Kyu Grading Syllabus Addendum 1

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Kyu Grading Syllabus Addendum 1



1: White – Yellow (8th Kyu) - 7th Year

Break falls Backwards Sideways (left and right)

Basic Throws O-goshi or O-Soto-otoshi Uki Goshi (left and right) (4 actions) (left and right)

Basic Holds Kezuri-kesa- Mune-gatame gatame (left and right) (4 actions) (left and right)

Application:  When uki pushes or comes forward – Tori throws with Uki- goshi or O- goshi Tachi-waza  When Uki pulls or moves backwards – Tori throws with O-soto-otoshi (2 actions)

Application:  2 Different combinations by controlling from a throw into a hold down and following this Ne-waza an escape by Uke from the hold (2 actions) Randori (3 -5 randori @  Starting randori from the kneeling position – attempting holds and escapes form resulting 1 minutes) holds. 2: Yellow (7th Kyu) - 8th Year

Break falls Backwards Sideways Forward roll (left (4 actions) (left and right) and right) Standing up or lying down

Basic Throws O-goshi Uki-goshi O-Uchi-gari Seoi-otoshi (7 actions) (left and right) (left and right) (left and right)

Basic Holds Kesa-gatame Yoko-shiho-gatame Tate-shiho-gatame Kami-shiho-gatame (6 actions) (left and right) (left and right)

Application:  When uki pushes or comes forward – Tori throws with Uki- goshi, O-goshi or Seoi-otoshi Tachi-waza  When Uki pulls or moves backwards – Tori throws with O-uchi-gari (2 actions)

Application:  One escape from each of the four holds Ne-waza  One turnover into a hold with uke on all fours and one with uke on his stomach (7 actions)  Moving from one hold to another with uki attempting to escape

Randori  Starting ne-waza randori after uke made a correct break fall after being thrown. (3 -5 randori @ 1 minutes) DVD 1: ORANGE BELT

3: Yellow – Orange (6th Kyu) - 9th Year Forward roll Break falls Backwards Sideways (left and right) (7 actions) (left and right) Standing up and lying down

Basic Throws Ippon-seoi-nage Tai-otoshi Ko-uchi-gari Ko-soto-gake or De-ashi -barai (7 actions) (left and right) (left and right) Ko-soto-gari

Two different Basic Holds Two different applications of Two different Two different applications of Yoko-shiho- applications of Tate- applications of Kami- (8 actions) Kesa-gatame gatame shioho-gatame shiho-gatame

 When tori pulls or moves back – Tori throws with Ippon-Seoi-nage and Tai-otoshi Application:  When Uki pulls or moves backwards – Tori throws with Ko-uchi-gari and De-ashi-barai Tachi-waza  When uki attacks with Ippon-seoi-nage, Tai-otoshi or De-ashi-barai – Tori evades or climbs over (7 actions)  From O-uchi-gari and Ko-uchi-gari follow into a hold-down Application:  2 Escapes each from Kesa-gatame and Yoko-shiho-gatame Ne-waza  1 Attack when uki lies in his back (Tori – standing or kneeling between uke's legs) (8 actions)  1 Attack when lying on your back (Uki between your legs) ending in a hold –down

Randori  Must be able to execute the learnt throws in Tachi-waza randori in a controlled way (3 -5 randori  Must be able to evade the throws when Opponent attempts the throws @ 2 minutes)  Should be able to control the opponent who defends vigorously with various holds in ne-waza randori

4 Orange (5th Kyu) - 10th Year

Break falls Backwards Sideways Forward roll (left (5 actions) (left and right) and right) over an obstacle

Basic Throws Morote-seoi-nage Sasae-tsuri-komi-ashi Okuri-ashi-barai O-soto-gari Harai-goshi (7 actions) or Hiza-guruma (left and right) (left and right)

Basic Holds Juji-Gatame Ude-Garami (4 actions) (left and right) (left and right)

Application:  When uke attacks with a technique; tori evades or steps over and throws uki (Counter ) Tachi-waza  When tori attacks with a technique; uke evades or steps over but tori continues to attack and throws (2 actions) (combination)

 Tori uses uke's escape from a hold to continue into 1: juji-gatame and 2: ude-garami Application:  Defending when lying on your back by clamping with your legs Ne-waza  1 Escape when your legs are clamped (6 actions)  2 techniques ending with juji-gatame when uke is on all fours

Randori  Should be able to throw in Tachi-waza randori with opposite grip without losing grip (4 -6 randori @ 2  Start ne-waza randori form a position between uke's legs and uke clamping your legs minutes) DVD 2: Orange – Green (4 th Kyu) - 11th Year

5: Orange – Green (4th Kyu) - 11th Year Previous Random testing Knowledge Break falls Free falling with help from partner

Basic Throws Tsuri-komi-goshi Koshi-uchi-mata O-uchi-barai or Ko-uchi-maki- Tomoe-nage (7 actions) (left and right) Ko-uchi-barai komi (left and right)

Basic Holds Ude-gatame Waki-gatame (4 actions) (left and right) (left and right)

Application:  Throwing Tsuri-komi-goshi and Koshi-uchi-mata from the same grip (Tori and Uke) Tachi-waza  Throwing with the other 3 techniques from a suitable situation (7 actions)  Defend and block against two different attacks from the opponent

Application:  Lying on your back (uke between your legs) – Applying:- Ude-gatame and Juji-gatame Ne-waza  From Kezuri-kesa-gatame- apply: Ude-gatame and Waki-gatame (6 actions)  When on all fours:- Apply Waki-gatame and also end up in one hold down

Randori  Must be able in Tachi-waza randori to execute all the above techniques from different grips (4 -6 randori @ and also breaking Uke's standard grips (sleeve and back) – (Randori games) 2 minutes)  From movement of standing to ground:- make use of opportunity for successful attack or necessary defense.

6: Green (3rd Kyu) - 12th Year

Previous Random testing Knowledge

Break falls Free falling Both sides

Basic Throws Koshi-guruma Ushiro-goshi Hane-goshi Sumi-gaeshi Tani-otoshi (7 actions) (left and right) (left and right)

Basic Holds Ashi-gatame Ashi-garame Application:  Throwing the 5 throws from a suitable situation Tachi-waza  When Uke blocks or defends, execute two combination techniques (7 actions) Application:  3 Different techniques: Tachi-waza to Ne-waza as a result to: Ne-waza o Follow up technique resulting from a failed technique by Uke (3 actions) o Direct takeover (e.g. Hikkomi-gaeshi) o As a continuation from your own unsuccessful op partly successful attack

Randori  Must be able in Tachi-waza randori to use all the above techniques as combinations and (5 randori @ 2 counter throws. minutes)  Ne-waza randori from standard position.

Kata 2nd Group of Nage-no-Kata (Koshi-waza) DVD 3 : Blue & Brown

7: Blue (2nd Kyu) - 13th Year

Previous Random testing Knowledge

Basic Throws Yoko-otoshi Ashi-uchi-mata Utsuri-goshi Yoko-gake Kata-ashi-dori or (7 actions) (left and right) (left and right) Kuchiki-daoshi *

Basic Holds Juji-jime Hadaka-jime Okuri-eri-jime Kata-ha-jime (4 actions)

Application:  3 of the above mentioned techniques executed from different situations Tachi-waza (6 actions)

Application:  Application of Juju-jime, Hadaka-jime, Okuri-eri-jime and Kata-ha-jime, each from 2 Ne-waza different starting positions (3 actions)

Randori  During standard randori planned execution of throws against a partner defending and (5 randori @ 2 gripping extremely. minutes)  Ne-waza randori (also using shime-waza)

Kata 3rd Group of Nage-no-Kata (Ashi-waza)

 May also demonstrate any other preferred or favorite leg grab technique.

8: Brown (1st Kyu) – 14th Year

Previous Random testing Knowledge Basic Throws Ashi-guruma Ura-nage or Te-guruma Kata-guruma Soto-maki- Uki- (8 actions) or Yoko-guruma (left and komi otoshi O-guruma (left and right) right) or Hane-maki- komi

Basic Holds Sankaku- Sankaku- Sankaku-jime Kata-te-jime (4 actions) osae-gatame gatame Application: Tachi-waza  3 of the above mentioned techniques (except Uki-otoshi) executed from 2 different (6 actions) situations

Application:  Execute Sankaku from three different starting positions Ne-waza  Two takeover techniques from Tachi-waza to Shime-waza after an unsuccessful (3 actions) throwing technique from the opponent. (e.g. Koshi-jime) Randori (3* randori @  3 Randori's with different partners 3 minutes) Kata 1st Group of Nage-no-Kata (Te-waza)

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