32 2.60 3.32 fraction thereof Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 142 of 147 International Products International Direct—Airmail M-Bags 2330 International Direct Sacks—Airmail M-Bags ***** 2330.6 Prices
Outbound International Direct Sacks—Airmail M-Bags
Maximum Price Group1 Weight (pounds) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 11 40.70 37.40 73.70 59.40 47.30 69.85 59.95 57.75 56.10 For each additional pound or 3.70 3.40 6.70 5.40 4.30 6.35 5.45 5.25 5.10 fraction thereof
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 143 of 147
Negotiated Service Agreements Outbound International 2335 Outbound Single-Piece First-Class Package International Service ***** 2335.6 Prices
Outbound Single-Piece First-Class Package International Service Retail Prices
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (ounces) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 2 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10 3 8.25 9.60 10.20 10.20 10.20 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 4 8.25 9.60 10.20 10.20 10.20 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 5 9.45 12.50 13.70 13.70 13.70 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 6 9.45 12.50 13.70 13.70 13.70 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 7 9.45 12.50 13.70 13.70 13.70 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 8 9.45 12.50 13.70 13.70 13.70 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 12 10.30 14.50 16.00 16.00 16.00 15.40 15.40 15.40 15.40 16 11.75 16.15 17.95 17.95 17.95 17.50 17.50 17.50 17.50 20 13.20 17.80 19.90 19.90 19.90 19.60 19.60 19.60 19.60 24 14.65 19.45 21.85 21.85 21.85 21.70 21.70 21.70 21.70 28 16.10 21.10 23.80 23.80 23.80 23.80 23.80 23.80 23.80 32 17.55 22.75 25.75 25.75 25.75 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 36 19.00 24.40 27.70 27.70 27.70 28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 40 20.45 26.05 29.65 29.65 29.65 30.10 30.10 30.10 30.10 44 21.90 27.70 31.60 31.60 31.60 32.20 32.20 32.20 32.20 48 23.35 29.35 33.55 33.55 33.55 34.30 34.30 34.30 34.30 52 24.80 31.00 35.50 35.50 35.50 36.40 36.40 36.40 36.40 56 26.25 32.65 37.45 37.45 37.45 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 60 27.70 34.30 39.40 39.40 39.40 40.60 40.60 40.60 40.60 64 29.15 35.95 41.35 41.35 41.35 42.70 42.70 42.70 42.70 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 144 of 147
Negotiated Service Agreements Outbound International Outbound Single-Piece First-Class Package International Service Commercial Base Prices
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (ounces) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 2 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 6.39 3 7.43 8.64 9.18 9.18 9.18 8.91 8.91 8.91 8.91 4 7.43 8.64 9.18 9.18 9.18 8.91 8.91 8.91 8.91 5 8.51 11.25 12.33 12.33 12.33 11.79 11.79 11.79 11.79 6 8.51 11.25 12.33 12.33 12.33 11.79 11.79 11.79 11.79 7 8.51 11.25 12.33 12.33 12.33 11.79 11.79 11.79 11.79 8 8.51 11.25 12.33 12.33 12.33 11.79 11.79 11.79 11.79 12 9.27 13.05 14.40 14.40 14.40 13.86 13.86 13.86 13.86 16 10.58 14.54 16.16 16.16 16.16 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 20 11.88 16.02 17.91 17.91 17.91 17.64 17.64 17.64 17.64 24 13.19 17.51 19.67 19.67 19.67 19.53 19.53 19.53 19.53 28 14.49 18.99 21.42 21.42 21.42 21.42 21.42 21.42 21.42 32 15.80 20.48 23.18 23.18 23.18 23.31 23.31 23.31 23.31 36 17.10 21.96 24.93 24.93 24.93 25.20 25.20 25.20 25.20 40 18.41 23.45 26.69 26.69 26.69 27.09 27.09 27.09 27.09 44 19.71 24.93 28.44 28.44 28.44 28.98 28.98 28.98 28.98 48 21.02 26.42 30.20 30.20 30.20 30.87 30.87 30.87 30.87 52 22.32 27.90 31.95 31.95 31.95 32.76 32.76 32.76 32.76 56 23.63 29.39 33.71 33.71 33.71 34.65 34.65 34.65 34.65 60 24.93 30.87 35.46 35.46 35.46 36.54 36.54 36.54 36.54 64 26.24 32.36 37.22 37.22 37.22 38.43 38.43 38.43 38.43 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 145 of 147
Negotiated Service Agreements Outbound International Outbound Single-Piece First-Class Package International Service Commercial Plus Prices
Maximum Country Price Group Weight (ounces) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) ($) 1 6.30 5.96 5.96 5.96 5.96 5.96 5.96 5.96 5.96 2 6.30 5.96 5.96 5.96 5.96 5.96 5.96 5.96 5.96 3 7.31 8.06 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.32 8.32 8.32 8.32 4 7.31 8.06 8.57 8.57 8.57 8.32 8.32 8.32 8.32 5 7.73 10.50 11.51 11.51 11.51 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 6 7.73 10.50 11.51 11.51 11.51 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 7 7.73 10.50 11.51 11.51 11.51 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 8 7.73 10.50 11.51 11.51 11.51 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 12 8.37 12.18 13.44 13.44 13.44 12.94 12.94 12.94 12.94 16 9.56 13.57 15.08 15.08 15.08 14.70 14.70 14.70 14.70 20 10.75 14.95 16.72 16.72 16.72 16.46 16.46 16.46 16.46 24 11.94 16.34 18.35 18.35 18.35 18.23 18.23 18.23 18.23 28 13.13 17.72 19.99 19.99 19.99 19.99 19.99 19.99 19.99 32 14.32 19.11 21.63 21.63 21.63 21.76 21.76 21.76 21.76 36 15.51 20.50 23.27 23.27 23.27 23.52 23.52 23.52 23.52 40 16.70 21.88 24.91 24.91 24.91 25.28 25.28 25.28 25.28 44 17.89 23.27 26.54 26.54 26.54 27.05 27.05 27.05 27.05 48 19.08 24.65 28.18 28.18 28.18 28.81 28.81 28.81 28.81 52 20.27 26.04 29.82 29.82 29.82 30.58 30.58 30.58 30.58 56 21.46 27.43 31.46 31.46 31.46 32.34 32.34 32.34 32.34 60 22.65 28.81 33.10 33.10 33.10 34.10 34.10 34.10 34.10 64 23.84 30.20 34.73 34.73 34.73 35.87 35.87 35.87 35.87
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 146 of 147
Special Services 2600 Special Services ***** 2600.2 Products Included in Group
International Ancillary Services (2615) ***** o Outbound International Insurance (2615.5) ***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 147 of 147 Special Services 2605 Address Enhancement Services ***** 2605.2 Prices
($) AEC Per record processed 0.022 Minimum charge per list 22.00 AMS API Address Matching System Application Program Interface (per year, per platform) 1 Developer’s Kit, one platform 4,900.00 Each Additional, per platform 1,750.00 Resell License, one platform 21,500.00 Each Additional, per platform 10,800.00 Additional Database License Number of Additional Licenses 1-100 2,650.00 101-200 5,300.00 201-300 7,900.00 301-400 10,600.00 401-500 13,200.00 501-600 15,900.00 601-700 18,500.00 701-800 21,100.00 801-900 23,900.00 901-1,000 26,400.00 1,001-10,000 34,300.00 10,001-20,000 42,200.00 20,001-30,000 50,400.00 30,001-40,000 58,200.00 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 148 of 147 Special Services
($) RDI API Developer’s Kit1 Each, per platform 390.00 Resell License, one platform 1,500.00 Each Additional, per platform 800.00 Additional Database AMS API: DPV, LACSLink and/or eLOT 12.50 IBIP version of above 12.50 Additional database, e.g., City-State, ZIP+4, Five-Digit 12.50 Additional Copies of Database AMS-API: DPV and LACSLink API 28.00 eLOT 9.50 Additional database, e.g., City-State, ZIP+4, Five Digit 9.50 TIGER/ZIP+4 (per year)* Per State 70.00 All States 900.00
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 149 of 147
Special Services International Ancillary Services 2615 International Ancillary Services
2615.1 International Certificate of Mailing ***** 2615.1.2 Prices
Individual Pieces Prices
($) Original certificate of mailing for listed pieces of ordinary Outbound 1.35 Single-Piece First-Class Package International Service or Priority Mail International parcels Three or more pieces individually listed in a firm mailing book or an 0.49 approved customer provided manifest (per piece) Each additional copy of original certificate of mailing or firm mailing bills 1.35 (each copy)
Multiple Pieces Prices
($) Up to 1,000 identical-weight pieces (one certificate for total number) 7.95 Each additional 1,000 identical-weight pieces or fraction thereof 0.99 Duplicate copy 1.35 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 150 of 147
Special Services International Ancillary Services 2615.2 Outbound Competitive International Registered Mail ***** 2615.2.2 Prices
($) Per Piece 13.95 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 151 of 147
Special Services International Ancillary Services 2615.3 Outbound International Return Receipt ***** 2615.3.2 Prices
Outbound International Return Receipt
($) Per Piece 3.85
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 152 of 147
Special Services International Ancillary Services 2615.5 Outbound International Insurance
2615.5.1 Description
Outbound International Insurance
Inbound International Insurance
a. Inbound International Insurance is available for inbound air parcels and inbound surface parcels from countries which offer the service on a reciprocal basis. Indemnity limits vary by country as specified in the International Mail Manual. The maximum insurance limit available in the United States is $5,000.00.
2615.5.3 Prices
Outbound International Insurance
a. Priority Mail International Insurance and Priority Mail Express International Merchandise Insurance
Indemnity Price Limit Not Over ($) ($) 501 1.55 1001 2.70 2001 3.85 300 5.00 400 6.15 500 7.30 600 8.45 700 9.60 800 10.75 900 11.90 Over 7900 10.5011.90 plus 1.15 for each 100.00 or fraction thereof over 7900.00. Maximum indemnity varies by country.
1. Applies only to Priority Mail International. There is no fee for Priority Mail Express International Merchandise Insurance up to $200. Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 153 of 147
Special Services International Ancillary Services b. Priority Mail Express International Merchandise Insurance
($) ($) ($) Amount of coverage: 0.01 to 100.00 0.00 100.01 to 200.00 0.00 200.01 to 500.00 2.35 500.01 to 1,000.00 3.85 1,000.01 to 1,500.00 5.35 1,500.01 to 2,000.00 6.85 2,000.01 to 2,500.00 8.35 2,500.01 to 3,000.00 9.85 3,000.01 to 3,500.00 11.35 3,500.01 to 4,000.00 12.85 4,000.01 to 4,500.00 14.35 4,500.01 to 5,000.00 15.85
cb. Global Express Guaranteed Insurance
Inbound International Insurance
Payment is made in accordance with Part III of the Universal Postal Convention, associated UPU Parcel Post Regulations. This information is available in the Parcel Post Manual at Other charges may be set under negotiated agreements.
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 154 of 147 Special Services Post Office Box Service 2630 Premium Forwarding Service ***** 2630.2 Prices
($) Online Enrollment (Commercial and Residential) 16.50 Retail Counter Enrollment (Residential Only) 18.00 Weekly Reshipment (Residential Only) 18.00
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 155 of 147
Special Services International Ancillary Services 2645 Competitive Ancillary Services
2645.1 Adult Signature
2645.1.1 Description
a. Adult Signature service may be requested at the time of mailing and provides electronic confirmation of the delivery or attempted delivery of the mailpiece, and, upon request, the recipient’s signature, with two options:
Adult Signature Restricted Delivery, which requires the signature of the addressee (a natural person) only, who must be 21 years of age or older.
2645.1.2 Prices
($) Adult Signature Required 5.50 Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 5.75 Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 156 of 147
Special Services International Ancillary Services 2645.2 Package Intercept Service ***** 2645.2.2 Prices
($) Package Intercept Service 12.15
***** Docket No. CP2015-33 Attachment Page 157 of 147
Part D—Country Price Lists for International Mail 4000 Country Price Lists for International Products
Market Competitive Domi- International Interna- nant Expedited tional Services Pack- ages IPA & Country SPFCMI1 FCPIS2 GXG3 PMEI4 PMI5 ISAL6
***** St. Christopher Kitts (St. Kitts 9 9 7 9 9 17 Christopher) & Nevis
***** Samoa 6 6 - 6 6 18
***** Western Samoa 6 6 - 6 6 18