Fire Apparatus Manufacturers Association
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NOTE: Draft Pending review by membership
[Day 1 – March 17, 2008]
I. Call to Order – by President Jerry Halpin at 8:03 a.m. II. Opening Remarks - Mr. Halpin led members in the Pledge of Allegiance; Mr. Smith presented the invocation. All members were welcomed to Orlando, and were encouraged to recruit other members to the general membership meetings. A moment of silence was offered in memory of those who have gone before us. In addition, Mr. Joe Bernert was remembered as he faces back surgery this week. Fire Engineering was thanked for its sponsorship of this meeting. Representatives could not attend due to health reasons, but Mr. Halpin emphasized that Fire Engineering continues its commitment to FAMA. The Board of Directors, Honorary Member Al Burnham, and first-time attendees were introduced. Meeting Sponsors Spartan Motors, United Plastic Fabricating, and VisionMark were acknowledged for their contributions to this meeting. III. Roll Call – by Secretary Peter Darley. Total number of member companies answering the call of roll: 48. See attendance list attached. IV. Proof of Notice of Meeting – by Mr. Darley. Notice of this meeting was emailed to all members on December 2, 2007, pursuant to the association bylaws. V. Review and Enter Minutes – by Mr. Darley. After discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded, with no errors or omissions noted, it was: VOTED: That the minutes of the October 7, 2007 General Membership Meeting be entered into the records of the association. VI. Official Welcome – Chief James Reynolds of the Orlando Fire Department provided the official welcome to FAMA members to his city. The fire department is 123 years old; he is a third generation firefighter and is the 17th chief of the department. There are many sites to enjoy within the 109 square miles of Orlando; population: 400,000 with 17 stations and 18 engine companies. There are three new stations in the last year; 5 districts/battalions; every unit has ALS; as of 3/12/08, Orlando was awarded an ISO-1 rating. Chief Reynolds extended his appreciation to FAMA companies for their contribution to the fire service through the manufacture of quality products that help save lives. VII. Self-Introduction of Members – accomplished. VIII. Anti-Trust Guidelines/Non-Discrimination Policy – Legal Counsel Jim Juneau noted that it is the policy of FAMA to abide by the federal anti-trust guidelines and the strict non-discrimination policy at all meetings of the association. Any infractions should be brought to the attention of a Board member.
IX. Treasurer’s Report – by Treasurer Mike Schoenberger. A performance-to-budget summary covering revenues and expenses for the period 1/1/07 through 12/31/07, and the approved 2008 budget
FGM 3.08 Minutes was distributed for review. Mr. Schoenberger noted that FAMA’s net worth realized a 19.4% increase from 12/31/06 to 12/31/07 to a balance of $334,015, and the 2007 budget v. the 2008 budget realized a 2.9% decrease in revenues and a 2.9 increase in expenses. The major changes are reflected by a 38.8% increase in the GAC budget and a 12.9% increase in membership meetings. X. Board Report – Mr. Halpin reported the activities of the Board since the fall 2007 membership meeting: 4 board meetings; 2 executive committee meetings; completed the transition of officers; approved the 2008 budget; completed the fall meeting audit; 2007 tax returns are in process; approved two new members having lost 4 members at the close of 2007 (with a retention of 110) – goal is 120 by the end of 2008; published winter newsletter; planned spring membership and technical committee meetings; went live with the new FAMA web site; generated 4th quarter and year-end statistics reports. It was recommended that members review the web site and send comments on the structure and appearance. A joint FAMA/FEMSA executive committee meeting was held in October for the purpose of sharing information and working on common interests. The 2008 key initiatives were reviewed: 1. Complete review of all standing committees – provide clear vision, tools for accountability, committee mentors, obtain written acknowledgements, provide committee manuals 2. Explore Trade Show involvement/options 3. Weight & Cube Calculator Update 4. Improvement White Paper Update 5. Membership Retention / Meetings 6. Seat Belt Project / Annex D FAMA will look into providing Annex D classes at the FDIC not during show hours. The presentation will be posted on the web site in the public area. 2008 brought on a new organization within the Board and committees, defined by the use of a management tool – scorecards. Committee manuals were produced and permanent committee liaisons to the Board were assigned. XI. Committee Reports ` A. Governmental Affairs (GAC) – Bob Kreps, Chair. [See power point slides attached.] Mr. Kreps’ report highlighted committee activities since the fall meeting; the GAC’s reassessment of direction saw the increase of its budget to provide for professional assistance; the committee was re- energized with commitments by its members to become actively engaged; a subcommittee structure was formed to share the assigned tasks; strategic initiatives and priorities were established and key legislative developments confirmed. Mr. Bruce Whitehouse summarized the activities of the Canadian GAC (CFS:gac); a major effort included a survey prepared by the Ontario Fire Service which culminated into a “10 important facts” brochure for Ontario. Other provinces will follow Ontario’s lead. B. Meeting Planning – Grady North, Chair. [See power point slides attached.] The committee developed and reviewed meeting site criteria and objectives for this year, and a host of action items in preparation for this meeting. Statistics were provided graphing spring meeting attendance at site locations for the last 15+ years. Information was outlined to show the meeting sites through the spring of 2111. Beginning in the fall of 2008, three sponsorship opportunities will be available for member companies including the spouses program and two cocktail parties. C. Internet – Steve Toren, Chair. [See power point slides attached.] Three+ members are needed to assist on this committee. New graphics are being designed for a more appealing look on the web site with new features for members. Members are asked to review the site and provide suggestions and comments on ways to improve the site.
FGM 3.08 Minutes [Committee reports, suspended]
XII. Breakout Session – All members broke into groups and were charged to discuss the following topics: A. Should a joint FAMA and FEMSA Board be created to manage issues that impact both associations? B. Should membership requirements include each company to volunteer 1-3 representatives to serve on committees? C. Should certain standing committees hire outside firms to complete specific objectives? Committee chairs serve as moderators for each group and will provide their notes to Mr. Halpin.
Meeting suspended for the day – 11:45 a.m.
[Day 2 – March 18, 2008]
8:00 a.m. – Call to Order by President Halpin
[XI. Committee Reports, continued]
D. NFPA 1500 / 18 – Dominic Colletti, FAMA Principal Representative. [See power point slides attached.] Mr. Colletti noted that the goal is to take the Annex D verbiage out of the annex and have it inserted into the body of the standards. Attempts will be made to do this incrementally through language changes. The next meeting of the NFPA 1500 task group is slated for May 18th in Phoenix, AZ. NFPA 18 is not in cycle and there is nothing to report. E. NFPA 1901 – Bill Ballantyne, FAMA Principal Representative. [See power point slides attached.] Mr. Ballantyne provided a presentation that was prepared by Roger Lackore (Pierce) who provided it to FAMA at no charge. Appreciation was extended. Firefighter deaths by type of duty as of 2006, and statistics on firefighter deaths responding to or returning from an incident from 1994 through 2006 were outlined; 76% of the deaths from 1977 to 2006 indicated that seat belts were not utilized by the victims. The presentation outlines additional items added to address safety standards including definitions; third-party certification of test results; vehicle data recorders; rollover stability requirements; tire pressure monitoring system; other certification requirements; maximum top speed; statement of exceptions document; ground ladders; other loose equipment requirements; vehicle weight requirement changes; diesel particulate filter/regeneration; exhaust temperatures; continuous electrical load requirements; compartment, work and step surfaces and walkway lighting requirements; seat belt web length, color and warning system requirements; reflective striping; fire helmet restraints; cab integrity testing, cab rear view mirrors; access ladders; handrails and hand holds; other body, compartments & equipment mounting; fire pumps and associated equipment; aerial devices; foam; line voltage electrical systems; air systems, winches, trailers; Annex C loose equipment; and the distinction of Annex D – “should”, not “shall”. The updated NFPA 1901-2009 Standard applies to apparatus contracted for on or after January 1, 2009. The final version should be available in the June/July 2008 timeframe through NFPA. This presentation will be posted in the public area of the FAMA web site. Discussion – with regard to ambulance maintenance, it has been suggested it come under the 1901 umbrella. Were this to happen, it would change the whole structure of the 1901 committee. Also, it may affect the makeup of FAMA. Mr. Ballantyne will keep members posted. A member suggested that a feasibility study be done to show the impact the 1901 changes have as added costs to the fire apparatus; discussion.
FGM 3.08 Minutes F. Technical – Guy Lemieux, Chair. [See power point slides attached.] Mr. Lemieux announced that starting in 2010, Detroit Diesel no longer will supply loose engines to fire truck manufacturers. Consequently, his position within the company will change and he will step down as committee chair. Two new co-chair appointments have been made: Mr. Sean Duffy and Mr. Dave Durstine. Mr. Lemieux will assist in the transition. Committee goals for 2008 were outlined and include the updating of the Weight & Cube Calculator and the FAMA White Paper. Presentations at the spring Technical Committee meeting include a 2010 emissions overview by Mr. Lackore, and an NFPA 1901 update by Mr. Carl Peterson of the NFPA. Since the NFPA has disbanded the Safety Committee, FAMA will as well in time. With regard to the suggestion of the cost analysis discussed above, it may be too late to make changes now, but it could be researched for future changes in the 2012 edition of the standard.
Break Meeting Surveys – distributed to all attendees; return completed surveys to Karen Burnham.
XIII. Long Range Planning – Open Forum – Bill Ballantyne, Chair. [See power point slides attached.] Discussions during this open forum provided guidance to the committee. A memorandum noting comments received is attached to the minutes. XIV. Breakout Session Recap – Mr. Halpin collected the comments from moderators of yesterday’s breakout session and reviewed them with the membership [see power point slides and memorandum of comments attached]. XV. Unfinished Business A. CFSI Dinner – The annual CFSI dinner will be held Thursday, April 3rd, Hilton Washington, Washington, DC. A FAMA/FEMSA reception will precede the dinner. B. Display on the Mall – Collecting of information from FAMA and FEMSA members for a mapping project has been completed, resulting in a 95% member response rate. A map of the USA is being created listing all members and the total number of employees in each state. The map will be on display on the National Mall at the CFSI showcase event Wednesday, April 2nd, and will be posted on the web sites. C. Bylaws - George Goros, Vice Chair. An amendment to FAMA bylaws section 8.3.1. Standing Committees was proposed and distributed to all members pursuant to the requirements of the bylaws. The amendment changes the Marketing Committee structure by separating out Internet and Trade Shows as stand-alone committees. After discussion and upon motion duly made and seconded, it was: VOTED: To amend FAMA bylaws Section 8.3.1. to read: Section 8.3.1. Standing Committees shall be: Bylaws Committee Education Committee Government Affairs Committee Internet Committee Long Range Plan Committee Marketing Committee Meeting Planning Committee Membership Committee Statistics Committee Technical Committee Trade Show Committee
FGM 3.08 Minutes D. Nominating – Bill Ballantyne, Chair. Nominations are now open for two positions on the 2009 FAMA Board of Directors – Secretary and Jr. Director-at-Large. Members who have interest in serving on the Board should contact Mr. Ballantyne or any member of the Nominating Committee. XVI. Closing Remarks – Mr. Halpin thanked members for taking the time to attend this meeting event, and for their contributions and insight. XVII. Next Meeting Notice – by Mr. Darley. The next meeting of the FAMA General Membership will be held October 10-11, 2008, Hilton El Conquistador Resort, Tucson, Arizona. XVIII. Adjournment – by Mr. Halpin. With no further business to come before this meeting, upon motion duly made and seconded, and no discussion, it was: VOTED: To adjourn at 11:51 a.m.
A true copy, attest:
______Karen H. Burnham Recording Secretary
Attachments: Attendance List Memorandum – Discussion Comments The full power point presentation of this meeting has been posted in the Member Area of the FAMA web site –
FGM 3.08 Minutes FAMA General Membership Meeting March 17-18, 2008 Attendance
4-Guys Inc. – Mark Albright Akron Brass Company – David Durstine, Dan Peters, Dan Reese Allison Transmission – Rebecca Schenk Aluminum Ladder Company – Samantha McGowan AMDOR, Inc. – Bruce Whitehouse Amity Machine Corporation – Ned Selwyn, Jr. ArvinMeritor, Inc. – Mike Smyth C.E.T. Fire Pumps Mfg., Inc. – Jerry Halpin, Stephan Thibault Class 1 Inc. – Rick Morgan Crash Rescue Equipment – Grady North Crimson Fire – William Doebler Cummins Inc. – Carolyn Jackson Cummins Onan – Jeremy Jones Detroit Diesel Corporation – Guy Lemieux Duo-Safety Ladder Corp – Phil Schwab, Randy Vandersee, Sandra Vandersee Eagle Compressors, Inc. – Anthony Gonzalez Elkhart Brass Mfg. Co., Inc. – Paul Carpenter, Tim Doane Federal Signal Corporation – Pat Hester Fire Equipment Services – Tom Garrity Fire Research Corporation – Rick Fix, Jack McLoughlin, Toh Meng Fort Garry Fire Trucks – Brian Nash, Rick Suche, Steve Suche, Lisa Suche Freightliner Trucks – Bill Thomas Hackney Emergency Vehicles – Eddie Smith Hale Products Inc. – Dominic Colletti, Bob Kreps Hannay Reels Inc. – Ken Fritz Harrison Hydra-Gen Inc. – Jim Otwell Hypro LLC/FoamPro Division – Bill Ballantyne IMMI – Kurt Dittman International Truck & Engine – Bob Neitzel KME Fire Apparatus – Phil Gerace Kochek Company Inc. – Greg Kozey, John Swanson Marion Body Works Inc. – Curt Ignacio Metalfab Ltd. – Ryan Stacey Pierce Manufacturing Inc. – Jeff Resch, Mike Schoenberger Plastisol Composites LLC – Alan Saulsbury Pro Poly of America Inc. – Daniel Owen RealWheels Cover Co. – Jan Polka R-O-M Corporation – Steve Briggs Seagrave Fire Apparatus Co. – Nathan Nick Seats, Inc. – Eric Sauey Spartan Chassis – Matt Creech, Ed Dobbs, Richard Schalter Spartan Motors Inc. – John Sztykiel Sutphen Corporation – Drew Sutphen
FGM 3.08 Minutes Task Force Tips Inc. – Stewart McMillan, Doug Miller Transportation Safety Technologies – Jim Allison, Ray Barr Truck Cab Manufacturers – John Weber United Plastic Fabricating Inc. – Gerald Cannon, George Goros W.S. Darley & Company – Peter Darley Waterous Company – Heinz Gee, Gregg Geske, Geary Roberts, Steve Toren
Honorary Member – Al Burnham Legal Counsel – Jim Juneau Administrator – Karen Burnham
March 18, 2008 FAMA Spring Membership Meeting Orlando, FL
PART 1 - Long Range Planning – Open Forum Member Discussion / Comments
We’re doing a poor job of educating the end user on the importance of Annex D. Each member should be approaching his/her local fire officials/fire districts each spring on this topic. Do it for the good of the order. Review facts from the BU statistics/report; add that to the Annex D statistics; put together a flyer and distribute it to dealers – FAMA to pull that document together. IAFC, IAFF – start at the top v. local fire districts – do a national campaign with major players with major money. Get legislators and governmental officials knowledgeable and believing it. Home Day can help accomplish this; must step up and get involved; need good PR and marketing to help push it nationally. Get power of the press behind the effort. Concentrate on the 30+ year old trucks and push that first. Build on major resources – look at AARP, get their backing. Fire Fighters are our resources – make firefighters safer; help them write grants; give them the tools Put a power point presentation together and share it with fire departments and governmental officials to give them the facts and tools needed. DHS speaker a year ago – start at that level and convince them Are we in our own comfort zone? Are you complacent or proactive? What is our message? Facilitate education to prepare for a call to action; how do we deliver the horsepower? Partners, or a large organization to facilitate; equipment people to deliver the message Fire doesn’t speak with one voice – partner with those with same focus. Behind Fire Grants, Safer and support of USFA, alliance partners are splinters. View is that FAMA/FEMSA have deep pockets. Use Home Day as the platform. Unless members go to DC and visit their congressmen and senators and express the need, it won’t happen. FAMA – Fire is 8.2% of the runs – future name change for association? NFPA includes specialty vehicles as the definition of apparatus One of every 3 fire trucks is over 20 years old – will it take a fire truck on a run that plows into a school bus full of kids that get hurt because of old brakes and lack of safety. Take a harder line on “Safe Trucks Save Lives” – look at legal aspects once newer equipment is available Straw poll – stay the course but keep looking at a better alternative; continue what we’re doing now but develop a plan to make this a higher focus with more support behind it – overwhelmingly more accelerated. LRP will pull together a survey; prepare sample letter from FAMA to local newspapers
FGM 3.08 Minutes PART II – Breakout Session Recap Member Discussion / Comments
Should a joint FAMA/FEMSA board be created to manage issues that impact both associations? Review slides Discuss potential in Tucson If FAMA gets more focused on advancing the fleet, that would not be important to FEMSA 96,000 employees between both groups – a stronger voice than if separated. Sum: good thing to discuss on an executive committee level; will broach in Tucson to see what FEMSA is thinking. Break out numbers of employees – FAMA v. FEMSA
Should membership requirements include each company to volunteer 1-3 representatives to serve on committees? Review slides If some members are in it for the statistics, classify their membership differently; would look better if there are 60 active members and 50 attend membership meetings, than if there are 112 members and 50 attend. How do you determine why people don’t attend? What’s the value of attending for a truck Builder; appears to be based on the relationship side. Major truck builders need to be here. Content and topics are key. Bring in 00 chiefs; the manufacturers will come.
Should certain standing committees hire outside firms to complete specific objectives? Review slides
Action Item: FAMA Membership Application – ask if there are any talents of the company that can be tapped to help further FAMA’s work.
FGM 3.08 Minutes