There were no fiftieth-year business executives, owners, and The Year in Retrospect graduates to march across that managers; and five clergymen. And Quadrangle in 1953 because that’s just from the database records Fifty Years Ago Today College was then only twenty-three we have. There were also judges, by Roberta Rose Wallach, ’53 years old. But I guess we all felt a geologists, accountants, architects, Thursday, May 29, 2003, was the little like Sir Edmund Hillary, who engineers, designers, social workers, day of the Seventy-eighth made headlines in the New York Times nurses, therapists, actuaries, Commencement of on our graduation day, June 14, 1953, pharmacists, and even one farmer, and the Fiftieth Reunion of the Class by becoming the first to reach the specializing in livestock breeding. of 1953. I don’t know how we pulled summit of Mt. Everest. Commencement What course did he take? it off, but I think May 29 was the only was our Mt. Everest. We enjoyed the camaraderie of day in May or June when it did not In 1949 most of us were the house-plans, sororities, fraternities, and rain and the weather was sunny and children of immigrants working part clubs. Some friendships have endured cool. And Brooklyn College certainly time during college for the minimum for sixty-five years, as have mine with knows how to honor its fiftieth-year wage, $1.35 an hour. We came from Helen Marcus Daniels and Shirley graduates by celebrating the occasion Brownsville, East New York, Canarsie, Eisenberg Swidler. Some friendships on Commencement Day. There you Coney Island, Sheepshead Bay, have held fast for fifty years—Betty are, marching on the Quad in your Brighton Beach, Borough Park, Antonoff Arfin and Elaine Feldman flowing gold gown and cap across the Midwood, East Flatbush, Bay Ridge, Adler, for instance. most beautiful campus in the country, Bensonhurst, Bushwick,Williamsburg, Commencement Day began with a as noted in the Princeton Review’s Crown Heights,Windsor Terrace, and wonderful breakfast in the Georgian ranking of about 350 colleges in 2003, even from that distant land, the Bronx. Room, a time for bagels, hugs, cheers, right down that center aisle, past row We rode the trolley and buses to get and even some tears. Then there was after row of 2003 graduates in to BC. We studied on the IRT and the class picture taken on the steps of burgundy or black robes, cheering and BMT. We attended public high the New Ingersoll and lining up for the applauding, a stand-up ovation! I’m schools, not private schools. But we traditional walk. U.S. Senator Charles not sure if I walked or floated to the must have been doing something Schumer and Borough President Marty front row seats and the podium right. Our class turned out 184 Markowitz, ’70, were there to greet us carrying the BC banner with Arlene teachers and guidance counselors; at Commencement. At a luncheon Lichterman. It was a surreal fifty-eight college professors and that followed, in the Gold Room at experience. I was especially honored administrators; twenty-six principals, SUBO, we were greeted by President that President Kimmich had asked me supervisors, and superintendents; Christoph Kimmich. I offered greetings, to speak as the representative of the sixteen librarians; forty-two lawyers; too, as president of the BCAA. Class of 1953, and thrilled that my forty-seven doctors and dentists; Everyone got a great Fiftieth Reunion husband and four children could be twenty-two writers, editors, gold T-shirt and a fabulous, unique present that day. I am proud to say publishers, artists, poets, musicians, and Reunion Journal. And what a Reunion that all four children are also Brooklyn actors; six physicists; six biochemists; Journal Committee that was: Arlene College graduates. ten state legislators; seventy-nine Lichterman and Marilyn Sarhis, cochairs;

Volume 6, Number 1 • Spring 2004A newsletter published by the Brooklyn College Alumni Association Phone: (718) 951-5595; Fax: (718) 951-5962; E-mail: [email protected] Florence Miller Bernstein, Mina Leibowitz Herman, Leanora B. Katzman, Joan BCAA Levenson Cooper Mirrer, Estelle Broome Schaffer, defender, and most enthusiastic Awards Presented Malcolm M. Sellinger, and myself. What a cheerleader that Brooklyn has ever had.” by Samuel Rabinoff, ’49 Journal we produced, spectacular from The Alumna-of-the-Year Award was cover to cover, including highlights from presented to Mary McWilliams, ’49, who Sam Levenson, originally a Spanish The Kingsman and Calling Card from our interrupted her college years with a teacher at Tilden High School, left the student days, photos from our previous tour in the Women’s Reserve of the classroom to become a television reunions, and other articles and Coast Guard and a job with the FBI. comedian. One of his popular memorabilia. She taught from 1950 to 1975 and now monologues focused on a bar mitzvah The reunion supper on Wednesday is an activist for senior citizens. boy. The thirteen-year-old, overwhelmed evening—which featured the slide show All of us enjoyed the dinner, wine, by the large number of writing “Brooklyn:The Way It Was,” narrated by music, and dancing. Roberta Rose implements he received, began the BCAA board member Ron Schweiger, ’70, Wallach, ’53, president of the BCAA, traditional speech,“Today, I am a official borough of Brooklyn historian— acted as emcee. She took us on a trip fountain pen.” While fountain pens was a warm-up and prelude to the down memory lane to the Brooklyn have since diminished in popularity, the incomparable sheer joy of Thursday. and the College we knew so well. importance of education has not. We received rave reviews of the She reminisced about the Fox and the Every year, the Alumni Association reunion from Dolores Rosenbluth, Paramount, the Pitkin, the Oriental, gives three $2,000 awards to students Priscilla Lipton Lewis, Helen Marcus dining at Dubrow’s, Garfield’s,Wolfie’s, who have contributed to campus and Daniels, Sydelle Flaxberg Hirsch, shopping on Fulton Street at Mays, community life and/or the performing Leanora Katzman, Janet Sider Kleinman, A & S, and Russeks, and waiting for the arts. The awards are in honor of Arlene Lichterman, Alice Ruth Friedman Good Humor Man, Dugan’s and the Sam, ’34, and his wife, Esther Levine Alter, and Myrna Macowitz Egeth. To Bungalow Bar. She spoke of the many Levenson, ’34, and are presented at the those who have not yet experienced memorable performances at BC by BCAA Annual Meeting, which is held their fiftieth, I can only say that I wish Yehudi Menukin, Satchmo, Simon and on Alumni College Day and is open to you the good health and good fortune Garfunkel, Morty Gunty, Sam Levenson, all alumni. The recipients invariably to be able to reach that glorious and Dame Judith Anderson. represent the diversity and caliber of milestone and emotional high and share If you missed this wonderful event, the BC student body. The 2003 it with your dear family and friends. be sure to mark your calendar for winners are outstanding. October 16, 2004, when “Tracks to Darnel John, ’04, fascinated by Brooklyn” marks the media since his childhood, worked as a Alumni Association subway centennial as we honor the production assistant at a television Gala Reunion, 2003 alumnus and alumna of the year. Join station in St. Lucia before arriving in the us then at Tavern on the Green for the in 2001. This experience by Agnes Ford, ’69 next annual reunion celebration. influenced him to pursue a B.A. in film On October 25, 2003, the evening of production. Darnel wants to help the Gala, the Water Club looked Errata in the spring 2003 newsletter express the “rich texture of the especially beautiful. The ships sailed on * Professor Sam Leiter has two children, Caribbean voice.” He is a member of the East River and Brooklyn sparkled not three. the Honors Academy and has served as across the water. The Alumnus-of-the- * Dominic Chianese was Professor Leiter’s president of the Brooklyn College classmate, not his student. Year Award was presented to Brooklyn Student Film Society. * Marilyn Friedman Antelis, ’52, is divorced, Borough President Marty Markowitz, ’70, not widowed. Desi A. Moreno-Penson, M.F.A.’04, who describes himself as the “best began studying drama at fifteen. She

alumni news 2 pursued her passion at the Greer Garson Theatre Center, College of Santa Fe, New Mexico, earning her B.F.A. in theater and acting. She then studied in London and in June received an M.F.A. in dramaturgy and theater criticism from Brooklyn College. Desi feels “that multiculturalism is the future for American theater” and has founded an ensemble, Daddy Bear and Company, Inc., on that principle. Through an English Department honors program, Desi will return to England for independent study. Edward M. Rebenwurzel, ’04, is a student who is justifiably confident of Alumni College Day, left to right: President Christoph M. Kimmich, Ella Friedman Weiss, ’62, Antonia his ability to excel. Though working Yuille Williams, Bill Baird, ’55, Roberta Rose Wallach, ’53, Agnes Ford, ’69, Hal Schaffer, ’56. toward a degree in computational math, Edward plans to practice law. with excitement. Instead of the Schaffer, ’56, member of the BCAA Besides his full schedule at BC, he is traditional concurrent sessions, we had Board of Directors, presented the award. also enrolled as a full-time Yeshiva organized a forum to address a single Ella Friedman Weiss, a former student in Talmudic studies. He topic of great concern,“Freedom of schoolteacher, began her career at BC participates in student government, is Speech and the Media.” The day began as director of community relations and an editorial assistant for a student with an elegant reception hosted by audience development at the Brooklyn newspaper, and volunteers at his President Christoph M. Kimmich, Center for the Performing Arts at synagogue and a local hospital. followed by a luncheon at which the Brooklyn College (BCBC). From 1985 The Levenson Awards, funded by 2004 Distinguished Achievement to 1994, she was the executive director special campaigns in the past, are Awards were presented to Bill Baird, ’55, of the College’s Office of Alumni Affairs. sustained now by alumni. All who wish and Ella Friedman Weiss, ’62. From 1994 to 1998, she was assistant to donate may earmark their tax- Bill Baird, director of the Pro Choice vice-president for college relations. deductible contributions, payable to the League, has been a leading advocate for She remains on the boards of BCBC Brooklyn College Foundation, by reproductive freedom since 1963. He and BCAA. A founding member of designating a specific dollar amount for is the only person not admitted to the the Flatbush Development Corporation, the Levenson Awards. If you don’t own bar to win three U.S. Supreme Court she chaired its Fundraising and Special a fountain pen, a ballpoint will suffice to cases, which legalized birth control for Events Committee for nearly twenty write the check. single women and allowed minors to years and has been vice-president since obtain abortions without parental 1986. In 1998 Weiss became the Alumni College Day, approval. He has spoken on college consulting director of the Brooklyn Arts campuses, appeared on television, Council, serving as the council president May 2, 2004 and won many honors. He has also since June 2000. Antonia Yuille Williams, Freedom of Speech received hate mail, death threats, and director of public affairs, Brooklyn- and the Media was once sentenced to three months Queens Electric Operations, Con by Marilyn Levy Sarhis, ’53 in prison for promoting birth control. Edison, presented the award. Midspring, the BC campus was lush. Nonetheless, Mr. Baird carries on the The awards ceremony concluded We anticipated Alumni College Day fight to uphold women’s rights. Hal with the presentation of the Jerome S.

alumni news 3 Chapters and Milgram Award for outstanding service Affiliates to BCAA to Hal Schaffer, ’56, former by Roberta Rose Wallach, ’53 president and past membership chairperson of the BCAA Palm Beach This column highlights chapter and New Mexico Chapter Holiday Chapter and current BCAA board affiliate activities of the past year. It also party. Barbara Rothman Vojta, ’57, member. Agnes Ford, ’69, vice-president lists people whom you may contact for (505) 771-0143, [email protected]. of the BCAA Board of Directors, information about future events in Northern Metropolitan Chapter presented the award. your region. Financial seminar. Joan Tartell “Freedom of Speech and the Atlanta Chapter Dick Sobel, ’51, Stupler, ’52, (914) 968-3530, Media,” the afternoon session, treated (770) 410-9117. [email protected]. a topic vital to our democracy. A distinguished panel debated such issues Broward-Dade Chapter Alumni of Palm Beach Chapter Distinguished as how political and business interests 70s and later luncheon; afternoon in speakers luncheon and others. Hilda influence news stories. Moderator Paul Hollywood; scholarship luncheon and Werner Hainer, ’49, (561) 738-6439 or Moses, ’75, a Pulitzer Prize–winning others; planetarium tour. Millie Bialeck (570) 775-6664, [email protected]. journalist and the former city editor of Cohn, ’43, (954) 925-6459, Phoenix Chapter Luncheons. New York Newsday, is currently an [email protected]; or Diane Jordan Richman, ’55, (602) 256-2830, associate professor of English at Nadler Simon, ’64, (954) 475-1638, [email protected]. Brooklyn College. On the panel were [email protected]. Pro Choice League Director Bill Baird, San Diego Chapter Brunch, dinner. Campus Chapter Cyclones baseball ’55; Herb Dorfman, ’51, a former news David Herskowitz, ’61, (760) 942-5167, game at KeySpan Park in Coney Island; producer for CBS, NBC, and ABC; New [email protected]. BC Library talk and tour; BC theater York Post Brooklyn Bureau Chief Gersh party; Regina Opera; UrbanGlass tour. San Francisco/Northern Kuntzman; George Arzt Communications Sam Rabinoff, ’49, (718) 377-6133, California Chapter Senior Vice-President Bob Liff, ’70, a [email protected]. CCNY/BC/Polytech picnic. Arnold former reporter and columnist for New Kaufman, ’59, (650) 493-5287, York Newsday and New York Daily News; Central Florida Chapter Several [email protected]. and Howard Reed, ’48, a retired group luncheons. John Banaghan Sr., ’57, vice-president of Cox Broadcasting (407) 339-9110, Pick up your copy of the Broeklundian Corporation and Hearst Business Media. [email protected]. yearbook today! Revisit familiar faces One conclusion drawn was that we Long Island Chapter Westbury must hold the media to the highest and places!!! Gardens concert; jazz brunch; Green- standards of integrity and diversity since Your cost per volume: Wood Cemetery tour; slide show of we depend on them to provide reliable 1958: $85 1980s: $65 old Brooklyn; theater party. Marsha information and champion First 1960s: $80 1990s: $60 Zirn Elowsky, ’56, (516) 349-8821, Amendment rights. 1970s: $75 or Claire Garfinkel Kerman, ’56, The day closed with the Annual 2000 and 2001: $60 (631) 367-2833, [email protected]. Meeting, featuring the Annual Report, 2002 to present: $50 given by BCAA President Roberta Rose Manhattan Chapter Boat ride on Don’t wait! Copies are limited. Wallach, ’53, and the presentation of the Hudson; jazz brunch. Arlene Call (718) 951-5910, or e-mail the Sam, ’34, and Esther Levine Lichterman, ’53, (212) 988-9471, or [email protected]. Levenson, ’34, Awards. Arnold Weiss, ’54, (212) 319-4000.

alumni news 4 1992 when Moses was the lead writer of the team that was awarded the Southwest Brooklyn Chapter Pulitzer Prize for Spot News Reporting Walking tour; BC basketball game; for their coverage of the 1991 Union theater party; Picasso/Matisse Square Station fatal subway crash. discussion. Connie DiGeronimo, ’92, When BC made him an offer he (718) 951-5391, couldn’t refuse, the post of associate [email protected]. professor of English, he left New York Newsday in September 2001, after Tucson Chapter Invisible theater; writing his final article, the story of the social; theater party; casino adventure. tragic attack on the World Trade Center. Irma Schulman Sankman, ’50, Regarding the first amendment, (520) 877-8283, [email protected]. Moses emphasizes that as a result of his Accountants Affiliate Edward career in the news media he believes Shoenthal, ’67, (212) 807-8013, Spotlight on a “it’s good for the public to know what’s [email protected]. Faculty Alumnus going on.” He finds that students from other countries are always surprised BAABC Annual scholarship reception, Paul Moses, ’75, Returns to by the freedom our media has. “The annual Clearinghouse Expo. Craig Brooklyn College First Amendment is what makes our Collins, ’98, (718) 342-5061, by Helen Zegerman Schwimmer, ’69 country different.” [email protected] Associate Professor Paul Moses, the Moses and his wife, Maureen, a Athletes Affiliate Dinner in Florida. eminent moderator of the Alumni school nurse, live in Marine Park. Their David Askinasi, ’50, College Day panel on “Freedom of twenty-four-year-old son, Matthew, also (516) 764-5102 or (561) 499-6601, Speech and the Media,” spent twenty-six works in the media. Their twenty-year- [email protected]. years carving out an illustrious career in old daughter, Caitlin, attends the BC Managers for the Performing journalism that ultimately led to his University of Massachusetts. Arts Affiliate Neal Brilliant, ’93, triumphant return to his alma mater. (718) 768-4937. After graduating from BC in 1975 with a B.A. in psychology, Moses Letters to the Editor Brooklyn College Latino received his M.F.A. in English in 1978 Who would believe that the Alumni Alumni Affiliate Reception. Barbara from the University of Massachusetts at Newsletter could bridge a fifty-year Pimentel, ’96, (718) 926-7117, Amherst. Then followed a stint as a gap in seconds! Nevertheless, when latinoalumniadvisorycommittee@ reporter for the Hudson Dispatch of Dr. Dennis Ribatsky, ’68, saw Miss Rose, Union City, N.J. He moved on to the his first-grade teacher in 1953, in a Associated Press and finally to New York newsletter photo, he knew he must Millennium Alumni Affiliate Newsday, where he spent seventeen contact her. On a very cold Saturday Hokey karaoke night; game night. exciting years as reporter, religion writer, evening in January 2004, Dennis and his Stacey Backenroth, ’02, (718) 951-5065, Brooklyn editor, and City editor. lovely wife, Carol, ’68, drove two and a [email protected]. He covered City Hall during the half hours from their home in Voorhees, School Psychology Alumni Koch and Giuliani administrations and N.J., to meet “Miss Rose” of the Class Affiliate Cari Rose-Tomo, ’97, the federal court trials of such well- of 1953 and her husband for dinner in (516) 781-9450, [email protected]. known defendants at Bess Myerson, New York. Dennis came bearing a Leona Helmsley, and Imelda Marcos. bouquet, a framed picture of the first- The highlight of his career came in grade class, and his old report cards.

alumni news 5 We talked for three and a half hours, grant has given me the opportunity to Grant, Al Krauser, Sy “Shimmy” Lebenger, and my only regret is that I did not give finish my last year at Brooklyn College, and Marv Schrier. I could have caught him more satisfactory and outstanding and to make new friends within the Marty Silverman or Milt Sirota, both of marks on his report cards. BCAA. . . . whom looked ready to pitch. —RRW, ’53 —Desi Moreno-Penson, M.F.A., ’04 It was wonderful to share the day with our spouses. Billie Gaglio—a …thank you for a most enjoyable talented swimmer herself—Joyce alumni news (vol. 5, no. 1). Keep up the Former and Current Hochhauser, and Terry Sonkin attended good work. in honor of their departed husbands. —Shirley (Gittel) Goldwag, ’42 Athletes Meet in Florida Carol Schlanger Sirota, a gifted former by Jerome Tiegel, ’50 We were on a Tauck tour of Oregon athlete in her own right, and the wives this summer and discovered there were The alumni meeting of former Brooklyn of Jerry Abramowitz, Dave Askinasi, Stu six Brooklyn College grads in our group: College athletes is an annual affair. In Kessler, Mort Panzer, Irv Pincus, Howie Rhoda Polakoff Nagler, ’57; Les Nagler, January eighty-four youthful souls Thompson, and many of the guys that ’54; Marion Beitel Gold, ’54; Greta convened at Benvenuto’s Restaurant and I’ve already mentioned, my own darling, Soberman Fischer, ’54; and us. It is Catering Hall in Boca Raton. Athletes and others enjoyed the festivities. impossible to go anywhere without from the College’s early days were The annual get-together is a running into someone from Brooklyn present. George Edelman played wonderful way to maintain ties and College, which proves that BC folks football from the late thirties into the renew memories. Our initial group of are constantly on the go, even after forties. Sid Roth arrived ready to rock-and-sock footballers has expanded retirement. You did a great job at the manage a team of retired basketball to include former players from every fiftieth reunion. Hope to see you at players, among them Norm Cole, Mike sport. Join us on January 25, 2005, for some future BC functions. DiTomasso, Sid Finklestein, Sid Gerchick, our next feast. If you would like more —Lillian Gulotta Knight, ’53, Bernie Kirsner, Joe Post, Murray information, contact Dave Askinasi, and George F. Knight, ’53 Rosenberg, Don Seigelaub, and Herman (561) 499-6601; Boomie Bressler, Teitler. We considered forming a (561) 369-0539; or Jerry Tiegel, October 25, 2003, was really a gala football squad of “mature” guys, (516) 433-4059. event. The setting was beautiful and the including Arven Aronin, Dave Askinasi, food was super. Best of all were the Boomie Bressler, George Edelman, Jerry alums, gathered from so many classes, Spotlight on a Chapter Edwards, Joe Fallek, Al Fox,Wilbur who were friendly and interesting. My Palm Beach County husband, who did not go to Brooklyn By Hal Schaffer, former chapter president, ’56 Are you a graduate of the Brooklyn College, also loved the Reunion. We’ll College B.A.–M.D. Program? If you are In 1991 some venerable Palm Beach be at the next Gala, wherever it is! and would like to add your name to our residents received an invitation to a —Elaine Kurtzer, ’42 B.A.–M.D alumni database, please meeting concerning the revival of their Great meeting you at the October 25 contact Ken Miyano, associate professor chapter. A feisty group assembled for Gala Brooklyn College Reunion. ’Twas and director of the B.A.–M.D Program, the promised caucus. Those of us left a wonderful evening for my relatives, by telephone, 718-951-4857, or via standing agreed to give it our best shot. friends, and me. Many thanks to all e-mail, [email protected]. This bunch included a classics major, a who organized the party. In addition to your name, please physics major, a nurse, a lawyer, a naval —Mary E. McWilliams, ’49 indicate your address, date of engineer, a college dean, and several graduation, and any professional or teachers, who unaccountably thought that …Many, many thanks to everyone on personal information you care to share. I should be the president. After the the committee for choosing me as one We would love to hear from you! others agreed to chair committees and of the Levenson Award recipients. This

alumni news 6 Post-Fiftieth $5,000 grant, which is presented to a participate, I accepted. The biggest fight Brooklyn College department of the was over a motion to charge $10 in Luncheon and recipient’s choice. Rose, a published annual dues. While most board members Awards Ceremony poet, directed the prize to future bards were skeptical, seed money was needed. by Alice Ginsberg Margolis, ’43 in the English Department. A modest program of three luncheon meetings—a kickoff, a On September 21, 2003, one of the distinguished speaker, and an annual most eagerly anticipated events on Brooklyn College is meeting—plus a couple of dessert- the BCAA calendar took place: the discussions was planned. Within three thirteenth annual Post-Fiftieth Luncheon “Family” by Roberta Rose Wallach, ’53 years, the chapter was able to give and Awards Ceremony. This year’s luncheon paid special tribute to the $500 to BC student scholarships. Attending Brooklyn College is a Classes of 1938, 1943, and 1948. In Because of the creative programming tradition carried on by generation after addition, six extraordinary members of that swells our ranks, the current $15 generation in many families. The the Class of 1933 celebrated their yearly fee, income from our activities, romance doesn’t stop there. Many seventieth anniversary. and donations made through our couples meet at Brooklyn College as Roberta Rose Wallach, ’53, BCAA registration process, the chapter, now in well. If you would like to see the president, spoke of her debt to and its thirteenth year, donates at least BC alumni in your family listed in this affection for Brooklyn College and of $6,000 a year in scholarships. column, send their names to the Office her great pride that her four children This year we had four luncheon of Alumni Affairs. Please give us your were also alums. President Christoph meetings and finished the year with a name, too, and your street and e-mail M. Kimmich gave a glowing report on popular dessert-discussion that addresses and telephone number. the College’s current status and its addressed the 2004 Election. Hillary Contact Stacey Backenroth, ’02, at plans. Dr. Robert I. Goldberg, ’41, a Rodham Clinton wrote,“It takes a the Office of Alumni Affairs, recipient of the 2002 Milton Fisher, ’38, village to raise a child.” We believe (718) 951-5065, or by e-mail, Second Harvest Award, presented the that it takes an engaged core group,an [email protected]. exciting program, and a cooperative 2003 Lifetime Achievement Awards, Couples membership to revitalize a chapter. with characteristic wit. While offering the opportunity to Sheldon Blumengold, ’75, and renew friendships and make new Marilyn Indig Blumengold, ’75 News Flash: New Chapter acquaintances, the Post-Fiftieth Luncheon Floyd F. Cumberbatch, ’52, and and Awards Ceremony acknowledges Mary J.Williams Cumberbatch, ’53 A First for New Jersey distinguished alumni, many of whom Michele Resnick Emmer, ’72, and Another branch was added to the have achieved national and international Michael Emmer, ’70 BCAA family tree, which now spans the acclaim in their chosen fields. This year Phil Fagin, ’54, and Judith Benczer country. Alumni living in East/Central nineteen were recognized with Lifetime Fagin, ’55 New Jersey are charter members of a Achievement Awards, including Maurice Donald Forman, ’53, and new chapter organized on April 22, Bleifeld, Minerva Critchlow Bonds, and Florence Sporn Forman, ’53 2004, at the Library of The Chathams. Robert R. Robertson from the Class of Louis Moskowitz, ’36, and It looks like it will be a great year for 1933. Beatrice Dubin Rose, ’33, was Dorothy Deutsch Moskowitz, ’62 New Jersey alumni, chock-full of awarded the Milton Fisher, ’38, Second Barry D. Shelkin, ’55, and activities planned by this vibrant group. Harvest Award, which honors Agnes Mokarry Shelkin, ’51 Call the Office of Alumni Affairs, outstanding creative and/or philanthropic Sam Unterricht, ’73, and (718) 951-5065, for more information. accomplishment. The award includes a Alayne Finkelstein Unterricht, ’73

alumni news 7 Brooklyn College Alumni Association Nonprofit Org Brooklyn College U.S. Postage The City University of New York 2900 Bedford Avenue PAID Brooklyn, New York 11210-2889 Permit No. 3091 Brooklyn, N.Y.

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chairing countless committees. An Gala Alumni Reunion advocate of interfaith and interethnic Set for October enterprises, she lectures at universities and in Jewish communities here By Arlene Lichterman, ’53 and abroad. Generations Hold the date, Saturday, October 16, The Honorable Ira B. Harkavy Paulette Barry, ’91; 2004, for our exciting annual reunion is a justice of the State of New York Kelvin A. Barry Sr., ’00 at Tavern on the Green in Central Supreme Court in Kings County and a Michele Resnick Emmer, ’72; Park. Our theme,“Tracks to Brooklyn,” respected legal scholar, one of the Michael Emmer, ’70; Keith Emmer, ’95; is in honor of the centennial of the few among his peers to preside over Lisa Emmer, ’01 New York City subway system. Major civil, matrimonial, medical malpractice, Phil Fagin, ’54; Judith Benczer Fagin, ’55; junctions will be the twenty-fifth and criminal parts. President of the Ellen Fagin, ’87; Susan Fagin Elman, ’91 reunion of the Class of 1979 and the BCAA from 1973 through 1983, Miriam Cohen Fertig, ’42; Mark Fertig, ’71 fortieth reunion of the Class of 1964. Harkavy now serves as a board Kate Okryenetz Finkelstein, ’47; Alumna- and Alumnus-of-the-Year member. He was an active community Alayne Finkelstein Unterricht, ’73 Awards will be presented to Blu leader when he was a partner in a Helen M. Snyder Granatelli, ’36; Genauer Greenberg, ’57, and Justice Brooklyn-based law firm and is still Elizabeth Granatelli, ’75 Ira B. Harkavy, ’51. involved in many local organizations. Percy Haynes, ’03; Lyndon Haynes, ’02 Blu Greenberg is a widely With twenty-two years on the Sharon Diamond Meloy, ’69; Joseph L. published author on the contemporary bench, he continues to work to make Meloy, ’04; Daniel E. Meloy, ’06 Jewish family, feminism, and orthodoxy. Brooklyn even better. Ann Caratozzolo Whooley, ’71; She is the cofounder and the first Join us for this gala reunion as we James Whooley, ’01 president of the Jewish Orthodox honor our alumni and dine and dance Dorothy Levine Winters, ’34; Eleanor J. Feminist Alliance and has served on under the stars at Tavern on the Winters, ’69; Margaret E.Winters, ’67 the boards of many organizations, Green in Central Park.

Editor: Roberta Rose Wallach, ’53 Margolis, ’43; Samuel Rabinoff, ’49; Marilyn Levy Sarhis, ’53; Hal Schaffer, ’56; Staff: Agnes Ford, ’69; Arlene Helen Zegerman Schwimmer, ’69; Lichterman, ’53; Alice Ginsberg Jerome Tiegel, ’50 alumni news 8