Chair: Neil Macinnes Committee Support: Helen Drakard
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Executive Meeting Minutes
Chair: Neil MacInnes Committee support: Helen Drakard
Date/Time: Wednesday 22nd March 2017 10am – 3.30pm Location: Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, London.
Present: Sue Ball, Andrew Bignell, Janene Cox, Tracey Cox, Helen Drakard, Mark Freeman, Peter Gaw, Julie Griffiths, Anthony Hopkins, Ayub Khan, Neil MacInnes, Simon May, Sarah Mears, Lesley Sim, Alison Wheeler, Sue Wills, , Carol Stump, Julie Spencer, Adrienne Adair, Carol Boswarthack and Elizabeth Elford
Apologies: Steve Hardman, Mike Cavanagh, Marie Brett, Fiona Williams, Ciara Eastell, Medi Bernard
Ite Subject m 1 Single Sign On Update
Ayub Khan introduced Katie Pekacar, who has been managing the single sign on project for SCL. Katie gave some background to the project and presented the main points from the report which had been circulated in advance of the meeting.
Katie introduced John Garland from Bournemouth Libraries where the first test of the single sign on had taken place. John talked about how the product was being used in Bournemouth and showed a short film to demonstrate how the single sign on worked.
Josh Howlett from Jisc then gave a presentation about the single sign on solution. Josh explained that the pilots will continue for a further 6 months with the new product called ‘liberate’ being announced in April. There will then be a beta service offered to a limited number of libraries for free in July and a final production service launched in September along with the tariffs. Josh explained that an effort had been made to develop an affordable product for public libraries with the tariffs varying depending on the size of the library.
Ayub explained that the product had the potential to be used by other council services such as heritage and learning as well as libraries and there was also the facility to review the usage of online resources through the product.
Ayub announced that SCL are planning to hold two workshops for library staff in 2017/18 which will provide more information about single sign on and the solutions available. A short advocacy film was also being produced.
It was suggested that SCL work with partners such as DCMS and the Taskforce to encourage suppliers and publishers to make their products compatible with single sign on.
2 Innovation Network Update
Neil MacInnes introduced Ben Lee & Ethan Ohs from Shared Intelligence.
Ethan and Ben provided an update on the Innovation Network project which they had been managing for SCL. Page 1 of 8 Author: Helen Drakard Executive Meeting Minutes
They recommended that there should be continued curation and administration of the network. The role involves arranging conference calls, inducting new members and subtle interventions to focus conversations - this equates to around 2-3 days work per month.
Peter Gaw who has been leading the project for SCL noted the following benefits to the network – Cost effective way to provide a networking and peer support platform. It is successfully proving to be a way for people to share good practice and ideas. People don’t need to travel and take time away from their place of work to be involved. It was a positive way for SCL to support libraries and would fit well with their role as a sector support organisation.
Exec members discussed a number of ways curation and administration could be arranged now that Shared Intelligence’s involvement has come to an end. It was agreed that Peter Gaw and Ayub Khan would work with Shared Intelligence to agree the next steps.
Actions Peter Gaw and Ayub Khan to work with Shared Intelligence on the next steps.
3 Culture Offer Update
Neil MacInnes introduced Selena Bolingbroke and Chris Haynes from MetaValue.
Chris highlighted the main points from the draft summary report and offer document, which had been circulated before the meeting, and ask Exec members to feedback their comments.
It was agreed that the drafts would be updated to reflect the comments and a final version would be shared with Exec members.
Sarah Mears and Neil MacInnes explained that they would be holding a meeting of regional culture champions in April/May and the culture offer will be presented at regional SCL meetings in June when library services will be asked to sign up to the new offer ahead of an official launch in September.
It was suggested that a culture offer booklet/shorter advocacy document be produced to help promote the offer.
Actions MetaValue to update and submit the final report and offer document. Regional Chairs to let Helen Drakard know who their regional cultural champion will be. Final documents to be circulated to Exec members and regional cultural champions. Sarah Mears and Neil MacInnes to arrange a meeting with regional culture champions. A summary presentation to be created for sharing at regional meetings. Elizabeth Elford to work with the culture steering group to produce a glossy advocacy document.
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4 Wellcome Engaging Libraries Programme
Julie Spencer updated Exec members on the Wellcome Engagement Libraries Programme. The offer is being co-ordinated through Carnegie UK and Wellcome and the working group is currently finalising the programme. More information will follow after the launch on 4th April.
A discussion about the merits of a regional approach took place.
Actions • Helen Drakard to circulate more information after the 4th April. Regions to discuss whether a regional approach would be beneficial.
5 Universal Offers:
1. Learning Offer
Learning Offer update from Julie Griffiths - • The family learning research project is nearly finished. The report will be shared with members and is going to form the basis of an action learning session at the seminar. • Julie has been asked to join the National Learning Forum – supported by DFE • An Access to Research workshop will be taking place and over 100 people have signed up so far. • Julie asked if SCL would support a number of bursaries to Mozfest again this year. It was agreed and places will be funded from the learning offer budget with regional funds covering the travel expenses. • Ada.Ada.Ada bid is being submitted next week for North West pilot with Hull, Newcastle, Stockton and Sunderland. • Cracking the Code evaluation has been published alongside a blog.
2. Digital Offer
Digital Offer update from Ayub Khan - • The Taskforce and DCMS have been discussing TV Licencing and it appears that libraries will be expected to buy a TV licence. A document will be circulated to explain the detail and what locations and services etc. can be covered under the one licence. • SCL & BIC attended a meeting with LMS suppliers to talk about future developments for public libraries. The main messages from the meeting were - o LMS suppliers want to have conversation with SCL about cataloguing and metadata to make library collections more visible to search engines. A product called Zepheira is being piloted which will translates MARC language into BIC Framework web language. o It was suggested that BIC write some guidelines for future e-lending contracts to lay out what libraries require to improve the customer experience. o Suppliers were keen to work with SCL and BIC to develop more up to date specifications to ensure library management systems are future proofed. It was suggested that model specifications and a framework be developed by an independent organisation for library services to use. Page 3 of 8 Author: Helen Drakard Executive Meeting Minutes
Exec members suggested that these propositions be fed into the Single Digital Presence project which Arts Council England and Carnegie UK are looking to move forward with the British Library.
Actions • TV licencing FAQ’s to be circulated. • Information about Zepheira to be circulated.
3. Reading Offer
Reading offer update from Janene Cox - • Feedback from the Summer Reading Challenge review showed that the model was still seen to be working and so the working group are looking to make small changes to the format to begin with followed by more radical changes from 2020 onwards. Consultation on the 2017 theme has been circulated and library services have been asked to complete a survey (deadline 24th March). • The reader development report has been published. The report highlighted some very interesting findings and has also generated 22 case studies which will be published throughout the year on the SCL blog. • Helen Drakard is working with Leicestershire to develop a training package with volunteers. • SCL have gone out to tender for a company to develop a staff reader development module. Janene declared a conflict of interest as a trustee of Reading Agency and so Mark Freeman will lead the interview panel and working group. • There will be MP parliamentary engagement during the last week in June and Heads of Service were urged to encourage local MPs to attend the event. A briefing will be circulated once we have process and dates confirmed. • World Book Night update to be circulated soon and any questions should be directed to Debbie Hicks and TRA.
Actions More information about the MP parliamentary engagement to be circulated.
4. Health Offer
Health offer update from Julie Spencer - • The book selection process for the new Long-term Illness list has concluded, with a list of 28 titles being re-leased to libraries at the end of March. Supporting materials are now available to order from The Reading Agency shop. • The Reading Friends evaluator and design agency have been appointed and inception meetings have been held with both. Four test projects have been selected across England (West Sussex, Oldham, Newcastle and Sheffield) and Scotland and Wales are in the process of selecting one test site each. • British Association of Music Therapy (BAMT) are keen to make regional contact to see if more joint working can take place. Julie will be sharing the contact details of local BAMT representatives with library authority health leads through the Public Library Health Group. • Heads of Service asked to promote the e-learning module. Julie expressed some doubts about the figures from learning pool which seemed very low. It was suggested that the Page 4 of 8 Author: Helen Drakard Executive Meeting Minutes
data be reviewed at an authority level where the figures seemed suspect to check the accuracy. • Heads of Service asked to continue to encourage library authority health and wellbeing leads to provide authority updates for their regional representative for the Public Library Health Group. • New partnership opportunities continue to be identified including Public Health England who would like an MOU with SCL and would like to carry the Book on Prescription stock for their practitioners. • Health offer meetings are growing as more people are asking to attend and meetings have been extended. • E-leaning module – can this be made available to people i.e. Public Health England Exec members agreed that this should be looked into again as a matter of urgency.
Actions • Julie Spencer to circulate contact details of local BAMT representatives with library authority health leads. • Medi Bernard to investigate how the e-learning modules could be made available to other organisations. • Regional Chairs to encourage library staff in their region to complete the Health e-learning module.
5. Information Offer
Information Offer update form Lesley Sim - • The Isle of Wight AD-DI GDS Framework census project started this week. • Another tender is due to be issued on the GDS Framework soon and discussions about submitting and SCL bid have taken place - further details are expected very soon. • If any library services have not yet returned the MOU (9 outstanding) then Exec members were asked to encourage them to sign. • The information group are aware that not all the local pages on the information4living website are being kept up to date. Exec members discussed whether the website was still required now technology has changed how people search for information - it was agreed that the take-up should be analysed and used to inform a decision.
6. Culture Offer
Culture Offer update from Sarah Mears - • An event took place with ACE Bridge Organisations at the Library of Birmingham and recommendations from the day are being considered. • Plans are being made for a quite launch in early summer when library services will be asked to sign up and a more public official launch event in September.
Sue Wills updated Exec members on the BBC Quilters Guild project. The BBC reported that they have had a really high number of responses from libraries interested in holding workshops and they will be writing to all libraries who expressed and interest, although due to limited capacity not all libraries can be offered workshops.
7. ASCEL/Children’s Promise
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ASCEL/Children’s Promise update from Sue Ball - • The Pre-birth library offer to parents-to-be toolkit content is complete and it will be made available on the ASCEL website. Marketing of the resource will be discussed at the next national ASCEL committee meeting. 3 library authorities will be test piloting work on the pre-birth library offer (Dudley, Gateshead & Leicestershire) and Hertfordshire Libraries will be doing some small scale evidence based work. • ASCEL committee members supported TRA with the delivery of 2 seminars supporting new Reading Hack library authorities. TRA will lead a review of Reading Hack with a view to recommendations being implemented April 2018. The review will involve consultation with SCL & ASCEL • An initial working group meeting has taken place and it has been agreed that a company will be commissioned to carry out ASCEL’s organisational review. An invitation to tender is to be released soon and the report will be ready for the ASCEL conference in November. • ASCEL will support the work taking place to formulate the recommendations made at the Cultural Seminar. • Shakespeare Week is taking place and Sue reminded library services to make use of the resources.
8. Six Steps
Six Steps update from Mark Freeman - • The E-learning module has been released and is accessible to Wales, NI and Scotland. • Share the Vision are taking bookings for their workshops and Heads of Service were urged to encourage colleagues to sign up. • Share the Vision have been invited to talking at CILIP Conference. • Library on a shelf collections are ready but Share the Vision are looking for a few more volunteers to pilot the collections. • Mark reminded Exec members that make a noise in libraries fortnight starts 4th June.
Actions • Any library service interested in piloting the ‘Library on a shelf’ collection to contact Mark Freeman. 6 SCL Finances/Board
1. Update from Shadow Finance Committee – Alison Wheeler
Alison Wheeler explained that the accounts had been circulated in advance and any queries should be emailed to Simon May, Alison Wheeler & Helen Drakard.
Alison outlined current position and made a number of suggestion to help rebuild the reserves.
It was agreed that a paper will be prepared to show return on investment and what SCL membership fees are paying for.
Neil MacInnes presented a revised timetable for SCL Executive Board Elections. It was agreed that – • Elections for National members would go ahead in March 2017 but members would only be elected for 1 year. • Elections for the President Elect would be postponed until January 2018 with the new Page 6 of 8 Author: Helen Drakard Executive Meeting Minutes
President Elect taking up post in April 2018 and becoming President in June 2018. • The AGM will be postponed until the end of the year when the NPO decision has been announced and a business plan developed. At the SCL seminar in June 2017 a member meeting with an update on the organisational review will take place rather than an AGM. • No changes would be made to membership fees until the result of the NPO application is known.
7 External Environment
1. PLSS Update Alison Wheeler updated Exec members on the PLSS and explained that a short glossy version of the report was to be created.
2. DCMS tender on library mutual
Masterclass taking place on Friday and next Tuesday.
3. The Combined Regions (TCR)
Alison Wheeler asked for a volunteer to be a key coordinator to work with her and TCR to refine the MOU and carry out due diligence – Sue Wills volunteered.
4. Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance (LACA)
Neil MacInnes explained that the LACA are looking for a new SCL representative to attend their meetings – Mark Freeman volunteered.
8 Events & Communications
1. Seminar Update
Programme finalised and circulated to members.
2. Communication Plan Update
Elizabeth Elford Explained that she had received a proposal from Julia Chandler who is the Communications Officer for the Taskforce. The three main requests were – 1. SCL to work more closely with Taskforce Communications Officer to develop and evolve the SCL calendar. 2. SCL to work with Taskforce Communications Officer to develop the SCL website. 1. SCL leaders release staff who have been identified as having specific skills, to help work on the individual “Things”. Then help promote and encourage staff to participate.
Exec members discussed the proposals and it was agreed that - • The Taskforce Communications Offer would be asked for more details regarding funding contributions available for a joint calendar. • Libraries should be reminded that they don’t need to do everything on the SCL calendar and a blog from someone talking about how they use the calendar would be helpful. • The website should remain as it is until after the outcome of the NPO application and Page 7 of 8 Author: Helen Drakard Executive Meeting Minutes
more is known about the organisational restructure. • A library staff secondment to the taskforce to work on the ‘Things’ be suggested.
Actions • Elizabeth Elford to take responses back to Julie Chandler. • Elizabeth Elford to find someone to write a blog about how they have used the SCL Calendar.
• Carol Stump asked for a volunteer to join a conference call about the Peer Support Network on 19th April 8.30 – 10am.
Actions • Anyone who is interested to contact Carol Stump for more details.
FINISH Dates of Future Meetings: 7th June 2017 – Scarman House 13th Sept 2017 – Wellcome Trust 22nd Nov 2017 – Leeds Central Library
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