Coming World Emperor, Part I
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Coming World Emperor, Part I The head of gold represents the empire of Babylon from 604 BC to 539 BC Verses 37, 38. Astounding as it may seem the scriptures clearly teach there is coming a The breast and arms of silver represents the empire of Medo-Persia time when Satan will be able to produce a man through whom he will gain from 539 -333 B.C. Verse 39a virtual control over the entire world. That control will be so powerful and The belly and thighs of brass represent Greece from 333 – 323 BC pervasive that the great majority of the world will knowingly worship the Verse 39b. emperor and Satan as their god. The legs and feet of iron with the feet part iron and part clay represented the Roman Empire from 323 BC onward. The visible political "And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his western branch of Rome ended in 467 AD. The eastern branch in 1476 AD deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the The feet and toes partly of iron (dictatorship) and partly of clay beast. So they worshipped the dragon (Satan), who gave authority to the (democracy) represent a revived form of the Roman Empire that will be in beast (The human emperor), and they worshiped the beast, saying, ‘Who is existence when Christ returns to establish His kingdom. like the beast? Who is able to make war with him.’" Revelation 13:3-4. Daniel 7 presents these four empires as wild beasts. . .as beheld by The Devil is often referred to as a liar and a deceiver in the scriptures. As the eyes of God: such, he is a counterfeiter. He tries to represent himself and his ways as being like God. The coming world emperor is his version of God’s promised Babylon is presented as a lion with eagle’s wings 7:4 Christ. No doubt, he will appear as much like Christ in the beginning as the Medo-Persia is presented as a bear 7:5 Devil can make him. The masses of humanity will be deceived. But for those Greece is presented as a leopard with four wings 7:6 who desire to know the true God there is sufficient revelation to recognize Rome is presented as a diverse beast 7:7 the difference between Satan’s Christ and God’s true Christ. The 10 horns on the diverse beast represent 10 nations forming a Federation of Nations of the revived Roman Empire. TITLES GIVEN BY THE PROPHET DANIEL TO The Little Horn (7:8, 9) devouring three existing horns pictures the IDENTIFY SATAN’S FALSE CHRIST: rapidly rising leader disposing of three kings and taking control of their three kingdoms (7:24). The other seven kings proceed to acknowledge him as the DISCUSSED IN PART I: supreme leader of the federation. In addition, this leader will: THE LITTLE HORN THE PRINCE WHO IS TO COME 1. Have a mouth boasting great things (7:8, 20) CONTINUING IN PART II: 2. Wage war with the saints and overpower them (7:21) THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION 3. Will speak out against the Most High (7:25a) ( He is "anti-Christ" or MAN OF SIN/THE LAWLESS ONE against Christ.) THE BEAST OUT OF THE SEA 4. Seek to make changes in times and in law. (7:25b) 5. Have 3 ½ times to do his work (Explained in Revelation as 1260 "THE LITTLE HORN" Daniel 7:8, 11, 19-26 days –11:2,3 or 42 months 13:5).
To gain the fullest understanding of this scripture it must be studied in Do we see 10 nations clearly committed to revive the Roman Empire with connection with Daniel, chapter 2. Both of these chapters teach that four a Federation of Nations? No. Do we see movement that will make such an vast empires would rule over the land of Israel before Christ establishes His event possible? Absolutely. kingdom on earth. Amazingly coincidental, it was 1948, the same year Israel became an Chapter 2 of Daniel presents these four empires in the form of a independent nation in 2500 years, that unification of Europe began. Holland, great statue. . .as beheld by the eyes of mankind: Belgium and Luxembourg entered into the Benelux Treaty which became the nucleus for European Economic unity. 2. Bring about the national restoration of Israel which will be In 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community was formed with West accomplished at the second coming of Christ (9:24) Germany, France, and Italy joining the original three. In 1957 Great Britain joined these nations in the Treaty of Rome, setting "Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command up: to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince there shall be seven weeks and sixty two weeks. . ." Verse 25 1. The European Economic Community 2. Euratom – to develop peace time uses of atomic energy Out of four Persian decrees relating to Israel’s return to their land only the 3. Continuation of the coal and steel community. fourth decree by Artaxerxes on March 5, 444 BC authorized the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. The seven weeks or 49 years was the period in They bound these three divisions together with: which Jerusalem was built. To the seven weeks was added a period of 62 weeks making a total of 483 years until Messiah, the Prince (Jesus Christ). 1. An executive council of ministers 2. And European parliament To Sir Robert Anderson, a retired Scotland Yard Inspector, we owe the 3. A European Court of Justice to which individual nations and debt for his meticulous work in determining the span of these 483 years. their police forces were bound to obey. Using the Jewish lunar calendar of 360 days to a year and multiplying that times 483 years equaled 173,880 days. Tracing out those 173,880 days By 1981 there were 10 members and by 1995 there were 15. Economic results in a closing date of March 30, 33 AD. That was the day Jesus rode and political union of recognizable nations had become a reality. In 1993 the into Jerusalem on a mule and officially presented Himself to Israel as their European Economic Community (EEC) approved the "Ecu" as its standard Messiah. money. In January of 1999 all nations of the EEC agreed to enter into full economic unity by having one Central Bank and one common currency. "After the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off, but not for Himself;. . ."9:26a In the week following the presentation of Jesus to Israel In the early 1990’s the EEC tried to intimidate Saddam Hussein to adopt He was crucified on the cross of Calvary. We must notice that the prophecy a peaceful policy by the threat of an economic boycott. He laughed at their says, "After the sixty-two weeks (69 total) Messiah will be cut off." Between th th threat. They would find that it would require the military power of a "Desert the 69 week and the 70 week is the church age, "the mystery which has Storm" to accomplish this. This has been repeated in 2003 with Operation: been hidden from ages and generations; but has now been revealed to His Iraqi Freedom. saints" Colossians 1:26. Israel’s time clock will not start again until she signs a seven year peace covenant with the anti-Christ or ("The World’s Coming Emperor."). "THE PRINCE WHO IS TO COME" DANIEL 9:26 ". . .And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and In many ways the prophecy God gave in Daniel 9:24-27 is one of the the sanctuary. . ." (9:26b) The people who destroyed Jerusalem and it’s most awesome prophecies in all of the word of God. Temple were the Roman Legions under Titus in 70 AD. This gives positive identification that the prince who is to come will be prince of a revived "Seventy weeks are determined for your people and your holy city. . ." Roman Empire.
This refers to seventy weeks of years equaling 490 years. The Jews used "Then he shall confirm a covenant with the many for one week (seven units of seven years (shabua) to measure time instead of decades of ten years). ." years as we do in the western world. God’s purpose in these 490 years is to (9:27a) Before the ink dries on the signatures of the Roman Prince and Israel’s president, Israel’s clock of seven years will be ticking. 1. Provide redemption which was accomplished by Christ’s death on the cross and ". . .But in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation which is determined, is poured out on the desolate." (9:27b) Here is positive confirmation that the covenant between the Roman Prince and Israel includes authority for Israel to:
1. Rebuild their temple 2. Authenticate their priesthood and 3. Renew their sacrifices and offerings.
This verse also reveals that after 3 ½ years the Roman prince will break the covenant; forbid any further offerings and sacrifices and commit an abomination in the Temple that will make it desolate. In His "Olivet Discourse" Jesus confirmed that this event is still future. "Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." Matthew 24:15, 16.
Is Israel ripe for a peace covenant that will give them peace, security, and the authorization to renew the practice of their religion under the Mosaic Covenant. Indeed they are. It is headline news in virtually every major newspaper and a topic on television world news. Moreover, it has been a continuing news item in varying degrees of intensity for fifty-two years.
A great deal of the idealism that constructed the United Nations is the same idealism that will ultimately bring abut "The Federated Nations Of Europe" but the United Nations is a paper tiger, bogged down with cumbersome committees. It is more talk than action.
As surely as the word of God is true there will come a point when ten nations of the former Roman Empire will unite in a political, economic and military federation. Within this framework the coming Emperor of the World will rise.
Copyright © 2002 Thomas E Berry All Scriptures quoted from NKJV unless otherwise noted