Admininistrative Policies and Procedures
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Committed to the safety of our children
Final- April 15 , 2015
It is the mission of the Caverna Transportation Department to provide sound transportation practices in order to maximize all available resources and to effectively utilize these resources in a collaborative, learner-centered, performance-based and data-driven manner so that the district can provide an environment that is safe and conducive to teaching and learning.
2 ______CONTENTS______
Mission Statement...... 2
Directory...... 4
Definitions...... 5-7
Employee Seniority...... 8
Department Staffing...... 8
Driver Assignments...... 9
Route/Job Vacancies...... 10-11
Bus Assignments and Parking...... 11
Bus Monitors...... 11
Special Education Transportation...... 11
Employee Pay...... 12-13
Holidays/Vacations/Leaves...... 13
Grievances...... 14-15
Other or Outside Employment...... 16
Driver Responsibilities...... 16-25
District Responsibilities...... 25-26
Anti-Idling Policy...... 27
Use of Personal Communication Devices ...... 28
Mr. Eddie Wilson, Director of Transportation Cell 270-473-1260, Radio “C1”
Central Office 270-773-2530, Radio “Base”
Mr. David Forbes, Bus Maintenance Work: 270-786-1714, Radio “Shop”
Transportation Department 270-773-2530 extension 1013
Caverna Independent Schools
School Principal School Phone Caverna Elementary Nathan Wyatt 270-773-3671 Caverna Middle Barry Nesbitt 270- 773-4665 Caverna High Brad Phipps 270- 773-2828
The safe transportation of students and personnel within the Caverna Independent School District is the Pupil Transportation Department's primary objective and challenge.
It is the intent of the Caverna Board of Education to provide drivers with the same income and responsibilities as the previous year. However, changes in the department's organizational structure, route demands, and student population may dictate corresponding changes in personnel and other departmental resources.
Bidding The process by which an employee declares, in writing, his/her desire to assume the responsibilities of an available route/job vacancy.
Break in Service An interruption in an employee's employment status with the school district.
Bus Monitor A bus assistant who accompanies the bus driver on selected routes that transport select Special Education and/or Preschool students.
Displaced or A driver who has lost his/her assigned route(s) due to the reassigned drivers process of route elimination, reduction in force or disciplinary reasons.
Driver An employee within the Pupil Transportation Department who has: Completed the requisite training (initial and/or annual update), Attained the mandated Commercial Drivers License (CDL),
Received a certificate of acceptance from a Board approved physician who certifies the employee as being physically and emotionally qualified to drive a school bus, and Signed the official School Bus Driver contract of employment as offered by the Board of Education
Extra-curricular trips School-related activities that require students to be transported (field trips) away from the school site for the purpose of participation in educational or cultural experiences, or to various approved competitions or events.
5 Full-time driver Drivers who are guaranteed at least 20 hours of work per week, who are eligible for full employee benefits, and who are assigned regular routes.
Hire-in date In relation to the establishment of seniority within the Pupil Transportation department, the hire-in date is to be the date on which the employee officially becomes a full-time employee as a transportation worker or bus driver. Substitute bus drivers are not considered full-time employees.
Medically fragile Those students whose medical condition requires special students accommodations and special training while being transported. Examples include students with: Feeding tube Tracheotomy Brittle bones Catheterization Grand mal seizure activity
Non-Traditional A non-traditional route is one that is developed and bid as a Routes separate route from a driver contracted route.
Overtime Overtime is considered as time worked beyond an accumulated 40 hours per week. Overtime will be paid at a rate of 1.5 times the driver's regular rate of pay for each hour worked. Prior approval must be received.
Posting The process of notifying potentially interested drivers of all primary and secondary route vacancies that may develop.
Pre-School A program that involves KERA Pre-School that includes "at- risk" four year old students, and three and four year old students with disabilities.
Problem-solving When a problem arises and is presented to supervision (Transportation Director, or Superintendent) an answer will be given within 24 hours. If a decision cannot be made during that time the supervisor shall contact the said person with the problem and advise them that additional time to reach a decision is needed, in which event he/she shall give them such decision within one week.
6 Routes There are basically two categories of bus routes:
Primary Routes: Regular AM/PM and Special Education AM/PM routes. These routes are similar in design and duration from year to year (i.e., geography, and school(s) served, constant times of the day). The number and identities of the student riders and the assigned bus may fluctuate yearly. Alternative Schools Routes
Secondary Routes: All extra assignment routes including: Vocational Extended School (ESS) School for blind and deaf
Seniority Seniority is an employee's length of service, based on the employee's hire-in-date within the Pupil Transportation Department, and is used as the determining factor in considering vacant route opportunities or reductions in force. As a point of emphasis, it should be noted that seniority shall be based on continuous service including approved leave of absences.
Substitute drivers shall be granted seniority rights before newly hired drivers if each is hired full-time simultaneously.
Substitute driver (part- Drivers who are employed on a part-time basis and who time employee) function as substitutes for absent full-time drivers are not guaranteed any specific number of work hours per week and are not eligible for any employee benefits.
Vocational route The process of transporting students to and from a school to another site for the purpose of exposing the student to specialized instruction in vocational/technological subjects.
Seniority Seniority will be used as the determining factor in considering route advancement opportunities or reductions in force.
Determination of hire- Driver hire-in dates are established by the date the employee in date completes their final “CDL” test.
Board approval All official staff positions within the Pupil Transportation Department will be Board approved.
Staff jurisdiction and Every member of the Pupil Transportation Department staff authority has the authority to provide instruction and advice to drivers as required by their official job duties, and as directed by the Director of Transportation.
Staff members Board approved staff members include the following: Director of Transportation State Certified Bus Driver Instructor
Driver Trainers At the recommendation of the Transportation Director, a driver may be assigned to School Bus Driver Trainer position. Transportation will budget for drivers to attend a certification course and they will have the responsibility of giving instruction, guidance, and corrections to driver procedures.
8 DRIVER ASSIGNMENTS: Assigning drivers to All routes are subject to periodic change. The Director of routes Transportation has the authority to modify routes at any time throughout the school year for more efficient utilization of equipment and personnel by any or all of the following means: Adjusting the number and identity of students on specific buses Changing route design to include bus stop locations and intervals Discontinuing route(s) or route segments
Drivers will drive their assigned route(s) as originally designed or as subsequently modified. All route changes will be recommended by the drivers, certified bus instructor and/or Director of Transportation, and approved by the Director of Transportation.
Any drivers caught changing routes without approval is subject to disciplinary action up to termination.
Drivers will be notified not later than July 15 preceding the beginning of the school year of any elimination of routes or other assignment changes that occur for reasons other than providing for equitable loads among the affected drivers in the area in combination with a reasonable balance of riding time for affected students.
When possible and feasible, drivers will be assigned the same route(s) as driven during the previous school year, subject to route availability and needs.
Route Vacancies As new routes are created, or vacancies occur in existing routes, they will be appropriately posted, bid on by interested drivers, and awarded based on driver seniority. If a driver bids on a route, that driver must keep that same route for one year. The year begins the day the route begins.
Filling of Route Not every primary or secondary route that is left vacant will be Vacancies automatically posted and filled. The decision to fill route vacancies will be determined by the Director of Transportation including the reassignment of affected students to other bus routes to make the routes more efficient or to equalize existing driver workload or driving time.
Route Vacancy Within ten (10) working days following any route vacancy, and Posting Requirements after the decision has been made to fill that vacancy, a written notice of any such vacancy will be conspicuously posted at the following locations throughout the District for a period of ten (10) working days: Transportation Department Central Office
The written notice will include a route description.
Secondary Routes The following secondary routes may be bid: vocational, extended school services, school for the blind and deaf, and any other route not considered a full time assigned area. The Director of Transportation will assign a driver based on seniority. If a regular driver can not be found, then a substitute driver will be assigned.
Bidding Process If a driver is interested in a vacant route, they must sign up at the Transportation Department prior to the deadline. The vacant route will be awarded based on seniority.
When a new bus route becomes available and no regular driver bids, a substitute driver may bid on this new route.
Bidding Limitations Drivers are only allowed one primary route and/or one secondary route change as the results of the route/job bidding process per contract year. No lateral or reduction changes shall be permitted unless it benefits the driver and the District.
A driver may not bid on a secondary route if the duration of those routes would put the driver into overtime status.
10 Awarding of routes The driver to whom the route is awarded shall start on said route as soon as possible. Actual starting time shall be determined working in cooperation with the Transportation Director.
Driver/Bus When a new bus arrives, the Director of Transportation will Assignments assign the bus to the driver. This determination will be based on the age of the current buses on route, the number of years that the bus has been used on a regular route, and a driver’s driving record, and how well the driver has maintained the current bus he/she is driving.
Bus Parking All buses will be parked at the Central Office bus lot. Guidelines
Utilization of Bus The decision to assign a Bus Monitor to a specific bus will be Monitors made by the Director of Transportation.
The Bus Monitor (an individual other than the bus driver) has the general responsibility of: Assisting in the loading and unloading of students Administering to the needs of students while they are being transported to and from school, or related functions
Transporting three Each bus that transports three and four year old children is and four year old required to have at least one Bus Monitor. In relation to three students and four year old children, the Bus Monitor is responsible for: Delivering and receiving each child safely to and from the parent, guardian, or a person authorized by the parents Escorting any three and four year old child who must cross a roadway Assisting the driver as needed in enforcing student safety rules
Bus Monitor training The District shall provide all bus Monitors with appropriate training prior to assuming the duties of their job.
Bus Monitors A Bus Monitor will be assigned to a bus if the presence of a monitor is dictated by the student(s) IEP and/or the District's Director of Special Education relative to special physical, mental, or emotional needs of the student(s) being transported.
Salaries All regular and substitute classified personnel shall be paid on an hourly or salary basis. Salaries will be paid on the 15th and last day of each month.
Drivers' pay for Employees will be paid a minimum of 20 hours per week for services rendered primary route for work activities according to the rate specified in the Classified Salary Schedule. The length of the workday shall be established for each position by the Board. Such work includes, but is not limited to:
Pre-trip, monthly inspections, fueling Vehicle housekeeping and cleaning Administrative and logistical requirements Bus evacuation drills Consultation or counseling duties Drug testing
It does not include the interim period between assigned route segments, non-authorized waiting time between mid-day route segments, and other non-required activities assumed by the employee. In the A.M., the driver's time starts when they begin their pre- trip and ends when they finish routes. In the P.M., a driver's time starts when they begin their pre-trip or walk-around inspection loading of students at schools and ends when they finish the post-trip inspection at the parking lot.
Any variances to this section must come under Non-Traditional route classification. (See definitions - non-traditional route)
Daily time clock in Transportation employees are to clock in/out by using the time clocks in the transportation garage or school they are assigned. When taking an extra-curricular trip, drivers should record their time on the trip sheet in addition to time clock in and out. Employees falsifying time records is a serious offense that will be handled accordingly.
12 Overtime Work Drivers are not normally authorized overtime (time worked beyond 40 hours per week). Hourly employees required to work in excess of forty (40) hours per week will be paid at the rate of 1 1/2 times the regular rate for all hours beyond 40 as provided by law for overtime work. Overtime will only be allowed when deemed essential, and then only if approved by the District Superintendent. Weekly hours accrue Sunday through Saturday.
Employee absences All absences from the job must be in accordance with established Board policies on the subject. A completed transportation absence request must be submitted to the Director of Transportation promptly for such absences. Planning is essential to getting requests approved. However, it is understood that medical and emergency leave are often out of the employee's control and will be handled on a case-by- case basis.
A “Report of Absence” form should be completed as soon as possible when the employee returns to work.
Credit for experience Refer to the District Policy Manual pertaining to Classified.
Stipend for Drivers submitting to a random drug or alcohol test will be paid Drug/Alcohol Testing at regular rate for each time they submit to a required random drug or alcohol test in the manner and location prescribed.
HOLIDAYS/VACATIONS/LEAVES: Refer to the District Policy manual pertaining to Classified.
Absence Days Drivers are under a contract to work the number of days determined by the school calendar; and are expected to report for work other than absence due to illness or personal. Since employees under a 10 month contract “do not” get vacation days these are the only authorized days off work.
Absence days should be requested in advance so suitable coverage can be scheduled. Events such as vacation, theological retreats, or other events should be planned while school is not in session. Documentation shall be required to justify that an employee cannot report to work.
This policy is designed to provide employees with an opportunity to present their work- related complaints through a grievance procedure. An appropriate dispute is an employee's expressed dissatisfaction concerning an interpretation or application of a work-related policy or procedure that directly affects the employee filing the grievance.
The grievance procedure is the exclusive remedy for employees with appropriate complaints. As used in this policy, the term "timely fashion" means five (5) working days unless extended by the Superintendent. The grievance procedure has a maximum of three (3) steps, unless the complaint involves a matter that can be appealed to the Board as described herein below, but disputes may be resolved at any step in the process. Disputes will be processed until: 1. Employee is satisfied, 2. Does not file an appeal in a timely fashion, or 3. Exhausts the right to appeal under this policy. The decision becomes final whenever an employee does not file an appeal in a timely fashion or when a decision is made in the final step and the right of appeal no longer exists under this policy. Employees who feel they have an appropriate dispute should proceed as follows:
Step 1 - File a complaint within five (5) working days of the occurrence on which the complaint is based on a written form provided for this purpose with the employee's Designated Administrator. If the dispute involves the Designated Administrator, then the employee may proceed directly to Step 2. The Designated Administrator will investigate the complaint, attempt to resolve it, and if unresolved, provide a written decision to the employee within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the complaint.
Step 2 - Appeal the decision to the Superintendent’s designee if the employee is dissatisfied with the Designated Administrator's decision, or file the initial complaint with the Superintendent’s designee if Step 1 has been bypassed.
This appeal or initial complaint filing must be made in a timely fashion using typed or legible hand written statements, and if an appeal of a decision offered, the initial complaint and the Designated Administrator's response to the initial complaint must be attached thereto. If an appeal, Superintendent’s designee may request the Designated Administrator to provide a written response to the appeal.
The Superintendent’s designee will review the written documentation and may otherwise investigate the complaint and provide a written decision to the employee within ten (10) calendar days of the receipt of the appeal, or if Step 1 has been bypassed, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the initial complaint.
Step 3 - Appeal the decision to the Superintendent, if the employee is dissatisfied with the decision of the Superintendent’s designee, with all previous written documentation involving the complaint attached thereto. The Superintendent may request that the Superintendent’s designee submit a written response to the appeal. The Superintendent will review the documentation and may otherwise investigate the complaint, and provide a written decision to the employee
14 within twenty (20) calendar days of receipt of the appeal, which decision will be final unless and appeal can be made to the Board under Step 4.
Step 4 - The Board will not consider any appeal of any work related complaint concerning personnel actions unless the issue of the complaint concerns constitutional, statutory, regulatory or policy application. If the appeal is a proper subject for consideration by the Board and the employee is not satisfied with the decision of the Superintendent, the employee may appeal the decision of the Superintendent to the Board in a timely fashion in written form, with all previous written documentation involving the complaint attached thereto. The Board will review the documentation and may otherwise investigate the complaint and provide a written decision within thirty (30) calendar days which decision will be final.
"Designated Administrator" as used in this policy shall mean:
The School Principal for all employees working at a particular school, except for food service employees The Director of Maintenance for all employees working in the Maintenance Department The Director of Transportation for all employees working in the Transportation Department The Director of Food Services for all employees working in Food Services The Superintendent’s designee for all employees employed in the Central Office. The Superintendent and/or the Board may refuse to consider any complaint or appeal that the Superintendent or the Board determines is not a proper subject for dispute resolution under this policy.
The complaint filed by an employee must include the name of the employee, the position of the employee, the date of the occurrence on which the complaint is based, the date the complaint is filed with the Designated Administrator, the particular board policy or procedure upon which the complaint is based, including, but not limited to, the text of the policy or procedure, the identifying number of the policy or procedure, the publication in which the policy or procedure is located, (i.e. policies of the Caverna Board of Education, Personnel Policies for Classified Staff, etc.) and a detailed description of the events, occurrences, actions or inactions upon which the complaint is based, including, but not limited to, names, dates, persons involved and description of events.
15 OTHER OR OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT: Drivers' other or Drivers are allowed to maintain other or outside employment outside employment in addition to that of school bus driver as long as the additional employment does not create a hardship on the Pupil Transportation Department.
All absences from the job must be in accordance with established Board policies on the subject. Drivers found to be in violation of the provisions of "Other or Outside Employment" will be subject to the following disciplinary actions:
First time occurrence - Written Reprimand Second time occurrence - Possible Three (3) days unpaid suspension Third time occurrence - Possible Termination
DRIVER RESPONSIBILITIES: Compliance with all A driver must abide by the State Laws, Kentucky applicable rules, Administrative Regulations, the District's regulations or regulations, policies, policies, and the directives from the Department of Pupil and procedures Transportation, that pertain to his/her responsibilities as a school bus driver to the best of his/her ability.
Drivers are to follow the instructions given to him/her by the proper school district authorities to the best of his/her ability.
Students left on bus It is the responsibility of the bus driver to conduct their state unattended: required walk-through of the school bus. Any driver who is determined to be guilty of leaving a student on the bus due to not conducting this requirement will be addressed immediately.
Driver Physical A driver is to report to the physician designated by the District and submit to a physical exam to determine his/her physical fitness to drive a school bus. This exam must be completed prior to the commencement of any training or driving under the provisions of the School Bus Driver Contract.
The physical must be completed within one year of the previous years physical in order to keep his/her status as a school bus driver.
16 Alcohol/Drug testing A driver is to refrain from the use of drug and/or alcohol at any and prohibitions time that would affect their safe and efficient operation of the bus.
Any employee refusing to submit to a random drug test at the time of the request will be presumed to have had a positive test result and be disqualified from further employment.
A driver is to comply with any directive to report for a drug test in accordance with Department of Pupil Transportation guidelines.
The employment contract between the District and the Driver immediately becomes void if the driver tests positive on any Drug Test or receives an out of range reading on a Breath Alcohol Test.
Driving Under the Any transportation/safety worker that receives a DUI within 12 influence hours of the time they are to report to work will be disqualified from further employment. A driver that receives a DUI more than 12 hours before reporting to work will receive a written reprimand, attend counseling, and report for a drug test in accordance with the Department of Transportation guidelines.
The employment contract between the district and the driver immediately becomes void if the driver forfeits his/her commercial driver license.
State policy states. “The driver shall not use tobacco products Smoking on Buses: while operating a school bus, nor permit pupils to use tobacco products when on the school bus.” This includes electronic devices.
17 Monthly bus The driver to which a bus is assigned will present the bus to inspections and the bus maintenance facility for the required monthly vehicle maintenance inspections to ensure the bus is maintained in a safe mechanical condition at all times.
The assigned driver is to present the bus for inspection on the date when the inspection is scheduled.
The following procedures should be followed: Bring bus to garage Report any problems with your bus to the mechanic in writing.
Drivers are to sweep or otherwise keep their assigned bus clean on a daily basis and keep all lights and safety signals clean at all times. Drivers should wash their bus at least once every month.
Drivers are not permitted to make any alterations, modification, or repairs to the bus.
Fueling Procedures It is imperative that appropriate levels of fuel are maintained. Drivers shall follow the guidelines below while fueling: Shut the engine down Stay with bus while fueling Replace and tighten the fuel cap securely Children will not be on the bus while fueling Do not leave bus unattended while fueling Record the number of gallons and cost. Turn in fuel tickets at the end of the month.
18 Driver appearance School bus drivers are the first Caverna employees to greet students every morning and are an influential role model for students. School bus drivers are the District representatives seen regularly by parents and the public. Therefore, it is important that bus drivers project a professional image.
Personal cleanliness and a neat and clean appearance are required. The Bus Driver agrees to wear clean clothes and to present a clean personal appearance when driving the school bus. The Board, at its discretion, may require a certain type of dress or uniform for the Driver.
Guidelines for appropriate attire for Bus Drivers
All clothing should fit properly and project a professional image. Appropriate undergarments are required at all times. Vulgar or inappropriate words, language, or displays printed on clothing (T-shirts, sweatshirts, jackets, belt buckles, etc.) are not acceptable attire. Lycra, spandex, tube or halter-tops, tank tops, cut off shorts, are not acceptable attire. Walking shorts, culottes, and split skirts no shorter than one to three (1”-3”) inches above the knee, are appropriate. Costumes are not considered appropriate attire because they restrict the driver’s vision. Sandals, thongs, and open shoes-any shoe with opening(s) large enough to hang on any pedal are not appropriate footwear.
19 Training/License A driver must complete all required training for a Commercial Driver License (CDL) issued by the State of Residence and any other licenses or certification required for a Kentucky school bus driver and to keep their certification or license in force at all times.
A driver must complete the training required for State certification and any other training required by the District before transporting pupils to and from school or school related events. Drivers may be required by the District to pass an examination based upon the instructional units set forth in the required training course to substantiate the qualifications of the driver to carry out his/her duties.
A driver must attend bus driver training meetings prior to the beginning of school and during the school year. Not participating in required trainings for certification renewal will result in loss of opportunity to drive bus until certification is completed.
Reporting for Work All employees are to report for work at their regularly scheduled time. If the opening of school is delayed, the driver should report at the appropriate time to make the run.
A driver is not to report for work when his/her physical condition is such that it would impair the ability of the driver to carry out his/her duties effectively and safely. It is imperative that the driver contact Transportation as soon as possible to allow sufficient time to get a replacement.
Reporting Stop Arm KRS 189.370 states that all vehicles will stop for school bus Violation stop arm when loading and unloading students. It is the driver’s responsibility to report this incident to the appropriate officials so that it can be pursued.
Driving of Route(s) A driver is to drive the bus to which he/she is assigned in a safe manner at all times and in a manner that will minimize mechanical wear on the parts of the school bus, and to report mechanical difficulties promptly to the person designated to receive such reports. The driver is to drive the school bus or special type vehicle to which he/she is assigned to the posted speed limit. Drivers may not deviate from their routes without permission from the Director of Transportation, or his designee.
20 Arrival and Departure It is important to note that school arrivals and closing times Times are regulated by the Caverna Board of Education in conjunction with the Superintendent, Director of Transportation and each building principal.
Buses shall arrive at school prior to the opening of school and in the afternoon prior to the closing of school at times based on the needs of the individual buildings and in conjunction with loading/unloading times established by the Building Principal. Buses should not arrive at school more than 5 minutes prior the established time for unloading.
Remember: Safety first, Schedule second.
Seating Assignments Student safety is always the first consideration in the utilization of bus seats. Assigned seating is the responsibility of each driver. It is highly recommended as a first reaction to unruly students being transported. Assignments can change based on student behavior. It is highly recommended that the preschoolers be placed in the front of the bus. The principals may recommend the seating of students on the bus.
Discipline on Buses The Caverna Board has zero tolerance for problems on the school bus involving student behavior. The driver should do the following to solve these problems:
Assign seats Use the discipline write up forms (available at the Transportation Department) Turn forms in to the principal If problem happens on route attempt to get student home Kentucky law prohibits students being placed off the bus for any reason except in emergencies where the safety of the other students and the driver is in immediate and significant danger.
Be firm but fair with students. Remember the school bus should be the “safe place” for students and not a place where students have to worry about being picked on or harassed.
21 Management of the All drivers and aides transporting students should be trained Bus Crisis by district staff on appropriate intervention techniques, including positive reinforcement for appropriate student behavior and efforts to establish positive rapport between students and drivers.
All school staff will work cooperatively with bus drivers to establish appropriate behavior management techniques. A student who is out of control or otherwise upset shall not be put on the bus to go home; school staff will notify parents to pick up the child.
When a student's behavior is disruptive on the ride home, yet not dangerous, the driver shall continue and transport the student to their home. Drivers will request permission from the school administration or Transportation Director prior to returning students to the school.
School staff will contact parents for the other transportation arrangements. When a situation poses an immediate threat to the safety of the students (a student is assaulting another student, the driver or aide, a weapon is involved, etc.), the driver will use the radio to report the situation.
Someone will be at the Transportation Department monitoring radio transmissions until all buses have completed their routes. Each school shall make similar provisions to monitor radio transmissions.
Any administrator who hears a driver call for help will immediately do the following:
Acknowledge the message as received Call 911 and report the situation Proceed to the location of the bus. The first administrator to arrive on the scene will notify by radio other administrators who may be in transit to the location if the situation is under control.
If a driver is faced with a situation with high potential for physical conflict with a student, extreme measures to avoid the situation should be taken, unless children are in danger. If physical conflict is inevitable, the driver should try to stop at a location where other adults are available such as a service station, place of business, etc.
22 If a driver knows, or even suspects, that a student has a weapon, but the student is not brandishing it or acting otherwise in a threatening manner, the driver should use his/her judgment, but generally wait until the student has exited the bus before reporting it. Other options available to drivers in dealing with student disciplinary incidents include the following:
First and foremost, contact Transportation before taking any actions.
If in the driver's judgement, it is safe to proceed and the bus is within short distance of the school, the driver may choose to return the bus to school or Central Office if approved by dispatch or school administration.
If school staff believes that criminal activity has occurred, police will be called. Administrators will notify the Director of Transportation or the Superintendent, that police intervention is being sought, and discusses whether to press charges on behalf of the District.
School staff will notify the parent of the situation and arrange alternate transportation.
If the driver is closer to the police station than the school, the driver may opt to go directly to the police station. Upon arrival, the driver will notify the Director of Transportation.
Note: In all instances where charges are pressed, the driver is required to file a written report within 24 hours to the Director of Transportation.
Emergency Bus drivers are required to conduct four (4) emergency drills Evacuations each year (at least two (2) each semester). The following procedures shall be followed: All evacuations should be completed on the school campuses. All evacuations shall be witnessed and timed. All evacuations shall be recorded and signed. Forms shall be sent to the transportation office. Arrangements will be made by transportation Administrators in conjunction with building principals to ensure that all students complete prescribed evacuations Including car riders, students who drive and/or walk.
23 Other required duties Drivers are to appear in court on behalf of the District when necessary to prove violations of the stop-arm law or other appropriate legal matters. Drivers are required to complete a walk-through of their bus at the completion of each route. Failure to conduct this required walk-through could result in a child being left on the bus. This serious offense can result in a driver being terminated from their contract.
Use of Radio and After the driver, the first line of defense in guaranteeing the Cellular Phone safety of the passengers and the driver is the bus radio. Historically, abuses of radio use have occurred. The following guidelines are made with special emphasis to all affected.
Radios may be used for the business of safely transporting the students of the Caverna Schools and the business of the Transportation Department. Use of radios should be professional at all times. Approval for limited use of the radio for other communications outside the Radio Restriction Period may be made by the Director of Transportation. Cellular telephones, including hands-free phones, shall not be used while operating a school bus. Always allow the persons that are actively communicating to provide indication of "Clear" before using radio except in an emergency situation. If an employee of the Caverna Board of Education declares an emergency on the radio, all nonessential communication should cease immediately and remain stopped until the emergency is lifted. Bus drivers should turn radios on immediately upon starting the bus and turn them off when shutting off the bus. Otherwise, radios should be operated at a level that allows for effective monitoring of communications at all times. Each school should monitor the radio communication system until all routes for those schools are completed.
Driving Citation A driver that receives a speeding citation while driving a (speeding) Caverna school bus will result in: 1st Offense - 3 days suspension without pay or termination 2nd Offense – Termination Caverna Transportation Department has and will monitor reports of speeding using whatever means is available.
24 Reporting of accidents Drivers must immediately report all bus-related accidents in which they may be involved, provide any driver specific documentation, report for a drug test, and assist in the general investigative process.
Drivers pay, benefits, Drivers will be paid their salary in 24 equal payments for and reimbursements regular drivers who are hired at the beginning of the school year. All other drivers, regular or substitute drivers will be paid on the number of days worked per paid period. Drivers will be provided bodily injury, property damage, medical payments, and uninsured motorists insurance coverage on the school bus or special type vehicle to which the driver is assigned up to at least the minimum amounts recommended by the Division of Pupil Transportation. The Board will pay the cost of the yearly required physical exams for full time and after 20 hours of service for other substitute drivers.
Initial Training All cost for physicals, MVR, Criminal Record Check, etc that Commitment are required for the bus driver training must be paid by the trainee. The cost of the physical will be reimbursed upon employment of the trainee as a bus driver for Caverna Independent Schools.
Effective July 1, 2012, after initial employment, any bus driver who has completed training and earned his/her commercial drivers license (CDL) as a result of the Caverna Independent School's training program shall reimburse the Caverna Independent Schools for the cost of training if he/she quits and accepts employment elsewhere that requires a CDL.
Reimbursement shall be at a justifiable rate determined by the Transportation Department. Reimbursement for training costs shall be as follows:
Within 6 months of employment...... 100% reimbursement Within 6 months - one year...... 50% reimbursement This normally exceeds $2,500 per student. $2,500 will be used for reimbursement.
Benefits Refer to District Policy Manual pertaining to Classified
Retirement Refer to District Policy Manual pertaining to Classified
Life Insurance Refer to District Policy Manual pertaining to Classified
25 Cafeteria Plan Refer to District Policy Manual pertaining to Classified Health Insurance Refer to District Policy Manual pertaining to Classified
Sick Refer to District Policy Manual pertaining to Classified
Emergency Refer to District Policy Manual pertaining to Classified Personal Refer to District Policy Manual pertaining to Classified Direct Deposit Direct bank deposits of employee payroll checks are mandatory for new hires after July 1, 2000. Contact the payroll department, Central Office for more information.
Snow Days Refer to District Policy Manual pertaining to Classified
In-Service Days Bus drivers are paid 181 days; 176 days of student instruction, 4 holidays determined annually by the district calendar committee, ½ day for opening of school, and 8-hour bus driver update required by the state. Note: the number of days that are paid are determined by the school calendar.
The Training/Safety Manager will provide a quarterly list of in-service opportunities that are available. Drivers are reminded that in-service hours not used will be repaid to the district.
Training Drivers will be provided a copy of the State laws, Kentucky Administrative Regulations, and the District's regulations or policies that pertain to the Driver's responsibilities in driving a school bus or special type vehicle.
Drivers will be provided training required for State certification and any other training the District deems necessary for the CDL driver to carry out his/her duties as a school bus driver or special type vehicle driver.
Evaluation Transportation strives to evaluate each employee prior to May 30 of each year. However, this may fall later in the year depending on the year. This evaluation shall be performed by the Area Manager/Director of Transportation with input from the principals of the assigned schools, and shall be based upon a procedure approved by the Superintendent. An evaluation may be made at any time at which the quality or quantity of work is in question.
Disciplinary Assistance The principals of the schools, the teachers, and other school personnel are assigned responsibilities for pupil transportation and will be directed to provide reasonable assistance to the driver in maintaining order and discipline on and about the school bus or special type vehicle.
26 School Anti-Idling Policy Caverna Independent Schools Adopted June 29, 2009
Effective Date: July 1, 2009
The Caverna Board of Education recognizes the need to promote the health and safety of District students and staff and to protect the environment from harmful emissions found in bus exhaust, in particular diesel exhaust. We plan to accomplish this by eliminating the unnecessary idling of all school buses on school property including all schools within the District or at any school or school related activities to which District students are transported. For purposes of this policy, an “idling school bus” shall mean a school bus that is parked or stopped at a school or other location and has its engine running. This policy applies to the operation of every District- owned and/or contracted school bus. The District shall strive to eliminate all unnecessary idling of school buses such that idling time is minimized in all aspects of school bus operation.
Rationale: Diesel exhaust from idling school buses can accumulate in and around the bus and pose a health risk to children, drivers and the community at large. Exposure to diesel exhaust can cause lung damage and respiratory problems. Diesel exhaust also exacerbates asthma and existing allergies, and long-term exposure is thought to increase the risk of lung cancer. Idling buses also waste fuel and financial resources.
Purpose: Eliminate all unnecessary idling by Caverna Independent school buses such that idling time is minimized in all aspects of school bus operation.
Procedure for School Bus Idling:
1) When school bus drivers arrive at loading or unloading areas to drop off or pick up passengers, they should turn off their buses as soon as possible to eliminate idling time and reduce harmful emissions. The bus should not be restarted until it is ready to be loaded or has a clear exit path. 2) Exceptions include conditions that would compromise passenger safety, such as: a) Extreme weather conditions b) Idling in traffic 3) At school bus depots, limit the idling time during early morning warm-up to what is recommended by the manufacturer (generally 3 –5 minutes) in all but the coldest weather. 4) Buses should not idle while waiting for students during field trips, extra-curricular activities or other events where students are transported off school grounds. 5) In colder weather, if the warmth of the bus is an issue, idling is to be at a very minimum and occur outside the school zone. The “warmed” bus is to enter the school zone as close to pick-up time as possible to maintain warmth. 6) All drivers shall receive a copy of this policy at the beginning of every school year.
27 Caverna Independent Schools Use of Personal Communication Devices While Using School Owned Vehicles Policy
The Caverna Board of Education recognizes the need to promote safety and to prevent distractions while operating school-owned vehicles. We plan to accomplish this by implementing the following policy in accordance to Kentucky Revised Statutes.
1. As used in this policy, “personal communication device” means a device capable of two (2) way audio or text communication that emits an audible signal, vibrates, displays a message, or otherwise summons or delivers communication to the possessor, including but not limited to paging device and a cellular telephone, which means a cellular, analog, wireless, or digital telephone. 2. A person shall not operate a school bus, as defined in KRS 281A.010, on any highway while using a cellular telephone while the bus is in motion and transporting one (1) or more children, except for communications made to and from a central dispatch, school transportation department, or its equivalent when the bus is not equipped with a functioning two (2) way radio. 3. Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this policy, a person operating a school bus shall be allowed to use a cellular telephone in the event of a bona fide emergency with the bus being in safe position and secured. 4. A person shall not use a cellular telephone while operating a school owned vehicle on any highway while the vehicle is in motion except as provided for in subsection (6). 5. Except as provided in subsection (6) of this policy, no person shall, while operating a motor vehicle that is in motion on the traveled portion of a roadway, write, send, or read text-based communication using a personal communication device to manually communicate with any person using text-based communication, including but not limited to communications referred to as a text message, instant message, or electronic mail. 6. Subsections (4) and (5) of this policy shall not apply to: a. The use of a hands-free device (Blue Tooth, etc.) made specifically for cellular devices. b. The use of global positioning system features of personal communication device; c. The reading, selecting, or entering of a telephone number or name in a personal communication device for the purpose of making a phone call; d. The operator of a motor vehicle who calls or writes a text message on a personal communication device to: 1. Report illegal activity; 2. Summon medical help; 3. Summon a law enforcement or public safety agency; or 4. Prevent injury to person or property. 7. Violation of this policy will result in the following: a. First offense: Written reprimand b. Second offense: Suspension from work without pay for three (3) days c. Third offense: Termination
Reference: KRS 189.292, KRS 281A.205