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Ursula Hammes Professional Summary May 2, 2014
Business address: The University of Texas at Austin Bureau of Economic Geology University Station, Box X Austin, Texas 78713-8924 (512) 471-1891 E-mail address: [email protected]
Academic Background
M.S. Geologisches/Paläontologisches Institut, Universität Erlangen, Germany, May 1987 Ph.D. Geology, University of Colorado, December 1992
Areas of Expertise
A. Mudrock analyses. B. Sequence stratigraphy. C. Seismic and wireline-log interpretation. D. Carbonate and clastic sedimentation.
Professional Work Experience
A. Present Position: Research Associate, Universität Potsdam, Institut für Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften, Potsdam, Germany (August 2011 - Present).
Study of Upper Permian Zechstein mudrocks and carbonates for unconventional reservoir potential in northern Germany, Netherlands, and Poland.
A. Present Position: Research Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (September 2004 - Present).
Co-PI of Mudrock Systems Research Laboratory (MSRL): Mudrock analyses of Upper Jurassic Haynesville Formation in East Texas and Western Louisiana; application of sequence stratigraphic, sedimentologic and geochemical principals to characterize mudrock systems and identification for sweet spots. Co-PI of State of Texas Advanced Resource Recovery Project (STARR): sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization of the Oligocene Frio Formation, South Texas; stratigraphic forward modeling of growth-faulted subbasins; reservoir characterization of conventional and unconventional reservoirs in Texas.
B. Engineering/Scientist Associate V, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (September 2003 - September 2004).
Sequence stratigraphy and seismic and wire-log interpretations in Tertiary clastic sediments along the Texas Gulf Coast; prospect generation and training of operators in sequence stratigraphic analysis of wireline logs and seismic.
C. Consultant, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (November 2002 - September 2003). Sequence stratigraphy and seismic and wire-log interpretations in Tertiary clastic sediments along the Texas Gulf Coast. Prospect generation and training of operators in sequence stratigraphic analysis of wireline logs and seismic.
D. Exploration Geologist, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Houston, Texas (April 1997 - November 2001).
GOM Group: Basin and prospect evaluation of the Mesozoic Eastern Gulf of Mexico, including basin modeling, 2D/3D seismic interpretations, and prospect generation. World Wide Business Development Group: conducted studies on exploration potential for different countries and petroleum provinces around the world (e.g., Nigeria, Iran, Colombia, Hungary, Ecuador, Morocco, Mauritania). Evaluated deals and prospects. Development Group: Prospect development in Kansas and Oklahoma; responsible for identifying prospects in the Hugoton Basin, selecting well locations and supervising drilling. Basin Studies Group: Conducted basin analyses and petroleum system assessment (source rock analyses, reservoir quality, structural analysis) for exploration potential of West Greenland, Southeast Australia, and Southeast Canada. Responsible for interpreting FMI/EMI logs in different geologic settings using Z&S log interpretation software (Recall). Working knowledge of UNIX-based applications (Landmark, Z&S Recall software; FAPS fault analysis) and PC applications (Geographix, Petra, SeisVision, Freehand).
E. Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (November 1995 - March 1997).
Develop reservoir model of karsted and fractured Ellenburger reservoir in West Texas using 3-D seismic and well log correlations. Working knowledge of Landmark workstation, including Openworks, Geodataworks, Stratworks, and Seisworks. Working knowledge of Schlumberger Sun workstation using Geoframe for FMI/FMS log interpretations. Working knowledge of Halliburton Silicon Graphics workstation using InterView for EMI log interpretations.
F. Environmental Scientist/Geologist, IT Corporation, Houston, Texas (July 1994 - October 1995).
Conduct geochemical soil tests for Mercury and PCB contaminated sites along Tenneco gas pipelines. Preparation of proposals, reports, and environmental audits.
G. Geologic Consultant, Marathon Oil Company, Littleton, Colorado (January 1992 - April 1994).
Established diagenetic and geochemical model in a sandstone reservoir of the Celtic Sea. 87Sr/86Sr isotopes of Miocene carbonates of the Red Sea. Reservoir evaluation of selected wells of the Smackover Formation, U.S.A., using point-count data.
H. Geologic Consultant, Simon Petroleum Geology (January 1992 - April 1994).
Sedimentology and diagenesis of the Cretaceous Shuaiba Formation, Oman.
I. Research/Teaching Assistant, The University of Colorado, Boulder (September 1988 - December 1992).
Conducted geochemical analyses with mass spectrometer, electron microprobe, and Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence. Described thin sections with standard petrographic methods, scanning electron microscope and cathodoluminescence. Described and sampled cores. Taught courses in Sedimentology, Historical Geology, and Physical Geology.
J. Exploration Geologist: Well-Site Geologist, BEB Oil and Gas, Hannover, Germany (January 1988 - August 1988). Micropaleontology and stratigraphy in northwest Germany. Source-rock evaluation with pollen and spores. Sampled cuttings and selected formation boundaries.
K. Research Geologist, ARCO Oil and Gas, Production, and Research, Plano, Texas (June 1989 - September 1989).
Established diagenetic and geochemical model of debris flow deposits of the Permian Bone Spring Formation.
Professional Societies
American Association of Petroleum Geologists Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Gulf Coast Section-SEPM SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology)
Awards and Honorary Societies
President’s Certificate for Excellence in Presentation (Best Oral Presentation), AAPG Energy Minerals Division (EMD), 2011 Outstanding Research Award, Jackson School of Geosciences, STARR Project, Co-Principal Investigator, 2010 Third Place, Thomas A. Philpott Excellence of Presentation Award, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies (GCAGS), 60th Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, 2010 Grover E. Murray Best Published Paper Award as co-author of Third-Place Paper published in GCAGS Transactions, "Preliminary Classification of Matrix Pores in Mudrocks", 2010 A. I. Levorsen Award as co-author of Best Paper presented at Gulf Coast Section, GCSSEPM/GCAGS Annual Meeting, "Preliminary Classification of Matrix Pores in Mudrocks", 2010 Honorable Mention, Best Poster Paper Presented at the SEG 2007 Annual Meeting for paper titled "Linear Amplitude Patterns in Corpus Christi Bay Frio Subbasin, South Texas", 2008 Second Place, Thomas A. Philpott Excellence of Presentation Award for "All Fill—No Spill: Slope-Fan Sand Bodies in Growth-Faulted Subbasins: Oligocene Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast", 2007
Committee Responsibilities and Professional Activities
Co-Chair, Unconventional Resources, 2012 American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, Long Beach, 2012 President, Gulf Coast Section-SEPM, 2012 Chair, Gas Shales Committee: Haynesville Shale, EMD, 2011 - 2012 Co-Chair, Gas Shales Committee, 2011 Annual AAPG Conference, Houston, Texas, 2011 President-elect, Gulf Coast Section-SEPM, 2011 Chair, Poster Session, 2008 American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, San Antonio, 2008
Books, Manuals Hammes, Ursula, and Gale, Julia F. W., eds., 2013, Geology of the Haynesville Gas Shale in East Texas and West Louisiana, USA, AAPG Memoir 105: AAPG, 236 p. Hammes, U., Willis, J. J., Feeley, M., Smith, R., Stull, K., Willis, J. C., and Willis, K. M., eds., 2010, Transactions: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, v. 61, 929 p.
Reports, Monographs, Brochures, Pamphlets, Bulletins
Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Jr., Treviño, R. H., Montoya, Patricia, and Remington, R. L., 2007, Reservoir geology, structural architecture, and sequence stratigraphy of a growth- faulted subbasin: Oligocene Lower Frio Formation, Red Fish Bay Area, South Texas Gulf Coast: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 272, 28 p. + plate. Hammes, Ursula, 1997, Electrical imaging catalog: microresistivity images and core photos from fractured, karsted, and brecciated carbonate rocks: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Geological Circular 97-2, 40 p.
Hammes, Ursula, and Gale, J. F. W., 2013, Geology of the Haynesville Gas Shale in East Texas and West Louisiana, USA, in Hammes, U. and Gale, J. F. W., eds.: AAPG Memoir 105, p. 189–203. Wang, F. P., Hammes, Ursula, Reed, R. M., Zhang, T., and Tang, X., 2013, Chapter 10: Petrophysical and mechanical properties of organic-rich shales and their influences on fluid flow, in Critical Assessment of Shale Resource Plays,Chatellier, J.-Y.and D. Jarvie, eds.: AAPG Memoir 103, p. 167–186.
Peer Reviewed Olariu, M. I., Hammes, Ursula, and Ambrose, W. A., 2013, Depositional architecture of growth-fault related wave-dominated shelf edge deltas of the Oligocene Frio Formation in Corpus Christ Bay, Texas: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 48, p. 423-440. Hammes, Ursula, Krause, M., and Mutti, M., 2013, Unconventional reservoir potential of the upper Permian Zechstein Group: a slope to basin sequence stratigraphic and sedimentological evaluation of carbonates and organic-rich mudrocks, Northern Germany: Environmental Earth Sciences, v. 70, p. 3797–3816. Hammes, Ursula, Hamlin, H. S., and Ewing, T. E., 2013, Geologic analysis of the Upper Jurassic Haynesville Shale in east Texas and west Louisiana: Reply: AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, no. 3, p. 529. Loucks, R. G., Reed, R. M., Ruppel, S. C., and Hammes, U., 2012, Spectrum of pore types and networks in mudrocks and a descriptive classification for matrix-related mudrock pores: AAPG Bulletin, v. 96, no. 6, p. 1071‒1098. Ogiesoba, O. C., and Hammes, U., 2012, Seismic interpretation of mass-transport deposits within the upper Oligocene Frio Formation, south Texas Gulf Coast: AAPG Bulletin, v. 96, no. 5, p. 845‒868. Hammes, Ursula, and Frébourg, G., 2012, Haynesville and Bossier mudrocks: a facies and sequence stratigraphic investigation, East Texas and Louisiana, USA: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 31, p. 8‒26. Hammes, U., Hamlin, H. S., and Ewing, T. E., 2011, Geologic analysis of the Upper Jurassic Haynesville Shale in east Texas and west Louisiana: AAPG Bulletin v. 95, no. 10, p. 1643–1666. Zeng, Hongliu, Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2008, Linear amplitude patterns in Corpus Christi Bay Frio Subbasin, south Texas: interpretive pitfalls or depositional features?: Geophysics, v. 73, no. 5, p. A27–A31. Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., and Hammes, Ursula, 2006, Understanding growth- faulted, intraslope subbasins by applying sequence-stratigraphic principles: examples from the south Texas Oligocene Frio Formation: Reply: AAPG Bulletin, v. 90, no. 5, p. 799–805. Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., and Hammes, Ursula, 2004, Understanding growth- faulted, intraslope subbasins by applying sequence-stratigraphic principles: examples from the south Texas Oligocene Frio Formation: AAPG Bulletin, v. 88, no. 1, p. 1501–1522. Budd, D. A., Hammes, Ursula, and Ward, W. B., 2000, Cathodoluminescence in calcite cements: new insights on Pb and Zn sensitizing, Mn activation, and Fe quenching at low trace-element concentrations: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 70, no. 1, p. 217–226. Hammes, Ursula, 1995, Initiation and development of small-scale sponge mud mounds, Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian), Southern Franconian Alb, Germany, in Monty, C.L.V., Bosence, D., Bridges, P., and Pratt, B., eds., Mud-mounds: origin and evolution: International Association of Sedimentologists, Special Publication, v. 23, p. 335–357. Budd, D. A., Hammes, Ursula, and Vacher, H. L., 1993, Calcite cementation in the Upper Floridan aquifer: a modern example for confined-aquifer cementation models?: Geology, v. 21, p. 33–36.
Non-Peer-Reviewed Olariu, M. I., Hammes, U., Ambrose, W. A., and Loucks, R. G., 2012, Facies variability of the Oligocene Frio Formation in growth-faulted compartments in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 62, p. 331‒343. Eastwood, Ray, and Hammes, Ursula, 2011, Log model development for the Bossier and Haynesville shales, in SPWLA 52nd Annual Logging Symposium, May 14‒18, p. 1‒17. Wang, F. P., and Hammes, Ursula, 2010, Effects of petrophysical factors on Haynesville fluid flow and production: World Oil, June 2010, p. D-82.D79. Hammes, Ursula, Hamlin, H. S., and Eastwood, Ray, 2010, Facies characteristics, depositional environments, and petrophysical characteristics of the Haynesville and Bossier shale-gas plays of East Texas and northwest Louisiana: Houston Geological Society Bulletin, May, p. 59–63. Loucks, R. G., Reed, R. M., Ruppel, S. C., and Hammes, Ursula, 2010, Preliminary classification of matrix pores in mudrocks: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 60, p. 435–441. Ambrose, W. A., Johnson, B. E., Hammes, Ursula, and Johnstone, Dean, 2010, Sequence stratigraphic framework and depositional history of Oligocene Frio slope-fan, lowstand prograding wedge, and shallow-marine transgressive-regressive deposits in the Lavaca Bay area, Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 60, p. 29–38. Hammes, Ursula, Eastwood, Ray, Rowe, H. D., and Reed, R. M., 2009, Addressing conventional parameters in unconventional shale-gas systems: depositional environment, petrography, geochemistry, and petrophysics of the Haynesville Shale, in Carr, T., D'agostino, T., Ambrose, W., Pashin, J., and Rosen, N. C., eds. Unconventional energy resources: making the unconventional conventional: 29th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, December 6–8, Houston, p. 181–202. Hammes, Ursula, 2009, Enhancing oil and gas recovery in Texas one operator at a timer, in Laubach, S. E., and Tinker, S. W., eds., 2009, Earth’s art: celebrating the Centennial of the Bureau of Economic Geology, 1909–2009: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, p. 116–117. Hammes, Ursula, 2009, Sequence stratigraphy and core facies of the Haynesville Mudstone, East Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 59, p. 321–324. Bonnaffe, Florence, Hammes, Ursula, Carr, D. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 2008, High-resolution sequence stratigraphic correlations of the Oligocene Frio Formation in south Texas, in Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 58, p. 125–142. Hammes, Ursula, Zeng, Hongliu, Loucks, Robert, and Brown, Frank, Jr., 2007, All fill―no spill: slope- fan sand bodies in growth-faulted subbasins: Oligocene Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 57, p. 361–371. Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., and Hammes, Ursula, 2007, Site-specific sequence stratigraphic sections (S5 benchmark charts): practical tool for correlating chronostratigraphic units in the Texas Gulf Coast Tertiary section: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 57, p. 487–500. Zeng, Hongliu, Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2007, Linear amplitude patterns in Corpus Christi Bay Frio subbasin, south Texas: artifacts or depositional features?, in Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Exposition and Seventy-Seventh Annual Meeting, San Antonio, September, p. 912–916. Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, Robert, Treviño, Ramón, and Brown, Frank, Jr., 2006, Fault compartmentalization of stacked sandstone reservoirs in growth-faulted subbasins: Oligocene Frio Formation, Red Fish Bay area, South Texas, in Reservoir characterization: integrating technology: Proceedings of the 26th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, p. 631–650. Ledet, M. M., Klekamp, Tom, and Hammes, Ursula, 2005, Report of the editors, Transactions volume 54, 2004: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 55, p. F-29. Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2005, "Wheeler diagrams": a useful exploration tool in the Gulf of Mexico: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 55, p. 830–834. Hammes, Ursula, Zeng, Hongliu, Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Montoya, Patricia, 2005, Seismic geomorphology of Oligocene Frio lowstand slope and basin-floor sedimentary bodies in growth-faulted subbasins in South Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 55, p. 278–282. Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Treviño, R. H., Remington, R. L., and Montoya, Patricia, 2004, Structural setting and sequence architecture of a growth-faulted lowstand subbasin, Frio Formation, South Texas: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 54, p. 237–246. Hammes, Ursula, Lucia, F. J., and Kerans, Charles, 1996, Reservoir heterogeneity in karst-related reservoirs: Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group, West Texas, in Stoudt, E. L., ed., Precambrian– Devonian geology of the Franklin Mountains, West Texas—analogs for exploration and production in Ordovician and Silurian karsted reservoirs in the Permian Basin: West Texas Geological Society, Publication No. 96-100, p. 99–117. Hammes, Ursula, Kerans, Charles, Lucia, F. J., Zhang, T., Tang, X., and Li, Q., 1996, Development of a multiphase cave system: Ellenburger Formation, Lower Ordovician, West Texas, in Martin, R. L., ed., Permian Basin oil and gas fields: keys to success that unlock future reserves: West Texas Geological Society, Publication No. 96-101, p. 139–143.
Ogiesoba, O. C., Eastwood, Ray, Ambrose, W. A., and Hammes, Ursula, 2013, Seismic inversion for shale gas/oil within the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale, Maverick Basin, South Texas (abs.): in American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19–22, abstracts, CD-ROM. Olariu, M. I., Hammes, Ursula, Ambrose, W. A., and Ogiesoba, O. C., 2013, Growth-faulted compartments of the Oligocene Frio Formation in proximity of the shelf edge in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas (abs.): in American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 19–22, abstracts, CD-ROM. Hammes, Ursula, Schulz, H.-M., Mutti, M., and Krause, M., 2012, The Permian Zechstein Formation as a potential hybrid unconventional reservoir: a sequence stratigraphic and sedimentological evaluation of organic-rich carbonates and mudrocks from shelf to basin, northern Germany (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Convention, Abstract 1240861, 1 p. Hammes, U., Krause, M., and Mutti, M., 2012, Unconventional reservoir potential of the Upper Permian Zechstein Formation: a shelf to basin sequence stratigraphic and sedimentological evaluation of organic-rich carbonates and mudrocks, northern Germany, (abs.), in Geologische Vereinigung Meeting, Hamburg, Germany. Ogiesoba, O. C., Eastwood, Ray, Hammes, Ursula, and Ambrose, W. A., 2012, Seismic-attribute characterization of the Eagle Ford Shale, Dimmit County, south Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Convention, Abstract 1231149, 1 p. Hammes, Ursula, and Frébourg, G., 2012, Sedimentary insights of the upper Kimmeridgian Haynesville and Tithonian Bossier shales on the east slope of the Gilmer Platform, East Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Annual Convention, Abstract 1234228, 1 p. Hammes, Ursula, 2012, Sequence stratigraphic and sedimentological evaluation of slope and basinal organic-rich mudrocks of the Upper Permian Zechstein Formation, northern Germany (abs.), in International Association of Sedimentologist Meeting, Schladming, Austria. Loucks, R. G., Ruppel, S. C., Reed, R. M., and Hammes, Ursula, 2011, Spectrum of pore types in siliceous mudstones in shale-gas systems (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention & Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 20, p. 114. Mousavi, M., Hammes, U., Bonnaffe, F., and Granjeon, D., 2011, Stratigraphic-forward modeling of a growth-faulted subbasin, Frio Formation, Corpus Christi area, South Texas Gulf Coast (abs.), in GSA Annual Meeting, October 9–12, Minneapolis, Paper No. 122-12. Ogiesoba, O. C., Hammes, Ursula, and Mousavi, M., 2011, An investigation of the petrophysical and acoustic properties of mass-transport sediments within the Oligocene Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention & Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 20, p. 134. Loucks, R. G., Reed, R. M., Ruppel, S. C., and Hammes, Ursula, 2011, Pore types and pore networks in mudstones in shale-gas systems (abs.), in 5th British Columbia Unconventional Gas Technical Forum: British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, April 5–6. Hammes, Ursula, Hamlin, H. S., and Eastwood, Ray, 2010, New insights into facies, depositional environments, sequence stratigraphy, and geochemical and petrophysical parameters of the Haynesville Shale of East Texas and Louisiana (abs.): Houston Geological Society Mudrock Conference, Houston, February. Loucks, R. G., Reed, R. M., Ruppel, S. C., and Hammes, Ursula, 2010, Spectrum of pore types in siliceous mudstones in shale-gas systems (abs.), in AAPG/SEG/SPE/SPWLA Hedberg Conference, Critical assessment of shale resource plays, December 5‒10, Austin, Texas. Wang, F. P., and Hammes, Ursula, 2010, Key petrophysical factors affecting fluid flow in geopressured Haynesville Shale (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention & Exhibition, v. 19, p. 268. Ogiesoba, O. C., and Hammes, Ursula, 2010, Understanding lithologic significance of amplitude envelope and acoustic impedance within Oligocene and Miocene strata, South Texas Gulf Coast (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention & Exhibition, v. 19, p. 191. Hammes, Ursula, 2010, Controls of preexisting basin morphology on facies, depositional environments, geochemistry, and petrophysical properties in the Upper Jurassic Haynesville and Bossier Shales of east Texas and west Louisiana (abs.), in AAPG/SEG/SPE/SPWLA Hedberg Conference, Critical assessment of shale resource plays, December 5‒10, Austin, Texas. Hammes, Ursula, 2010, Paleogeomorphology and sea-level-fluctuation controls on development of shale-gas deposits: an example from the Upper Jurassic Haynesville and Bossier shales, East Texas, USA (abs.), in Geological Society, London, Conference. Hammes, Ursula, Eastwood, Ray, and Hamlin, H. S., 2010, Influence of facies variations on exploration, production, and resource assessment in gas-shale plays: a geologic and petrophysical evaluation of the Haynesville Shale, East Texas, USA (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention & Exhibition, v. 19, p. 98. Bonnaffe, Florence, and Hammes, Ursula, 2009, Volumetric partitioning of growth-faulted subbasins and high-resolution sequence stratigraphic architecture of the Oligocene Frio Formation in the Corpus Christi area of South Texas Hammes, Ursula, and Carr, D. L., 2009, Sequence stratigraphy, depositional environments, and production fairways of the Haynesville Shale-Gas play in East Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 18, p. 85. Johnson, B. E., Ogiesoba, O. C., and Hammes, Ursula, 2009, Techniques for imaging 4th- and 5th- order shelf sequences in 3-D seismic data: Miocene, South Texas Gulf Coast (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 18, p. 109. Ogiesoba, O. C., and Hammes, Ursula, 2009, Seismic interpretation of mass-moved sediments within the upper Oligocene Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 18, p. 157. Hammes, Ursula, 2009, Sequence stratigraphy and core facies of the Haynesville mudstone, East Texas (ext. abs.): Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 59, p. 321–324. Hammes, Ursula, Eastwood, Ray, Rowe, H. D., and Reed, R. M., 2009, Addressing conventional parameters in unconventional shale-gas systems: depositional environment, petrography, geochemistry, and petrophysics of the Haynesville Shale (abs.), in Unconventional energy resources: making the unconventional conventional: 29th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, December 6–8, Houston, p. 9. Hammes, Ursula, and Carr, D. L., 2009, Sequence stratigraphy, depositional environment, and possible extent of the Haynesville Shale, East Texas (abs.): Houston Geological Society Mudrock Conference, Houston, February. Hammes, Ursula, 2009, equence stratigraphy, depositional environments, and geochemistry of the Haynesville Shale-Gas Play in East Texas (abs.), in Fort Worth Geological Society, Luncheon Talk, April. Hammes, Ursula, Carr, D. L., and Loucks, R. G., 2008, New insights into regional sequence stratigraphic correlations of the Oligocene Frio Formation in South Texas (abs.): AAPG 2008 Annual Convention and Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 17, p. 74. Bonnaffe, Florence, Hammes, Ursula, Carr, D. L., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 2008, High-resolution sequence stratigraphic correlations of the Oligocene Frio Formation in south Texas (abs.), in Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies. Hammes, Ursula, and Ogiesoba, Osareni, 2008, Seismic imaging of sediment ridges in growth-faulted subbasins of the Oligocene of the South Texas Gulf Coast—are they shale, salt, or seismic artifacts? (abs.): AAPG 2008 Annual Convention and Exhibition Abstracts Volume, v. 17, p. 74. Hammes, Ursula, Zeng, Hongliu, Loucks, Robert, and Brown, Frank, 2007, All fill—no spill: slope-fan sand bodies in growth-faulted subbasins, Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 16, p. 59. Zeng, Hongliu, Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2007, Linear amplitude patterns in Corpus Christi Bay Frio subbasin, South Texas: artifacts or depositional features? (ext. abs.), In SEG/San Antonio 2007 Annual Meeting: Society of Engineering Geologists, p. 912–916. Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, Robert, Fouad, Khaled, Treviño, Ramon, and Brown, Frank, 2006, Shale- ridge and fault geometries in growth-faulted subbasins along the central and south Texas Gulf Coast (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 15, p. 41. Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2006, Using "Wheeler diagrams" as an exploration tool in the Gulf of Mexico (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 15, p. 95. Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, Robert, Brown, Frank, Jr., and Treviño, Ramon, 2006, An integrated core study of Oligocene Frio Formation stacked sandstone reservoirs: Red Fish Bay Area, South Texas (abs.), in New E & P opportunities—case studies, bypassed pays, unconventional resources and play openers, October 10, Houston: SIPES Houston Chapter, 2006 Continuing Education Seminar, p. 10–11. Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., and Brown, L. F., Jr., 2006, Fault compartmentalization of stacked sandstone reservoirs in growth-faulted subbasins: Oligocene Frio Formation, Red Fish Bay Area, South Texas (abs.), in Slatt, R. M., Rosen, N. C., Bowman, Michael, Castagna, John, Good, Timothy, Loucks, Robert, Latimer, Rebecca, Scheihing, Mark, and Smith, Ru, eds., Reservoir characterization: integrating technology: Proceedings of the 26th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, p. 19. Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2006, Sequence stratigraphic "Wheeler Diagrams" as exploration tools (abs.): Austin Geological Society Bulletin, v. 2, p. 22. Brown, L. F., Jr., Treviño, R. H., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2006, Wheeler diagrams: a useful exploration tool in the Gulf of Mexico (abs.): Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 56, p. 823. Zeng, Hongliu, Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2005, Seismic geomorphology of Oligocene lowstand systems tracts controlled by shale ridges and growth faults, offshore South Texas (abs.), in Davies, Richard, Posamentier, Henry, Cartwright, Joe, Wood, Lesli, Sare, Vickey, and Heinio, Paivi, technical convenors, Seismic geomorphology: applications to hydrocarbon exploration & production: Geological Society of London and SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), unpaginated. Hammes, Ursula, Zeng, Hongliu, Brown, L. F., Loucks, Robert, and Montoya, Patricia, 2005, Control of third-order growth faulting on lowstand slope and basin-floor sedimentation: a geomorphologic evaluation of Oligocene deep Frio strata, south Texas Gulf Coast (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention abstracts volume, v. 14, p. A57. Hammes, Ursula, Brown, L. F., Jr., Treviño, R. H., Remington, Randy, Loucks, R. G., and Montoya, Patricia, 2004, Gas reservoir compartmentalization in lowstand prograding-wedge deltaic systems: Oligocene upper lower Frio Formation, South Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A57. Hammes, Ursula, and Lakings, James, 2004, Solving the St. Louis Formation reservoir puzzle in Kansas: application of a regional carbonate cyclostratigraphic and diagenetic reservoir model for exploring in mature areas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A57. Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., and Hammes, Ursula, 2004, Role of lowstand deposition in mobilizing shale ridges that established successive shelf edges, Oligocene Frio Formation (32-23.6 Ma), Gulf of Mexico Basin, South Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A18. Treviño, R. H., Vendeville, B. C., Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Jr., Hammes, Ursula, Montoya, Patricia, and Remington, R. L., 2004, An example of slope-parallel shale ridge triggered by thin-skinned lateral extension, South Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A140. Zeng, Hongliu, Brown, Frank, Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., Hammes, Ursula, and Remington, Randy, 2004, Using seismic geomorphology to characterize depositional systems in Oligocene growth- faulted intraslope subbasins, offshore South Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A154. Treviño, R. H., Brown, L. F., Jr., Loucks, R. G., and Hammes, Ursula, 2004, Sequence of the South Texas Oligocene: understanding the relationship between shale tectonism and lowstand deposition (abs.), in CCGS/CBGS Joint Meeting, Corpus Christi. Also in Bulletin of the Corpus Christi Geological Society and Coastal Bend Geophysical Society, December, p. 8, 10. Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, R. G., Brown, L. F., Jr., Treviño, R. H., Remington, R. L., and Montoya, Patricia, 2003, Sequence architecture and structural setting of a growth-faulted subbasin, Frio Formation, South Texas (abs.), in GSASW Growth Fault Symposium, College Station, Texas A&M University. Hammes, Ursula, and Thurmond, T., 2001, Application of cycle stratigraphy and reservoir characterization to economic development of a waterflood: Archer field, St. Louis Formation, SW Kansas (ext. abs.), in Anadarko Petroleum Technology Conference. Hammes, Ursula, and Lakings, J., 2001, Solving the St. Louis puzzle in Kansas: application of a regional carbonate depositional and diagenetic reservoir model for exploring in mature areas (ext. abs.), in Anadarko Petroleum Technology Conference. Hammes, Ursula, 1999, Application of electrical imaging logs in selecting borehole perforations in heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs, Ellenburger Fm., West Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program. Hammes, Ursula, 1997, New insights from interpreting borehole electrical images in carbonate rocks (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program. Hammes, Ursula, Kerans, Charles, and Lucia, F. J., 1997, Development of a multiphase cave system: Ellenburger Formation, Lower Ordovician, West Texas (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program. Hammes, Ursula, and Budd, D. A., 1993, Cathodoluminescence in calcite cements: new insights on activators, sensitizers, and quenchers using synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (abs.): American Association of Petroleum geologists Annual Convention Official Program. Hammes, Ursula, 1993, High-frequency cyclicity in shallow-water carbonate ramp deposits, Oligocene, Florida, U.S.A. (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program. Budd, D. A., and Hammes, Ursula, 1992, Calcite cementation in the Modern Floridan aquifer: a Modern example for confined-aquifer cementation models? (abs.): Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 24, no. 7. Hammes, Ursula, and Budd, D. A., 1991, Correlation of depositional cycles, subaerial exposure surfaces and diagenetic patterns on a shallow-water carbonate ramp, Oligocene, Florida (abs.), in Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomitization, Ortisei/St. Ulrich, Italy. Hammes, Ursula, and Budd, D. A., 1991, Calcite cements in the modern Floridan aquifer (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 75, p. 588.
Proceedings Volumes
Hammes, Ursula, assoc. ed., 2007, Transactions of the 57th Annual GCAGS Convention and the 54th Annual GCSSEPM Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, October 21–24, , 855 p.
Contract Reports
Ambrose, W. A., and Hammes, U., 2010, State of Texas Advanced Oil and Gas Resource Recovery (STARR) progress report: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, report on the 2008–2010 biennium prepared for the Texas State Comptroller of Public Accounts, 88 p. + CD ROM. Ambrose, W. A., Hammes, Ursula, and Potter, E., 2010, Progress report: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, prepared for the State of Texas, 88 p. Hammes, Ursula, Loucks, R. G., Fouad, Khaled, and Brown, L. F., Jr., 2007, Sequence stratigraphic, structural evaluation and geophysical modeling of the Oligocene Frio Formation, Carancahua Bay, South Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, State of Texas Advanced Resource Recovery Project, final report prepared for Brigham Exploration Company, 92 p. Loucks, R. G., Treviño, R. H., Hammes, Ursula, Brown, L. F., Jr., Sakurai, Shinichi, and Zeng, Hongliu, 2004, State of Texas advanced oil and gas resource recovery: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, progress report prepared for State of Texas (State Lands), 65 p. + CD-ROM. Loucks, Robert, Treviño, Ramon, Hammes, Ursula, Remington, Randy, Sakurai, Shinichi, Brown, L. F., Jr., Zeng, Hongliu, and Jennette, Dave, 2003, Reservoir geology, structure, and sequence stratigraphy of the Oligocene upper-lower Frio Fm., Red Fish Bay field area, South Texas volume I: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final report prepared for IBC Corporation, variously paginated + CD-ROM.
Workshop Workbooks
Hammes, U., Frébourg, G., Loucks, R. G., Wang, F. P., and Eastwood, R., 2011, Haynesville/Bossier Core Workshop: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, and Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, Texas Region, variously paginated.
Initial sponge reef growth in the Lower Oxfordian of Pollanten/Southern Franconian Alb W. Germany: facies distribution, proximity indicators, and diagenesis (Part I); Geology of the Osterhorngruppe, Salzburg, Austria (Part II). Dissertation
Sedimentation patterns, sequence stratigraphy, cyclicity, and diagenesis of Early Oligocene carbonate ramp deposits, Suwannee Formation, southwest Florida, U.S.A.
BEG Colloquia Depositional environment, stratigraphy, and petrophysical and reservoir characteristics of the Haynesville and Bossier Shale-Gas plays of east Texas and northwest Louisiana: presented at the Bureau of Economic Geology Seminar, Austin, Texas, May 6, 2011. Sequence architecture and structural setting of a growth-faulted subbasin, Frio Formation, South Texas: Bureau of Economic Geology Research Seminar, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, April 2005.
Workshops Sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, and geochemistry of Upper Permian (Zechstein) organic-rich mudrocks (Part II): core workshop presented at Landesanstalt für Bergbau, Geologie und Rohstoffe (LBGR) Brandenburg Bohrkern und Probenarchiv, Berlin, Germany, May 31, 2012. Haynesville/Bossier core workshop: presented at Bureau of Economic Geology, Austin, Texas, June 22, 2011. Sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, geochemistry, and petrophysics of Upper Jurassic mudrocks in East Texas and North Louisiana (Part I): shale-gas workshop presented at University of Potsdam, December 16, 2011, Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, December 16, 2011. Depositional environment, stratigraphy and petrophysical and reservoir characteristics of the Haynesville and Bossier shale-gas plays of east Texas and northwest Louisiana: presented at SEG/SPE/AAPG Workshop on Shales: Seals, Reservoir, Source, Austin, Texas, June 6–9, 2010.
Lectures and Addresses Mudrock research and shale-gas development in North America: presented at LBGR, Cottbus, Germany, June 4, 2012. The Permian Zechstein Formation as a potential hybrid unconventional reservoir: a sequence stratigraphic and sedimentological evaluation of organic-rich carbonates and mudrocks from shelf to basin, Northern Germany: presented at University of Potsdam colloquium, Potsdam, Germany, May 16, 2012. Depositional environments, stratigraphy, and petrophysical and reservoir characteristics of the Haynesville and Bossier shale-gas plays of east Texas and northwest Louisiana: presented at the Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Society of Petroleum Engineers monthly meeting, Austin, Texas, June 2010. Influence of facies variations on exploration, production, and resource assessment in gas-shale plays: a geologic and petrophysical evaluation of the Haynesville Shale, East Texas, USA: presented at the Society of Exploration Geophysicists and Society of Petroleum Engineers monthly meeting, Austin, Texas, April 2010. Sequence stratigraphy, depositional environment, and possible extent of the Haynesville Sahel, east Texas: presented at the Houston Geological Society Mudrock Conference, Houston, Texas, February 10, 2010. Sequence stratigraphy, depositional environments, and geochemistry of the Haynesville shale-gas play in east Texas: presented to the Fort Worth Geological Society, Forth Worth, Texas, April 13, 2010. New insights into facies, depositional environments, sequence stratigraphy, and geochemical and petrophysical parameters of the Haynesville Shale of East Texas and Louisiana: presented at the Houston Geological Society Mudrock Conference, Houston, Texas, February 9, 2010. Geochemistry and depositional environment of the Haynesville and Bossier mudrocks of east Texas and northwest Louisiana: presented at the AAPG Short Course “Assessment of Unconventional Shale Resources Using Geochemistry”, Austin, Texas, April 11, 2010. Facies characteristics, depositional environment, and petrophysical characteristics of the Haynesville and Bossier shale-gas plays of east Texas and northwest Louisiana: presented at the Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists monthly meeting, Houston, Texas, May 20, 2010. Sequence stratigraphy, depositional environments, and production fairways of the Haynesville shale- gas play in east Texas: presented at the 2009 Annual AAPG Convention, Denver, Colorado, June 8, 2009. Addressing conventional parameters in unconventional shale-gas systems; depositional environment, petrography, geochemistry, and petrophysics of the Haynesville Shale: presented at the 29th Annual GCSSEPM Foundation Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, Houston, Texas, December 7, 2009. Sequence stratigraphy and core facies of the Haynesville mudstone, east Texas: presented at the 59th Annual GCAGS Conference, Shreveport, Louisiana, September 27–28, 2009. Seismic imaging of sediment ridges in growth-faulted subbasins of the Oligocene of the South Texas Gulf Coast—are they shale, salt, or seismic artifacts?: presented at the AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, April 2008. New insights into regional sequence stratigraphic correlations of the Oligocene Frio Formation in South Texas: presented at the AAPG Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas, April 2008. All fill—no spill: slope-fan sand bodies in growth-faulted subbasins, Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast: presented to Louisiana Geological Survey, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2008. All fill—no spill: slope-fan sand bodies in growth-faulted subbasins, Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast: presented at Houston Geological Society North Side luncheon, Houston, Texas, November 2007. All fill—no spill: slope-fan sand bodies in growth-faulted subbasins, Frio Formation, South Texas Gulf Coast: presented to San Antonio Geophysical Society, Houston, Texas, February 2007. Exploring deep Frio systems tracts in growth-faulted subbasins along the South Texas Gulf Coast: exploration, exploitation, and production challenges: presented to San Antonio Geological Society, San Antonio, Texas, February 27, 2007. Understanding growth-faulted, intraslope subbasins and associated reservoir targets by applying sequence stratigraphic principles: examples from the South Texas Oligocene Frio Formation: presented at the Houston Geological Society North American Explorations dinner meeting, Houston, Texas, September 27, 2004. Gas reservoir compartmentalization in lowstand prograding-wedge deltaic systems: Oligocene Upper Lower Frio Formation, South Texas: presented at SIPESContinuing Education Seminar, Austin, Texas, 2004.
University Teaching Gas reservoir compartmentalization in lowstand prograding-wedge deltaic systems: Oligocene Upper Lower Frio Formation, South Texas: presented at Baylor University, Department of Geological Sciences Seminar Series, Waco, Texas, February 18, 2005.
Public Outreach Lecturer: Earth Science Week, Austin, Texas, 2006. Lecturer: Earth Science Week, Austin, Texas, 2005. Lecturer: Earth Science Week, Austin, Texas, 2004.
Continuing Education-Short Courses
Reservoir Engineering for Geologists: Subsurface Consultants, Houston, Texas, May 1999 Geochemistry: September 1998 Subsurface Mapping Techniques: Subsurface Consultants, Houston, Texas, May 1998 Geographix and SeisVision: Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, in-house course, Houston, Texas, April 1998 FAPS Fault Interpretation Softwares: Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, in-house course, Houston, Texas, April 1998 Log Interpretation: OGCI, Colorado Springs, Colorado, August 1997 Seisworks: Landmark Training Center, Houston, Texas, October 1996 Stratworks: Landmark Training Center, Houston, Texas, February 1996 Openworks and UNIX Workstation Environment: Landmark Training Center, Houston, Texas, February 1996 GeoData Management: Landmark Training Center, Houston, Texas, February 1996 Seismic Interpretation of the Berri Field, Saudi Arabia, by J. Markello: Mobil Oil, Dallas, Texas, April 1993 Appraisal of Oil and Gas Properties, by John B. Gustavson: Gustavson Associates, Inc., Boulder, Colorado, February 1993 Petroleum Origin and Migration, by John T. Smith (retired): Shell Oil, Houston, Texas, February 1993 Seismic Characteristics of Carbonate Reservoirs, by S. Greenlee: Exxon EPR, Houston, Texas, October 1992 Applied Sequence Stratigraphy, Unconformity Related Hydrocarbon Exploitation and Accumulation in Clastic and Carbonate Settings: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, March 1992 Biostratigraphy in sequence stratigraphy, by John Armentrou: Mobil Oil, Dallas, Texas, October 1991 Luminescence Microscopy and Spectroscopy: Qualitative and Quantitative Applications, SEPM Short Course 25, by C. E. Barker and O.C. Kopp: Annual AAPG/SEPM Meeting, Dallas, Texas, May 1991 Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sequences, SEPM Core Workshop No. 15: Annual AAPG/SEPM Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 1991 Production geology and reservoir description—needs in field development, by Robert Sneider: Annual AAPG/SEPM Meeting, San Francisco, California, March 1990 Diagenesis of clastic sediments, by Professor Hess: McGill University, Canada, August 1985 Facies Course, by Professor Flügel: University of Erlangen, Germany, February 1985
Miscellaneous Activities of a Professional Nature
Judge, Science Fair, Spicewood Elementary , February 1, 2005
Languages Spoken
English—fluent French—proficient German—fluent